Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1439
Chronicle of Gregory 1439 is in Chronicle of Gregory.
1439. Ande the same year duryde the dyrthe of come and of alle maner of grayne thoroughe Ingelonde.
30 Apr 1439. And the laste day of Aprylle deyde the Erle of Warwyke (age 57) at Roone [Map]. Ande the same year the Cardynalle Archebyschoppe of Yorke (age 59), the Byschoppe of Northewyche (age 51), the Byschoppe of Syn Davys and many othyr docters, and the Duke of Northefolke (age 23), the Erle of Stafford (age 36), the lord Bowcer, and the Lord Hungerforde (age 39), with a grete mayny, wente unto Calys; and they hadde the Duke of Orlyaunce (age 44) with them for to trete of pes by twyne Ingelonde and Fraunce. And there mette with them the grete lordys of Fraunce, that is to wyte, of spyrytualle and temporalle, the Archebyschoppe of Raynys (age 59), whythe many moo byschoppys, the Erle of Wendon (age 63), a the Bastarde of Orlyaunce (age 36), and many othyr lordys of Fraunce; and thedyr come the Byschoppe of Spayne and of Colayne, and many moo othyr dyvers contreys that com fro the Counselle of Basylle.
1439. Ande the same year in the same tretys the Fraynsche party wanne Mewys in Bryayenne, in the whyche was Captayne Syr Wylliam Chambyrlayne.
1439. And the same year the Erle of Huntyngdone (age 43) wente unto Gyenne whythe a grete navy. And the same year went Syr Richard Woodevyle (age 54) in to Normandy and Syr Wylliam Peytowe, and many moo othyr, whythe a fayre mayne.
1439. And that same year, a-pon Wytsondaye, the kyng (age 17) made knyghtys at Kenyngton, that is to wete, the sone and hayre (age 8) of the Lord of Huntyngdon (age 43), and the son ande the ayre of the Erle of Aroundelle1, Lewys John, and Wylliam Estefylde, marchaunt of London. And the mayre ordaynyd that year that comvn wemmen shulde were raye hoodys, and bawdys to the pelory. And this was cryde the v day of Auguste the same year, and so it was done at dyvers tymys.
1. Humphrey Fitzalan 15th Earl of Arundel (age 9) had died on 24 Apr 1438 aged nine years old. His heir was his uncle William Fitzalan 16th Earl of Arundel (age 20) who first child Thomas was born in 1450 so it isn't clear who is being referred to here?
1439. And the same year, att the generalle counseylle, the Emperoure of Costantyne the Nobylle and his sone, whythe alle the clergy of Gryke, obeyd him unto the Chyrche of Rome of certayne artyculys of the faythe; and they hylde more thanne v. c. year, and alle the realme of Ermonye d that haddyn ben out ix. c. year, fro the beleve not on the Hooly Goste, nor on the sacrament, nor noo Pyrgatorye, nor noo suffragys of Hooly Chyrche, as prayers and almysdedys. And there were of Eome viij cardynallys and moo thanne v. C myters, whythe out docters. And thus was proclaymyd at Powlys Crosse the xxviij day of August above said, etc.