Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1422

Chronicle of Gregory 1422 is in Chronicle of Gregory.

Death of Henry V

31 Aug 1422. Also the same yere, the laste day of Auguste, the yere of oure Lorde M CCCC xxij, the good and nobylle Kyng, Harry the v aftyr the Conqueste of Inglonde, floure of chevalrye of Crystyn men, endyd hys lyffe in Fraunce, at Boys in Vincent [Map], be syde Parys, the x yere of hys raygne, to whom God graunte mercy. Amen.

20 Aug 1422. Ande that same yere, the xx day of Auguste, deyde the Byschoppe of London, Clyfforde, and thenne was made byschoppe Mayster John Kempe (age 42), whos bonys, the viij day of Novembyr next folowyng, worthely at Westmynyster were interyde.