Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1448

Chronicle of Gregory 1448 is in Chronicle of Gregory.

1448 Ande that same year the Duke of Yorke, Rycharde Plantagenet (age 36), was exsylyde in to Irlonde for his rebellyon, as thoo a boute the King (age 26) informyde hym, fully ande falsely as it was aftyr warde i-knowe.

1448. And that same year was a tretys of trewys takyn whythe the Schottys by Mayster Adam Molaynys for iiij [4] year, that tyme he beyng enbasytor in to Schotlonde, and aftyr that Prevy Seale, ande thenne i-made Byschoppe of Chychester, and with ynne shorte tyme aftyr put to dethe.