Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Close Rolls
Close Rolls is in Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls.
Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Close Rolls Henry III
15 Jul 1228. Concerning a writ for the purchase of wimples. — The king to the sheriffs of London, greetings. We command you that two pairs of silk wimples be bought and delivered to Rembald, the messenger of Ralph de Willington, constable of Bristol, to be carried to Bristol for the use of Alienore (age 44), our kinswoman. And the cost, etc., shall be accounted for, etc. Witness the king at Westminster, on the 15th day of July, in the twelfth year of our reign.
Contrabreve de wymplis emptis. — Rex vicecomitibus Lond' salutem. Precipimus vobis quod duo paria winplamm de serico emi et liberari faciatis Rembaldo nuncio Radulfi de Wjlinton' constabularii Bristoll' deferenda usque Bristoll' ad opus Alienore cognate nostre. Et custum etc. computabitur etc. Teste rege apud Westmonasteriuihy, xv die Julii, anno regni nostri xijo.
1229. To the constable of Bristol concerning the collection of beer in Bristol — The king has granted to William de Futot, constable of Bristol, for as long as it pleases the king, the right to collect the levy on beer in the town of Bristol, for the custody of Alienore (age 45), the king's kinswoman; for which he is accustomed to render account at the king's Exchequer as part of his farm of 100 shillings. And it is commanded to the bailiffs of Bristol that they should ensure that the aforesaid levy on beer be granted to him, as aforesaid, and the king will allow the said 100 shillings in their farm. Witnessed as above.
Pro constabulario Bristoll' de prisa cervisie in Bristoll' — Rex concessit Willelmo de Futot, constabulario Bristoll', quamdiu regi placuerit, ad custodiam Alienore cognate regis, prisam cervisie in villa Bristoll'; pro qua respondere consueverit ad Scaccarium regis in firma sua de c s. Et mandatum ent ballivis Bristoll' quod predictam prisam cervisie ei habere faciant, sicut predictum est, et rex predictos c s. in firma sua eis faciei allocari Teste ut supra.
01 Nov 1229. Concerning the custody of the castles of Gloucester and Bristol and the county of Gloucester — The king, for the custody of the castles of Bristol and Gloucester and the county of Gloucester, which William de Putot will keep at his own expense, and for the provision of Alienore (age 45), the king's kinswoman, residing in the aforementioned castle of Bristol, and all others, both knights, servants, and others residing in the aforementioned castle of Bristol and the aforementioned castle of Gloucester, for whom he will provide all necessities except for ten foot soldiers residing in the aforementioned castle of Bristol, who shall be on the king's provision; the lord king has granted to the same William, for as long as it pleases him, the profit of the county of Gloucester and the income from his farm in Bristol, and sixty marks per year and the beer from the levy in Bristol, which is worth 100 shillings per year. And it is commanded to the barons of the Exchequer that they cause this to be done and enrolled. Witness the king at Merton, on the first day of November.
De custodia castrorum Glouc' el Bristoll' et comitatus Glouc' — Rex pro custodia castrorum Bristoll' et Glouc' et comitatus Giouc', que Willelmus de Putot custodiet ad custum suum, et pro exhibitione Alienore cognate regis morantis in predicto castro Bristoll', et omnium aliorum tam militum servientum quam aliorum morantium tam in predicto castro Bristoll' quam in predicto castro Glouc', quibus omnibus necessaria inveniet preterquam x servientibus peditibus morantibus in predicto castro Bristoll', qui erunt ad liberationes regis; concessit eidem Willelmo dominus rex, quamdiu ei placuerit, proficuum comitatus Glouc' et exitum bertone sue Bristoll' et sexaginta marcas per annum et cervisiam de prisa Bristoll', que valet per annum c. s. Et mandatum est baronibus de Scaccario quod sic fieri et irrotulari faciant. Teste rege apud Mereton', primo die Novembris.
Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Close Rolls Edward I
Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Close Rolls Edward I 1305
20 Oct 1305. To Nicholas Fermbaud, constable of Bristol castle [Map]. As the king wills that Owen (age 30) (Audoenus) son of David ap Griffyn, who is in the constable's custody in that castle, shall be kept henceforth more securely than he has been heretofore, he orders the constable to cause a strong house within the castle to be repaired as speedily as possible, and to make a wooden cage (cageam) bound with iron in that house in which Owen can be enclosed at night.
Pro quadam cagea lignea ferro ligata in quadam domo facienda pro artiori et securiori custodia Audoeni filii David ab Griffyn in prisona castri videlicet ad ipsum Audoenum in ipsa cagea noctibus includendum.
Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Close Rolls Edward II
Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Close Rolls Edward II 1325
08 Dec 1325. The Tower. William la Zouche of Haryngworth (age 48), knight, acknowledges that he owes to William la Zouche, his son, £4,000; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts.
The said William la Zouche acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid William, his son, £2,000; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Devon.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by Gilbert de Gretton, clerk, attorney of William son of William.
11 Dec 1325. The Tower. The said William la Zouche (age 48) acknowledges that he owes to John la Zouche (age 24), his son, £4,000; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cornwall.
Cancelled on payment.
Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Close Rolls Richard II
Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Close Rolls Richard II 1396 1399 V6
07 Jun 1399. Westminster Palace [Map]. To the keepers, occupiers, receivers or farmers of the lordship of Kyngeston in Dorsete for the time being. Order so long as the same shall remain in the king's hand to pay to John Swelle esquire 20 marks a year, which by a writing indented, confirmed by the king, John late duke of Lancastre granted him for life, to be taken of the issues of the said lordship.
14 Jun 1399. Westminster Palace [Map]. To the keepers, farmers, occupiers or receivers of the manor of Lopham co. Norffolk for the time being. Order every year to pay to Roger Bliklynge his raiment or 13s. 4d. for it, and 3d. a day, and to pay him the arrears since 5 February 8 Richard II, on which date the king confirmed letters patent whereby Margaret late duchess of Norffolk, by name of Margaret Countess of Norffolk, granted to the said Roger for life the office of keeper of the park, warren and game to the said manor pertaining, raiment once a year at Christmas of the suit of her esquires or 13s. 4d., and 3d. a day of the agistments of the park at the feast of St. Peter in autumn.
Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Close Rolls Edward IV Edward V Richard III