Holinshed's Chronicle 1542

Holinshed's Chronicle 1542 is in Holinshed's Chronicle.

16 Jan 1542. The sixtéenth of Ianuarie the parlement began at Westminster, in the which the lords and commons exhibited certeine petitions to the king. First, that he would not vex himselfe with the quéenes offense, and that she and the ladie Rochford might be attainted by parlement: and to auoid protracting of time, they besought him to giue his roiall assent thereto, vnder his great seale, without staieng for the end of the parlement. Also, that Diram and Culpeper before attainted by the common law, might also be attainted by parlement, & that Agnes duches of Norffolke, and Katharine countesse of Bridgewater hir daughter, which for concealing the said offense, were committed to the towre, and indicted of misprision, & the lord William Howard arreigned of the same, might likewise be attainted. Also, that who soeuer had spoken or doone anie thing in detestation of hir naughtie life, should be pardoned.

To these petitions the king granted, thanking the commons, for that it appéered they tooke his griefe to be theirs: wherevpon the quéene and the ladie Rochford were attainted by both the houses.

10 Feb 1541. On the tenth of Februarie, the quéene was conueied from Sion to the towre by water, the duke of Suffolke, the lord priuie seale, and the lord great chamberleine, hauing the conduction of hir.

11 Feb 1541. The next daie after being saturdaie, and the eleuenth of Februarie, the king did send his roiall assent by his great seale, and then all the lords were in their robes, and the common house called vp, & there the act was read, and his assent declared.

13 Feb 1541. And so on the thirtéenth daie, those two ladies were beheaded on the greene within the towre with an ax, where they confessed their offenses, and died repentant.

23 Jan 1541. Before this, on the three and twentith daie of Ianuarie was the king proclamed king of Ireland, as it was enacted both by authoritie of the parlement here, and also of an other parlement holden at Dublin in Ireland, there begun the thirteenth of Iune last past, before sir Anthonie Saintleger knight, and the kings deputie there, where as till that time the kings of England were onlie intituled lords of Ireland. In the beginning of March died sir Arthur Plantagenet vicount Lisle, bastard sonne to Edward the fourth, in the towre of London vnattainted, when he should haue béene deliuered and set at libertie.

The occasion of his trouble for the which he was committed to the towre, rose vpon suspicion that he should be priuie to a practise, which some of his men (as Philpot and Brindholme executed the last yeare as before ye haue heard) had consented vnto, for the betraieng of Calis to the French, whilest he was the kings lieutenant there. But after that by due triall it was knowne that he was nothing guiltie to the matter, the king appointed sir Thomas Wriotheslie his maiesties secretarie, to go vnto him, and to deliuer to him a ring, with a rich diamond for a token from him, & to will him to be of good chéere. For although in that so weightie a matter, he would not haue doone lesse to him if he had béene his owne son; yet now vpon through triall had, sith it was manifestlie proued that he was void of all offense, he was sorie that he had béene occasioned so farre to trie his truth: and therefore willed him to be of good chéere and comfort, for he should find that he would make accompt of him as of his most true and faithfull kinsman, and not onelie restore him to his former libertie, but otherwise forth he readie to pleasure him in what he could. Master secretarie set foorth this message with such effectuall words, as he was an eloquent and well spoken man, that the lord Lisle tooke such immoderate ioy thereof, that his hart being oppressed therwith, he died the night following through too much reioising.

12 Mar 1541. After his deceasse, the twelfe of the same moneth of March, sir Iohn Audeleie (age 37) sonne and heire to the said lord Lisles wife, was at Westminster created vicount Lisle.

17 Mar 1541. The seuenteenth of March one Margaret Dauie a yoong woman, being a servant, was boiled in Smithfield for poisoning of hir mistres with whome she dwelt, and diuerse other persons.

In the Lent season, whilest the parlement yet continued, one George Ferrers gentleman, seruant to the king, being elected a burgesse for the towne of Plimmouth in the countie of Deuonshire, in going to the parlement house, was arrested in London by a processe out of the Kings bench, at the sute of one White, for the sum of two hundred markes or thereabouts, wherein he was late afore condemned, as a suertie for the debt of one Weldon of Salisburie: which arrest being signified to sir Thomas Moile knight, then speaker of the parlement, and to the knights and burgesses there, order was taken, that the sargeant of the parlement, called S. Iohn, should foorthwith repaire to the counter in Bredstréet (whither the said Ferrers was caried) and there demand deliuerie of the prisoner.

The sargeant (as he had in charge) went to the counter, and declared to the clearks there what he had in commandement. But they and other officers of the citie were so farre from obeieng the said commandement, as after manie stout words they forciblie resisted the said sargeant, whereof insued a fraie within the counter gates, betwéene the said Ferrers and the said officers, not without hurt of either part: so that the said sargeant was driuen to defend himselfe with his mace of armes, & had the crowne thereof broken by bearing off a stroke, and his man striken downe. During this brall, the shiriffes of London, called Rowland Hill, and Henrie Suckliffe came thither, to whome the sargeant complained of this iniurie, and required of them the deliuerie of the said burgesse, as afore. But they bearing with their officers, made little accompt either of his complaint or of his message, reiecting the same contemptuouslie, with much proud language, so as the sargeant was forced to returne without the prisoner, wheras if they had obeied authoritie, and shewed the seruice necessarilie required in their office and person, they might by their discretion haue appeased all the broile, for wisedome assuageth the outrage & vnrestreinable furiousnes of war, as the poet saith:

Instrumenta feri vincit sapientia belli.

The sargeant thus hardlie intreated, made returne to the parlement house, and finding the speaker, and all the burgesses set in their places, declared vnto them the whole case as it fell, who tooke the same in so ill part, that they altogither (of whome there were not a few, as well of the kings priuie councell, as also of his priuie chamber) would sit no longer without their burges, but rose vp wholie, and repaired to the vpper house, where the whole case was declared by the mouth of the speaker, before sir Thomas Audleie knight then lord chancellor of England, and all the lords and iudges there assembled, who iudging the contempt to be verie great, referred the punishment thereof to the order of the common house. They returning to their places againe, vpon new debate of the case, tooke order, that their sargeant should eftsoones repaire to the shiriffe of London, and require deliuerie of the said burgesse, without anie writ or warrant had for the same, but onelie as afore.

And yet the lord chancellor offered there to grant a writ, which they of the common house refused, being in a cléere opinion, that all commandements and other acts of procéeding from the nether house, were to be doone and executed by their sargeant without writ, onelie by shew of his mace, which was his warrant. But before the sargeants returne into London, the shiriffes hauing intelligence how heinouslie the matter was taken, became somwhat more mild, so as vpon the said second demand, they deliuered the prisoner without anie deniall. But the sargeant hauing then further in commandement from those of the nether house, charged the said shiriffes to appeere personallie on the morrow, by eight of the clocke before the speaker in the nether house, and to bring thither the clearks of the counter, and such officers as were parties to the said affraie, and in like manner to take into his custodie the said White, which wittinglie procured the said arest, in contempt of the priuilege of the parlement.

Which commandement being doone by the said sargeant accordinglie, on the morrow the two shiriffes, with one of the clearks of the counter (which was the chiefe occasion of the said affraie) togither with the said White, appeered in the common house, where the speaker charging them with their contempt and misdemeanor aforesaid, they were compelled to make immediat answer, without being admitted to anie counsell. Albeit, sir Roger Cholmelcie, then recorder of London, and other of the councell of the citie there present, offered to speake in the cause, which were all put to silence, and none suffered to speake, but the parties themselues: wherevpon in conclusion, the said shiriffes and the same White, were committed to the Tower of London, and the said clearke (which was the occasion of the affraie) to a place there called litle ease, and the officer of London which did the arrest, called Tailor, with foure other officers to Newgate, where they remained from the eight & twentith vntill the thirtith of March, and then they were deliuered, not without humble sute made by the maior of London & other their fréends.

And for somuch as she said Ferrers being in execution vpon a condemnation of debt, and set at large by priuilege of parlement, was not by law to be brought againe into execution, and so the partie without remedie for his debt, as well against him as his principall debter; after long debate of the same by the space of nine or ten daies togither, at last they resolued vpon an act of parlement to be made, and to reuiue the execution of the said debt against the said Welden which was principall debter, and to discharge the said Ferrers. But before this came to passe, the common house was diuided vpon the question: howbeit in conclusion, the act passed for the said Ferrers, woone by fourtéene voices.

The king then being aduertised of all this procéeding, called immediatlie before him the lord chancellor of England and his iudges, with the speaker of the parlement, and other of the grauest persons of the nether house, to whome he declared his opinion to this effect. First commending their wisedomes in mainteining the priuileges of their house (which he would not haue to be infringed in anie point) he alleged that he being head of the parlement, and attending in his owne person vpon the businesse thereof, ought in reason to haue priuilege for him and all his seruants attending there vpon him. So that if the said Ferrers had beene no burgesse, but onlie his seruant, yet in respect thereof he was to haue the priuilege as well as anie other.

For I vnderstand (quoth he) that you not onelie for your owne persons, but also for your necessarie seruants, euen to your cookes and horssekéepers, inioie the said priuilege; in somuch as my lord chancellor here present hath informed vs, that he being speaker of the parlement, the cooke of the Temple was arrested in London, and in execution vpon a statute of the staple. And for somuch as the said cooke, during all the parlement, serued the speaker in that office, he was taken out of execution, by the priuilege of the parlement. And further we be informed by our iudges, that we at no time stand so highlie in our estate roiall, as in the time of parlement, wherein we as head, and you as members, are conioined and knit togither into one bodie politike, so as whatsoeuer offense or iniurie (during that time) is offered to the meanest member of the house, is to be iudged as doone against our person, and the whole court of parlement. Which prerogatiue of the court is so great (as our learned councell informeth vs) as all acts and processes comming out of anie other inferiour courts must for the time cease and giue place to the highest.

And touching the partie, it was a great presumption in him, knowing our seruant to be one of this house, and being warned thereof before, would neuerthelesse prosecute this matter out of time, and therevpon was well worthie to haue lost his debt (which I would not wish) and therefore doo commend your equitie, that hauing lost the same by law, haue restored him to the same against him who was his debter. And if it be well considered, what a charge hath it béene to vs and you all, not onelie in expense of our substance, but also in losse of time, which should haue béene imploied about the affaires of our realme, to fit here welnigh one whole fortnight about this one priuat case, he may thinke himselfe better vsed than his desert. And this may be a good example to other to learne good maners, & not to attempt anie thing against the priuilege of this court, but to take their time better. This is mine opinion, and if I erre, I must referre my selfe to the iudgement of our iustices here present, and other learned in our lawes.

Whervpon sir Edw. Montacute lord chiefe iustice, verie grauelie told his opinion, cõfirming by diuers reasons all that the king had said, which was assented vnto by all the residue, none speaking to the contrarie. The act in déed passed not the higher house, for the lords had not time to consider of it, by reason of the dissolution of the parlement, the feast of Easter then approching. Bicause this case hath beene diuerslie reported, and is commonlie alleged as a president for the priuilege of the parlement; I haue endeuored my selfe to learne the truth thereof, and so set it forth with the whole circumstance at large according to their instructions, who ought best both to know and remember it.

This yeare in Maie the king tooke a lone of monie of all such as were valued at fiftie pounds and vpward in the subsidie bookes. The lord priuie seale, the bishop of Winchester, sir Iohn Baker, and sir Thomas Wriothesleie were commissioners about this lone in London, where they so handled the matter, that of some head citizens they obteined a thousand markes in prest to the kings vse. They that laid forth anie summe in this wise, had priuie scales for the repaiment thereof within two yeares next insuing. Diuerse of the Irish nobilitie came this yeere into England, and made their submission to the king as in the Irish chronicle it is more particularlie touched. Also wars fell out betwixt England and Scotland, the causes whereof (as appeereth by a declaration set forth by the king of England at this present) in effect were these. First there were diuerse of the English rebels, such as had moued the commotion in the north and Lincolneshire, that fled into Scotland, and were there mainteined: and although request had béene made that they might be deliuered, yet it would not be granted.

Moreouer, where the king of Scots had promised to repaire vnto Yorke the last yeare, and there to méet his vncle the king of England, wherevpon the king of England to his great charges had made preparation for their méeting there; the same was not onelie disappointed, but also at the kings being at Yorke, in lieu thereof an inuasion was made by the Scots, as it were in contempt and despite of the king of England, who notwithstanding imputing the default of méeting to the aduise of his nephues councell, and the inuasion to the lewdnesse of his subiects, was contented to giue courteous audience vnto such ambassadors as the same king of Scots sent into England, which came to the king at Christmas last, and with manie swéet and pleasant words excused that which was doone amisse, & sought to persuade kindnesse and perfect amitie in time to come. And for the better accomplishment thereof, they offered to send commissioners to the borders, there to determine the debate betwixt them of the confines, if it would please the king likewise to send commissioners for his part, which to doo he gratiouslie condescended, desirous to make triall of his nephue in some correspondence of deeds, to the faire and pleasant messages in words which he had receiued from him.

Herevpon commissioners were sent from either king, the which met and talked. But where the Englishmen chalenged a peece of ground, vndoubtedlie vsurped by the Scots, being for the same shewed such euidence as more substantiall, or more autentike can not be brought forth for anie ground within the realme; the same was neuerthelesse by the Scots denied and reiected, onelie for that it was made (as they alleged) by Englishmen, and yet was it so ancient, as it could not be counterfeited now, and the value of the ground so little, and of so small weight, as no man would attempt to falsifie a writing for such a matter. But yet this deniall notwithstanding, the English commissioners departed from the Scotish commissioners as fréends, taking order, as hath béene accustomed, for good rule vpon the borders in the meane time to be obserued.

After their departure, the lord Maxwell warden of the west marches in Scotland, made proclamation in deed for good rule to be kept: but neuerthelesse added therwith, that the borderers of Scotland shuld withdraw their goods from the borders of England, and incontinentlie after the Scotish borderers, on the fourth of Iulie entered into England suddenlie, & spoiled the kings subiects, contrarie to the league, and euen after the plaine maner of warre. Wherevpon the king of England greatlie maruelling, was driuen to furnish his borders with a garrison for defense of the same, as mistrusting a further mischiefe intended by the enimie, whose treacherie & loose dealing became a whetstone to the kings wrath, and set him in a heat of indignation, as the poet saith:

Iam Scotus Henrici iustam irritauerat iram


Then was Iames Leirmouch master of the Scotish kings houshold sent into England with letters deuised in the best maner, offering a good redresse of all attempts: and yet neuerthelesse at the entrie of the said Leirmouth into England, a great number of Scots then not looked for, made a rode into England, to the great annoiance of the English borders, which dealing, though it much mooued the king of England to take displeasure against the Scots, yet he gaue gentle audience to Leirmouth at his comming vnto him, and by his faire words and promises was partlie pacified. But in the meane time, the déeds of the Scotish borderers were as extreame as might be. And in a rode made by sir Robert Bowes for reuenge thereof, the same sir Robert, and manie other with him, were taken prisoners, and could not be deliuered, nor admitted to paie their fine and ransome, as hath beene euer accustomed betwixt them on the borders.

And where at the same time, an assurance was made on both sides for a season, at the sute of the said Leirmouth, the Scots ceased not to make sundrie inuasions into England, in such wise, as the king no longer trusting to their faire words, but weieng their déeds, put an armie in a readinesse for defense of his subiects, as the due meane to atteine such a peace, as for the safetie of his people and dominions, he thought it stood with his honour to procure. After which preparation made, and knowledge thereof had, the king of Scots made new sute to haue the matter taken vp by treatie. Wherevpon the king caused the armie to staie about Yorke, and appointed the duke of Norffolke his lieutenant generall, the lord priuie seale, the bishop of Durham, & sir Anthonie Browne master of his horsses, to treat & conclude with the ambassadors of Scotland some friendlie peace, vpon reasonable and indifferent conditions, as should be thought requisit, for the auoiding of warres, than by sundrie inuasions of the Scots made open and manifest. But after they had viewed ech others commissions, and began to propone articles, the Scotish commissioners to protract time, at the first seemed to like such articles as the English commissioners had proponed, and made semblance as if there were no doubt, but that in case their king & ours might méet, all matters shuld be quietlie compounded and ended: and so taking it as for a thing sure and certeine, they onlie desired sir daies to obteine answer from their master, and our armie for that time to staie: wherevnto the English commissioners accorded.

After those six daies was sent a commission out of Scotland, to conclude a méeting preciselie, at such a place as they knew well could not in the winter season be obserued nor kept. Wherewith when the English commissioners séemed nothing content, the Scotish commissioners shewed forth instructions, wherein libertie was giuen to them to excéed their commission in the appointing of a place, & to consent to anie other by the English commissioners thought méet and conuenient. But when the English commissioners refused to deale with men wanting sufficient commission to warrant their dooings, the Scotish commissioners required other six daies respit, to send for a larger commission, which being granted, at the end of those six daies, they brought forth a commission made in good forme, and without exception or restraint of place: but therewith they shewed instructions conteining a like restraint, as in the former commission was expressed. And thus driuing forth the matter by trifting, vpon purpose onelie to win time, they hoped thereby through the winter comming on, that the English armie should not be able much to annoie their countrie for that yeare. And so their talke brake vp without anie conclusion of agréement at all; and forthwith was the armie set forward, a good part whereof had lien all this time of the treatie in Yorke, and in the countries thereabouts.

When the whole power was assembled, the duke of Norffolke then lieutenant generall, accompanied with the earles of Shrewsburie, Derbie, Cumberland, Surreie, Hertford, Angus, Rotland, and the lords of the north parts, and sir Anthonie Browne master of the horsses, sir Iohn Gage controllor of the kings house, and others, hauing with them twentie thousand men well and warlike appointed, entred Scotland the one and twentith of October, and tarried there eight daies, without hauing anie battell offered vnto them, in which space they burnt these townes and villages, Paxton, Ramrige, Stine, Gradin, Shilles, lang Ednem, Newton, Skitshell, Newthorne, Smellem spittle, the two Merdens, Sledericke, and the two Brorlawes, Floris, and the Faire croft, Ednem spittle, Roxborough, Kelscie and the abbeie, long Spronstow, Riden, and Hadenston. For they had determined with fire and sword to take vtter reuenge, crieng out, as the poet saith;

Vindice ferro opus esse, opus esse & vindice flamma,

Acclamant omines.

Now while the duke was at Farnton, the fourth daie after his comming into Scotland, there came to speake with him halfe a mile from the campe, the bishop of Orkeneie, and Iames Leirmouth sent from the king of Scots to intreat of peace, but they agréed not. Finallie, after the Englishmen had lien so long within Scotland as they might recouer vittles, at length for necessitie they returned to Berwike. In all which iourneie the standard of the earle of Southampton, late lord priuie seale (which died at Newcastell before their entring into Scotland) was borne in the fore-ward, because he was appointed capteine of the same.

The king of Scots, hearing that the English armie was returned, raised a power of fiftéene thousand men forth of all parts of his realme, vnder the guiding of the lord Maxwell (or rather of Oliuer Sincler, as the Scots affirme) boasting to tarrie as long in England, as the duke of Norffolke had tarried in Scotland. And so on fridaie being saint Katharins euen, they passed ouer the water of Eske, and burnt certeine houses of the Greues on the verie border. Thomas bastard Dacres, with Iacke of Musgraue sent word to sir Thomas Wharton lord Warden for the king vpon the west marches, to come forward to succour them. But in the meane while the Scots entring verie fierclie, the aforesaid two valiant capteins, bastard Dacres and Musgraue, manfullie set vpon the Scots with one hundred light horsses, and left a stale on the side of a hill, wherewith the Scots were woonderfullie dismaied, thinking that either the duke of Norffolke with his whole armie had béene come to those west marches, or that some other great power had beene comming against them, when they saw onelie sir Thomas Wharton with three hundred men marching forward toward them. But so it fortuned at that time vndoubtedlie, as God would haue it, that the Scots fled at the first brun [...], whome the Englishmen followed, and tooke prisoners at their pleasure; for there was small resistance, or none at all shewed by the Scots.

Amongst others that were taken, we find these men of name, the earle of Castill and Glencarne, the lord Maxwell admerall of Scotland, and warden of the west marches, the lord Flenung, the lord Sumerwell, the lord Oliphant, the lord Greie, sir Oliuer Sincler the kings minson, Iohn Ro [...]o lord of Gragie, Robert Erskin son to the lord Erskin, Carre lard of Bredon, the lord Maxwelles two brethren, Iohn Lesl [...]ie bastard son to the earle of Rothus, George Hume lard of H [...]mitton, Iohn Maieland lard of Wike castell, Iames Pringell, Iames Sincler brother to Oliuer Sincler, Iohn Carmell capteine of Craiforth, Patrike Hebborne esquire, Iohn Seton esquire son in law to the lord Erskin, William Seton esquire, Iohn Steward cousin to the king, Iohn Morrowe esquire, Henrie Droumont esquire, Iames Mitton esquire, Iohn Cormurth esquire capteine of Gainsforth, Iames Mitton esquire, and other esquiers and gentlemen (beside the earles and lords before mentioned) to the number of two hundred and aboue, and more than eight hundred other persons of meaner calling; so that some one Englishman, yea some women had thrée or foure prisoners. They tooke also foure and twentie peeces of ordinance, foure carts laden with speares, and ten pauilions, with other things of price; so that this might well be said to be the handie worke of God, and the verse of the psalme verified:

Contemplans dixi, Haec est mutatio dextrae

Numinis excelsi mortalia cuncta gubernans.

The king of Scots tooke such griefe and inward thought for his ouerthrow, and also for the murther of an English herald that was slaine at Dunbar, by one Léech an Englishman (the which for the rebellion in Lincolnshire was fled into Scotland) that he fell into a hot ague, and thereof died, although manie reported that he was at the bickering, and receiued there his deaths wound, and fled there with into Scotland. But of his death, and of the birth of his daughter ye may see more in the historie of Scotland.

Of these prisoners before named, one and twentie of them were brought to London, and on the ninetéenth of December entred into the citie by Bishops gate, and so were conueied to the tower, where they remained for the space of two daies: and vpon saint Thomas daie the apostle, being the one and twentith of December, they were conueied to Westminster, sir Iohn Gage constable of the tower riding before them, and the lieutenant of the same tower riding behind them. They rode two and two togither, and eight of them being earls and lords, had new gowns of blacke damaske furred with blacke conie, cotes of blacke veluet, and doublets of sattin, with shirts and other apparell bought new for them at the kings charges.

Thus being solemnelie conueied through the stréets of London vnto Westminster, they came before the councell sitting in the Starchamber, and there the lord chancellor declared to them their vntruth, vnkindnesse, and false dissimulation, declaring further how the king had cause of war against them, both for denieng of their homages, and also for their traitorous inuasions made into his realme without defiance, and for keeping his subiects prisoners without redemption, contrarie to the ancient laws of the marches; for which dooings, God (as they might perceiue) had scourged them. Howbeit the K. more regarding his honor than his princelie power, was content to shew them kindnesse for vnkindnesse, and right for wrong. And although he might kéepe them in streict prison by iust law of armes, yet he was content that they should haue libertie to be with the nobles of his realme in their houses, and so according to their estates, they were appointed to dukes, earles, bishops, knights, and gentlemen, which so interteined them, that they confessed themselues neuer to be better vsed, nor to haue had greater cheere in all their life times.

The earle of Cassils was appointed to be with the archbishop of Canturburie, the earle of Glencarne with the duke of Norffolke, the lord Fleming with the lord priuie seale, the lord Maxwell with sir Anthonie Browne, the lord Sumerwell with the lord chancellor, the lord Oliphant with sir Thomas Lée, Oliuer Sincler with the duke of Suffolke, Robert Erskin with the bishop of Westminster, the lord Mont [...]th with sir Antonie Wingfield, the lord Mont [...]th with sir Rafe Sadler, George Hume with the earle of Hertford, the lord of Gragie with sir Thomas Cheincie, the lard of Gredon with maister Gos [...]wike, Henrie Maxwell with sir Richard Long, Thomas Cra [...]ford with sir Arthur Darcie, Patrike Hebborne with sir Thomas Wriothesleie, Iames Pringell with sir Richard Rich, Iohn Matland with sir Edward North, the lord Greie, Iames Sincler, and Iohn Lisleie, were appointed to men of such credit, as were thought méet to answer for their safe keeping.

The two and twentith of December, tidings came of the king of Scots death, and vpon S. Iohns daie in Christmas weeke the foresaid lords of Scotland were brought to the court, which was then at Greenwich, where they had great cheare, and went before the king to the chappell, and were lodged within the court. Herevpon ye must consider, that whereas the king of Scots had left no issue behind him in life but onelie one daughter, the king and his councell perceiuing a meane now offered, whereby without warre the two realmes might be vnited, these Scotish lords hauing first made the motion themselues, for a mariage to be had betwixt prince Edward and their yoong queene, the king required their helpe vnto the furtherance of that matter, which might be a great benefit to themselues & their countrie. This they promised faithfullie to doo, and aswell by themselues as by their friends, to bring the same so effect, so much as the king could require. Wherevpon the king was not onelie contented to release them home, but also highlie rewarded them with rich and costlie gifts of sundrie sorts, in most bountifull wise, as Anglorum praelia noteth verie well, saieng:

Praeterea ex auro captucos corquibus ornat,

Et sumptum, vestes, argentum donat & aurum.

30 Dec 1542. The thirtith of December they departed from the court, and the morrow after, eight of them dined with sir Iohn Cotes then lord maior of London, and the rest with the shiriffes, and had verie great [...]heare.