Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1463
Chronicle of Gregory 1463 is in Chronicle of Gregory.
21 Jun 1463. Thys year, a-bute Mydsomyr, a the ryalle feste of the Sargantys of the Coyfe, the Mayre of London was desyryde to be at that feste. And at denyr tyme he come to the feste with his offecers, a-greyng and according unto his degre. For with yn London he is next unto the kyng in alle maner thynge. And in tyme of waschynge the Erle of Worseter (age 36) was take be-fore the mayre and sette downe in the myddys of the hy tabylle. And the mayre seynge that his place was occupyd hylde him contente, and went home a gayne with owt mete or drynke or any thonke, but rewarde him he dyd as his dignity requyryd of the cytte. And toke with him the substance of his bretheryn the aldyrmen to his place, and were sette and servyd also son as any man couthe devyse, bothe of sygnet and of othyr delycatys i-nowe, that alle the howse marvelled howe welle alle tynge was done in soo schorte a tyme, and prayde alle men to be mery and gladde, hit shulde be a mendyd a nothyr tyme.
Thenn the offesers of the feste, full evylle a schamyd, informyd the maysters of the feste of this mysse happe that is be-falle. And they consyderynge the grete dignity and costys and charge that longgyd unto the cytte, and a-non sende unto the mayre a present of mete, brede, wyne, and many dyvers sotelteys. But whenn they that come with the presentys say alle the gyftys, and the sarvyse that was at the borde, he was full sore a schamyd that shulde doo þe massage, for the present was not better then the servyse of metys was by fore the mayre, and thoroughe out the hyghe tabylle. But his demenynge was soo that he hadde love and thonke for his massage, and a grette rewarde with alle. And this the worschippe of the cytte was kepte, and not loste for hym. And I truste that nevyr it shalle, by the grace of God.
Dec 1463. Ande this same year a-boute Crystysmas that fals Duke of Somersett (age 27), without any leve of the kyng, stale out of Walys [Map] with a prevy mayny towarde the Newecastelle [Map], for he and his men were confeteryde for to have be-trayde the said Newecastelle [Map]. And in [t]ewey thedyrwarde he was aspyde, and lyke to have ben takyn be syde Dereham in his bedde. Notwithstondynge he a schapyde a-way in his schyrt and barefote, and ij of his men were take. And they toke with them that fals dukys caskette and his harneys. And whenn that his men knew that he was aschapyd, and his fals treson aspyde, his men stale from the Newecastelle [Map] as very fals traytourys, and some of them were take and loste her heddys for her labur, &c.
Dec 1463. Ande then the King, owre sovereign lord Edward the iiij, hadde knowleche of his fals dysposyscyon of this fals Duke Harry of Somersett (age 27). The King sende a grete feleschippe of his housolde men to kepe the towne of Newecastelle [Map], and made the Lord Scrope of Bolton (age 26) captayne of the towne; and soo they kept it surely alle that wyntyr.