Biography of Ida King Bernicia -559

Ida King Bernicia was born to Eoppa Bernicia.

Around 547 Ida King Bernicia was appointed King Bernicia.

In 559 Ida King Bernicia died.

[his son] Occa Northumbria was born to Ida King Bernicia.

[his son] Æthelric King Bernicia -572 was born to Ida King Bernicia.

Family Trees of Ida King Bernicia -559

Paternal Family Tree: Bernicia

Descendants Family Trees:

Royal Descendants of Ida King Bernicia -559

Eadberht King of Northumbria x 1

Oswulf King of Northumbria -759 x 1

Alhred King of Northumbria x 1

Osred King of Northumbria x 1

Æthelric King Bernicia -572 x 1

Aldfrith King Northumbria x 1

King Aelfwine of Deira x 1

Ceolwulf King Northumbria x 1

Osthryth Bernicia Queen Consort Mercia x 1

Æthelfrith King Northumbrians x 1

Eanfrith King Bernicia x 1

King Oswald of Northumberland x 1

King Oswiu of Northumbria x 1

Taloran King Picts 615-657 x 1

Ealhfrith King Deira 630-664 x 1

Æthelwald King Deira 642- x 1

King Ecgfrith of Northumbria x 1

Osred King Northumbria x 1