Biography of King Anna of East Anglia -654

King Anna of East Anglia was born to Eni Wuffingas.

Around 636 King Anna of East Anglia succeeded King East Anglia.

Around 636 [his daughter] Æthelthryth Wuffingas Queen Consort Deira and Northumbria was born to King Anna of East Anglia.

Around 652 [his son-in-law] Tondberct Gwyre and [his daughter] Æthelthryth Wuffingas Queen Consort Deira and Northumbria (age 16) were married. She the daughter of King Anna of East Anglia -654.

Battle of Bulcamp

In 654 King Penda of Mercia defeated the East Anglian army at the Battle of Bulcamp at Bulcamp, Blythburgh. King Anna of East Anglia and his son [his son] Jurmin Wuffingas were killed. Anna's son His uncle [his brother] King Æthelhere of East Anglia -655 succeeded King East Anglia.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 654. This year King Anna was slain, and Botolph began to build that minster at Icanhoe. This year also died Archbishop Honorius, on the thirtieth of September.

Bede. 660. King Egfrid (age 15) took to wife, [his daughter] Etheldrida (age 24), the daughter of Anna, king of the East Angles, of whom mention has been often made; a man very religious, and in all respects renowned for his inward disposition and actions. She had before been given in marriage to another, viz. to Tonbert, chief of the Southern Girvii; but he died soon after he had received her, and she was given to the aforesaid king (age 15). Though she lived with him twelve years, yet she preserved the glory of perfect virginity, as I was informed by Bishop Wilfrid, of blessed memory, of whom I inquired, because some questioned the truth thereof; and he told me that he was an undoubted witness of her virginity, forasmuch as Egfrid (age 15) promised he would give many lands and much money, if he could persuade the queen to consent to pay the marriage duty, for he knew the queen loved no man so much as himself; and it is not to be doubted that the same might in one instance take place in our age, which true histories tell us happened several times in former ages, through the assistance of the same Lord who has promised to continue with us unto the end of the world; for the miraculous circumstance that her flesh, being buried, could not suffer corruption, is a token that she had not been defiled by familiarity with man.

[his son] Jurmin Wuffingas was born to King Anna of East Anglia.

[his daughter] Seaxburh Wuffingas Queen Consort Kent was born to King Anna of East Anglia.

[his daughter] Æthelburh Wuffingas was born to King Anna of East Anglia.

[his daughter] Saint Wihtburh Wuffingas was born to King Anna of East Anglia (possibly).

Family Trees of King Anna of East Anglia -654

Paternal Family Tree: Wuffingas

Descendants Family Trees:

Royal Descendants of King Anna of East Anglia -654

Seaxburh Wuffingas Queen Consort Kent x 1

King Ecgberht I of Kent x 1

King Eadbert I of Kent -748 x 1

King Eadric of Kent -686 x 1

Æthelthryth Wuffingas Queen Consort Deira and Northumbria x 1

King Wihtred of Kent x 1

King Æthelbert II of Kent x 1

Ancestors of King Anna of East Anglia -654

Great x 2 Grandfather: Wehha Wuffingas

Great x 1 Grandfather: Wuffa King East Anglia

GrandFather: Tytila King East Anglia -616

Father: Eni Wuffingas

King Anna of East Anglia -654