Biography of King Æthelwold of East Anglia -664

King Æthelwold of East Anglia was born to Eni Wuffingas.

Battle of the Winwaed

On 15 Nov 655 King Oswiu of Northumbria (age 43) defeated the Mercian army (probably) at Cock Beck during the Battle of the Winwaed ending the period of Mercian dominance. The battle is believed to have ended Anglo-Saxon paganism.

On 15 Nov 655 Æthelwald King Deira 642- (age 13), an ally of King Penda of Mercia, withdrew his forces, one of many Mercian allies to do so, weakening King Penda's army.

King Penda of Mercia and [his brother] King Æthelhere of East Anglia -655 were killed. Penda's son Paeda King South Mercia succeeded King South Mercia.

King Æthelwold of East Anglia succeeded King East Anglia after the death of his father at the Battle of the Winwaed.

In 664 King Æthelwold of East Anglia died. His nephew King Ealdwulf of East Anglia -713 succeeded King East Anglia.

Family Trees of King Æthelwold of East Anglia -664

Paternal Family Tree: Wuffingas

Descendants Family Trees:

Ancestors of King Æthelwold of East Anglia -664

Great x 2 Grandfather: Wehha Wuffingas

Great x 1 Grandfather: Wuffa King East Anglia

GrandFather: Tytila King East Anglia -616

Father: Eni Wuffingas

King Æthelwold of East Anglia -664