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Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1432

Chronicle of Gregory 1432 is in Chronicle of Gregory.

14 Feb 1432. And yn Syn Volantynys day he come unto London; and he was worthely fette in to the cytte whythe the mayre and his aldyrmen whythe alle the worthy comyns of the cytte and every crafte in her devys.

And whenne the King (age 10) come to Londyn Brygge [Map] there was made a towre, and there yn stondynge a gy aunte welle arayde and welle be-sene, whythe a swerde holdynge uppe on hye, sayynge this reson in Latyn, Inimicos ejus induam confusione. And on every syde of him stode an antiloppe, that one holdynge the armys of Ingelond and that othyr the armys of Fraunce. Ande at the drawe brygge there was a nothyr ryalle toure, there yn stondynge iij empryssys ryally arayde, whythe crownys on her heddys, the whyche namys folowyn here: first, Nature; the secunde, Grace; the thyrde, Fortune, presentyng him whythe gyftys of grace. The first gaffe him Scyence an Cunnynge, and the secunde gaffe him Prosperyte and Eyches. And on the ryght syde of the emperyssys stode vij fayre maydyns clothide alle in whyte, i-powderyde whythe sonnys of golde, presentynge the kyng whythe vij gyftys of the Holy Goste in the lykenys of vij whyte dovys by fygure owtwarde, whythe this resonys: Impleat te Dominus spiritu1 sapiencie et intellectus, spiritu consitij etfortitudinis, sciencie et pietatys, spiritu timorys Domini. And on the lyfte syde of thes emperysse stode vi j othyr fay re maydyns in why the, powdery de why the sterrys of golde, presentyng the kyng whythe vij gyftys of worschyppe. The first was a crowne of glorye, the seconde with a cepter of clennysse, the iij whythe a swyrde of ryght and vyctorye, the iiij whythe a mantelle of prudence, the v whythe a schylde of fay the, the vj an helme of helme, the vij a gyrdylle of love and of parfyte pes. And this maydens song an hevynly songe unto the King of praysynge and of his vyctorye and welle comynge home. And whenne he come unto Cornehylle, there yn the vij scyence, and every scyence schewynge his propyr corny ng wondyrly i-wroughte.

Note 1. spiritu. spiritus, MS.

And whenne he come to the Condyte of Cornhylle [Map] there was a tabernacule, and there yn syttynge a King whythe a ryalle aparayle. And on the ryght syde sate the lady of Mercy, ande on the lyfte syde sate the lady of Trough the, and the lady of Clennysse them inbrasyng with Eeson. And by-fore the kyng stode ij jugys of grete worthynys, whythe viij sergauntys of lawe ther presente for the common profyte representynge of dome and of ryghtuysnysse, with this scryptura,

"Honowre of kyngys in every mannys syght

Of common custome lovythe equyte and ryghte."

And so the kyng rode forthe an esy passe tylle he come unto the Grete Condyte, ande there was made a ryalle syghte lyke unto Paradys, whythe alle maner of frontys of delys. And there were vyrgynnys there, drawyng waterys and wynys of joye, and of plesaunce and comforte, the whyche ranne to every mannys comforte and helthe. Thes maydyns were namyd: Mercy, Grace, and Pytte. And in this Paradys stode ij olde men lyke hevynly folke, the whyche were Ennocke and Ely, saluynge the King whythe wordys of grace and vertu.

And soo rode he forthe unto the Crosse in Cheppe [Map]. There stode a ryalle castelle of jasper grene, and there yn ij grene treys stondyng uppe ryght, shewyng the ryght tytyllys of the Kyng of Inglond and of Fraunce, convaying fro Synt Edward and Synt Lowys be kyngys unto the tyme of Kyng Harry the vjte, every King stondynge whythe his cote armowre, some lyberdys and some flouredelysse; and on that othyr syde was made the Jesse1 of owre lord ascendyng uppewarde from Davyd unto Jesu. And so rode he forthe unto the Lytylle Condyte. And there was a ryalle mageste of the Trynyte, full of angelys syngyng hevynly songys, blessynge ande halowynge the kyngys whythe thes resonys in Latyn wrytyn: Angelis suis2 mandavit de3 te ut custodiant te, etc. Longitudinem dierum replebo in eum4 et ostendam illi salutare meum5. And thenne wente he forthe unto Poulys, and there he was ressayvyd whythe many byschoppys and prelatys whythe dene and the quere, and whythe devoute songe, as it longythe to a King. Ande so he offerryd there and thankyd God of his goode speede and of his welfare. And thenne he rode to Westemyster, and there he restyd hym; and on the nexte day folowynge the mayre and the aldyrmen6 whythe a certayne comeners that were worthy men, and they presentyde the King whythe an hampyr of sylvyr and gylte, whythe a M there yn of nobellys, &c.

Note 1. Jesse. Perhaps the writer meant "Geste," a history; but more probably he has left out some words. Fabyan speaks here of "the sprynge of Jesse, wherin was shewyd the genelogy of our blessed Lady."

Note 2. Angelis suis. Angelus suus, MS.

Note 3. de. This word is crossed through as if it were positively inaccurate, and the sentence read "Angelus suus mandavit te."

Note 4. Longitudinem - in eum. So in MS.

Note 5. meum. eum, MS.; see Ps. xc. (xci.) 11, 16.

Note 6. aldyrmen. aldyrman, MS.

12 May 1432. Ande the xij day of May be-ganne the Parlement at Westemyster, and that duryd unto the xvj day of Juylle nexte folio wynge.

24 Nov 1432. And that same year on Syn Kateryn is eve was the Lord Fewater drownyd, and moche pepylle whythe hym. And moche harme done in the see of loste of schyppys that were lade whythe wyne fro Bordowys by the grete tempasse in the see.

On 25 Nov 1431 Walter Fitzwalter 7th Baron Fitzwalter (age 31) drowned at sea in a storm whilst returning from France.

Elizabeth Fitzwalter Baroness Dinham 8th Baroness Fitzwalter (age 2) succeeded 8th Baroness Fitzwalter. Note. Chronicle of Gregory 1432 states 24 Nov 1432 or, more specifically, "on Syn Kateryn ys eve" - St Katherine's feast day is 25 Nov.