Biography of Ealdred Northumbria Earl Bernicia -1038

Ealdred Northumbria Earl Bernicia was born to Uchtred "The Bold" Earldorman of Northumbria.

In 1016 [his father] Uchtred "The Bold" Earldorman of Northumbria and forty of his men were murdered by Thurbrand The Hold starting a blood feud between the two families that lasted generations and the murder of scores of people.

Around 1020 Ealdred Northumbria Earl Bernicia succeeded Earl Bernicia.

In or before 1038 Thurbrand The Hold was murdered by Ealdred Northumbria Earl Bernicia avenging Thurbrand's murder of his father [his father] Uchtred "The Bold" Earldorman of Northumbria.

In 1038 Ealdred Northumbria Earl Bernicia was murdered by Carl son of Thurbrand in revenge for Ealdred Northumbria Earl Bernicia the murder of their respective fathers [his father] Uchtred "The Bold" Earldorman of Northumbria and Thurbrand The Hold.

[his father] Uchtred "The Bold" Earldorman of Northumbria and Ecgfrida Northumbria were married. She the daughter of . He the son of Waltheof Northumbria 1st Earl of Northampton 1st Earl Huntingdon.

[his daughter]  was born to Ealdred Northumbria Earl Bernicia.

Ancestors of Ealdred Northumbria Earl Bernicia -1038

Father: Uchtred "The Bold" Earldorman of Northumbria