Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1440

Chronicle of Gregory 1440 is in Chronicle of Gregory.

1440. Ande that year was the Parlyment concludyd, and ordaynyd that Lumbardys sholde goo to hoste. And that same year alyens were putte to her fynaunce to pay a certayne a year to the King. Also in the same year there were ij traytours hangyde on a payre of galowys that were made in Temys for the same purposse, be syde Syn Kateryns.

1440. And that same year there was a preste i-callyd Syr Rycharde Wyche and his servand brent atte the Tourehylle [Map], for the whyche there was moche trobil a-monge the pepylle, in soo moche that alle the wardys in London were assygnyd to wake there day and nyght that the pepylle might nought have her ylle purpose as at that tyme.

25 Oct 1440. Ande in that same year the Duke of Orlyaunce (age 45) made his othe at Westemyster and there uppon ressayvyde the blessyd sacrament on Cryspyn and Cryspynyan is day. And the Fryday aftyr Allehalowyn day he went towarde Fraunce, and whythe him he hadde Syr John Corneuale (age 34), knyght, and many othyr knyghtys and squyers.

1440. Ande that same year werre the barrys in Smethefylde [Map] newe made, for Syr Rycharde Woodevyle (age 55), knyght, was chalengyd of a knyght of Spayne for to donne certayne poyntys of armys in the felde.