Roman Books, Amores by Ovid

Amores by Ovid is in Ovid.

16BC. Amores is Ovid's first completed book of poetry, written in elegiac couplets. It was first published in 16 BC in five books, but Ovid, by his own account, later edited it down into the three-book edition that survives today.

Roman Books, Amores by Ovid, Amores Book 1

Roman Books, Amores by Ovid, Amores Book 1: Epigramma Ipsius

Omnia conductor solvit; mercede soluta

Non manet officio debitor ille tuo.

Parcite, formosae, pretium pro nocte pacisci;

Non habet eventus sordida praeda bonos.

The hired one pays for everything; with the reward paid,

He does not remain in debt to your duty.

Spare, beautiful ones, to bargain a price for the night;

A dirty booty does not bring good outcomes.