Europe, British Isles, North-Central England, Derbyshire Dales, Middleton-by-Youlgreave, Nine Stones Close Stone Circle [Map]

Nine Stones Close Stone Circle is in Middleton-by-Youlgreave [Map], Peak District Stone Circles.

Archaeologia Volume 6 Section XIII. Plate XV. N° 8. is a view of the remains of another Druid temple on Hartle Moor, about half a mile west of the Nine Ladies. It consists at present only of six ftones; but the field they stand in goes by the name of the Nine Stone Close [Map], and if we may judge by the eye, there were formerly that number. The height of the tailest stone is seventeen feet; at seventy-five yards south stand two stones somewhat smaller.

Thomas Bateman 1846. On the 6th of March, 1847, a small excavation was made within the circle inclosed by the six stones standing in the "Nine Stone Close [Map]" upon Harthill Moor, with a view of noting the claim of such stone circles to be considered sepulchral structures. The result in this instance was favorable to this opinion of their origin and purpose as several fragments of imperfectly-baked pottery, accompanied by pieces of flint, both in a natural and calcined state, were dug up.

These remains probably would have been more complete, had not the repeated passage of the plough in the progress of cultivation materially reduced the height of the land within the inclosed area.