Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1441
Chronicle of Gregory 1441 is in Chronicle of Gregory.
16 May 1441. Ande the xvj day of May the Duke of Yorke (age 29), the Erle of Oxynforde (age 33), the Erle of Ewe (age 37), the Erle of Ormounde (age 47), and Syr Richard Woodevyle (age 56), whythe many othyr knyghtys and squyers, toke the way towarde Fraunce, and they schippyd at Portysmouthe [Map].
1441. And the same year the Crosse in Chepe [Map] was take a downe and a newe sette uppe there that the olde Crosse stode.
1441. And in the same year there were take certayne traytourys, the whyche purposyd to slee our lege lord the kyng (age 19) by crafte of egremauncey1, and there instrumentys were opynly shewyde to alle men at the Crosse [Map] in Powlys chyrche yerde a-pon a schaffolde i-made there-for. Att the whyche tyme was present one of the same traytours, whiche was callyd Roger Bulbroke, a clerke of Oxforde, and for that same tresoun my Lady of Glouceter (age 41) toke sayntwerye at Westemyster; and the xj day of Auguste thenne next folowynge she toke the way to the castelle of Lesnes.
27 Oct 1441. And on Syn Symon and Jude is eve was the wycche (age 26) be syde Westemyster brent in Smethefylde [Map], and on the day of Symon and Jude the person of Syn Stevynnys in Walbroke, whyche that was one of the same fore said traytours, deyde in the Toure [Map] for sorowe.
Note 1. Necromancy.
13 Nov 1441. Ande in that same year the Lady of Glouceter (age 41) for the same treson she was juggyde by the spyrytualle lawe to iij [3] sondyr or dyvers placys, that is to wete, on Mondaye, the xiij daye of Novembyr, to Powlys; and on the Wanysday i-sygnyd unto Crychyrche; and on the Fryday nexte folowyng to Synt Mychellys in Cornehylle.
18 Nov 1441. And on the Satyrday next folowyng was Roger Bulbroke hanggyde, and drawe, and quarteryde at Tyburne.