Tudor Books, New Chronicles of England and France by Robert Fabyan

New Chronicles of England and France by Robert Fabyan is in Tudor Books.

Tudor Books, New Chronicles of England and France by Robert Fabyan 1478

This yere, that is to meane ye xviii. daye of February, the duke of Clarence (age 28) and .... 2brother to the kynge, thanne beyng prysoner in ye Tower [Map], was secretely put to deth & drowned in a barell of maluesye within the sayd Tower. And this mayer this yere pursued also the reparacyon of the wallys, but nat so dylygently as his predccessour dyd, wherfore it was nat spedde as it myght haue been, and also he was a syke and a feble man, and hadde not so sharpe and quycke mynde as that other hadde. And one other cause was, whiche ensuythe of a generaltie, that for the more partie one mayer wyll nat fynesshe that thynge whiche that other begynneth, for then they thynke, be the dede neuer so good and profitable, that the honoure therof shalbe ascribed to y begynner, and nat to the fynyssher, whiche lacke of charytie and desyre of veyngiory causeth many good actes and dedys to dye and growe out of minde, to the great decaye of the cōmon weale of the cytie.

Note 2. second brother. edit. 1542. 1559.