Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1447
Chronicle of Gregory 1447 is in Chronicle of Gregory.
31 Jan 1447. Ande in that same year there was an armyrer and his owne man fought whythe yn the lystys in Smethefylde [Map] the laste day of Januer, ande there the mayster was slayne and dyspoylyde out of his harnys, and lay stylle in the fylde alle that day and that nyght next folowynge. And thenne afty[r]ward, by the kyngys (age 25) commaundement, he was d[r]awyn, hanggyde, and be-heddyde, and his hedde sette on London Brygge [Map], and the body hynggyng a-bove erthe be-syde the towre.
Jan 1447. Ande that same year was a Parlyment begon at Byry [Map]; and that same year there was grete wache at Syn Donstonys in the Este [Map], by the sofferens of our sufferayne lord the kyng, in every warde of London alle the xvi dayes in Crystysmasse by the commaundement of the King (age 25).
23 Feb 1447. Ande at Schroffe tyde nexte aftyr there was ordaynyd a Parlyment at Synt Edmondys Bury [Map]; ande att the comyng of the goode Duke Umfray, some tyme Duke of Glouceter (age 56), uppon the Satyrday anon as he was a lyght of his hors he was a-restyde of dyvers lordys for treson by commaundement of the kyng (age 25), and men said at that tyme. And uppon the Thursseday next folowynge he dyssesyd ande passyde out of this wrecchide and false trobely worlde. And he is buryde at Syn Albonys.
1447. Ande uppon Ester nexte folowynge, Harry Byschoppe of Wynchester and Cardynalle (age 72), and lythe enteryde at Wynchester. And a-non aftyr the dethe of the Duke of Glouceter (age 56) there were a reste many of the said dukys1 to the nombyr of xxxviij squyers, be-syde alle othyr servantys that nevyr ymagenyd no falsenys of the that they were put a-pon of.
Note 1. The word "servants" appears to be omitted.
14 Jul 1447. And on Fryday the xiiij day of Juylle nexte folowynge by jugement at Westemyster, there by fore v [5] personys were dampnyd to be drawe, hanggyd and her bowellys i-brente by fore hem, and thenne her heddys to ben smetyn of, ande thenne to be quarteryde, and every parte to be sende unto dyvers placys by assygnement of the jugys. Whyche personys werethes: Arteys the bastarde of the said Duke of Glouceter, Syr Rogger Chambyrlayne knyght, Mylton squyer, Thomas Harberde squyer, Nedam yeman, whyche were the said xiiij day of Juylle i-drawe fro Syn Gorgys thoroughe out Sowthewerke and on Londyn Brygge [Map], ande so forthe thorowe the cytte of London to the Tyborne [Map], and there alle they were hanggyde, and the ropys smetyn a-sondyr, they beynge alle lyvynge, and thenne, ar any more of any markys of excecusyon were done, the Duke of Sowthefolke (age 50) brought them alle yn generalle pardon and grace from our lord and sovereign King Harry the vj (age 25)te.
05 Aug 1447. Also that same year dyssesyde the Duke of Exceter (age 52), and he was enteryd at Syn Kateryns [Map].