Books, Prehistory, Diary of a Dean by John Merewether

Diary of a Dean by John Merewether is in Prehistory.

Jul 1849. Diary Of A Dean. Being An Account Of The Examination Of Silbury Hill [Map], And Of Various Barrows And Other Earthworks On The Downs Of North Wilts, Opened And Investigated In The Months Of July And August 1849. With Illustrations. By The Late John Merewether (age 52), D.D. F.S.A. Dean Of Hereford.

"Ducere Sollicitæ Jucunda Oblivia Vitæ." Hor. ["the pleasing oblivion of a life full of solicitude" Horace Satires Book 2 Saties VI]

London: George Bell, 186 Fleet Street. 1851.


The following Diary is reprinted from the volume detailing the proceedings of the Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, at Salisbury in 1849. In issuing it separately, the Publisher is fulfilling the wishes of the lamented Author, expressed to him a very short time before his death. Dr. Merewether hoped that it might in that form attain a wider circulation, and by increasing general interest in the antiquities treated of, tend to promote their more careful local preservation.

The Illustrations are from his own drawings, executed during his last illness. He himself regarded them as most unpretending; but the little volume may be looked upon as a legacy to his native County, whose antiquities he began in early life to study, and never ceased to estimate as of the highest National importance.

G. B.

July 1851 .