Arrest of the Duke of Somerset and his Supporters

Arrest of the Duke of Somerset and his Supporters is in 1550-1553 Edward VI's Death, Lady Jane Grey.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 15 Oct 1551. The xv day of October was had to the Towre the duke of Somersett (age 51) and the lord Gray (age 42).

Note. The duke of Somerset, &c. sent to the Tower. On the particulars of these state trials it is only necessary to refer to several passages in the King's diary, and to Strype and our general historians.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 Oct 1551. The xvj day of October was had to the Towre the duches of Somersett (age 54) and Sir Raff a Vane and Sir John Thyn (age 36), [as also] Sir Thomas Holcroft (age 46), Sir Michael Stanhope (age 44), Mr. Hammond, Mr. John Seimour (age 24), Mr. Walley, Mr. Nudigate, Mr. Banister, Mr. Brayne, Mr. Crane and his wife, Sir Myles Parterege, and Sir Thomas Arundell (age 49) and Lady (age 36).

On 16 Oct 1551 the King's (age 14) uncle Edward Seymour 1st Duke Somerset (age 51) was arrested for having conspired to commit murder at the banquet. He was acquitted of treason, but convicted of felony for raising a contingent of armed men without a licence. He was executed three months later.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 21 Oct 1551. The xxj day of October was cared [to the Tower] my lord Pagett (age 45) by the gard-the v yer K. [E. vjt.]