Books, Prehistory, Archaeologia Volume 7 Section XX
Archaeologia Volume 7 Section XX is in Archaeologia Volume 7.
Remarks on the preceding Article. By Mr. Bray. In a letter to the Secretary. Read December 18, 1783.
I am very glad to find that the ingenious major Rooke (age 61) has furnished the Society with drawings of that curious remain of very early fortification, the Caers-work [Map] (or, as the name was given me, the Carles-work) near Hathersage in Derbyshire. It was fisft noticed in print (I believe) in the tour into that country which I ventured to lay before the public this year, but is much better illustrated by the major. If it will not be improper to offer the Society two drawings in addition to those which Mr. Rooke (age 61) has sent, I will beg you to present them.
The number of curiosities of the highest antiquity which that county affords, well deserves attention, and (I speak experimentally) the traveller who shall go in search of them will no where find a greater variety of scenery, than is there presented in succession to his eye. The antiquary will, however, have to lament that while turnpike roads facilitate his visit, the barbarity of turnpike surveyors will destroy the objects of his search; barrows, druidical temples, rocking stones, and whatever comes in their way, fall a prey to their sacrilegious hands. It has been the case with one rocking stone near this Work, which was too near the road to escape; — nimium vicina Cremona! [Note. A quote from Virgil's Eclogues "Cremona is too close"]
Adjoining to Hathersage church yard is a small circular fortification; perhaps that of the enemy which might cause the rude one on the Moor. I am, &c.
William Bray.