Biography of Bishop Ælfwine -1047
In 1032 Bishop Ælfwine was appointed Bishop of Winchester.
Charter S998 King Edward to Ordgar. 1042. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Every reception and donation of lands should be better confirmed by written records so that in the future no one, ignorant of the testament's confirmation, might fall into the sin of presumption or the crime of reckless seizure. Therefore, I, Eadward (age 39), King, relying on royal dignity, have taken care to grant to a certain faithful servant of mine, named Ordgar, half a manse (a unit of land) in the place called Littleham, with the woods pertaining to it on the southern side, as a perpetual inheritance. Let the aforesaid estate be free from all secular burdens, except for military service, bridge work, and fortress repair. Whoever attempts to diminish or alter this decree should know that they will be held accountable on the day of judgment before Christ and His saints.
This land is bounded by the following landmarks. These are the land boundaries of the half hide at Littleham: First at Exmouth, then up the stream along the north side of the ridge at the northern boundary, up along the brook to the spring, then eastward directly to the hawk's seat, then eastward to the ridgeway, along the ridgeway to the old ditch, eastward along the ditch from the junction of the roads to the north of the foul land, then northward to the green way to the ford, from the ford up along the stream to the building, from the building north to the green way to the valley, eastward up along the valley to the meeting place, then to the army path, along the army path to the hill of the birds, along the hill to the bird's hill, from the hill south to the elder boundary, then to the brook, then down along the brook back out to the sea.
This donation was made in the year of our Lord's incarnation 1042, in the tenth indiction."
Px In nomine domini nostri Iesu Christi. Omnis quidem susceptio et datio passionum terrarum melius litterarum exemplis confirmanda sit ne in posterum aliquis testamenti confirmationem ignorans presumptionis peccatum uel direptionis incaute crimen incurrat. Qua de re ego EADWARD rex regali fretus dignitate aliquam terram cuidam fideli meo ministro uocitato nomine ORDGAR - unum dimidium mansam in loco ubi dictum est Littleham; cum sylua ad se pertinente in australi parte in hereditatem perennem impendere curaui. Sit uero predictum rus ab omni seculari grauedine expers. nisi expeditione pontis arcisue munitione. Quicumque hoc decretum minuere seu transmutare satagerit; noscat se reum esse in die iudicii coram Christo et sanctis eius. Terra autem ista his terminibus circumdatur. Ðis syndon þære healfan hide landgemæro æt Lytlanhamme. Ærest on Exanmuðan. þonne up on stryem. be norðan lydewicnæsse on þone norþran mere. up andlang riðan of þone æwylm. þanone east rihte to hafocys setle. þanone east rihte to þan hricgwege. andlang þæs hricgweges. on þa ealdan dic. east andlang þære dic of þære wega gelæto be norðan ðam fulan landa. þanon norð on þone grenan weg on auan ford. of þam fordan up andlang stryemes on þone sele. of þam sele norð on þone grenan weg to þam slæde. east up andlang þæs slædes to ðære plegin stowe. þonne to þan herpaðe. andlang þæs herpaðas to fugelis beorh dune. andlang þære dune to fuhgeles beorhge. fram þam beorhge suð to ellewurðie. þanon to þan broce. adun þonne andlang þæs broces eft ut on sæ: - Acta est autem hec prefata donatio anno ab incarnatione domini nostri Iesu Christi. millesimo. xl. ii. indictione. x.
Ego Eadweard rex Britannie totius Anglorum monarchus hoc agie Crucis taumate roboraui.
Eadsige Dorobernensis ecclesie archiepiscopus eiusdem regis principatum et beniuolentiam sub sigillo Sancte Crucis conclusi.
Ego Ælfgyfu (age 57) regina humillima adiuui.
Ego Ælfwine episcopus assensum prebui.
Ego Byrhtwold episcopus dictando titulaui.
Ego Dudoc episcopus consolidaui.
Ego Lyfing episcopus dignum duxi.
Ego Godwine dux.
Ego Sigwerd dux.
Ego Leofric dux.
Ego Sigwerd abbas.
Ego Ælfwine abbas.
Ego Odda (age 49) minister.
Ego Ordgar minister.
Ego Ælfgar minister.
Ego Godwine minister.
Ego Æþelric minister.
Ego Toky minister.
Ego Toui minister.
Ego Dodda minister.
Ego Ælfwerd minister.
Ego Osmær minister.
Charter S999 King Edward to Ælfstan. Nothing in this world enjoys prolonged happiness, nothing retains long-lasting dominion, nothing that does not hasten toward the fateful end of life. Therefore, as the examples of the orthodox demonstrate, we should enjoy the worldly patrimonies given to us in such a way that we are never deprived of the benefits of the eternal homeland. For this reason, I, Edward (age 40), by the decree of the Most High, King of the English, willingly grant to a certain minister of mine named Ælfstan, ten manses at the place called Seofonhæmtune, so that he may have and possess them and leave them to whatever heir he wishes after his death.
Let the aforesaid estate be free from all worldly service, with three exceptions: the repair of bridges, the construction of the king's fortress, and military service. If anyone, inflamed by the fire of greed, should attempt to violate this gift of ours, let them know that they will be condemned with the children of perdition to the torments of Tartarus, unless they repent and make amends with fitting satisfaction.
The aforementioned portion of land is bounded by these markers: First at the gray apple tree, from the apple tree along Pine Cross, from the cross between Moor Shrub and Middle Lea, then on to the old ditch, from the ditch along the ridge to the willow spring, from the spring along the road to the hawthorn, from the thorn along the ridge to Hodmere, straight to the five thorns, from the five thorns onto the old elder stump, from the stump onto the old ditch, from the ditch along the army path until it comes by the north of Bean Hill into the valley, along the furrow to the narrow path, along the path to the willow, from the willow to Stone Well, from the well straight to the spear, from the spear to the bend of the brook, from the bend to the old earthworks, from the earthworks to the oak stump, from the stump back to the gray apple tree.
This royal gift charter was written in the year of our Lord's incarnation 1043, in the eleventh indiction, with the following persons confirming it, whose names are listed below, and observed by the witnesses noted.
Nichil ergo in hoc seculo prolixa felicitate fruitur, nichil diuturna dominatione potitur, nichil quod non ad fatalem uite terminum ueloci cursu tendatur, ideoque ut ortodoxorum demonstrant paracdigmata sic nobis mundanarum rerum patrimonie sunt perfruende ut tamen eterne patrie emolumentis numquam fraudemur. Quam ob rem ego Eadward, annuente altitroni moderatoris imperio Anglorum basileus, quodam ministro meo Ælfstan nominato .x. mansas ubi dicitur æt Seofonhæmtune libens donabo, quatinus habeat atque possideat ac post se qualicumque uoluerit heredi derelinquat. Sit autem rus predictum ab omni mundano seruitio liberum, tribus tam exceptis, uiatici restauratione pontis, arcis construccione regalis, expeditione etiam populari. Siquis uero quod absit cupiditatis flamma accensus hoc nostrum infringere temptauerit donum, sciat se dampnaturum cum filiis perdicionis in tartareis tormentis, nisi resipiscens digna satisfactione emendauerit. Nam predicta ruris particula his metis constat circumcincta. Erest on þa haran apeldran, of þare apeldran 7lang pinnan rode, of þære rode betweox Mor sceagan 7 Middel lea, ðwyres on þa ealdan dic, of ðære dic andlang hricges on byde wil, of ðan wille 7lang stræte on hægla þorn, of þan ðorne 7lang hricges on hodan mere, on gerihte on fif þornas, of fif þornon þwyres on ðane ealdan ellen styb, of ðan stybbe on ða ealdan dic, of þære dic andlang herpaðes þæt hit cymð be norðan bien hylle in on þæt slæd, swa 7lang fura on þæne smalan weg, swa 7lang weges on ðone wiðig, of ðan wiþige on stan wyl, of þan wille þwyres on ðæne garan, of þan garan on þæs broces bige, of þan bige on þa ealdan eorð byrig, of þære byrig on ðone ac styb, of þan stibbe eft on þa haran apeldran. Scripta est ergo huius regalis doni cartula anno dominice incarnationis .xliii. post mille, indiccione .xi., his confirmantibus quorum uocabula infra sunt pretitulata et cernentibus apparent adnotata.
Ego Eadward rex Anglorum meum donum signo crucis confirmaui [King of the English, I confirmed my gift with the sign of the cross].
Ego Ælfgyfa (age 58) predicti regis mater regium munus corroboraui [the royal office of the mother of the said king].
Ego Eadsinus archiepiscopus almo sancte crucis uexillo confortaui [archbishop with the standard of the holy cross].
Ego Ælfric archipresul istud datum consolidaui.
Ego Bryhtwold episcopus.
Ego Æþelstan episcopus.
Ego Godwine dux.
Ego Godeman presbiter.
Ego Karl minister.
Ego Ælfeget minister.
Ego Ælfwig prefectus.
Ego Ælfwine episcopus.
Ego Grimkyl episcopus.
Ego Dudoca episcopus.
Ego Lyfing episcopus.
Ego Brihtwine episcopus.
Ego Eadnoþ episcopus.
Ego Æþelweard abbas.
Ego Ælfwine abbas.
Ego Siward abbas.
Ego Wulfsige abbas.
Ego Leofric presbiter.
Ego Siward (age 33) dux.
Ego Swegen dux.
Ego Eadwold presbiter.
Ego Hereman presbiter.
Ego Leofric presbiter.
Ego Osgod miles.
Ego Ælfstan miles.
Ego Esbern miles.
Ego Lyfing miles.
Ego Ordgar miles.
Ego Odda minister.
Ego Brihtric minister.
Ego Dodda, Æþelmer.
Ego Urki minister.
Ego Ælfget minister.
Ego Wulfnoð prefectus.
Ego Kinewerd prefectus.
Ego Tokig minister.
Ego Æþelwig minister.
Ego Leofric 7 Tofig ministri.
Ego Ælfwig prefectus.
Ego Æþelmær minister.
Ego Æþelric minister.
Ego Totig minister.
Ego Leofwine minister.
Ego Godsunu minister.
Ego Ulfkitel 7 Æþelric ministri.
Charter S1006 King Edward to Old Minster, Winchester. 1044. In the reign of our Lord Jesus Christ, who governs the entire world, the heights of heaven, and the hidden depths of the swelling ocean, with the majesty of His rule now and forever. Therefore, I, Edward (age 41), King of the Anglo-Saxons, deeply moved by the dire sins of this fleeting world, which are surrounded by the dreadful howls of obscene mortality and filled with all filth, do not allow us to rest securely in the peace of the homeland we have inherited, but rather provoke us to despise these things with all the strength of our minds and to utterly reject them as the nauseating stench of melancholy, and to diligently attend to the command of the Gospel, which says, 'Give, and it will be given to you.' Truly, as a wise man says, 'God loves a cheerful giver.' Therefore, touched by this saving admonition, I, Edward, by the grace of God, King of the entire English nation, considering the fleeting nature of this world as nothing, but desiring to obtain what endures eternally along with the transient, do not delay to give away this fleeting and undoubtedly transitory possession so that I may receive one that will endure forever in the kingdom of Christ and God.
Therefore, let it be known to all that I have now freely given a portion of land to Saint Peter and his co-apostle Paul, so that the magnitude of my sins may be relieved in part by the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the true and desired remission of all sins. The name of this land is called Pipmynster, and it holds the extent of fifteen manses, which, as I have already said, I have given to the Old Minster, which is located in the city of Winchester and is consecrated in honor of the aforementioned apostles, for the salvation of my soul and that of my parents.
Let the aforementioned land be free from all worldly service, with the pastures, meadows, and wooded areas, and with all other appurtenances rightfully pertaining to it, except for these three: the repair of fortifications, the restoration of bridges, and military expeditions against the enemies of the country. If anyone, driven by a diabolical spirit, should attempt to take away or infringe upon this document of my composition and confirmation, and presume to usurp by force the land of the aforementioned apostles, let them be separated from the fellowship of God and the participation of all the saints resting in this holy monastery, and be consigned to eternal confusion in the devouring flames of torment for all ages, unless they quickly amend their wicked robbery with appropriate satisfaction.
The boundaries of the aforementioned land are as follows: These are the boundaries of the fifteen hides of land at Pipmynster. First at Binnacumbes Brook; then along the brook down to the hedge; then straight to Fyrslege; from Fyrslege to the eastern stream; along the stream to Tugeles Moor; from Tugeles Moor to the foxglove; from the foxglove to the hard gate; from the hard gate to Twinteles Ham; from Twinteles Ham to Deep Ford; from Deep Ford straight east to Drindlea; from Drindlea along the brook to Wægela Fort; from Wægela Fort to the gray stone; from the gray stone to Red Ford; from Red Ford straight to Scora Ditch; from Scora Ditch along the army path to Langgan Ham; from Langgan Ham to the gray stone; from the gray stone up to Epsgweg to the Great Linden; from the Great Linden to the eastern part of Oxen Field, up to the stone hill; from the stone hill up to Wealder’s Way to Pidles Hill; from Pidles Hill to Wiþicumbes Head; from Wiþicumbes Head west straight to the Red Ditch; from the Red Ditch north straight to the eastern part of Acbeara; from Acbeara west along the army path to the gray apple tree; from the gray apple tree back to Binnacumbes Brook.
This royal grant and donation were made in the year of the Lord's incarnation 1044, in the twelfth indiction, with the seventh concurrent cycle, and with the eighteenth epact rotating, under the attestation of the leading men whose names are written here.
Rubric: ˘is is ∂æra fiftyna hyda land boc to Pypmynstre ∂e Eadweard cyng gæbocodæ sanctæ Petræ and sanctæ Paulæ into Ealdan mynstræ. + Omnibus flebilia et detestanda huius fluctuantis saeculi piacula, diris obscoenae horrendaeque mortalitatis latratibus circumsepta omnique spurcitia saginata, non nos patriae indeptae pacis securos, sed quasi foetidae corruptelae in uoraginem casuros prouocando ammonent, ut ea toto mentis conamine cum casibus suis despiciendo abiiciamus, et penitus uelut fastidiosam melancoliae nausiam abominando fugiamus, et diligenter ad illud attendamus quod praecipit sermo euangelicus, ita inquiens, 'Date et dabitur uobis;' uere sicut quidam dicit sapiens 'Hilarem datorem diligit deus.' Hac ergo salutari ammonitione adtactus ego Eadwardus annuente superna dei clementia rex tocius Anglicae nationis, huius saeculi caduca pro nichilo ducens, sed cum transitoriis aeternaliter permansura adipisci cupiens, fugitiuam et sine dubio transitoriam dare non differo possessiunculam, ut iugiter mansuram in regno Christi et dei recipiam. Proinde omnibus innotesco, me nunc aliquam telluris partem ouanter dedisse sancto Petro et co-apostolo eius Paulo, ut peccatorum meorum magnitudo ex parte releuetur a domino Iesu Christo, qui est uera et exoptata omnium peccatorum remissio. Huius ergo telluris uocabulum Pipmynster est appellatum illaque terra quindecim mansarum retinet amplitudinem, quam etiam sicut supradixi ad Uetustum dedi monasterium quod in ciuitate Wintonia est situm, et in honore supradictorum apostolorum consecratum, pro meae animae salute et parentum meorum. Sit autem praedicta terra ab omni mundiali seruitio libera, cum pascuis et pratis, siluarumque densitatibus, et cum omnibus aliis ad se rite pertinentibus, exceptis his tribus, communium utilitatum necessitatibus, hoc est, arcis recuperatione, uel pontis restauratione, seu expeditione in hostes patriae. Si quis autem, quod absit, diabolico inflatus spiritu hanc meae compositionis ac confirmationis scedulam demere uel infringere temptauerit, et terram supradictorum apostolorum per uiolentiam sibi usurpare praesumpserit, segregetur a dei consortio et participatione omnium sanctorum in hoc sancto monasterio requiescentium, et aeterna confusione edacibus tormentorum flammis deputetur in saecula saeculorum, nisi quantocius suam peruersam emendare curauerit rapinam per condignam satisfactionem. Praenotatae uero telluris limites ita plane sunt dilatatae. ˘is synd ∂era .xv. hida landgemere to Pipmynstre; ∂æt is, erest on binnacumbes broc; ∂onne andlang broces ondun to ∂ære hæcginge; ∂anon on gerihta on fyrslege; of forslege on ∂one eastran stream; andlang streames on Tugeles mor; of Tugeles more to ∂ære foxec; of ∂ære foxec to heardan geate; of heardan geate to Twinteles ham; of Twinteles hamme to deopa forda; of deopa forda east on gerihte to drindlea; of trindlea andlang broces to wægela byrig; of wegela byrig on ∂one gregean stan; of ∂an gregean stane to readan forda; of reada forda on gerihte to Scora dic; of Scora dic andlang herpa∂es to langgan hamme; of langgan hamme on ∂one gregean stan; of ∂am gregean stane upp on epsgweg to ∂ære greatan lindan; of ∂ære greatan lindam on oxena feld easteweardne upp to ∂am stanbeorge; of ∂am stanbeorge upp on wealderes weg to pidles beorge; of piples beorge on wi∂icumbes heafod; of wi∂icumbes heafde west on gerihta to ∂ære readan dic; of ∂ære readan dic nor∂ on gerihte on ∂one acbeara easteweardne; of ∂am acbeara west andlang herp∂es to ∂ære haran apelduran; of ∂ære haran apeldyran eft on binnacumbes broc. Anno dominicae incarnationis millesimo quadragessimo quarto, indictione duodecima, et septem concurrentibus, atque octodecim epactis rotantibus, haec regalis concessio atque donatio facta est, sub astipulatione primatum quorum nomina hic caraxata sunt.
Ego Eadwardus rex tocius Brittanniae praefatam meam donationem cum sigillo sanctae crucis regali stabilimento affirmaui.
Ego Ælfgyfu eiusdem regis mater hanc regalem donationem cum sigillo sanctae crucis ouanter diuulgaui.
Ego Eadsinus archiepiscopus triumphalem agiae crucis trophaeum huic regio muneri gaudenter impressi.
Ego Ælfricus archipraesul hanc territoriam scedulam signo sanctae crucis diligenter adsignare curaui.
Ego Ælfwinus Wintoniensis episcopus consolidaui.
Ego Byrhtwoldus Wiltuniensis episcopus coadunaui.
Ego Ælfweardus Lundoniensis episcopus corroboraui.
Ego Lyfingus Cridiensis episcopus confirmaui.
Ego Æ∂elstanus Herfordensis episcopus consigillaui.
Ego Eadno∂us Dorcensis episcopus conscripsi.
Ego Duduco Willensis episcopus condixi.
Ego Grimgillus Australium Saxonum episcopus consensi.
Ego Wulfsinus Licetfeldensis episcopus conclusi.
Ego Brihtwinus Scirburnensis episcopus commodum duxi.
Ego Godwine dux.
Ego Leofric dux.
Ego Siweard dux.
Ego Swegen dux.
Ego Ælfwine abbas.
Ego Æ∂elweard abbas.
Ego Siweard abbas.
Ego Leofsige abbas.
Ego Ælfsige abbas.
Ego Ælfstan abbas.
Ego Ordgar minister.
Ego Osgod minister.
Ego Odda minister.
Ego Ælfgar minister.
Ego Brichtric minister.
Ego Æ∂elwig minister.
Ego ˘ure∂ minister.
Ego Ælfstan minister.
Ego Carl minister.
Ego Ordulf minister.
Charter S1001 King Edward to Ælfwine. 1044. The bountiful goodness of Christ, the omnipotent God, must always be praised and given the highest honor, for it cannot be confined by any limit of goodness, since God Himself is the goodness of His own goodness, freely distributing a share of His goodness not only to the worthy but also to the unworthy. He is indeed the King of kings and the creator of all that exists, both visible and invisible, and the most discerning disposer of His creation, governing all things according to His divine will as is fitting for His sovereignty. For He has appointed some with free will to hold certain dignities in this world and to perform various works, commanding them to use their abundance to relieve the need of those who are less fortunate in worldly matters, so that they may receive a greater reward from Him.
Therefore, I, Edward (age 41), King of the English nation, moved by His admonition and seeking the reward of His remuneration, freely grant to a certain loyal bishop of mine, Ælfwine, for his faithful service to me, thirty hides of land in the place called Wittannige, so that he may freely possess them as long as he lives, and after his death, may give them to whomever he chooses.
Let this small estate be free from all worldly service, except for the common service, that is, the repair of fortresses, the restoration of bridges, and military expeditions against the enemies of the country. If anyone, driven by evil intent, attempts to violate or seize this gift of mine by force, let them be deprived of the fellowship of God, who commands us to aid the needs of our brethren out of love for Him, and let them be bound by the chains of eternal damnation, unless they repent and erase their guilt through the grace of penance.
These are the land boundaries at Wittannige:
First, along the stream to the meadow that turns into Scylftune; and from Scylftune along the stream until it reaches the mill weir that turns into Ducing Hill; from the weir across the moor to Hocslew; then to the new ditch; from the ditch to the boundary of Horninga; from the boundary of Horninga along the boundary to Hlaewan Slade; from the slade into Dufan Dip, and so along the boundary to Leofstan’s Bridge; from Leofstan’s Bridge into Kytelaceras; from Kytelaceras into the woodland road; along the road to Hawk’s Hill; from Hawk’s Hill into Wenric; from Wenric to Swondaene; after Swondaene to the gray apple tree; from the apple tree along the boundary into Swonlege; from Swonlege up to the headland; from the headland along the ridge into Hounting Way; along Hounting Way into Wicham; from Wicham by the roots until it reaches Sheep Way; from Sheep Way along the straight boundary into Aecen’s Field; from Aecen’s Field along the straight boundary to Kicgestan; from Kicgestan into Aecen’s Field; from Aecen’s Field to where the knights lie; and from where the knights lie to Mætseg; along Mætseg into Wenric.
This royal grant and donation were made in the year of our Lord’s incarnation 1044, in the twelfth indiction, with the seven concurrent cycles and the 18th epact rotating. This grant was made under the attestation of the leading men whose names are written here.
Rubric: ˘is is ∂ara .xxx. hidæ boc æt Witanigæ ∂e Eadward cing gebocode Ælfwinæ bisceope on ece yrfe. + Christi omnipotentis dei largiflua bonitas omnino laudanda, omnique est laude praeferenda, quae nullo bonitatis termino ualet concludi, utpote idem deus ipse sit suae bonitatis bonitas, distribuens gratis non tantum dignis uerum etiam indignis participium bonitatis suae; est quippe rex regum, omniumque subsistentium uisibilium aeque inuisibilium creator et suae creationis discretissimus dispositor, disponens omnia sibi libito uti competi diuinae dominationi eius; nam quosdam libero arbitrio quibusdam praeficit dignitate huius saeculi et opibus diuersis, quibus rursum mandat ut ipsi eorum inopiam sua sufficientia releuare debeant qui minus abundant saecularibus negociis, et pro hoc possint maiori mercede ab eo donari. Unde ego Eadwardus rex Anglicae nationis eius ammonitione prouocatus, pro adipiscenda remunerationis mercede, dono cuidam familiari episcopo meo Ælfwino pro fideli obsequio quo michi fideliter obsecundatur .xxx. uidelicet mansas, in loco quem soicolae illius uocant Wittannige, ut eas quoad uiuit libere possideat; et post mortem det sibi placito cuicunque elegerit. Sit itaque rurisculum illud ab omni mundiali seruitio liberum, excepto communi seruitio, hoc est, arcis recuperatione, et pontis restauratione, ac expeditione in hostes patriae. Si quispiam quoquomodo malae mentis conamine hoc meum donatiuum donum infringere uel abripere per uiolentiam uoluerit, priuatus a consortio dei qui nos imperat iuniorum nostrorum necessitatibus subuenire pro suo amore, constringatur et obligetur inextricabilium nodorum habenis perpetuae dampnationis, nisi resipiscat et poenitentiae uenia deleat. ˘is synt ∂a landgemæra to Wittannige. Ærest andlang ∂æs streames on ∂one mædham ∂e hyrn∂ into Scylftune; and fram Scylftune andlang streames ∂æt it cym∂ to ∂am mylewere ∂e hyrn∂ into duceling dune; of ∂æm wære ofær ∂one wegean mor into hocslew; ∂anon on ∂a niwan dic; of ∂ære dic on horninga mære; of horninga mære andlang ∂æs gemæres to hlæwan slæde; of ∂am slæde into dufan doppe and swa andlang gemæres into Leofstanes bricge; of Leofestanes bricge into kytelaceras; of kytelacæras innon ∂a wudestret; andlang ∂ære strete into hafoces hlæwe; of hafoces hlewæ innon wænric; of wenric to swondæne; æfter swondæne to ∂ære haran apeldran; of ∂ære apeldran andlang gemæres innan swonlege; of swonleage upp to ∂am heafdam; of ∂am heafdan andlang surode innan huntenan weg; andlang huntenan wege into Wicham; of Wicham a be ∂are wyrtruman ∂æt hit cym∂ on sceapa weg; of sceapa wege andlang rihtes gemæres innan æcenes feld; of æcenes felda andlang rihtes gemæres of kicgestan; of kicgestane into æceres felda; of æcenes felda ∂ær ∂a cnihtas licga∂; and fram ham ∂e ∂a cnihtas licga∂ on mætseg; andlang metseg into wenric. Anno dominicae incarnationis millesimo quadragesimo quarto, indictione duodecima et septem concurrentibus, atque .xviii. epactis rotantibus, haec regalis concessio atque donatio facta est sub astipulatione primatum quorum nomina hic caraxata sunt.
Ego Eadwardus rex totius Brittanniae praefatam meam donationem cum sigillo sanctae crucis regali stabilimento affirmaui.
Ego Ælfgyfu (age 59) eiusdem regis mater hanc regalem donationem cum trophaeo agiae crucis ouanter diuulgaui.
Ego Eadsinus archiepiscopus triumphalem agiae crucis trophaeum huic regio muneri gaudenter impressi.
Ego Ælfricus archipraesul hanc territoriam scedulam signo sanctae crucis diligenter adsignare curaui.
Ego Ælfwinus Wintoniensis episcopus consolidaui.
Ego Beorhtwoldus Wiltuniensis episcopus coadunaui.
Ego Ea∂no∂us Dorcensis episcopus corroboraui.
Ego Lyfingus Cridiensis episcopus confirmaui.
Ego Æ∂elstanus Herfordensis episcopus consigillaui.
Ego Ælfweardus Lundoniensis episcopus conscripsi.
Ego Duduco Uuillensis episcopus condixi.
Ego Grimkyllus Australium Saxonum episcoups consensi.
Ego Wulfsynus Licetfeldensis episcopus conclusi.
Ego Bryhtwinus Scirburnensis episcopus commodum duxi.
Ego Godwine (age 43) dux.
Ego Leofric dux.
Ego Siwerd (age 34) dux.
Ego Swegen dux.
Ego Ælfwine dux.
Ego Ælfwerd dux.
Ego Sywerd dux.
Ego Leofsige dux.
Ego Ælfsige dux.
Ego Ælfstan dux.
Ego Ordgar minister.
Ego Osgod minister.
Ego Odda minister.
Ego Ælfgar minister.
Ego Brihtric minister.
Ego Æ∂elwig minister.
Ego ˘ure∂ minister.
Ego Ælfstan minister.
Ego Carl minister.
Ego Ordulf minister.
Charter S1007 King Edward to Ælfwine. 1045. In the eternal reign of our Lord Jesus Christ over all things, which are wonderfully governed by Him in heaven and on earth. I, Edward, King of the English (age 42), make it known to all through this privilege that I have given to Ælfwine, the bishop of the city of Winchester, a certain portion of land consisting of eight hides in the place which the inhabitants call Heantun, as a perpetual possession, in such a way that he may possess this gift of ours for as long as he lives, and after him, he may appoint as heir whoever he chooses.
Whoever shall disinherit him from the dignity of this liberty shall be condemned with eternal damnation, unless he corrects the wickedness of his wrongdoing with appropriate penance. Let this liberty apply to all things, both small and great, and let it be entirely free from all human servitude, except for three obligations: the building of fortifications, the construction of bridges, and military service.
The boundaries of the aforementioned land are as follows: These are the land boundaries of Heantun. First, at the southern hill; from the hill to Ellenford, up to the ridge; along the ridge to Wine’s Head Thorn; from the thorn to the Coal Tree; from the Coal Tree to the Crow Thorn; from the Crow Thorn into the brook; from the brook to the middle hill in Bromdæne; along Bromdæne into Small Dæne; from Small Dæne to Clinca Leage; from Clinca Leage to the Great Brook into Næddærheall; from Næddærheall to Linleage; from Linleage to the Shepherd’s Tree; from the Shepherd’s Tree to the Great Hill; from the Great Hill to Acstede Leage; from Acstede Leage to Ruga’s Hill; from the hill to Weoleage; from Weoleage to Wulfred’s Wyrth; from Wulfred’s Wyrth to Cadan Hangre; from Cadan Hangre to Ræling Beorgas; from Ræling Beorgas to the Great Hill.
In the year of the Lord's incarnation 1045, in the thirteenth indiction, with no epacts and one concurrent cycle rotating, this royal grant and donation were made under the attestation of the leading men whose names are written here.
Regnante imperpetuum domino nostro Ihesu Christo super omnia quae in coelo et in terra ab eo mirabiliter gubernantur. Ego Eadwardus rex Anglorum priuilegii huius descriptionem omnibus innotesco me Wentanae ciuitatis episcopo nomine Ælfwino, quandam ruris partem octo, uidelicet, mansarum illo in loco quem solicolae Heantun uocitant in possessionem sempiternam dedisse, ita prorsus, ita plane, quatinus hoc donum nostrum sicut sibi uoluntas fuerit, quamdiu uixerit possideat; postque se quemcunque elegerit haeredem succedaneum praeficiat. Et quicunque eum libertatis huius dignitate exhaeredauerit maledictione perpetua dampnetur, nisi nequitiae suae prauitatem poenitudine correxerit digna. Sit uero libertas haec in uniuersis rebus, paruis et magnis, absque omni humana seruitute liberrima, exceptis tribus causis, arcis, scilicet, pontisue constructione, et expeditione. Praenotatae uero telluris limites hi sunt. ˘is synd ∂a landgemæro to Heantune. Ærest on ∂one su∂an hlinc; of ∂am hlince on ellenford upp on ∂one hricg; andlang hricges on wines heafdes ˇorn; of ∂am ˇorne on colan treow; of colan treowe on crawan ˇorn; of crawan ˇorne innan ∂a bæc; of ∂am bæce on ∂one middemestan beorh on bromdæne; andlang bromdæne innan smalan dæne; of smalan dæne on clinca leage; of clinca leage on ∂a greatan bæce innon næddærheall; of nedderheale on linleage; of linleage on hyrdes treow; of hurdes treowe on ∂one grætan hlincg; of ∂am greatan hlince on acstede leage; of acstede leage on ∂one rugan beorh; of ∂am beorga on weoleage; of weoleage on Wulfredes wyr∂; of Wulfredes wyr∂e on cadan hangre; of cadan hangran on ræling beorgas; of reling beorgan on ∂one greatan hlincg. Anno dominicae incarnationis millesimo quadragesimo quinto, indictione .xiii. et nullis epactis, atque uno concurrente rotantibus, haec regalis concessio atque donatio facta est, sub astipulatione primatum quorum nomina hic caraxata sunt.
Ego Eadweardus rex totius Brittanniae praefatam meam donationem cum sigillo sanctae crucis regali stabilimento affirmaui.
Ego Eadgy∂ eiusdem regis conlaterana hanc regalem donationem gaudenter stabiliui.
Ego Siweardus archiepiscopus triumphalem agiae crucis trophaeum huic regio muneri gaudenter impressi.
Ego Ælfricus archipraesul hanc territoriam scedulam signo sanctae crucis diligenter adsignare curaui.
Ego Ælfwinus Wintoniensis episcopus consolidaui.
Ego Lyfingus Cridiensis episcopus coadunaui.
Ego Æ∂elstanus Herfordensis episcopus corroboraui.
Ego Eadno∂us Dorcensis episcopus confirmaui.
Ego Heremannus Wiltuniensis episcopus consigillaui.
Ego Duduco Willensis episcopus conscripsi.
Ego Grimkillus Australium Saxonum episcopus condixi.
Ego Wulfsinus Licetfeldensis episcopus consensi.
Ego Brightwinus Scirburnensis episcopus conclusi.
Ego Godwine dux.
Ego Leofric dux.
Ego Siwerd dux.
Ego Swegen dux.
Ego Ælfwine dux.
Ego Æ∂elweard dux.
Ego Æ∂elstan dux.
Ego Ælfstan dux.
Ego Siwerd dux.
Ego Harold minister.
Ego Ordgar minister.
Ego Osgod minister.
Ego Odda minister.
Ego Brihtric minister.
Ego Ælfgar minister.
Ego Ælfstan minister.
Ego Carl minister.
Ego ˘ured minister.
Charter S1008 King Edward to Ælfwine. 1045. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who governs and rules all things and who, by His manifold power, imposes an end to all as He wills, and who teaches the mysteries of human nature's secrets so that, with these fleeting and undoubtedly transitory possessions, the eternal and everlasting kingdom must be purchased through the support of God. For this reason, I, Edward (age 42), by the grace of God, King of the English and likewise of all Albion, grant a certain portion of land, namely seven hides, in the place commonly called Melebroc, to one of my bishops, Ælfwine, Bishop of Winchester, to hold perpetually. He may have this gift of ours as long as he lives, and after him, he may leave it to any heir he chooses, with the fields, pastures, meadows, and woods.
Let this land be entirely free from all servitude except for the support of bridges, fortifications, and military service. If anyone attempts to violate this gift of ours, let them find no comfort from anyone, unless they make amends before their death for what they have done against our decree.
These are the boundaries of the aforementioned land at Mylebroc:
First from Hreod Bridge to Tærstan Stream, along the stream to Nutscyllinga’s boundary, and along the boundary to the hollow way, from the hollow way along the boundary to Fearninga Brook, and along the boundary to Mylebroc’s ford, then east along the boundary to Thunres Lea to the north, then along the way to the King's Ditch, and along the boundary to the other hollow way, from the way to the river, and the fishery south of Hreod Bridge out through the stream to the King's Stæd, and then along the stream back to Hreod Bridge, and the enclosure at Hampton that belongs to it.
In the year of the Lord’s incarnation 1045, in the thirteenth indiction, with no epacts and one concurrent cycle rotating, this royal grant and donation were made under the attestation of the leading men whose names are written here.
Px In nomine domini nostri Iesu Christi qui cuncta gubernat et regit quique sua multimoda potentia omnibus ut uoluerit finem imponit . et de secretis humanae naturae mysteriis docet . ut cum his fugitiuis et sine dubio transitoriis possessiunculis . iugiter mansura . et eternaliter regna mercanda dei suffragio adipiscenda sunt . Qua de re ego Eaduueardus diuina mihi arridente gratia rex Anglorum . et eque totius Albionis aliquam ruris partem septem uidelicet cassatos illo in loco qui uulgariter Melebroc dicitur . cuidam episcoporum meorum perpetualiter trado . Ælfuuino uidelicet Uuentane ciuitatis episcopo . ut hoc nostrum donum habeat quamdiu uiuat . et post se cuicumque uoluerit heredi derelinquat . cum campis . pascuis . pratis . siluis; Haec igitur tellus a cuncta sit sequestrata seruitute . nisi pontis . et arcis . ac expeditionis iuuamine; Si quis autem hoc nostrum donum infringere temtauerit . nullius aduentantis consolationem uspiam repperiat . nisi ante obitum suum emendauerit . quod hic contra nostrum decretum peregit; Istis namque terminis ambitur predicta tellus; ˘is synd ˇa landgemæra to Mylebroc. Ærest of hreod bricge on tærstan stream . andlang streames on hnut scyllinga mearce . 7 swa andlang mearce on ˇone holan weg . of ˇan holan wege 7lang mearce on fearninga broc . and swa andlang mearce on mylebroces ford . 7 swa east andlang mearce on ˇunres lea nor∂eweardne . ˇanan 7lang weges on cyninges dic . and swa 7lang mearce on ˇone o∂erne holan weg . of ˇam wege on ∂a ea 7 se werstede be su∂an hreaod bricge ut ˇurh ˇone stream on ˇæs cynges stæ∂ . and swa 7lang streames eft on hreod bricge 7 se haga on Hamtune ˇe ˇærto gebyra∂. Anno dominice incarnationis . millesimo quadragesimo quinto . indictione .xiii. et nullis epactis atque uno concurrente rotantibus . haec regalis concessio atque donatio facta est . sub astipulatione primatum quorum nomina hic caraxata sunt.
Ego Eaduueardus rex totius Bryttanniae prefatam meam donationem cum sigillo sancte crucis regali stabilimento affirmaui.
Ego Eadgy∂ eiusdem regis conlaterana hanc regalem donationem gaudenter stabiliui.
Ego Siweardus archiepiscopus triumphalem agiae crucis tropheum hic regie munere gaudenter inpressi.
Ego Ælfricus archipresul hanc territoriam scedulam signo sancte crucis diligenter adsignare curaui.
Ego Ælfwinus Wintoniensis episcopus consolidaui.
Ego Lyfingus Cridiensis episcopus coadunaui.
Ego Heremannus Uuiltuniensis episcopus corroboraui.
Ego Æˇelstanus Herfordensis episcopus confirmaui.
Ego Eadno∂us Dorcensis episcopus consensi.
Ego Duduco Uuillensis episcopus consigillaui.
Ego Grimkillus Australium Saxonum episcopus conscripsi.
Ego Wulfsinus Licetfeldensis episcopus condixi.
Ego Brihtwinus Scirburnensis episcopus conclusi.
Ego Godwine dux.
Ego Leofric dux.
Ego Siwerd dux.
Ego Swegen dux.
Ego Harold dux.
Ego Beorn dux.
Ego Ælfwine abbas.
Ego Æˇelwerd abbas.
Ego Æˇelstan abbas.
Ego Ordgar minister.
Ego Osgod minister.
Ego Odda minister.
Ego Brihtric minister.
Ego Ælfgar minister.
Ego Ælfstan minister.
Ego Carl minister.
Ego Ælfric minister.
Ego Godric minister.
Charter S1009 King Edward to Godwine. 1045. King Edward to Godwine, dux; grant of 7 hides (cassati) at Millbrook, Hants. Latin with English bounds
In nomine domini nostri Iesu Christi qui cuncta gubernat et regit quique sua multimoda potentia omnibus ut uoluerit finem imponit . et de secretis humanae naturae misteriis docet . ut cum his fugitiuis et sine dubio transitoriis possessiunculis iugiter mansura . et eternaliter regna mercanda dei suffragio adipiscenda sunt . Qua de re ego Eadwardus diuina mihi arridente gratia rex Anglorum . et eque totius Albionis aliquam ruris partem septem uidelicet cassatos illo in loco qui uulgariter Melebroc dicitur . cuidam ministrorum meorum perpetualiter trado . Godwino uidelicet Occidentalium Saxonum duci . ut hoc nostrum donum habeat quamdiu uiuat . et post se cuicumque uoluerit heredi derelinquat . cum campis . pascuis . pratis . siluis. Haec igitur tellus a cuncta sit sequestrata seruitute . nisi pontis . et arcis . ac expeditionis iuuamine. Si quis autem hoc nostrum donum infringere temptauerit . nullius aduentantis consolationem uspiam repperiat . nisi ante obitum suum emendauerit . quod hic contra nostrum decretum peregit. Istis namque terminis ambitur predicta tellus. ˘is synd ˇa landgemæro to Melebroce. Ærest of hreod bricge on tærstan stream . andlang streames on hnut scyllinga mearce . 7 swa andlang mearce on ˇone holan weg . of ˇam holan wege 7lang mearce on fearninga broc . and swa andlang mearce on mylesbroces ford . 7 swa east andlang mearce on ˇunres lea norˇeweardne . ˇanan 7lang weges on cinges dic . and swa 7lang mearce on ˇone o∂erne holan weg . of ˇam wege on ˇa ea 7 se westerde be su∂an hreod bricge ut ˇurh ˇone stream on ˇæs cinges ste∂ . and swa andlang streames eft on hreod bricge 7 se haga on Hamtune ˇe ˇærto gebyra∂. Anno dominice incarnationis . millesimo quadragesimo quinto . indictione .xiii. et nullis epactis atque uno concurrente rotantibus . hec regalis concessio atque donatio facta est . sub astipulatione primatum quorum nomina hic carraxata sunt.
Ego Eadwardus rex totius Brittanniae prefatam meam donationem cum sigillo sancte crucis regali stabilimento affirmaui.
Ego Eadgy∂ eiusdem regis conlaterana hanc regalem donationem gaudenter stabiliui.
Ego Sigeweardus archiepiscopus triumphalem agiae crucis tropheum hic regie munere gaudenter inpressi.
Ego Ælfricus archipresul hanc territoriam scedulam signo sancte crucis diligenter adsignare curaui.
Ego Ælfwinus Wintoniensis episcopus consolidaui.
Ego Lyfingus Cridiensis episcopus coadunaui.
Ego Heremannus Wiltuniensis episcopus corroboraui.
Ego Æˇelstanus Herefordensis episcopus confirmaui.
Ego Eadno∂us Dorcensis episcopus consensi.
Ego Duduco Willensis episcopus consigillaui.
Ego Grimkillus Australium Saxonum episcopus conscripsi.
Ego Wulfsinus Licetfeldensis episcopus condixi.
Ego Brithwinus Scirburnensis episcopus conclusi.
Ego Godwine dux.
Ego Leofric dux.
Ego Siwerd dux.
Ego Swegen dux.
Ego Harold dux.
Ego Beorn dux.
Ego Ælfwine dux.
Ego Aˇelwerd dux.
Ego A∂elstan dux.
Ego Ordgar minister.
Ego Osgod minister.
Ego Odda minister.
Ego Byrhtrich minister.
Ego Ælfgar minister.
Ego Ælfstan minister.
Ego Carl minister.
Ego Ælfric minister.
Ego Godric minister.
In 1047 Bishop Ælfwine died.