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Biography of King Egbert of Wessex 773-839
Paternal Family Tree: Wessex
Around 773 King Egbert of Wessex was born to Ealmund King of Kent.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 800. This year was the moon eclipsed, at eight in the evening, on the seventeenth day before the calends of February; and soon after died King Bertric and Alderman Worr. Egbert (age 27) succeeded to the West-Saxon kingdom; and the same day Ethelmund, alderman of the Wiccians, rode over the Thames at Kempsford; where he was met by Alderman Woxtan, with the men of Wiltshire, and a terrible conflict ensued, in which both the commanders were slain, but the men of Wiltshire obtained the victory.
In 802 King Egbert of Wessex (age 29) succeeded King Wessex.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 813. This year Archbishop Wulfred returned to his own see, with the blessing of Pope Leo; and King Egbert (age 40) spread devastation in Cornwall from east to west.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 823. This year a battle was fought between the Welsh in Cornwall and the people of Devonshire, at Camelford, Cornwall; and in the course of the same year Egbert, king of the West-Saxons (age 50), and Bernwulf, King of Mercia, fought a battle at Wilton, in which Egbert (age 50) gained the victory, but there was great slaughter on both sides. Then sent he his son [his son] Ethelwulf into Kent, with a large detachment from the main body of the army, accompanied by his bishop, Elstan, and his alderman, Wulfherd; who drove Baldred, the king, northward over the Thames. Whereupon the men of Kent immediately submitted to him; as did also the inhabitants of Surrey, and Sussex, and Essex; who had been unlawfully kept from their allegiance by his relatives. The same year also, the king of the East-Angles, and his subjects besought King Egbert (age 50) to give them peace and protection against the terror of the Mercians; whose king, Bernwulf, they slew in the course of the same year.
In Sep 825 Beornwulf King Mercia defeated Ecgberht, King of Wessex (age 52), at the Battle of Ellendun replacing Mercian with Wessex dominance over the Saxon Heptarchy. Sir Frank Stenton described it as 'one of the most decisive battles of English history'. The location of the battle is not known although a number of locations have been suggested: Wroughton, Wiltshire, Lydiard Park Swindon, Wiltshire and Wilton, Wiltshire [Map].
In 825 King Sigered of Essex ceded the King Essex to King Egbert of Wessex (age 52).
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 827. This year was the moon eclipsed, on mid-winter's mass-night; and King Egbert (age 54), in the course of the same year, conquered the Mercian kingdom, and all that is south of the Humber, being the eighth king who was sovereign of all the British dominions. Ella, king of the South-Saxons, was the first who possessed so large a territory; the second was Ceawlin, king of the West-Saxons: the third was Ethelbert, King of Kent; the fourth was Redwald, king of the East-Angles; the fifth was Edwin, king of the Northumbrians; the sixth was Oswald, who succeeded him; the seventh was Oswy, the brother of Oswald; the eighth was Egbert, king of the West-Saxons (age 54). This same Egbert (age 54) led an army against the Northumbrians as far as Dore, where they met him, and offered terms of obedience and subjection, on the acceptance of which they returned home.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 830. In this year, Wilaf again took the kingdom of the Mercians, and Bishop Æthelwald passed away, and in the same year King Ecgbryht (age 57) led an army into North Wales, and he brought them to humble obedience.
Manuscript A. 828. Her eft Wilaf onfeng Miercna rices 7 Ęþelwald biscep forþferde 7 þy ilcan geare lędde Ecgbryht cyning fierd on Norþwalas 7 he hie to eaþmodre hersumnesse gedyde
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 836. In this year, King Ecgbryht (age 63) fought against thirty-five shiploads [of Danes] at Charmouth, and there a great slaughter took place, and the Danes held the battlefield; and Hereferth and Wigthegn, two bishops, passed away, and Dudda and Osmund, two aldermen, passed away.
Manuscript A. 833. Her gefeaht Ecgbryht cyning wiþ .xxxv. sciphlæsta æt Carrum 7 þær wearþ micel węl geslægen, 7 þa Denescan ahton węlstowe gewald; 7 Hereferþ 7 Wigþen tuegen biscepas forþferdon, 7 Dudda 7 Osmod tuegen aldormen forþferdon.
In or before 838 [his son] King Æthelwulf of Wessex and [his daughter-in-law] Osburgh Queen Consort Wessex were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Wessex. He the son of King Egbert of Wessex (age 64).
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 838. In this year, a great fleet came to West Wales, and they united together and fought against Ecgbryht (age 65), king of the West Saxons. When he heard of this, he marched with his army and fought against them at Hengestdun, and there he put to flight both the Welsh and the Danes.
Manuscript A. 835. Her cuom micel sciphere on Westwalas 7 hie to anum gecierdon, 7 wiþ Ecgbryht Westseaxna cyning winnende wæron. Þa he þæt hierde 7 mid fierde ferde 7 him wiþ feaht æt Hengestdune 7 þær gefliemde ge þa Walas ge þa Deniscan.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 839. In this year, King Ecgbryht (age 66) passed away, and previously, King Offa of Mercia and King Beorhtric of Wessex had exiled him for three years from the land of the English to the land of the Franks, before he became king. And Beorhtric supported Offa in this because he had Offa's daughter [Queen Eadburga of Wessex] as his queen. And Ecgbryht reigned for thirty-seven years and seven months, and [his son] Æthelwulf, son of Ecgbryht (age 66), succeeded to the kingdom of the West Saxons, and he gave his son [his grandson] Æthelstan the kingdom of the Kentish people, East Saxons, Surrey, and South Saxons.
Manuscript A. 836. Her Ecgbryht cyning forþferde, 7 hine hæfde ær Offa Miercna cyning 7 Beorhtric Wesseaxna cyning afliemed .iii. gear of Angelcynnes lande on Fronclond, ær he cyning wære, 7 þy fultomode Beorhtric Offan þy he hæfde his dohtor him to cuene; 7 se Ecgbyht ricsode .xxxvii. wintra, .vii. monaþ, 7 feng Ęþelwulf Ecgbrehting to Wesseaxna rice, 7 he salde his suna Ęþelstane Cantwara rice 7 Eastseaxna 7 Suþrigea 7 Suþseaxna.
In 839 King Egbert of Wessex (age 66) died. His son [his son] King Æthelwulf of Wessex succeeded King Wessex.
[his son] King Æthelwulf of Wessex was born to King Egbert of Wessex.
Kings Wessex: Great x 7 Grand Son of Ceawlin King Wessex
Great x 4 Grandfather: Ceolwald Wessex
Great x 3 Grandfather: Cenred Wessex
Great x 2 Grandfather: Ingild Wessex
Great x 1 Grandfather: Eoppa Wessex
GrandFather: Eafa Wessex
Father: Ealmund King of Kent