Biography of Biddolph

Roger Whitley's Diary. 01 Jan 1690: Wednesday (new yeares day) I took phisick; Tovey came (past 10) to see me; I dined at home with Biddolph, Thomas &c; Lady Wood supt with us.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 28 Jan 1690. Tuesday, went to Lord Delamer (age 38) (with G.Mainwaring (age 47)) then to the Treasurer of Chambers office; spoke with Hall about my warrants; he hath them all together (being 5 & the summe 336:6:6) I went to Lord Shrewsbury's office, spoke with Vernon about the Mayor of Chester's having Pooles Armes; went with G.Mainwaring (age 47) & Elwyn to London; then to Mosier; then to [fo. 114r] Jan: the Sunne with the spectacle maker; there were 2 Radfords; gave them a bottle of wine; I dined at Pontacks with Mainwaring my sonne (age 39) & 2 Edisbury's; went (with 2 Mainwarings) to the Post office. there was Wildman & his sonne (age 39); then to the Sunne Taverne; there were 2 Edisbury's, my sonne (age 39), Dashwood, 2 Mainwarings, Hannibal Baskerville, Monteage & another (the 2 last went first) Mainwaring & I left them neare 8, went to Nag's Head; there was Wood, Titus, Harris, Craven, Maxwell, Partridge &c; parted past 9; found Biddolph at home.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 29 Jan 1690. Wednesday, Mainwaring went to meete Crew at Dunstable; I dined at home with Biddolph, Roger, & Thomas; went in the evening to Woods, saw Lady & daughters; called on Biddolph in Holborne; went to Bishop of Chester; Kidder was with him; stayd awhile; called on Baroby, went to the printer; there was Biddolph, Baroby, Dashwood, G.Mainwaring (age 47) Gerard & Wade; parted past 9, came home.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 30 Jan 1690. Thursday, Jarrat came about money for Rogers watch; I dined at home; Biddolph & I went to Nag's Head about 7; there was Wood, Biddolph, G.Mainwaring (age 47) Maxfeild, Coling.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 31 Jan 1690. Friday, I dined at Ship in Gratious Streete with Biddolph, 2 Mainwarings, 2 sons, daughters, Morgan, Minshall &c; went about 6 to a Quakers Taverne in Cornehill; there was Dashwood, Lewes, Thomas, Smith, Morgan, Mainwaring, my sonne (age 39) &c; parted past 9.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 01 Feb 1690. Satorday, Wood, Lady, daughters, Edisbury, Mrs Shakerly dined with us with Biddolph; Mainwaring, sonnes, daughter &c; parted betimes; I stayd at home all day.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 03 Feb 1690. Monday, went to Westminster, dined at Woods (with my family); after dinner came Titus; we parted presently; I went to Mosiers & to Crowne Taverne; there was Biddolph; Lewes, Dashwood, Thomas, Smith, my sonne (age 39), 2 Mainwarings, Nevet &c; we parted past 9.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 04 Feb 1690. Tuesday, Barington came about his bills; I went to Toll about Chester money; I dined at home with Biddolph, Mainwaring, his brother, my 2 sons; brother, Morgan, Thomas &c; about 3, I went to Sir R: Gwynn; he was at dinner with Colt, Owens, Rud, Rawley, & severall others; I dranck a glasse of wine; stayd ½ houer; my daughters called me; went to Sir Robert Cottons; he & daughters & sonne (age 39) were at home; 2 other gentlemen with them, with musick books & instruments on the table; went then to cosen Fairefax; saw him & Lady; then called on Mrs Shakerly; they brought me home; Jones came & settled accounts: I took him in my coach to Nag's Head; there we parted; I went up to Wood, Maxfeild, Cooper & another; then came Biddolph, Mainwaring & Coling; we parted neare 10.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 05 Feb 1690. Wednesday, I went to Lord Delamer (age 38) then to Lord Macclesfeild (age 31), then to Wood, to Pigeon, to Hall at the Treasurer of Chamber's office; walked in Whitehall an houer; spoke with severall acquaintance there; came home past 12; dined with Biddolph, Mainwaring, 2 sons, brother, Morgan, William Morgan &c; went about 7 to St Albans Taverne; there was Wood, Colt, Biddolph, Mainwaring, Bedisford came about 9. we parted at 10.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 10 Feb 1690. Monday, we set out past 8; dined at the Harp; there Biddolph parted with us; severall frinds from Lichfeild meeting him there; he went with them to Lichfeild; we lay that night at the 4 Crosses.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 16 Feb 1690. Sonday, I went twice to Parish church; dined with Mainwaring at Angells; after evening sermon, went home with the Mayor; there were 2 Mainwarings Streete, severall Aldermen & Sheriffe Partington; I moved, that if the Parliament writ did not come tomorrow, before the rising of the Court; that the Court might be kept in being by short ajournemts; seeing that the messenger promised at London (as Cotton writes) to deliver it on Satorday & Sir Michael Biddolph writes from Lichfeild that they had theire writ on Friday & the messenger told them there that he would be at Chester on Satorday & we might reasonably conclude that the messenger would be with us in a few houers; not that we desired a spedy Election (by surprise) but to be possessed of the writ & then to ajourne to a convenient day for the Election but the Sherffe would not consent to it; I went that evening to the Sunne with 2 Mainwarings, Streete & Robert Anderson; parted about 10.