Early Medieval Books, Annals of Clonmacnoise

Annals of Clonmacnoise is in Early Medieval Books.

Battle of Brunanburh

937. 931. — The Danes of Loghrie, arrived at Dublin. Awley with all the Danes of Dublin and north part of Ireland departed and went over seas. The Danes that departed from Dublin arrived in England, & by the help of the Danes of that kingdom, they gave battle to the Saxons on the plaines of othlyn, where there was a great slaughter of Normans and Danes, among which these ensueing captaines were slaine, vizt. Sithfrey and Oisle ye 2 sones of Sithrick, Galey, Awley ffroit, and Moylemorrey the sonn of Cosse Warce, Moyle Isa, Gebeachan king of the Islands, Ceallagh prince of Scottland with 30000 together with 800 captives about Awley mcGodfrey, and abbot of Arick mcBrith, Iloa Deck, Imar, the king of Denmarks owen son with 4000 souldiers in his guard were all slaine. Conyng mrNealle Glunduffe Died.

27 Oct 939 933. — Adulston king of England (age 45) Dyed. The sunn for one day apeared like blood untill noone the next day. Aileagh was taken by the Danes on Mourtaugh mcNeale and himselfe taken therein untill he made a good escape from them as it was God's will. Ccallachan of Cashell with his Mounstermen and Danes harryed and spoyled all Meath to Clonard. Congalagh nrMoylemihie gave an overthrow to that part of Leinstermen called Gallenges1, where 80 persons were slaine. King Donnogh o'Melaghlyn and Mourtaugh m'Neale went over all Minister and Leinster and took their hostages. Harald o'Hymer king of the Danes of Lymbrick was killed in Connaught at Ratheyney2. Neale mcFerall prince of Aileagh was killed by Mortaugh m'Neale. fflann, daughter of king Donnogh, queen of Aileagh, died. Moylemartan o'Skellan Lector of Leithlynn3, died. Ceallaghan of Cashell made a great slaughter on those of Ossorie. Awley Cwaran came to Yorck, and Blackare mcGodfrey arrived in Dublin to govern the Danes.

Note 1. Gallenges.— There were several districts of Leinster so called. In the Annals of Ulster the names of Gailenga mor and Gailenga beg are given, i.e. Morgallion in Meath, and the district immediately north of Dublin.

Note 2. Ratheyney.— Not identified.

Note 3. Leithlynn. — Now Old Leigh-lin, Co. Carlow.