Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1420
Chronicle of Gregory 1420 is in Chronicle of Gregory.
20 May 1420. Ande in that year, the xx day of May, the year of our lord M1CCCC xx, the kyng (age 33) come unto Troys, in Chaunpeyne, and there he was worthely ressayvyde of alle the lordys spyrytualle and temporalle that were there whithe the King of Fraince. And on the morne the Kyng (age 51) and Quene of Fraunce (age 50), and Dame Katerynne (age 18), and the Duke of Burgayne, mette to gedyr in Synt Petrys chyrche [Map] in Troys; whiche metyng was in the body of the chyrche. Ande thenne they went upe to the hyghe auter, and there were the artyculys of the pes redde, and the othys made on aythyr partye.
03 Jun 1420. And thenne was the kyng (age 33) and Dame Katerynne (age 18) swryde to-gedyr. And on the morne aftyr was Trenyte Sonday, that was the iij day of June, the year of our lord M CCCC xx, in the chyrche of Troys [Map], the kyng spowsyd Dame Kateryne (age 18), Kyng Charlys daughter of Fraunce (age 51); and thenne he was made Regent of Fraunce, and the convencyons of the whiche acordyd folowynge here aftyr, that is for to saye:
Harry (age 33), by the grace of God, Kyng of Inglond, hey re and Regent of Fraunce, and lord of Yrlonde, to perpetualle mynde to alle Crystyn pepylle, ande to alle that ben undyr owre obeysaunce, we notefy and declare that thoughe a here before dyvers tretes have ben be twyne the moste excellente Prynce Charlis (age 51), owre fadyr of Fraunce, and his progenytours, for the pes to ben hadde be twyne ij realmys of Fraunce and of Inglonde, the whiche here by forne have borne no1 frwte, we, consyderynge the grette harmys that have ben, not oonly by twyne ij realmys for the grette devysyon J>at hathe ben be-twyne hem, but to alle hooly Chyrche, we have take a trete whythe our said fadyr and us, that for as moche as be the bonde of matrymonye, i-made for the goode of the pes be-twyne us and our moste dyre modyr Isabelle (age 50) his wife, the same Charlis and Isabelle ben made fadyr and modyr, and there fore take them as for owre fadyr and modyr, we shalle have and worschippe as it syttythe and semythe so worthy a prynce and a pryncesse too ben i-worschippyde, pryncypally before alle othyr temporalle personys of the worlde.
Alle so we shalle nought dystroble, nor dyssesyn, nor lette our said fadyr, but that he holde and procede2 as long as he levythe, and holdythe, ande he possedythe at this tyme, the crowne and dignity of the ryalte of Fraunce, and rentys and profytys of the same, to the sustenaunce of his estate and chargys of the realme of Fraunce, and owr modir al so holdyng as long as she levy the the estate and dignity of the quene, aftyr the maner of the same realme, whythe convenable and convenyante parte of the said rentys and profytys.
Alle so that the fore said Kateryne shalle take and have dwer in our realme of Inglond, as [quenes of England]3 here a-forne were wonte to have and take, that is for to saye, to the summa of xl M [40000] scwtys yearly, of the whyche4 ij [2] shalle be worthe a nobylle Englysche. Alle so the maners, weyis, and menys that we may, whythe out transgressyon or ofFensys ofte5 i-made by us for to kepe the lawys, customys, usagys, and ryghtys of owre said realme6 of Inglonde, [we]7 shalle done owre labur and pursewe that the said Katerynne, alsone as it may be done and be made sure, for to take and for to have in owre said realme of Inglonde fro tyme of our dethe, the said xl M [40000] scutys yerly, of the whyche twyne shalle alle way be worthe8 a nobylle of Englysche mony.
Note 1. borne no. These words are taken from J., and are a true rendering of the text of the original treaty (see Kymer, ix. 895). Our MS. reads, "have ben frwte/' following perhaps some other translation in which the word "without" has been omitted. Vit. reads, still more absurdly, "have ben frendes."
Note 2. procede. A transcriber's error for "possede," i.e. possess,,
Note 3. Omitted in MS.; supplied from J.
Note 4. of the whiche repeated, MS.
Note 5. ofte. We should certainly read, "of the oath;" but the words do not occur even in J.
Note 6. of owre said realme repeated in MS.
Note 7. Omitted in MS.
Note 8. worthe. with, MS.; corrected from J.
Alleso yf it happe the said Kateryn (age 18) to ovyr levyn us, she shalle take and have in the realme of Fraunce, immediatly fro the tyme of our dethe, dower to the som of xx M frankys, [of]1 and up the londys, placys, and lordeschippys that helde and hadde Dame Blaunche, some tyme wyf of Phylyppe, befnelle2 to our said fadyr.
Note 1. Supplied from J.
Note 2. hefnelle. Should be besaile, i. e. great-grandfather, or proamis. The readings in J. and V. are equally corrupt.
Also that a-non aftyr the dethe of our said fadyr, and fro thens forwarde, the crowne of the realme of Fraunce, with alle the ryghtes and the aportenaunce, shalle remayne and a byde to us and ben of us and of our ayrys for evyrmore. Ande for as moche as our said fadyr is holdyn with dyvers sekenys in syche maner as he may nought entende in his owne person for to dyspose the nedys of the fore said realme of Fraunce: therefore, durynge the lyfYe of our said fadyr, the facultes and the excresisse of the governaunce and disposyscyon of the goode publique and common profyte of the said realme of Fraunce, [withe]1 counselle of nobylle and wyse men of the same realme of Fraunce, shalle be and a byde to us soo that fro hens forwarde we may governe the same realme of Fraunce be us, [and]2 also by othyr that whythe yn the consayle of the said nobylle, that we lyste or lykyn for to depute; the whyche faculteys and excressisse of governaunce, this beyng towarde us, we shalle labur and purpose us spedefully, diligently, and trewly to that that be and ought to be to the worschyppys of God and of our said fadyr and modyr, ande also to the common goode of the same realme, with the conselle of the worthy, grete, and nobylle of the same realme for to be defendyd, pesyde, and governyde after the3 ryght and equyte wylle.
Note 1. Supplied from J.
Note 2. and. Omitted both in our MS. and in J. and V., all which begin a new sentence or paragraph with the word "also.'
Note 3. the. that, J.
Also that we to our power shalle do that the corte of the parlyment of Fraunce be kept and observyd in his auctoryte and superioryte, and in alle that is dewe there to, in alle maner of placys that nowe or in tyme to common is or shalle be subjecte to our said fadyr.
Also we to our power shalle defende and kepyn every chone and alle the perys, noblys, cytteys, and townys, comynalteys, and synguler personys nowe or in any tyme to comyng subjectys to our fadyr and to us, in owre1 ryghtys, customys, pryvelegys, fredams, and franches longynge dewe unto us, in alle maner of placys nowe or in tyme comyng subjectys to our fadyr and to us. Also that we delygently and trewly shalle travayle unto our power and to that justyse be admynystryde and done in the same realme of Fraunce, and aftyr the lawys, customys, and ryghtys of the same realme of Fraunce, whytheowtyn personalle exepsyon, and that we shalle ke[pe] and holdynne the subjectys of the same realme in tranquyllyte and pes, and to owre pouer we shalle defendyn hem2 ay ens alle maner of violens and oppressyon.
Note 1. owre. J. reads more correctly "here," i. e. their.
Note 2. hem. hym, MS.; hem, J.
Also to our pouer we shalle purpose and do that able1 personys and profytable be takyn yn to offys as welle of justys of the Parly ment, as of baylyagys, senescallis, provestys, and othyr offycys longyng to the governaunce of demaynes2 and of othyr officis in the said realme of Fraunce for the goode, ryght, and pesyble [rule]3 in the same realme, and for admynystracyon that shalle be commyttyd unto hem, and that they be syche personys that aftyr the lawys and ryghtys of the same realme, and for the utilyte and profyte of our said fadyr, and at4 the fore said realme, ought to be take and depudyd unto the same offysys.
Note 1. able, alle maner, MS.; corrected from J.
Note 2. demaynes. demaytys, MS.; corrected from J,
Note 3. Omitted in our MS. and in J. and V.
Note 4. at. So in MS., though the word should certainly he "of." Yet J. reads "that" and V. "atte."
Also that we to our pouer, and as son as itt may compendyusly be done, we shalle travayle [for to]1 put in obedyens of our said fadyr alle maner of citteys, townys, castellys, placys, cuntreys, and personys whythe jn the realme of Fraunce ennobedient and rebellys to our said fadyr, holdyng with the party that ben callyd Dolfyn or Armanak.
Note 1. Omitted in MS.; supplied from J.
Also that we may the more comodyusly, seurly, and frely exersisse and full fylle thes thynges afore said, hit is also accordyd that worthy grete nobylles and astates of the same realme of Fraunce, as welle spyrytualle as temporalle, and also cytteys, notablys, and corny nalteys, cytezyns, and burgeys of townys of the realme of Fraunce that be obesyaunt at this tyme to our said fadyr, shalle make thes othys that folowyn:
first, to us, beryng the faculte and exersisse of disposission and governaunce of the said common profyte, and to our hyestes and commaundementys that1 shalle mekely and obedyently [obeie]2 and entende in alle maner of thyng consernynge the excersise of governaunce of the same realme.
Note 1. that, thei, J.
Note 2. Supplied from J.
Also that the worthy grete noblys and astatys of the said realme of Fraunce, as welle spyrytualle as temporalle, and also citteys and townys, and notabylle corny nalteys, and cyttesyns and burgeys of the said realme, in alle maner of thyngys, welle and trewly shalle kepe and to our pouer shalle do kepe of alle as moche as to them longythe or to any of hem, alle the thyngys that bene a-poyntynde or accordyde by twyxt our said fadyr and modyr and us with the counselle of them whome1 we lyste to calle to.
Note 1. whome. wherme, MS.; corrected from J.
Also that contynually fro the dethe, and aftyr the dethe, of our said fady[r] Charlys, they shalle be our trewe lyge men and owre ayrys, and they shalle ressayve and admyt us for her lyge and her sovereign lord and verry Kyng of Fraunce, and for suche us1 obeye without opposicyon, contradicyon, or deficulte; and, but hit bene to owre fadyr duryng his lyf ? nevyr aftyr this day they shalle obeye to man as King or Regaunte of Fraunce, but to us and to owre ayrys.
Note 1. us, as, MS.
Also that they shalle not bene in conselle, helpe, or assente that we lese lyffe or lym, or ben takyn with any takyng, that we suffer harme or dy vysyon in persone, astate, worschippe, or goodys, but yf they knowe any suche thyng for to bene done, caste, or imagyd agayne us, they shalle let hit to her power, ande they do us to wyte ther of as hastely as they may, by them selfe, or by message, or by letters.
Also that alle maner of conquestys that shalle be made be us of Fraunce up on the same inobedyentes1 out of the duche of Normandy shalle be done to the profytys of our said fadyr; and that to owre power we shalle do alle the maner of landys and lordschippys that ben in the placys so to be conqueryd longyng to personys obeynge to our said fadyr, whyche shalle swere for to kepe this present accorde, and shalle be restoryd to the same personys to wham they long to.
Note 1. inobedientes. in obedyens, MS.; corrected from J.
Also that alle maner of personys of Holy Chyrche benefysyd in the duchye of Normandy, or in any othyr place in the realme of Fraunce, subjectys to us, [which]1 ben obedyent to owre said fadyr, and faveryng the party of the Duke of Burgayne, to the whyche shalle swere to kepe this present a corde shalle rejoyse pesabylly her benefysys of Hooly Chyrche in the duchye of Normandye, or in any othyr placys nexte above said.
Note 1. Omitted in MS.
Also lyke wyse al maner of personys of Hooly Chyrche obedyente unto us and benefysyd in the realme of Fraunce, in placys subjette to owre fadyr, [the which]1 shalle swere for too kepe this present acorde, shalle rejoyse pesabylly her benefysys of Hooly Chyrche in placys nexte a-bove said.
Note 1. Supplied from J.
Also that alle maner chyrchys, unyversyteys, and studyys generalle,, also collegys of studyers, and othyr collegys of Holy Chyrche, beyng in placys nowe or in time to come subjecte to owre said fadyr, or in the duchye of Normandye or othyr placys of the realme of Fraunce subjecte to us, shalle ressayve her ryghtys, her possessyons, rentys, prerogatyvys, liberteys, and fraunchessys longyng or dewe to them in any maner wyse in the said realme of Fraunce, [savyng the right of the crowne of Fraunce]1 and of ayther2 othyr person.
Note 1. Omitted in MS.; supplied from J.
Note 2. ayther. every, MS.
Also by Goddys helpe, whenne hit happy the us to come to the crowne of Fraunce, the duchye of Normandy, and also othyr placys conqueryd by us in the realme of Fraunce, shalle bo we undyr the commaundement, obeysaunce, and monarchye of the crowne of Fraunce.