Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1436

Chronicle of Gregory 1436 is in Chronicle of Gregory.

Apr 1436. And that same year the Fraynysche party in the monythe of Aprylle wanne a-gayne Parys.

1436. And that same year the Mayre of London sende, by the goode a-vyse and consent of craftys, sent sowdyers to Calys [Map], for it was said that the Duke of Burgone (age 39) lay sege unto Calis. And soo he dyd son aftyr, as ye shalle hyre here after. And at the Parlyment be-fore it was ordaynyde that the Duke of Yorke (age 24) shulde in to Fraunce with certayne lordys with him in stede of the Eegaunt. And whythe him went the Erle of Salysbury (age 36). Ande the Erle of Mortayne (age 30) wente to Calys [Map] son aftyr Estyr.

And the xiiij day aftyr he made a roode in to Flaunders, and he slowe and toke xv c [1500] of Flemmyngys, and many bestys; the nombyr is more thenne I canne certaynely reherse. And a-non aftyr the Duke of Burgone (age 39) layde his sege unto Calys whythe a strong ordynaunce and a mighty, with xl M [40000] men and moo. And they made grete bulworkys, and grete bastylys, and strong forty fycacy on.

22 Jul 1436. And on Mary Magdelene is day the kyng (age 14) hylde his counselle at Cauntyrbury [Map], whythe a grete party of his lordys.

12 Jul 1436. Ande xij day of Juylle the Erle of Mortayne (age 30), the lord Camyse, whythe othyr moo knyghtes and squyers went out whythe a goodely mayny unto the Bastyle, and wanne it manfully, and sette it a fyre; and in that same Bastyle was v. C. [500] men of armys, of the whyche v. c. [500] schapyd not a way the nombyr of xij [12] men, as letters made mencyon that were sente into Ingelonde. Ande a-non the Duke of Burgone (age 39) with alle his oste fledde cowardely; and he lefte the moste parte of his stoffe and ordynance be hynde, for he hadde haste in his fleynge; for there were lefte many grete gonnys, and many of othyr ordynaunce, why the moche vytayle of flesehe, flowre, wyne, bere, and a grete nomber of barellys whythe botyr, &c.

22 Jul 1436. Ande the xxvj day of Juylle the Duke of Glouceter (age 45) whythe alle the substaunce of the lordys of Ingelonde schyppyde at Sondewyche [Map] with xl. M [40000] men of alle the contreys of Ingelonde, for every towne, cytte, or borowe fonde certayne men whythe dyvers lyvereys of the bagys of the towne, and soo dyd abbeys and pryorys in the same wyse of alle Ingelonde. And the same day they londyd at Calys, and there they hylde her consaile the Fryday, Satyrday, and Sonday. And on the Monday he toke his jornaye in-to Flaunders warde; ande he rode throughe Pycardye and dyd moche harme yn the contre of Flaunders, for he brent Poperyng and Belle, ij [2] goode townys, and many moo othyr vylagys in Flaunders and in Pycardye; and soo he come home a-yenne to Calys whythe out any lettynge of any person, thonkyd be God.

1436. Ande that same year the Erle of Northehomerlonde (age 42) made a viage in-to Scotlonde, and there he made a nobylle jornay.