Holinshed's Chronicle 1539

Holinshed's Chronicle 1539 is in Holinshed's Chronicle.

Anne of Cleves Arrival at Calais

11 Dec 1539. The eleuenth daie of December at the turne pike on this side Graueling, was the ladie Anne of Cleue (age 24) receiued by the lord deputie (age 75) of the towne of Calis, and with the speares and horssemen belonging to the retinue there. When she came within little more than a mile of the towne of Calis, she was met by the erle of Southampton (age 49) high admerall of England, who had in his companie thirtie gentlemen of the kings houshold, as sir Francis Brian (age 49), sir Thomas Seimer (age 31), and others, beside a great number of gentlemen of his owne retinue clad in blue veluet, and crimsin satin, and his yeomen in damaske of the same colours. The mariners of his ship were apparelled in satin of Bridges, cotes & slops of the same colour. The lord admerall brought hir into Calis by Lanterne gate. There was such a peale of ordinance shot off at hir entrie, as was maruellous to the hearers. The maior presented hir with an hundred markes in gold, the merchants of the staple with an hundred souereignes of gold in a rich purse. She was lodged in the kings place called the Checker, and there she laie fifteene daies for want of prosperous wind.

27 Dec 1539. During which time, goodlie iusts and costlie bankets were made to hir, for hir solace and recreation. And on S. Iohns daie in Christmasse, she with fiftie saile tooke passage about noone, and landed at Dele in the Downes about fiue of the clocke, where sir Thomas Chenie lord Warden of the ports receiued hir. She taried there a certeine space in a castell newlie built, and thither came the duke of Suffolke, and the dutches of Suffolke, and the bishop of Chichester with a great number of knights and esquiers, and ladies of Kent and other, which welcomed hir grace, and brought hir that night vnto Douer castell, where she rested till mondaie, on which daie (notwithstanding it was verie foule and stormie weather) she passed towards Canturburie, and on Baram downe met hir the archbishop of Canturburie, with the bishops of Elie, S. Asse, S. Dauies, and Douer, and so brought hir to S. Augustins without Canturburie, where she laie that night. The next daie she came to Sittingburne, and laie there that night. As she passed towards Rochester on Newyeares euen, on Reinam downe met hir the duke of Norffolke, and the lord Dacres of the south, and the lord Montioie, with a great companie of knights and esquiers of Norffolke and Suffolke, with the barons of the escheker which brought hir to Rochester, where the laie in the palace all Newyeares daie. On which daie, the king (longing to sée hir) accompanied with no more but eight persons of his priuie chamber, both he and they all apparelled in marble cotes, priuilie comming to Rochester, suddenlie came to hir presence, wherof at the first she was somewhat astonied, but after he had spoken to hir and welcomed hir, she with louing countenance and gratious behauiour him receiued, and welcomed him on hir knées, whom he gentlie tooke vp and kissed, and all that after noone communed and deuised with hir, supped that night with hir, and the next daie he departed to Gréenewich, and she came forward to Dartford.