Late Medieval Books, Chronicle of Charles VII of France Volume 1

Chronicle of Charles VII of France Volume 1 is in Chronicle of Charles VII of France.

1422 Death of Henry V

1424 Battle of Verneuil

Late Medieval Books, Chronicle of Charles VII of France Volume 1 Chapter 1

31 Aug 1422. On the death of King Henry of England.

De la mort du roi Henry d'Angleterre.

Note 1. The subject of this chapter can be found, though much abridged, in the following French chronicle, chapter 1. See also Religieux de Saint-Denis, book 43, chapters 2 and 3. [See Chronique du Religieux de St Denis Book 43 Chapter 2 and Chronique du Religieux de St Denis Book 43 Chapter 3].

La matière de ce chapitre se retrouve, mais très-abrégée, dans la chronique françoise ci-après, chapitre 1. Voyez aussi Religieux de Saint-Denis, livre XLIII, chapitres 2 et 3.

To begin these explanations, I must first speak of King Henry1 of England, in order to highlight more vividly the enormities of those who governed the Kingdom of France at that time. King Charles2 was the very epitome of goodness; however, the King of England died before him. Nothing in history should be common between two such dissimilar princes. Certain reasons, however, lead me to think it appropriate to start my account with this character. Thus, on the last day of August in the year of the Incarnation 1422, King Henry of England was at the Bois de Vincennes. Lying on his deathbed, he was paying tribute to the glorious confessor Saint Fiacre3, as it was said, and was suffering his final martyrdom. This king had previously married Catherine, the daughter of France. It had been agreed by treaty, between him and King Charles VI, with the consent of Duke Philip of Burgundy, that no one other than Henry would succeed to the crown and the fleur-de-lis diadem after King Charles. Furthermore, the children born of Henry and Catherine would inherit the kingdom perpetually, as his own inheritance.

Pour commencer ces explications, je dois d'abord parler du roi Henryd'Angleterre, afin de signaler d'une manière plus éclatante les énormités de ceux qui gouvernoient le royaume de France à cette époque. Le roi Charles étoit la bonté même, cependant le roi d'Angleterre mourut avant lui. Rien dans l'histoire ne devroit être commun à deux princes si dissemblables. Certaines causes, toutefois, me font juger à propos de commencer par ce personnage le cours de mon récit Donc, le dernier jour du mois d'août, l'an de l'Incarnation 1422, ce roi Henry d'Angleterre étoit au bois de Vincennes. Couché sur son lit de douleur, il payoit le tribut au glorieux confesseur saint Fiacre3, comme on disoit, et souffroit le dernier martyre. Ce roi avoit précédemment épousé Catherine fille de France. Entre lui et le roi Charles VI, du consentement du duc Philippe de Bourgogne, il avoit été convenu par traité que nul autre que lui Henry ne parviendroit après le roi Charles à la couronne ainsi qu'au diadème fleurdelisés, et que les enfans issus de lui et de Catherine conserveroient le royaume à perpétuité, comme son propre héritage.

Note 1. Henri V de Lancastre.

Note 2. Charles VI.

Note 3. The illness to which Henry V succumbed, known as the 'malady of Saint-Fiacre,' appears to have been an anal fistula.

La maladie à laquelle succomba Henri V, et qui s'appeloit le mal de Saint-Fiacre, paroît avoir été une fistule de l'anus.

During his lifetime, he was a cruel and very harsh judge, greatly obeyed by his subjects, a cunning conqueror and skilled in arms, and adorned with various honourable qualities and virtues. After his death (while King Charles, still ill, was still alive), Henry's bones were separated from his flesh to be eventually buried in England. The flesh, first separated from the bones by boiling, was buried and given to the worms. The bones, placed with spices in a lead coffin, were honourably taken to Saint-Denis. The Duke of Bedford, who was the eldest of his brothers, along with various lords or executors of his will, led the funeral procession dressed in black. They arrived at Saint-Denis in the evening, illuminated by about two hundred torches and fifty candles. The entire convent came out to meet him as far as the field of Lendit.

C'étoit, de son vivant, un cruel et très-dur justicier, fort obéi de ses sujets, subtil conquérant et habile aux armes, orné d'ailleurs de diverses qualités honourables et de vertus. Après sa mort (le roi Charles, malade, vivoit encore), les os de Henry furent séparés de sa chair, pour être finalement ensevelis en Angleterre. La chair, préalablement séparée des os par la coction, fut inhumée et donnée en pâture aux vers. Les os, placés avec des aromates dans un cercueil de plomb, furent portés honourablement à SaintDenis. Le duc de Bedfort, qui étoit l'aîné de ses frères, accompagné de divers seigneurs ou exécuteurs testamentaires, conduisoient le char funèbre, vêtus de noir. Ils arrivèrent à SaintDenis le soir, à la lueur de deux cents torches et de cinquante cierges environ. Tout le couvent voulut bien se porter à sa rencontre jusqu'au champ du Lendit.

A miraculous event that astonished the witnesses was that a lamp placed inside the very carriage, at the interior and rear part of the vehicle, maintained its light brightly and did not extinguish throughout the entire journey. The remains were finally placed in the middle of the choir, where they rested for the night. Some monks accompanied them, praying silently for the soul of the deceased. The following day, the mass was said by the Bishop of Paris, with the permission of Lord the Abbot of Saint-Denis, and the funeral service was performed.

Un fait merveilleux et qui frappa les témoins d'étonnement, c'est qu'une lampe placée dans le char même, à la partie intérieure et postérieure de cette voiture, conserva sa lumière toute vive, et ne s'éteignit point durant tout le trajet. Ces dépouilles enfin furent placées dans le milieu du chœur, où elle reposèrent la nuit. Quelques religieux les accompagnèrent, priant en silence pour l'âme du défunt. Le lendemain, la messe fut dite par l'évêque de Paris, avec l'autorisation de Monseigneur l'abbé de Saint-Denis, et le service des morts accompli.

The executors of the will, following the words of Saint Luke, 'The laborer is worthy of his hire,' gave to the church, in recognition of the efforts and labors of the monks, choir vestments with a fabric adorned with golden red roses, along with two altar cloths of marvelous and rich craftsmanship, to adorn the high altar for grand solemnities. They also donated to the church a silver cross weighing around eighty marks, and finally, one hundred gold crowns for the charity of the abbey, which were given to the monk in charge of this work, to be distributed by him.

Les exécuteurs testamentaires, suivant la parole de saint Luc, "Tout ouvrier mérite son salaire", donnèrent à l'église, pour les peine et labeur des religieux, les habits de chœur, dont le tissu est à roses rouges dorées, avec deux draps d'autel, d'un travail merveilleux et riche, pour garnir le maître-autel aux grandes solennités1. Ils donnèrent aussi à l'église une croix d'argent, du poids de quatre-vingts marcs ou environ, comme enfm cent écus d'or pour les charités2 de l'abbaye, qui furent remis au religieux préposé à cette œuvre, afin d'être distribués par lui.

Note 1. The convent of Saint-Denis, by letters from the abbot dated November 29, 1426, included John, Duke of Bedford, in its prayers due to this prince's devotion to Saint Denis the Areopagite, and in recognition of 'several very rich copes, chasubles, and ornaments' donated by him to the church (Inventory of the Abbey's Records at the General Archives, LL 1192, volume 4, page 630). The text can be found in Doublet's Histoire de Saint Denis, 1625, in-4°, pages 1076-7.

Le couvent de Saint-Denis, par lettres de l'abbé en date du 29 novembre 1426, associa à ses prières Jean, duc de Bedford, à cause de la dévotion de ce prince envers saint Denis l'aréopagite, et en reconnoissance de "plusieurs chapes, chasubles et ornemens très-riches", donnés par lui à cette église (Inventaire des titres de l'abbaye à la direction générale des archives LL 1192, tome 4, page 630). Le texte est dans Doublet, Histoire de saint Denis, 1625, in-4°, pages 1076-7.

Note 2. A pious work, especially enriched by the generosity of Charles V. The office of the Master of Charities was one of the monastic offices.

Œuvre pie, enrichie surtout des libéralités de Charles V. L'office du maître des charités étoit un des offices claustraux.

Shortly thereafter, the remains of King Henry were transported to Westminster, where they arrived following a successful voyage and were buried with great honour in that abbey. There was a child named Henry, born in England of this same king and his illustrious wife Catherine. This child was two years old at the time of his father's death and was under the guardianship of his uncle, the Duke of Bedford. At that time, as the Kingdom of France was subject to the obedience of the Anglo-French factions or party, it was the Duke of Bedford who was the chief governor and who alone stood out before all others.

Peu de temps après, les ossemens du roi Henry furent portés à Westminster, où ils arrivèrent à la suite d'une heureuse traversée, et furent, à grand honneur, ensépuliurés dans cette abbaye. Or il y avoitun enfant, nommé Henry, né en Angleterre de ce même roi, et de son illustre épouse Catherine. Cet enfant avoit deux ans à l'époque où mourut son père, et se gouvernoit sous la tutelle de son oncle, duc de Bedford. En tant que le royaume de France étoit alors soumis à l'obéissance des sectes ou du parti anglois, c'étoit ce duc de Bedfort qui étoit le gouverneur général, et qui seul paroissoit en avant de tous autres.

Late Medieval Books, Chronicle of Charles VII of France Volume 1 Chapter 12

La bataille de Vernoil.

In that season, the Earl of Douglas descended into the kingdom of France at La Rochelle to come to the aid of the King of France and his kingdom. He was received by the said king very grandly and honourably, and the said king gave him the Duchy of Touraine. The said Earl Douglas had in his company, as it was said, between four to five thousand combatants. And a little while later, the Duke of Bedford, who called himself the regent of the kingdom of France, laid siege to a castle in Normandy called Ivry. He was there for three to four months, and an agreement was made between the said duke and the captain of the said place of Ivry, who was a Gascon named Girault de la Paillière, namely, that the said Girault would surrender the castle along with the town within a certain day and term, in case he was not relieved by the King of France.

En celle saison dessendi en royaulme de France le conte Duglas à la Roche (la Rochelle), pour venir secourir le roy de France et son dit royaulme, lequel fut reçeu par le dit roy moult grandement et honnourablement, et luy donna, le dit roy, la duché de Thouraine, et avoit bien en sa compaignie le dit conte Duglaz, ainssy que on disoit, de quatre à cinq mille combatans. Et advint ung peu de temps après que le duc de Bethefort, lequel se nommoit régent du royaulme de France, mist le siège devant ung chastel en Normendie nommé Yvry, et là fut devant de trois à quatre moys, et fut prins appoinctement entre le dit duc et le dit cappitaine du dit lieu d'Yvry, lequel estoit gascon, nommé Girault de la Paillière, c'est assavoir, que icelluy Girault luy rendroit icelluy chasteau avec la ville dedens certain jour et terme, ou cas que du roy de France ne seroit secouru.

Girault de la Paillière made the King of France aware of this agreement and arrangement, requesting that he please send help, or else he would be forced to hand over and deliver to the said Duke of Bedford the aforementioned castle and town of Ivry. Upon learning this, the King of France ordered and decided with his council to send to aid the said town and castle of Ivry the Duke of Alençon, the Earl Douglas, the Count of Beauchamp, the Constable of France, the Earl of Aumale, the Viscount of Narbonne, and several others. They set out with a very large host from the city of Tours and took their way towards the said town and castle of Ivry, and came to lodge before Chartres, which was and held with the English party, and from there came to lodge in a village near Dreux, named Mannacourt, and there they received certain news that the said castle and town of Ivry had been surrendered and delivered to the said Duke of Bedford. From there, the said Duke of Alençon, the Earl Douglas, and others were advised to move towards the town of Verneuil, which was lacking in troops. And as soon as they arrived before it, the said town came under the obedience of the said Duke of Alençon, to whom it rightfully belonged by heritage, except for the tower, which soon after surrendered by agreement, and the English were sent away, they and their belongings, and the entire place remained entirely in the hands of the said Duke of Alençon.

Lequel Girault de la Paillière fit savoir au roy de France icelle composicion et appoinctement, en luy requérant que il luy pleust donner secours, ou autrement il estoit contrainct de bailler et livrer au dit duc de Bethefort iceulx chasteau et ville d'Yvry. Et ce venu à la congnoessance du roy de France, ordonna et délibéra par son conseil de envoyer pour secourir iceulx ville et chasteau d'Yvry le duc d'Alençon, le conte Duglaz, le conte de Beaucamp', connestable de France, le comte d'Aumarle, le viconte de Narbonne et plussieurs autres. Lesquelz à bien grant ost se partirent de la ville de Tours et prindrent leur chemin vers les dits ville et chasteau d'Yvrj et vindrent logier devant Chartres, qui estoit et tenoit le party des Angloiz, et de là vindrent logier en ung village près de Dreux, nommé Mannacourt^, et là sçeurent certaines nouvelles, que le dit chasteau et ville d'Yvry estoient rendus et livrez au dit duc de Bethefort. Et de là furent conseillez les ditz ducz d'Alençon, le conte Duglaz et autres, de tirer vers la ville de Vernoil, laquelle estoit desgarnie de gens. Et tantost qu'ilz furent devant, la dite ville se mist en l'obéissance du dit duc d'Alençon, auquel elle estoit par droit de heritaige, sauve la tour, qui tantost après se rendit par composicion, et en furent envoyez les Angloiz, eux et leurs biens, et demeura touteicelle entièrement en la main du dit duc d'Alençon.

A council was held to determine what needed to be done next. Several opinions favored placing a large garrison in the said town of Verneuil against the English, and that the said Dukes of Alençon, Earl Douglas, and others, with the army, should attempt to recover some fortresses held by the English, which were lacking in troops. And since the said town and castle of Ivry had been surrendered, it was not deemed necessary to fight at that time nor to give battle, which was the opinion of the Earl of Aumale, the Viscount of Narbonne, and the majority of the knights and squires who were knowledgeable about such matters. The opinion of the Earl Douglas, the Count of Bouhain, Constable of France, and other Scots was entirely the opposite. And as they were discussing and deliberating what needed to be done, news came that the said Duke of Bedford was lodged three or four leagues from the said place of Verneuil and that he was coming to fight, and then no further council was held, and by the desire and will of those Scots and several others, the battle was decided upon.

Et fut tenu conseil pour savoir que on avoit affaire au surplus. Et furent plussieurs d'oppinion qu'on mist grosse garnison en la dite ville de Vernoil contre les Angloiz, et que les ditz ducz d'Alençon, conte Duglaz et autres, avec l'armée, allassent essayer à recouvrer aucunes forteresses que tenoient les Angloiz, lesquelles estoient despourveues de gens, et que, veu que ladite ville et chasteau d'Yvry estoient renduz, il n'estoit point de nécessité de combatre pour icelle heure ne de donner bataille, qui estoit l'oppinion du conte d'Aumarle, du viconte de Narbonne et de la plus grant partie des chevalliers et escuiers qui savoient parler de telz matières. Et l'oppinion du conte Duglatz, du conte de Bouhain, connestable de France, et autres escoz, estoit tout au contraiie. Et en disant et parlant corn avoit affaire, vint nouvelles que le dit duc de Bethefort estoit logié à trois ou quatre lieues du dit lieu de Vernoil et que il venoit pour combatre, et adonc ne fut plus sur ce tenu conseil, et à l'appétit et volonté d'iceulx escotz et de plussieurs fut conclud la bataille.

17 Aug 1424. And on a Thursday morning, after mid-August, the said Duke of Alençon, Earl Douglas, and others previously named took to the fields, arranged themselves in formation and battle quite close to the town of Verneuil, and positioned cavalry on both sides of their lines. Soon after, the Duke of Bedford (age 35), the Earl of Salisbury, and the Earl of Suffolk, with a very large army, dismounted and formed up in battle before the said Duke of Alençon and other French forces, and the said two armies marched against each other; and when they were within archers' range of each other, the cavalry charged at the English, who were positioned on either side, as it was said, with four to five hundred lances of Lombards, who struck more at the baggage and wagons than at the archers, which was their principal target; and the other company on the other side, who were about two hundred lances, charged directly at the archers on their side, who were numbered at three thousand, along with two hundred lances, all of whom were routed by the said cavalry; and the cavalry believed that the entire battle was won for the French, because they had performed well and executed what they were charged with.

Et ung jeusdi matin, après la my aoust, se mirent aux champs, les ditz duc d'Alençon et conte Duglatz et autres dessus nommez, et se mirent en ordonnance et en bataille assés près de la ville de Vernoil, et ordonnèrent gens à cheval aux deux costés de leurs batailles, et tantost après vint le duc de Bethefort, le conte de Sallebry, le conte de Suffort, à bien grant armée dessendre à pié, et se mirent en bataille devant icelluy duc d'Alençon et autres François, et marchèrent les dites aeux batailles les unes contre les autres; et quant ilz furent aprouchez du trait des archers les ungz des autres, les gens à cheval pour ferir sur les Angloiz, lesquelz estoient d'un costé et d'autre, ainssy c'om disoit, de quatre à cinq cens lances de Lombars, lesquelz férirent plus sur le baigaige et charroy qu'ilz ne firent sur les archers, qui estoit leur principalle charge; et l'autre compaignie de l'autre costé, qui estoient environ deux cens lances, férirent tout droit sur les archiers de leur costé, lesquelz archiers l'on nombroit à trois mille, avec deux cens lances, lesquelz furent tous desconfilz par iceulx gens à cheval; et cuidoient iceulx gens à cheval que toute la bataille fust gaignié pour les François, pour ce qu'ilz avoient bien fait et exécuté ce dont ilz avoient la charge.

And finally, the said Duke of Bedford and other English won the battle, and killed were Earl Douglas and James his son; the Count of Bouhain, Constable of France; the Earl of Aumale, the Viscount of Narbonne, the Count of Ventadour, the Lord of Graville, the Lord of Beausault, Charles Lebrun, Sir Guillaume de la Palu, and several others, up to the number of three to four thousand men. And captured were the Duke of Alençon, the bastard of Alençon, the Lord of Fayette, Marshal of France, and several others. And the next day, the town of Verneuil was surrendered, in which several French had retreated, all of whom then left with their belongings.

Et finablement, ledit duc de Bethefort et autres Angloiz gaignèrent la bataille, et ilz furent mors le conte Duglas et James son filz; le conte de Bouhain, connestable de France; le conte d'Aumarle, le viconte de Narbonne, le conte de Ventadour, le sire de Graville, le Beausault, Charles Lebrun, Messire Guillaume de la Palu et plussieurs autres, jucques au nombre de trois à quatre mille hommes. Et y furent prins le duc d'Alençon, le bastard d'Alençon, le sire de Fayette, mareschal de France, et plussieurs autres. Et le landemain fut rendue la ville de Vernoil, en laquelle estoient retrais plussieurs François, lesquelz s'en allèrent tous avecqz leurs biens.