Biography of Osthryth Bernicia Queen Consort Mercia -697
Paternal Family Tree: Bernicia
In or before 630 [her father] King Oswiu of Northumbria (age 18) and Rhiainfellt Rheged Queen Consort Bernicia were married. He the son of [her grandfather] Æthelfrith King Northumbrians and [her grandmother] Acha Queen Consort Northumbria.
On 05 Aug 641 (or 642 or 644 depending on the source) King Penda of Mercia Mercian and Welsh army defeated the Northumbrian army at the Battle of Maserfield. The battle is believed to have taken place at Oswestry, Shropshire. Northumbria was once again separated into two kingdoms.
[her uncle] King Oswald of Northumberland (age 37) was killed. His body was subsequently dismembered with his head and arms mounted on poles. His brother [her father] King Oswiu of Northumbria (age 29) succeeded King Bernicia. Rhiainfellt Rheged Queen Consort Bernicia by marriage Queen Consort Bernicia.
Osric King Deira was killed. His son King Oswine of Deira succeeded King Deira.
Eowa King Mercia was killed (probably).
Around 645 [her father] King Oswiu of Northumbria (age 33) and [her mother] Eanflæd Queen Consort Bernicia (age 18) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Bernicia. She the daughter of [her grandfather] King Edwin of Northumbria and [her grandmother] Æthelburh Oiscingas Queen Consort Northumbria (age 40). He the son of [her grandfather] Æthelfrith King Northumbrians and [her grandmother] Acha Queen Consort Northumbria. They were half first cousins.
Before 15 Feb 670 [her father] King Oswiu of Northumbria (age 58) and Fín Cenél Neógain Queen Consort Bernicia were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Bernicia. He the son of [her grandfather] Æthelfrith King Northumbrians and [her grandmother] Acha Queen Consort Northumbria.
On 15 Feb 670 [her father] King Oswiu of Northumbria (age 58) died. He was buried at Whitby Abbey [Map] - see Bede. In 670 His son [her brother] King Ecgfrith of Northumbria (age 25) succeeded King Northumbria. Æthelthryth Wuffingas Queen Consort Deira and Northumbria (age 34) by marriage Queen Consort Northumbria.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 675. This year Wulfere (age 35), the son of Penda, and Escwin, the son of Cenfus, fought at Bedwin. The same year died Wulfere (age 35), and Ethelred succeeded to the government. In his time sent he to Rome Bishop Wilfrid to the pope that then was, called Agatho, and told him by word and by letter, how his brothers Peada and Wulfere (age 35), and the Abbot Saxulf, had wrought a minster, called Medhamsted; and that they had freed it, against king and against bishop, from every service; and he besought him that he would confirm it with his writ and with his blessing. And the pope sent then his writ to England, thus saying: "I Agatho, Pope of Rome, greet well the worthy Ethelred, king of the Mercians, and the Archbishop Theodorus of Canterbury (age 73), and Saxulf, the bishop of the Mercians, who before was abbot, and all the abbots that are in England; God's greeting and my blessing. I have heard the petition of King Ethelred, and of the Archbishop Theodorus (age 73), and of the Bishop Saxulf, and of the Abbot Cuthbald; and I will it, that it in all wise be as you have spoken it. And I ordain, in behalf of God, and of St. Peter, and of all saints, and of every hooded head, that neither king, nor bishop, nor earl, nor any man whatever, have any claim, or gable, or gild, or levy, or take any service of any kind, from the abbey of Medhamsted. I command also, that no shire-bishop be so bold as to hold an ordination or consecration within this abbacy, except the abbot intreat him, nor have there any claim to proxies, or synodals, or anything whatever of any kind. And I will, that the abbot be holden for legate of Rome over all that island; and whatever abbot is there chosen by the monks that he be consecrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury. I will and decree, that, whatever man may have made a vow to go to Rome, and cannot perform it, either from infirmity, or for his lord's need, or from poverty, or from any other necessity of any kind whatever, whereby he cannot come thither, be he of England, or of whatever other island he be, he may come to that minster of Medhamsted, and have the same forgiveness of Christ and St. Peter, and of the abbot, and of the monks, that he should have if he went to Rome. Now bid I thee, brother Theodorus (age 73), that thou let it be proclaimed through all England, that a synod be gathered, and this writ be read and observed. Also I tell thee, Bishop Saxulf, that, as thou desirest it, that the minster be free, so I forbid thee, and all the bishops that after thee come, from Christ and from all his saints, that ye have no demand from that minster, except so much as the abbot will. Now will I say in a word, that, whoso holdeth this writ and this decree, then be he ever dwelling with God Almighty in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso breaketh it, then be he excommunicated, and thrust down with Judas, and with all the devils in hell, except he come to repentance. Amen!" This writ sent the Pope Agatho, and a hundred and twenty-five bishops, by Wilfrid, Archbishop of York, to England. This was done after our Lord's Nativity 680, the sixth year of King Ethelred. Then the king commanded the Archbishop Theodorus (age 73), that he should appoint a general Wittenmoot at the place called Hatfield. When they were there collected, then he allowed the letter to be read that the pope sent thither; and all ratified and confirmed it. Then said the king: "All things that my brother Peada, and my brother Wulfere (age 35), and my sisters, Kyneburga and Kyneswitha, gave and granted to St. Peter and the abbot, these I will may stand; and I will in my day increase it, for their souls and for my soul. Now give I St. Peter to-day into his minster, Medhamsted, these lands, and all that thereto lyeth; that is, Bredon, Repings, Cadney, Swineshead, Hanbury, Lodeshall, Scuffanhall, Cosford, Stratford, Wattleburn, Lushgard, Ethelhun-island, Bardney [Map]. These lands I give St. Peter just as freely as I possessed them myself; and so, that none of my successors take anything therefrom. Whoso doeth it, have he the curse of the Pope of Rome, and the curse of all bishops, and of all those that are witnesses here. And this I confirm with the token of Christ." (+) "I Theodorus (age 73), Archbishop of Canterbury, am witness to this charter of Medhamsted; and I ratify it with my hand, and I excommunicate all that break anything thereof; and I bless all that hold it." (+) "I Wilfrid, Archbishop of York, am witness to this charter; and I ratify this same curse." (+) "I Saxulf, who was first abbot, and now am bishop, I give my curse, and that of all my successors, to those who break this."-"I Ostritha, Ethelred's queen, confirm it."-"I Adrian, legate, ratify it."-"I Putta, Bishop of Rochester, subscribe it."-"I Waldhere, Bishop of London, confirm it."-"I Cuthbald, abbot, ratify it; so that, whoso breaketh it, have he the cursing of all bishops and of all christian folk. Amen."
In 675 King Æthelred of Mercia succeeded King Mercia. Osthryth Bernicia Queen Consort Mercia by marriage Queen Consort Mercia.
After 685 [her mother] Eanflæd Queen Consort Bernicia (age 58) died. She was buried at Whitby Abbey [Map] - see Bede.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 697. This year the Southumbrians slew Ostritha, the queen of Ethelred, the sister of [her brother] Everth.
Around 697 Osthryth Bernicia Queen Consort Mercia was killed by Mercian nobles. She was buried at Bardney Abbey [Map].
In the ninth year of the reign of [her brother] King Egfrid, a great battle was fought between him and Ethelred, king of the Mercians, near the river Trent, and [her half-brother] Elfwin, brother to King Egfrid, was slain, a youth about eighteen years of age, and much beloved by both provinces, for King Ethelred had married his sister Osthrid. There was now reason to expect a more bloody war, and more lasting enmity between those kings and their fierce nations; but Theodore, the bishop beloved of God, relying on the Divine assistance, by his wholesome admonitions extinguished the dangerous fire that was breaking out; so that the kings and their people on both sides being appeased, no man was put to death, but only the usual mulct paid to the king for his brother that had been killed; and this peace continued long after between those kings and their kingdoms.
[her son] King Oshere of Hwicce was born to King Eanhere of Hwicce and Osthryth Bernicia Queen Consort Mercia.
[her son] King Osric of Hwicce was born to King Eanhere of Hwicce and Osthryth Bernicia Queen Consort Mercia.
King Eanhere of Hwicce and Osthryth Bernicia Queen Consort Mercia were married. The only marriage recorded for Osthryth is that to Æthelred of Mercia, but an earlier marriage to Eanhere would explain why Osric and his brother Oswald are described as Æthelred's nepotes - usually translated as nephews or grandsons, but here probably meaning stepsons. She the daughter of King Oswiu of Northumbria and Eanflæd Queen Consort Bernicia.
King Æthelred of Mercia and Osthryth Bernicia Queen Consort Mercia were married. She the daughter of King Oswiu of Northumbria and Eanflæd Queen Consort Bernicia. He the son of King Penda of Mercia.
Osthryth Bernicia Queen Consort Mercia was born to King Oswiu of Northumbria and Eanflæd Queen Consort Bernicia. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.
Kings Bernicia: Great Grand Daughter of Æthelric King Bernicia
Kings Deira: Great Grand Daughter of Aella King Deira
Great x 3 Grandfather: Eoppa Bernicia
Great x 2 Grandfather: Ida King Bernicia
Great x 1 Grandfather: Æthelric King Bernicia
GrandFather: Æthelfrith King Northumbrians
Father: King Oswiu of Northumbria
Great x 2 Grandfather: Yffe Deira
Great x 1 Grandfather: Aella King Deira
GrandMother: Acha Queen Consort Northumbria
Osthryth Bernicia Queen Consort Mercia
Great x 2 Grandfather: Yffe Deira
Great x 1 Grandfather: Aella King Deira
GrandFather: King Edwin of Northumbria
Mother: Eanflæd Queen Consort Bernicia
Great x 3 Grandfather: Octa King of Kent
Great x 2 Grandfather: Eormenric King of Kent
Great x 1 Grandfather: King Æthelberht of Kent
GrandMother: Æthelburh Oiscingas Queen Consort Northumbria
Great x 3 Grandfather: Clothar "The Old" I King Paris Merovingian King Franks
Great x 2 Grandfather: Charibert King Paris Merovingian
Great x 1 Grandmother: Bertha Merovingian Queen Consort Kent
Great x 2 Grandmother: Ingoberga Unknown Queen Consort Paris