Books, Prehistory, Archaeologia Volume 21 Section III Chapter IV
Archaeologia Volume 21 Section III Chapter IV is in Archaeologia Volume 21.
How the Bastard of Fauconberghe, and his adherents, assaulted the City of London, to which they set fire in divers places. How those within the City sallied out upon a part, and put the remainder to flight.
Then the Bastard of Fauconberghe and his adherents, on the 13th and 14th days of the said month of June, assaulted most furiously the Citv of London, with cannon and arrows, and set fire to several houses on London Bridge, and to two other posts. The Earl of Exeter, and other servants of the king, seeing this, and aided by the citizens, sallied forth upon the rebels on the said 14-th day, and forced them to abandon their enterprize by putting them to flight, and beating down more than 2000, of which the greater number were slaughtered or made prisoners. Hereupon the remainder of the rebels, on the 16th, 17th, and 18th of the said month, retreated to a hill four miles distant from the city, and there continued in great force during three or four days; but when they were informed of the king’s approach, they broke up and retreated further towards the sea.
The king, continuing his march, arrived in his City of London on the 21st of May, accompanied by many great nobles, and the prime gentry of the kingdom, with other warlike personages, to the number of 30,000 horsemen. It is to be observed here, that during the period which elapsed between the battle fought at Tewksbury, and the king’s arrival in London, Margaret, the pretended queen, with divers captains of the party of her son Edward, were made prisoners and placed in safe custody, in which they remained.
All these events having come to the knowledge of Henry, lately stiled king, but then a prisoner in the Tower of London, he took them so much to heart, that through displeasure and melancholy, he departed this life on the 24th of the said month of June.
The king having quitted London, marched with all his forces in pursuit of the rebels, who had broken up, and dispersed themselves in various parts, as well in Kent as in other counties; all excepting the Bastard of Fauconberghe, who keeping together a large body of mariners, had entered Sandwich, and had possessed himself of the command of the town, and of forty-seven ships; but no sooner were they informed of the king’s approach, than they went forth to meet him, hoping to be received into favour, and admitted into his service; which request being granted, the town and vessels were forthwith yielded up to the king on the 26th of the said month. Thus then may be now seen, how, with the aid of God and our Lady, Saint George, and all the Saints, the final expedition and proper recovery of the just title and right of our Sovereign Lord the King, Edward the Fourth, to his kingdom of England, is at length completed and terminated, within the space of eleven weeks; during which period, through the grace of God, he has by his great good sense and excellent policy, undergone and escaped many eminent perils, dangers, and difficulties; and by his noble and valorous conduct, has won two great battles, and dispersed divers great assemblages of rebels in various parts of his kingdom; great numbers of whom, although as powerful and as wickedly disposed as possibly could be, were withal so terrified and overpowered by his chivalrous courage, that they were put into utter confusion. It clearly appears then, and is as firmly believed, that with the assistance of the Almighty (which has never been wanting to him from the very commencement to the present hour), our sovereign lord will, in a very short space of time, pacify the whole of his kingdom, so that peace and prosperity will increase from day to day, to the great honour and praise of God, to his own singular and famous renown, to the signal joy and consolation of his people, his friends, and valiant allies, and to the confusion of his enemies, and all evil-minded men.
Here follow the Names of those who were killed at the last Battle which took place at Tewksbury, the 4th of May 1471.
Edward, called Prince of Wales,
Sir John of Somerset,
The Lord of Weneloch,
Sir Edmund Hampden,
Sir John Wellenor,
Sir William Roos,
Sir John Delues,
Sir William de Vauby,
Sir William Fildind,
Sir Robert Wininguem,
Sir Nycolas Herby, and several others, making a thousand.
Here follow the Names of those who were beheaded. First
The Duke of Somerset,
Sir William Votary,
The Prior of St. John, called Sir John Longhenstod,
Sir Gervase Clifton,
John Delues,
Walter Courtnay,
Loys Mills,
John Flory,
Robert Jackson,
John Sowen,
Sir Thomas Tresham,
Sir William Webingh,
Sir Hunerefry,
William Grynnsby, judged to death, and pardoned.
Here follows the Copy of the Letter sent by King Edward to the Nobles and Burgo Masters, Sheriff's, and Council of Bruges.
Edward, by the grace of God, King of England, and of France, and Lord of Ireland, to our very dear and special friends, the Nobles, Men, Escouttelles, Burgo Master, Sheriffs, and Council, of the Town of Bruges, and to each of them, health and happiness.
Very dear and special friends. We thank you as much and as cordially as we can, for the good cheer and great curtesy, which from your benevolent affection it did please you to bestow on us, and demonstrate so graciously and profusely for the good and consolation of us and our people, during the time that we were in the said town; that we consider ourselves greatly beholden to you, and that you shall know in effect how dearly we prize it, as we never can do sufficient for you and for the said town; signifying to you, that it has pleased our blessed Creator, by his grace, to give us, since we left the said town and arrived in this our kingdom, such good and prosperous fortune, that we have obtained the victory over all our enemies and rebels, so that thereby we have peaceably retaken possession of our said kingdom, crown, and regalia, and are very duly obeyed, as by the bearer of these presents you can be more fully informed. For which we return and give very particular thanks and acknowledgment to our Creator, who, very dear and special friends, we pray may always have you in his holy keeping.
Given under our seal, in our City of Canterbury, the 29th day of May.
(Signed) Edward.