Biography of John White Alexander 1856-1915

John White Alexander 1856-1915 is in Painters.

On 07 Oct 1856 John White Alexander was born at Allegheny, Pennsylvania. He was orphaned whilst an infant, and was raised by his grandparents.

Around 1874, aged eighteen John White Alexander (age 17) moved to New York City and worked in an office at Harper's Weekly, where he was an illustrator and political cartoonist at the same time that Abbey, Pennell, Pyle, and other celebrated illustrators labored there.

Around 1877 John White Alexander (age 20) traveled to Munich for his first formal training. Owing to the lack of funds, he removed to the village of Polling, Bavaria, and worked with Frank Duveneck. They traveled to Venice, where he profited by the advice of Whistler (age 42), and then he continued his studies in Florence, Italy; the Netherlands; and Paris.

In 1881 John White Alexander (age 24) returned to New York City and achieved great success in portraiture

. After 1888. John White Alexander (age 31). Portrait of the artist's wife [his future wife] Elizabeth Alexander.

Elizabeth Alexander: Before 19 Sep 1888 John White Alexander and she were married.

Before 19 Sep 1888 John White Alexander (age 31) and Elizabeth Alexander were married.

. 1889. John White Alexander (age 32). Walt Whitman.

In 1893 John White Alexander (age 36) exhibited with success in the Paris Salon and was elected to the Société Nationale des Beaux Arts.

. 1894. John White Alexander (age 37). Panel for Music Room

. 1895. John White Alexander (age 38). "Repose"

. 1896. John White Alexander (age 39). Manuscript Book mural, 1896, Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building, Washington, D.C.

. 1897. John White Alexander (age 40). "Isabella and the Pot of Basil".

. 1898. John White Alexander (age 41). "A Toiler"

. 1901-1902. John White Alexander (age 44). "Miss Dorothy Quincy Roosevelt (Later Mrs. Langdon Geer)"

. 1901-1902. John White Alexander (age 44). "Miss Helen Manice (Later Mrs. Henry M. Alexander)".

. 1903. John White Alexander (age 46). "Memories".

On 31 May 1915 John White Alexander (age 58) died.

. Unknown Photographer. Photograph of John White Alexander.