Funeral of Prince Frederick

Funeral of Prince Frederick is in 1610-1620 Death of Frederick Prince of Wales.

On 07 Dec 1612 Henry Frederick Stewart Prince of Wales (deceased) was buried at Westminster Abbey [Map]. His body had lain in state for a month at St James's Palace [Map]. Two thousand mourners attended in the procession and people of all ages lined the streets. Archbishop Abbott (age 50) gave the funeral sermon. A magnificent hearse was erected on which was placed his richly clothed funeral effigy. The robes were those worn by the Prince at his creation as Princes of Wales in 1610. This effigy was made by Richard Norris with the plaster face modelled by Abraham Van der Doort.

Francis Manners 6th Earl of Rutland (age 34) carried the shield.

Henry Zinzan aka Alexander led a horse trapped with black cloth in the funeral procession.