Roger Whitley's Diary 1690 August

Roger Whitley's Diary 1690 August is in Roger Whitley's Diary 1690.

01 Aug 1690. Friday, I went to Chester (the 2 militia horse with me) alighted at Jacksons; there was Warrington, his sonne (age 39), Lee, Roger Mainwaring, &c. we dined there, also Jodrell, Bellott, &c. about 3, I went to the Feathers to see Sir Luson Gore, met Edwards & Lloyd in the Rowes; then to Angells, then back to Jacksons; stayd there (with many of the same company) till neare 6; Duckenfeild, Streete, 3 or 4 of the Lees were sometimes with us & yong Roger Mainwaring & Morgan Whitley; the next barber's man trimmed me; I took coach at the Talbot, there was Morgan, Streete, & Swetnam; I came home past 7.

02 Aug 1690. Satorday, Huson went early to Chester (& Shotwick as he promised) about 11 came Sir Robert Cotton, dined with us; also Hoole & his daughter; they all went about 3; I sent Jonathan & Pickring with my 2 militia horse to Chester agen, past 11 o' clock; with order to continue with the troops; but they retorned at night; soe did Mainwaring & my sonne (age 39); Lee & Morgan with them after supper.

03 Aug 1690. Sonday, I went to church in the morning; Mainwaring & daughters with me; dined at home, Hadwar & wife with us; I stayd at home in the afternoone, the rest went to church; Traves retorned with them & supt; I left them past 10.

04 Aug 1690. Monday, Lee went before I saw him in the morning; about 12 Yates & Holland came from Chester to discourse about slating & plastering; dined, &c. Profitte went to Dysert & Mosse to Shotwick to look at the corne,&c. in both places; my daughters, sisters, &c. went to visit Huson at Burton; Mainwaring, sonne (age 39) & Morgan went a setting; Palin, & 3 or 4 more, came with wood; did eate and drink; retorned past 4; daughters retorned from Huson's about 8, Mainwaring, sonne (age 39), Morgan & Traverse after supper; the Postmaster of Chester sent a pacquet to me (past 9) with one enclosed to Lord Warington; Mainwaring took it to send away next morning; I went to my chamber past 10.

05 Aug 1690. Tuesday, about 7 there came a messenger with a letter from Atwood, that he & Lord Brandon would dine with us; Mainwaring went about 7 to Dedington; Angell came about 11; stayd till 5; but we being expectacion of Lord Brandon stayd dinner; Angell eate something in one of the chambers & retorned; neare 4 came Hardwar & Henry, drank a bottle of wine in the Hall; went about 5; Delves came from Shotwick; retorned about 5; James brought me a letter, (that Jackson sent me) from Mr Minshall; we expected Brandon & Atwood till 8 at night before we dined; but neither came nor sent.

06 Aug 1690. Wednesday, after dinner came Radley (Rector of Barrow) to agree about my tithes in his Parish; he stayd till past 6; Mainwaring retorned past 9; Pickering retorned from the Troop for another horse.

07 Aug 1690. Thursday, Pickering & Jonathan went againe to the Troop; Alderman Anderson, his wife & cosen came just as we had dined; we continued at table till they had eaten; we went into the garden & to the well; about 5 they went away.

08 Aug 1690. Friday, Huson went to Shotwick & Brombrow (about 9) & Morgan to Chester; & after dinner Mainwaring & my sonne (age 39) went a setting; in the evening one Norton came to my sonne (age 39) from Brandon, to speake with him about the militia of Flint, where he is mustermaster; he stayd all night; I left him before 10, with Mainwaring & my sonne (age 39).

09 Aug 1690. Satorday, my sonne (age 39) (& Norton) went to Chester (& soe to Wales) past 11; Mainwaring & I went to Chester after dinner; came to Jacksons past 3; there was sonne (age 39), Norton, Gleg, Farington, G.Mainwaring (age 47) Vicars, &c. I went to another roome, was trimmed by Danold; Edwards, Deane, Taylor, Gray, Crosse, Huson came thither to me; after a while I went down agen to the other company; Hunt came to us, I discoursed awhile with him & Taylor in the entry; also with Lightfoote about his lease; Streete & Anderson was also with us; I & Mainwaring left them about 7; went home.

10 Aug 1690. Sonday, I went to church in the afternoone; Mainwaring went to Barrow, Traverse came back with him, supt, I left them together, past 10.

11 Aug 1690. Monday, Lord Warington sent his servant: with letters: to Mainwaring about bayling the prisoners at Chester; Mainwaring went a setting in the sfternoone; Hardwar came to see us past 5, stayd past 6; Barker the carpenter came about work; Pratchet came from Dedington; Huson went to Chester past 2; stayd away all night.

12 Aug 1690. Tuesday, Traverse & Hucknell came about 10; also one Bradshaw about taking land of me; they dined with us (Bradshaw with Huson in the buttry) drank a bottle after dinner & went away about 3, & 4 o'clock; & Prachet retorned (with fruite) to Dedington

13 Aug 1690. Wednesday, Main went to Knotsford, & Huson to Manchester; Mainwarng. retorned late at night, (about 9)

14 Aug 1690. Thursday, Hanson of the Quire & Brock, came to see the butler (about 10) I dranck a glasse of ale to them (having met them in the garden, & left them in the buttry; MainwarinG. & my sonne (age 39) retorned from Chester past 10; & Huson from Manchester in the afternoone.

15 Aug 1690. Friday, Mainwaring & I went to Chester past 10; also Huson; dined with G.Mainwariing there was Mrs Parker, Mrs Wright, & Mrs Anderson; Streete, Wright, Comberbach, Morgan, Harvey (& severall men & women at a by table) I spoke with Crosse & Wood in the Hall; the barber trimmed me in the parlor; & I Streete left them neare 5; cald at Angells, saw him & my sister; went thence to the almes houses; spoke with the carpenter &c there; spoke with Alderman Anderson at his doore; then went to Jacksons; there came the Governor, Warburton, Alderman Wright, Cockayne, 2 Mainwarings, Morgan Cumberbach &c; Mainwaring & I left them past 7; spoke with Ephraim Bennet & another in the Forest streete about Ephraims businesse; came home before 9.

16 Aug 1690. Satorday, Huson went to Chester about 11; I stayd at home all day.

17 Aug 1690. Sonday, I went to church in the afternoone; Traverse supt with us.

18 Aug 1690. Monday, Warmingham (a shoemaker of Chester) his wife, the Surgeon of the Regiment there & a man from Barrow came to see house & gardens; they dranck a bottle of ale & went away; my tenant Barnet of Shotwick dined with us; went away about 3; Mainwaring went to Chester past 9; retorned about 8.

19 Aug 1690. Tuesday, Jackson & his wife came to see us; dined with us; soe did a man (a carpenter) from Mr Lewes; Mrs Jackson stayd all night. Mainwaring, my sonne (age 39) & Jackson went a setting about 4; Mainwaring & my sonne (age 39) retorned to supper; I & daughters visited Mrs Hardware in the evening.

20 Aug 1690. Wednesday, the fast day, we went to church; came in the first sermon; stayd till after the 2nd sermon, &c. came home past 3; Hardwar, his wife, Traves, Gerard & Grantham dined with us; went away about 6 & 7: 21. Thursday, MainwarinG. went to Dunham & Peover about 7; my daughter, 4 girles & servants went to Peover past 2; Tomkinson went to Shotwick.

22 Aug 1690. Friday, Jackson came about 11; Morgan & Lightfoote, after we had dined; the last went about 3; the rest stayd all night; Tomkinson retorned about 3; Hardwar came in the evening; stayd not.

23 Aug 1690. Satorday, Jackson, his wife, Morgan & Huson went to Chester about 9; past one my sonne (age 39) & I went thither; I met Huson, Crosse & Bostocks at the quarry; Anderson at the woodyard, Jordan &c: at the almeshouses; I went thence to Jacksons; Danold trimmed me; there was Vicars, Lloyd, Morgan, my sonne (age 39), Plimley, Farington, Jackson, Parry &c: we parted past 6, went home.

24 Aug 1690. Sonday, I went to Church in the afternoone; Travers supt with us; & Morgan; Broster came from Dysert; Tomkinson, Gill & Clare went towards Namptwich.

25 Aug 1690. Monday, the gardner went early with fruite to Denington; retorned at night; soe did Tomkinson, from Namptwich about 5.

26 Aug 1690. Tuesday, went early home to his wife; Tomkinson went after him, (about 10) in order to theire going to Tatenhall, Bechin &c: Broster went about 11 towards Disart; at night came a man from Staffordshire to be husbandman, but I saw him not till morning.

27 Aug 1690. Wednesday, I discoursed the Staffordshire man, he retorned presently; I sent Gill to Frodesly & 2 carts to Shotwick; my sonne (age 39) & Morgan went past 9 to Peover.

28 Aug 1690. Thursday, no company; my sonne (age 39) & Morgan retorned from Peover in the evening.

29 Aug 1690. Friday, Morgan went to Chester, Traverse came with my sonne (age 39) at night, supt.

30 Aug 1690. Satorday, Hardwar dined with us; went soone after dinner; Tomkinson came back from Shotwick, Brombrow.

31 Aug 1690. Sonday, I went to church in the afternoone.