Biography of Abbot Leofric of Peterborough -1066

Charter S999 King Edward to Ælfstan. Nothing in this world enjoys prolonged happiness, nothing retains long-lasting dominion, nothing that does not hasten toward the fateful end of life. Therefore, as the examples of the orthodox demonstrate, we should enjoy the worldly patrimonies given to us in such a way that we are never deprived of the benefits of the eternal homeland. For this reason, I, Edward (age 40), by the decree of the Most High, King of the English, willingly grant to a certain minister of mine named Ælfstan, ten manses at the place called Seofonhæmtune, so that he may have and possess them and leave them to whatever heir he wishes after his death.

Let the aforesaid estate be free from all worldly service, with three exceptions: the repair of bridges, the construction of the king's fortress, and military service. If anyone, inflamed by the fire of greed, should attempt to violate this gift of ours, let them know that they will be condemned with the children of perdition to the torments of Tartarus, unless they repent and make amends with fitting satisfaction.

The aforementioned portion of land is bounded by these markers: First at the gray apple tree, from the apple tree along Pine Cross, from the cross between Moor Shrub and Middle Lea, then on to the old ditch, from the ditch along the ridge to the willow spring, from the spring along the road to the hawthorn, from the thorn along the ridge to Hodmere, straight to the five thorns, from the five thorns onto the old elder stump, from the stump onto the old ditch, from the ditch along the army path until it comes by the north of Bean Hill into the valley, along the furrow to the narrow path, along the path to the willow, from the willow to Stone Well, from the well straight to the spear, from the spear to the bend of the brook, from the bend to the old earthworks, from the earthworks to the oak stump, from the stump back to the gray apple tree.

This royal gift charter was written in the year of our Lord's incarnation 1043, in the eleventh indiction, with the following persons confirming it, whose names are listed below, and observed by the witnesses noted.

Nichil ergo in hoc seculo prolixa felicitate fruitur, nichil diuturna dominatione potitur, nichil quod non ad fatalem uite terminum ueloci cursu tendatur, ideoque ut ortodoxorum demonstrant paracdigmata sic nobis mundanarum rerum patrimonie sunt perfruende ut tamen eterne patrie emolumentis numquam fraudemur. Quam ob rem ego Eadward, annuente altitroni moderatoris imperio Anglorum basileus, quodam ministro meo Ælfstan nominato .x. mansas ubi dicitur æt Seofonhæmtune libens donabo, quatinus habeat atque possideat ac post se qualicumque uoluerit heredi derelinquat. Sit autem rus predictum ab omni mundano seruitio liberum, tribus tam exceptis, uiatici restauratione pontis, arcis construccione regalis, expeditione etiam populari. Siquis uero quod absit cupiditatis flamma accensus hoc nostrum infringere temptauerit donum, sciat se dampnaturum cum filiis perdicionis in tartareis tormentis, nisi resipiscens digna satisfactione emendauerit. Nam predicta ruris particula his metis constat circumcincta. Erest on þa haran apeldran, of þare apeldran 7lang pinnan rode, of þære rode betweox Mor sceagan 7 Middel lea, ðwyres on þa ealdan dic, of ðære dic andlang hricges on byde wil, of ðan wille 7lang stræte on hægla þorn, of þan ðorne 7lang hricges on hodan mere, on gerihte on fif þornas, of fif þornon þwyres on ðane ealdan ellen styb, of ðan stybbe on ða ealdan dic, of þære dic andlang herpaðes þæt hit cymð be norðan bien hylle in on þæt slæd, swa 7lang fura on þæne smalan weg, swa 7lang weges on ðone wiðig, of ðan wiþige on stan wyl, of þan wille þwyres on ðæne garan, of þan garan on þæs broces bige, of þan bige on þa ealdan eorð byrig, of þære byrig on ðone ac styb, of þan stibbe eft on þa haran apeldran. Scripta est ergo huius regalis doni cartula anno dominice incarnationis .xliii. post mille, indiccione .xi., his confirmantibus quorum uocabula infra sunt pretitulata et cernentibus apparent adnotata.

Ego Eadward (age 40) rex Anglorum meum donum signo crucis confirmaui [King of the English, I confirmed my gift with the sign of the cross].

Ego Ælfgyfa (age 58) predicti regis mater regium munus corroboraui [the royal office of the mother of the said king].

Ego Eadsinus archiepiscopus almo sancte crucis uexillo confortaui [archbishop with the standard of the holy cross].

Ego Ælfric archipresul istud datum consolidaui.

Ego Bryhtwold episcopus.

Ego Æþelstan episcopus.

Ego Godwine dux.

Ego Godeman presbiter.

Ego Karl minister.

Ego Ælfeget minister.

Ego Ælfwig prefectus.

Ego Ælfwine episcopus.

Ego Grimkyl episcopus.

Ego Dudoca episcopus.

Ego Lyfing episcopus.

Ego Brihtwine episcopus.

Ego Eadnoþ episcopus.

Ego Æþelweard abbas.

Ego Ælfwine abbas.

Ego Siward abbas.

Ego Wulfsige abbas.

Ego Leofric presbiter.

Ego Siward (age 33) dux.

Ego Swegen dux.

Ego Eadwold presbiter.

Ego Hereman presbiter.

Ego Leofric presbiter.

Ego Osgod miles.

Ego Ælfstan miles.

Ego Esbern miles.

Ego Lyfing miles.

Ego Ordgar miles.

Ego Odda minister.

Ego Brihtric minister.

Ego Dodda, Æþelmer.

Ego Urki minister.

Ego Ælfget minister.

Ego Wulfnoð prefectus.

Ego Kinewerd prefectus.

Ego Tokig minister.

Ego Æþelwig minister.

Ego Leofric 7 Tofig ministri.

Ego Ælfwig prefectus.

Ego Æþelmær minister.

Ego Æþelric minister.

Ego Totig minister.

Ego Leofwine minister.

Ego Godsunu minister.

Ego Ulfkitel 7 Æþelric ministri.

Charter S1000 King Edward to Coventry Abbey. 1043. In the peace of the reign, the bountiful goodness of Christ the Almighty is always to be praised by all and is deserving of all praise, for it can be bounded by no limit of goodness in the ages of ages, since God Himself is the goodness of His own goodness, freely distributing a portion of His goodness not only to the worthy but also to the unworthy. He is indeed the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the creator of all visible and invisible things, and the most discerning arranger of His creation, reaching from end to end and sweetly ordering all creation as befits His divine dominion. For He has appointed some with free will to hold certain dignities of this world and to perform various works, commanding them to relieve and sustain with their abundance and sufficiency those who are less abundant in worldly affairs, so that they might be granted a greater reward by Him.

Wherefore, I, Edward (age 40), King of the English, by the assent of the Almighty Ruler, wish to make it known to all future kings, archbishops, bishops, abbots, dukes, and all the faithful of Christ that the venerable Duke Leofric, inspired by divine grace and the teachings of the most glorious and God-beloved supreme pontiff Alexander, founded the monastery of the Holy Mother of God Mary, of Saint Peter, and of all the saints in the village called Coventry, and adorned it with generous gifts, and, with my large donation and grant, has bestowed the manors listed below for the sustenance of the abbot and monks serving God perpetually in that place: namely, half of the village in which the church is founded, then Southam, Greenborough, Ickleton, Hunton, Newnham, Hulhtune, Chadleshunt, Hardwick, Chesterton, Wasperton, Soham, Byritngbury near the Avon, Merston, also Merstuna in Gloucestershire, half of the village of Ruitune, Sowe, Salwarpe, Eaton near the River Dee, Kildesbig, Winewickan, Burhbeca, Barwell, Scrapetoft, Packington.

For the reverence and honor of the Holy Mother of God Mary and of my advocate, the apostle Peter, I give and grant to Abbot Leofwine, and to all future abbots after him, in the entire possession of the monastery, sac and soc (jurisdiction), and their toll on land and water, in the city and outside, and all laws and customs as fully and as freely as the aforementioned duke held them more honorably and freely from me. I therefore command that all things pertaining to that church be entirely free, both cultivated and uncultivated lands, with the revenues and profits of the aforesaid manors and churches, cemeteries, tithes, revenues, and due services, offerings, lights, judicial matters, ecclesiastical and secular corrections, and whatever has been given to that place under full immunity, and we perpetually confirm this.

And so that no one in the present or in the future may doubt what freedom has been graciously and firmly granted by me, let all the possessions of that church never be burdened by any obligations, neither for military service, nor for the building of bridges and fortifications, nor for royal dues, nor for the arrest of thieves. To sum it all up, nothing is to be paid to the king, nor to the king’s reeve, nor to the bishop, nor to any man, but all dues in that domain are to be paid perpetually to the aforementioned holy place according to what the brothers of that monastery have ordained.

So that it may be clearly shown to the damnation of those who transgress these decrees, we have taken care to manifest here the letters of the supreme pontiff, Pope Alexander, which we have received, directed to both future and present generations.

Papal Letter of Confirmation

Alexander, bishop, servant of the servants of God, to his beloved son Edward, King of the English, greetings and apostolic blessing. We have gladly received your letters, signifying your well-being, and we have given thanks to Almighty God, who stirs the sincerity of your heart to all things useful to the holy mother church. Therefore, in accordance with your letters, we grant, concede, and confirm these privileges of our present authority to the monastery of Saint Mary of Coventry, where the congregation of the servants of God was recently established by the venerable Duke Leofric, ordaining that this place, supported by royal decrees and apostolic privileges, may at all times remain without any disturbance from any diocesan bishop or any judicial power of any order or dignity, but may always remain as your royal goodwill desires and seeks.

The brothers of that place shall have the power to elect suitable abbots or deans for themselves from their own community or from any congregation they wish, and we prohibit them from being impeded by apostolic authority. Moreover, whatever you have granted to that place, or has been granted, or will be granted, we confirm by divine and our authority; we also gladly agree to and confirm, and by confirming decree that they shall stand forever, your privileges concerning the honor of God that you have instituted there; and we condemn the violators of them with eternal damnation.

In the year of the Lord's incarnation 1043, this charter was written, with the consent of the hierarchs noted below and witnessed by those listed.

Pace regnante, largiflua Christi omnipotentis bonitas semper ab omnibus est laudanda omnique laude praeferenda, quia nullo bonitatis termino ualet concludi in saeculorum saecula, utpote quia idem deus ipse sit suae propriae bonitatis bonitas, distribuens gratis non tantum dignis uerum etiam indignis partem suae bonitatis; est quippe rex regum et dominus dominantium omniumque subsistentium uisibilium atque inuisibilium creator, et suae creationis discretissimus dispositor, attingens a fine usque ad finem suauiterque disponens omnem creaturam ut competit diuinae dominationi eius. Nam quosdam libero arbitrio quibusdam praefecit dignitate huius saeculi et operibus diuersis, quibus rursum mandat ut ipsi sua sufficienta et bonorum habundantia illorum releuare et sustentare debeant inopiam qui minus saecularibus habundant negotiis, ut pro hoc maiori possint mercede ab eo donari. Unde ego Eadwardus Anglorum rex omnibus post me futuris regibus, archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, ducibus, omnibusque Christi fidelibus notum fieri uolo quod uenerabilis dux Leofricus, diuina inspirante gratia monitisque gloriosi ac deo dilecti summi pontificis Alexandri, monasterium sanctae dei genitricis Mariae sanctique Petri et omnium sanctorum in uilla quae dicitur Couentre extruxit largisque muneribus adornauit, atque subscripta maneria ad uictuale subsidium abbatis et monachorum in eodem loco deo perpetue seruientium mea larga donatione et concessione ibidem contulit; uidelicet medietatem eiusdem uillae in qua fundata est ipsa aecclesia, deinde Sou∂am, Greneburgan, Icketonam, Hunitonam, Neowenham, Hulhtune, Chadeleshunte, Herdewyk, Cestretune, Waspertune, Suohham, Byrtingabirig iuxta Auen, Merston, item Merstuna, in Gloecestria, medietatem uillae de Ruitune, Sowe, Salewarp, Eatuna iuxta fluuium Dee, Kildesbig, Winewican, Burhbeca, Barwalle, Scrapetoft, Pakinton, pro reuerentia itaque et honore sanctae dei genitricis Mariae sanctique aduocati mei apostoli Petri, do et concedo abbati Leofwino, et omnibus futuris ibidem post eum abbatibus, in tota possessione monasterii, sakam et socnam, et theloneum suum in terra et in aqua, in urbe et extra, et omnes leges et consuetudines tam plene et tam libere sicut eas praefatus dux honorificentius et liberius de me tenuit. Praecipio itaque ut omnia quae ad ipsam aecclesiam pertinent sint omnino libera, terrae cultae et incultae, cum exitibus atque redditibus praedictorum necnon maneria et aecclesiae, cimiteria, decimae, redditus, et seruitia debita, oblationes, luminaria, causarum discussiones, emendationes aecclesiasticae uel saeculares, et quicquid illi loco collatum est sub integra inmunitate concedimus et perpetuo firmamus. Et ne quis praesentium uel magis futurorum ambiget quae sit illa libertas quam amabiliter et firmiter concedo, omnimodis cuncta illius aecclesiae possessio nullis sit unquam grauata oneribus nec expeditionis nec pontis et arcis aedificatione, nec iuris regalis fragimine nec furis apprehensione. Et ut omnia simul comprehendam, nil debet exsolui nec regi nec regis praeposito uel episcopo uel ulli homini, sed omnia debita exsoluantur iugiter quae in ipsa ditione fuerint ad supradictum sanctum locum secundum quod ordinauerint fratres eiusdem coenobii. Ut autem cunctis haec transgredientibus ad damnationem suam euidenter possit ostendi literas summi pontificis papae Alexandri quas ab eo suscepimus, directas tam posteris quam praesentibus hic manifestari curauimus. Alexander episcopus seruus seruorum dei dilecto filio Eadwardo regi Anglorum salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Scriptorum uestrorum eloquia incolumitatem uestram significantia laeti suscepimus, gratias itaque omnipotenti deo retulimus qui cordis uestri sinceritatem ad omnia utilia sanctae matris aecclesiae compungit. Proinde iuxta scripta uestra monasterio sanctae Mariae de Couentria ubi seruorum dei constituta est congregatio a reuerendae memoriae Leofrico duce nuper exstructo, huiusmodi priuilegia praesentis authoritatis nostrae indulgemus, concedimus, atque confirmamus, statuentes ut ipse locus regiis praeceptis et priuilegiis apostolicis fultus per omnia tempora sine conuexatione cuiuscumque diocesani episcopi, aut alicuius iudiciariae potestatis cuiuscumque ordinis uel dignitatis sit, sed semper sicut praeoptat et expetit beneuolentia tua regalis futuro tempore permaneat. Fratres igitur eiusdem loci idoneos ex se uel ex qua uoluerint congregatione abbates siue decanos sibi per successiones eligendi habeant potestatem, et ne impediantur auctoritate apostolica prohibemus. Praeterea quicquid illi loco contuleris, uel collatum est, uel conferetur, diuina et nostra auctoritate roboramus; necnon priuilegia uestra ad honorem dei pertinentia quae ibi instituere uolueris gratanti affectu annuimus, confirmamus, et confirmando imperpetuum stare decreuimus; et infractores eorum aeterna maledictione damnamus. Anno incarnationis dominicae .m.xliii. scripta est haec syngrapha, hiis consentientibus ierarchis qui subter notati: uidelicet,

Ego Eadwardus (age 40) rex hanc meam libertatem regali stabilimento affirmaui.

Ego Ælfgyfa (age 58) mater eiusdem regis assensum accommodaui.

Ego Eadgi∂ (age 17) regina eiusdem collateralis regis eiusdem donationi regali consensi [The queen of the same collateral agreed to the king's royal donation of the same.].

Ego Eadsinus Dorobernensis aecclesiae archiepiscopus adquieui.

Ego Ælfricus Eboracensis aecclesiae archipraesul corroboraui.

Ego Ælfwoldus Londoniensis episcopus subposui.

Ego Ealdredus episcopus Wygornensis impressi.

Ego Duduco episcopus Willensis adnotaui.

Ego Wlfinus episcopus Lichesfeldensis consolidaui.

Ego Æ∂elstanus episcopus Herfordensis stabiliui.

Ego Liuingus episcopus Cridiensis adposui.

Ego Eadno∂us episcopus Dorcensis consensum praebui.

Ego Brihtwinus episcopus Scirbernensis confirmaui.

Ego Berhtwold episcopus Wiltuniensis conclusi.

Ego Manni abbas.

Ego Siward abbas.

Ego Ælfwinus abbas.

Ego Godwinus abbas.

Ego Ælfstanus abbas.

Ego Godwinus dux (age 42).

Ego Haroldus dux (age 21).

Ego Leofricus dux.

Ego Siward (age 33) dux.

Ego Sweyn (age 22) dux.

Ego Tostig (age 17) dux.

Ego Radulphus More.

Ego Esgar.

Ego Rodbord minister.

Ego Hulfketel minister.

Ego Godwine minister.

Ego Frewine minister.

Ego Leofric minister.

Ego Morcere minister.

Ego Ælfgar minister.

Ego Godric minister.

Ego Leofric minister.

Ego Siwerd minister.

Ego Æ∂elsi minister.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1052. At the same time Arnwy, Abbot of Peterborough, resigned his abbacy in full health; and gave it to the monk Leofric, with the king's (age 49) leave and that of the monks; and the Abbot Arnwy lived afterwards eight winters. The Abbot Leofric gilded the minster [Map], so that it was called Gildenborough; and it then waxed very much in land, and in gold, and in silver.

Note 73 i.e. Godwin and his son Harold.

Note 74 i.e. the tide of the river.

Before 1066 Abbot Leofric of Peterborough was appointed Abbot of Peterborough.

Around 01 Nov 1066 Abbot Leofric of Peterborough died.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Then on midwinter's day Archbishop Aldred hallowed him to king at Westminster, and gave him possession with the books of Christ, and also swore him, ere that he would set the crown on his head, that he would so well govern this nation as any before him best did, if they would be faithful to him. Nevertheless he laid very heavy tribute on men, and in Lent went over sea to Normandy, taking with him Archbishop Stigand, and Abbot Aylnoth of Glastonbury, and the child Edgar, and the Earls Edwin, Morkar, and Waltheof, and many other good men of England. Bishop Odo and Earl William lived here afterwards, and wrought castles widely through this country, and harassed the miserable people; and ever since has evil increased very much. May the end be good, when God will! In that same expedition92 was Leofric, Abbot of Peterborough; who sickened there, and came home, and died soon after, on the night of Allhallow-mass. God honour his soul! In his day was all bliss and all good at Peterborough. He was beloved by all; so that the king gave to St. Peter and him the abbey at Burton, and that at Coventry, which the Earl Leofric, who was his uncle, had formerly made; with that of Croyland, and that of Thorney. He did so much good to the minster of Peterborough [Map], in gold, and in silver, and in shroud, and in land, as no other ever did before him, nor any one after him. But now was Gilden-borough become a wretched borough. The monks then chose for abbot Provost Brand, because he was a very good man, and very wise; and sent him to Edgar Etheling, for that the land-folk supposed that he should be king: and the etheling received him gladly. When King William heard say that, he was very wroth, and said that the abbot had renounced him: but good men went between them, and reconciled them; because the abbot was a good man. He gave the king forty marks of gold for his reconciliation; and he lived but a little while after-only three years. Afterwards came all wretchedness and all evil to the minster. God have mercy on it!

Note 92. i.e. in the expedition against the usurper William.