Twenty Trees Donations

Twenty Trees is free to all. No adverts, no cookies. We'd like to keep it that way.

It does cost money to operate, maintain and develop.

If you would like to help with those costs, and can afford to, you can donate via Paypal:

Or send an email to

February 2024 Donations

February 2024 donations reached £280. We are very grateful to everyone who donates to help operate and maintain our website.

People who donated in February included: Bill from Exeter, Bill and Mary from Plymouth, Eric and Paul from London, Michael and Sarah from Edinbugh and Joe from Dover.

Book sales are also increasing with a number of sales of the Translations of the Annals of the Monasteries, and sales of our biographies of Anne Boleyn and George Boleyn.

January 2024 Donations

11 Jan 2024. Donations received from Seb in Bristol, and Yana in Champagne-Ardenne, France. Thank you both.

07 Jan 2024. We've received our first donation for 2024. Thank you Paul and Debbie from Frodsham, Cheshire: "Great website. Like Wikipedia; only better". £50 gratefully received.