Biography of Bishop Hunferth of Winchester -754

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 744. This year Daniel resigned the see of Winchester; to which Hunferth was promoted. The stars went swiftly shooting; and Wilferth the younger, who had been thirty winters Bishop of York [Note. Probably a mistake for Worcester], died on the third day before the calends of May.

In 744 Bishop Hunferth of Winchester was consecrated Bishop of Winchester.

Between 749 and 754 Bishop Hunferth of Winchester died.

754 Canterbury Fire

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 754. This year died Cuthred, king of the West-Saxons; and Sebright, his relative, succeeded to the kingdom, which he held one year; Cyneard  succeeded Humferth in the see of Winchester; and Canterbury, Kent [Map] was this year on fire.