Books, Prehistory, Archaeologia Volume 3 Section V

Archaeologia Volume 3 Section V is in Archaeologia Volume 3.

Extract from the Will of Thomas Earl of Ormond, dated July 31, 1515. From the Register called Holder in the Prerogative Office. Communicated by Thomas Astle, Esquire. Read at the Society of Antiquaries, Jan. 16, 1772.

31 Jul 1515. I, Thomas Butler (age 89) knt. erle of Ormonda, do make this my last will and testament, &c.

Item I give and devise to my dar dame Anne St. Leger (age 60) — to my dar dame Marg’t. Bolin (age 61), late the wife of Sir Wm. Bolin knt. my manor of Newhall in Essex

Item when my lorde my father, whose soul God affoile [?], left and delivered unto me a lytle whyte horne of ivory, garnished at both thendes with gold, and corse thereunto of whyte sylke, barred with barres of gold, and a tyret of golde thereupon, which was myn auncetours at fyrst time they were called to honourb, and hath sythen contynually remained in the same blode, for wych cause my seid lord and father commanded me upon his blessing, that I shuld doo my devoir to cause it to contynue still in my blode as far furth as that myght lye in me soo to be doone to the honor of the same blode. Therefore for the accomplishiment of my seid father’s will, as farr as it is in me to execute the same, I will that my executors delyver unto Sir Tho. Boleyn (age 38) knt. son and heir apparent of my said dar Margaret (age 61), the said lytle white horn and corse, he to keep the same to the use of the issuee male of his body lawfully begotten. And for lack of such issue the said horne to remayne and be delyvered to Sir George Seyntleger (age 31) knt. son of my said dar Anne, and to the issue male which successively shall come of the body of the said George. And so to contynue in the issue male of the bodies of the same dame Margaret and dame Anne, as long as shall fortune any such issue male of their bodies to be. And alls for default of issue male of the body of any of my said daughters, the said horn to remaine, and to be delivered to the next issue male of my said auncetors, so that it may contynew styl in my blode hereafter as long as it shall please God, lyke as it hath doone hytherto to the honor of the same blode.

Note a. He was the 7th Ead of Ormond, and 3d son of James the 4th Earl. He was attainted by E. IV, but restored by H. VII. sworn of the privy-counci, and summoned as a baron to the English parliament by the title of Thomas Ormond de Rochford. He died 1515, and was buried in the church of Sir Thomas D'Acres, now Mercers Chapel, London. His two daughters married as above, Sir James St. Leger, ancestor to the family of Eggesford, in Devonshire, and Sir William Bullen, Knight of the Bath, and father of Tho. Viscount Rochford (age 38), [who was the father of] Queen Anne (age 14), and Mary (age 16) wife of Wm. Carey (age 15), ancestor to the Lord Hunsdon.

Note b. Q. Whether, on Henry II's appointing Theobald, the first of this family, butler of Ireland, 1177, or on the creation of the first Earl of Ormond, by E. I, when the county of Tipperary was made palatine.