Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1435
Chronicle of Gregory 1435 is in Chronicle of Gregory.
12 Jun 1435. And that same year was slayne the Erle of Arundelle (age 27) in France.
Ande that year was the Counselle of Aras of alle Crystyn nacyons for to trete of pes by twyne thes ij realmys, Ingelonde and Fraunce, there beynge iij cardynallys; the Cardynalle of Wynchester for the realme of Ingelonde, and his name was Syr Harry Bewforde, the Kyng of Ingelonde is onkylle; the Cardynalle of Syn Crosse, and the Cardynalle of Ciprys. And there was the Duke of Burgayne and many moo othyr lordys of that party. Ande of Ingelonde the Erle of Huntyngdone, whythe many othyr spyrytualle and temporalle of our partye. But was not to noo profyte, for the Fraynysche parte was not alle trewe in her comyng.
14 Sep 1435. Ande that same year, the xiiij day of Septembyr, deyde the Duke of Bedforde (age 46), Regaunte of alle Fraunce, in the castelle of Rone [Map], bytwyne ij and iij in the mornynge; and his body is buryde in Nostre Dame Chyrche of Roone [Map]. And of his soule ande alle Crystyn soulys God have marcy, Amen.
25 Nov 1435 to 14 Feb 1436. Ande that same year there was a grete wyntyr and a colde froste, that duryd fro Syn Kateryns day to Synt Valentynys day next sewynge [spring?], soo that noo schippe might passe; wherefore the vyntage come by londe ynne cartys unto London fro the Downys, thoroughe Kent and ovyr Scheters Hylle [Map], for men provesyde be-fore at the vyntage of Gascon and Gyan shulde come ovyr Scheters Hylle, and men made but a mocke ther of.
And that year the kyng hylde a Parlyment at Westemyster, that duryd fro Mychellemasse unto the Feste of Crystysmas next folowynge.
Around 25 Dec 1435. Ande that same year, aboute Crystysmas, the Fraynysche parte gate a yenne Arflewe a and many moo othyr townys.