Books, Prehistory, Radio Carbon Dating, Periods, Early Neolithic

Early Neolithic is in Neolithic Carbon Dates.

Carbon Date. 3520BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Swale-Ure Washlands: Langland's Farm- Wood; ; the sample was collected using a Russian corer. The sample is from the first macrofossils encountered at the base of the organic-rich silts close to the top of the peat. The peat deposits show a transition from freshwater-dominated sedges and grasses to Woodland dominated environments. No reworking of older pollen is recorded within the peat section. The field from which the sample was taken is flooded in winter and/or during periods of high rainfall.

ID: 9325, C14 ID: GrA-24660 Date BP: 5520 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 5570, End BP: 5470

Abstract: Swale-Ure Washlands: Langland's Farm

Archaeologist Name: A J Long

Reference Name: Bridgland, D, Howard, A, White, M, and White, T, forthcoming Quaternary of the Trent, Oxford: Oxbow; Howard, A J, Mighall, T M, Field, M H, Coope, G R, Griffiths, H I, and Macklin, M G, 2000 Early Holocene environments of the River Ure near Ripon, North Yorkshire, UK, Proc Yorkshire Geological Soc, 53, 31-42

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3740BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Nene Valley - sediment; humin fraction, bulk sample; .92m OD; as SUERC-10054

ID: 9852, C14 ID: SUERC-10055 Date BP: 5740 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 5775, End BP: 5705

Abstract: Nene Valley: Wollaston

Archaeologist Name: A G Brown

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3740BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Cheviot Quarry - charcoal; from posthole 369, underlying subsoil 002 and cut into natural gravel deposit 003. The posthole forms part of a circular structure (building 4), and is situated to the south-east of the circle. Residuality is possible, due to the unsealed nature of the context. The posthole is 0.4m from the surface, cut into fluvio-glacial gravel terrace deposits. There is some rootlet penetration and the feature was truncated by ploughing.

ID: 9718, C14 ID: SUERC-9114 Date BP: 5740 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 5775, End BP: 5705

Abstract: Cheviot Quarry: circular buildings

Archaeologist Name: B Johnson

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3935BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Ribble Valley - waterlogged wood; the material is organic detritus from towards the top of a 1m thick sequence of coarse to medium sand flood laminations. The sequence of flood laminations was sampled from a core located in the centre of a palaeochannel with surface expression from upper Ribble terrace 3. The organic materials were incorporated within the uppermost sandy flood-lamination, below the switch to sandy silt and clay laminations. The materials are detrital rather than in situ, but they comprise soft plant matter, probably locally derived and likely to be similar in age to the flood deposit. The sample is from 2.79-2.75m from the surface with flood-laminated coarse to medium sands reflecting channel inundation, and buried and sealed beneath a flood-laminated sequence of sandy silt and clay reflective of more passive flood inundation. The deposit is towards the top of a sequence of sand flood layers and is buried by a further 0.5m of flood-laminated sand and silt. There is no evidence for bioturbation or downwards root penetration, because the flood laminations are undisturbed. At the time of sampling the water table was at the surface, and based on iron and manganese discolouration probably oscillates down to around 0.5m below the surface.

ID: 9933, C14 ID: SUERC-10673 Date BP: 5935 +/- 35, Start Date BP: 5970, End BP: 5900

Abstract: Ribble Valley: Upper Ribble floodbasin, New Hall Farm, terrace 3, core 6

Archaeologist Name: R Chiverrell

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3980BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Suffolk Rivers - waterlogged wood; .50m OD; this sample was taken from the base of an organic silt unit, which is underlain by well-humified peat. The underlying geology of the area surrounding Mickle Mere comprises predominantly chalk, chalk till, and glaciofluvial drift and till. The stratigraphy and sedimentology of the deposits suggest the area initially infilled naturally through biogenic in situ sedimentation. Thin minerogenic horizons are present within the peat deposits, which may have been accumulated during periods of temporary catchment instability and floodplain flooding. The peat is capped by a layer of silt which is likely to have accumulated through floodplain deposition. The natural water table was located c 0.4m from the surface. Rootlet penetration was not evident within the core upon extraction.

ID: 9987, C14 ID: SUERC-12026 Date BP: 5980 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 6020, End BP: 5940

Abstract: Suffolk Rivers: Ixworth

Archaeologist Name: T Hill

Reference Name:

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3780BC. Early Neolithic

Report: charcoal; from hole 1 in occupation area on West Kennet Avenue. Excavated by Keiller in 1934; cutting VII2R, layer 2 (Smith 1965).

ID: 15123, C14 ID: HAR 9694 Date BP: 5780 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5860, End BP: 5700

Abstract: Avebury; 1984-85

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3620BC. Early Neolithic

Report: peat; from outcrops on the foreshore c 500m from the present sea wall at 0.15m OD. This peat overlies 2.5m of blue clay and the sample to be dated is from the base of the peat at its junction with the clay. The pollen identified in the peat is predominantly Granulae, Cheropodiaceae, and Cyperaceae, which suggests that it formed under salt marsh conditions.

ID: 15432, C14 ID: HAR 8546 Date BP: 5620 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 5720, End BP: 5520

Abstract: Brean Down; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3730BC. Early Neolithic

Report: antler; from context 214, a lens within the primary infill of the southern quarry flanking the long cairn. The antler has been repaired using UHU glue or masking tape.

ID: 16347, C14 ID: HAR 8351 Date BP: 5730 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 5830, End BP: 5630

Abstract: Hazleton; 1986-87

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3870BC. Early Neolithic

Report: wood; from peat associated with Mesolithic site.

ID: 15869, C14 ID: HAR 5712 Date BP: 5870 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 5960, End BP: 5780

Abstract: Drigg; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Carbon Date. 3640BC. Early Neolithic

Report: charcoal; from the 40.6-45.7cm level, see also HAR-4531.

ID: 15631, C14 ID: HAR 4533 Date BP: 5640 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 5730, End BP: 5550

Abstract: Charlwood; 1981-82

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3710BC. Early Neolithic

Report: peat; slice of peat from base of sequence.

ID: 16421, C14 ID: HAR 7007 Date BP: 5710 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 5810, End BP: 5610

Abstract: Holme-on-Spalding Moor: Hasholme Farm; 1986-87

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3770BC. Early Neolithic

Report: human bone; from the secondary inhumation (F. 742) in the top of the barrow mound.

ID: 16239, C14 ID: HAR 9178 Date BP: 5770 +/- 140, Start Date BP: 5910, End BP: 5630

Abstract: Haddenham: VI, long barrow; 1988-89

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3710BC. Early Neolithic

Report: peat; from the top of an intercalated peat at its contact with marine/brackish clay, at an altitude of -6.39 to -6.49m OD.

ID: 16074, C14 ID: Q 2822 Date BP: 5710 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 5810, End BP: 5610

Abstract: Fenland Project: Welney Washes; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3850BC. Early Neolithic

Report: peat; from the regressive contact of an intercalated peat and a marine/brackish clay layer, at an altitude of -6.72 to -6.82m OD.

ID: 16075, C14 ID: Q 2823 Date BP: 5850 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 5940, End BP: 5760

Abstract: Fenland Project: Welney Washes; 1987-88

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3750BC. Early Neolithic

Report: peat; sample at 63-77cm in a core 300cm of peat depth overlying marine clays.

ID: 17011, C14 ID: GU 5201 Date BP: 5750 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 5850, End BP: 5650

Abstract: North West Wetlands Survey: Rawcliffe 1; 1991-92

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3680BC. Early Neolithic

Report: charcoal; from F219, a pit cut by the weathered outer edge of an outer ditch segment, possibly part of an entrance structure; this sample is probably, but not certainly, contemporary with the original construction of the outer ditch circuit.

ID: 17063, C14 ID: HAR 4072 Date BP: 5680 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 5750, End BP: 5610

Abstract: Northampton: Briar Hill; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3540BC. Early Neolithic

Report: charcoal; from F128, a segment of the inner ditch circuit (inner spiral), middle fill of the final phase (of four); the expected date is Neolithic.

ID: 17068, C14 ID: HAR 4092 Date BP: 5540 +/- 140, Start Date BP: 5680, End BP: 5400

Abstract: Northampton: Briar Hill; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3830BC. Early Neolithic

Report: charcoal; from a localised concentration of charcoal fragments at the summit of the A2 horizon of a humus iron podsol, and only 15cm below the base of recent humus. The sample postdates (or appears to postdate) the Mesolithic flint assemblage and comes below a break in the pollen diagram prepared by Professor G W Dimbleby. The sample is directly relevant to dating this break. Fuel contamination from army vehicles is a possibility.

ID: 16779, C14 ID: HAR 5356 Date BP: 5830 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5910, End BP: 5750

Abstract: Longmoor; 1982-83

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3767BC. Early Neolithic

Report: charcoal; from a small pit sealed by the construction of the long mound. The sample was located towards the western end of the excavated part of the mound and it was sealed under a turf/topsoil construction of mound but cut into the relict soil under the mound.

ID: 17324, C14 ID: UB 3329 Date BP: 5767 +/- 58, Start Date BP: 5825, End BP: 5709

Abstract: Raunds Prehistoric: West Cotton, long mound; 1989-90

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3660BC. Early Neolithic

Report: peat; from a depth of 2.42m to 2.46m below the peat surface.

ID: 16567, C14 ID: HAR 6207 Date BP: 5660 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5740, End BP: 5580

Abstract: Lancashire Peat Profiles: Anglezarke Moor, Black Brook; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3850BC. Early Neolithic

Report: wood; the trunk was lying on a possible Neolithic horizon.

ID: 16836, C14 ID: GU 5001 Date BP: 5850 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 5900, End BP: 5800

Abstract: Market Weighton Bypass; 1990-91

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3820BC. Early Neolithic

Report: charcoal; from a post burnt in situ of a possible Neolithic building in trench 18.

ID: 17910, C14 ID: HAR 4639 Date BP: 5820 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 5880, End BP: 5760

Abstract: Tattershall Thorpe: Jeffs Farm; 1981-82

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3630BC. Early Neolithic

Report: wood; from a tree stool on the surface of the peat.

ID: 18200, C14 ID: HAR 5630 Date BP: 5630 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5710, End BP: 5550

Abstract: Westward Ho!; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3700BC. Early Neolithic

Report: peat; from the top 2cm of peat immediately overlying the midden.

ID: 18203, C14 ID: HAR 5640 Date BP: 5700 +/- 120, Start Date BP: 5820, End BP: 5580

Abstract: Westward Ho!; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3740BC. Early Neolithic

Report: peat; from the base of the peat levels immediately overlying the midden.

ID: 18204, C14 ID: HAR 5641 Date BP: 5740 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 5840, End BP: 5640

Abstract: Westward Ho!; 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3780BC. Early Neolithic

Report: wood; from field SWX/SWY, terminal area of the Sweet track.

ID: 17698, C14 ID: HAR 4541 Date BP: 5780 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 5880, End BP: 5680

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Shapwick, Sweet Track Terminal Site; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3670BC. Early Neolithic

Report: charcoal; from an early Iron Age pit associated with pottery and part of a settlement, which included a line of four roundhouses.

ID: 18227, C14 ID: HAR 8543 Date BP: 5670 +/- 160, Start Date BP: 5830, End BP: 5510

Abstract: Wetwang Slack; 1986-87

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3600BC. Early Neolithic

Report: peat; from the interface between lower marine clay and peat formation.

ID: 17718, C14 ID: HAR 1856 Date BP: 5600 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 5670, End BP: 5530

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Walton Heath; 1976-77

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3940BC. Early Neolithic

Report: wood; from a horizontal tree trunk lying at the base of peat deposits about 150cm thick, resting on clay and gravel. The tree trunk was exposed by erosion of the Barbrook. The total trunk length is unknown, but exceeds 250cm; diameter 30cm+. The sample is cut from the outer 20 heartwood rings of the trunk; the sapwood is no longer present. 115 heartwood rings had survived: 10-55 sapwood rings had been lost, and possibly some heartwood rings.

ID: 17970, C14 ID: HAR 6184 Date BP: 5940 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 6020, End BP: 5860

Abstract: Totley Moss; 1984-85

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3920BC. Early Neolithic

Report: wood; from the lowest level of the peat (1.02m) from which sufficient material can be collected for dating.

ID: 18016, C14 ID: HAR 4076 Date BP: 5920 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 6000, End BP: 5840

Abstract: Upper Teesdale: Simy Folds Bog; 1980-81

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3690BC. Early Neolithic

Report: peat; from a peat monolith, 0.51-0.53m below the surface; pollen anlysis indicates that this sample should date to c 5500 BP, as the sample from 0.49-0.51m was dated to c 3500 BP.

ID: 17522, C14 ID: HAR 3594 Date BP: 5690 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5770, End BP: 5610

Abstract: Shaugh Moor: Blacka Brook; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3560BC. Early Neolithic

Report: charcoal; from peat underlying a Bronze Age land boundary.

ID: 17526, C14 ID: HAR 3590 Date BP: 5560 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 5650, End BP: 5470

Abstract: Shaugh Moor: Cholwich Town, site 203; 1979-80

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3740BC. Early Neolithic

Report: wood; the sample came from a deep section through a Flandrian transgression sequence of peats plus some humic muds. Fine silt and silty clay near the base -4.60m OD

ID: 17850, C14 ID: HAR 4522 Date BP: 5740 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5820, End BP: 5660

Abstract: Stifford: Ardale School; 1981-82

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3690BC. Early Neolithic

Report: charcoal; the sample was mixed with cremation material in a burial pit associated with the cremation of a youthful person. It is also associated with ?domestic rubbish and food vessel sherds. The whole deposit was 'dirty' with charcoal dust. No contamination was seen.

ID: 17594, C14 ID: GU 5301 Date BP: 5690 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 5780, End BP: 5600

Abstract: Snail Down: Site II; 1992-93

Reference Name: Bayliss et al forthcoming 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1988 and 1993', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3630BC. Early Neolithic

Report: peat; from level of Ulmus sp. decline.

ID: 18393, C14 ID: HAR 4342 Date BP: 5630 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 5720, End BP: 5540

Abstract: Winchester: North Walls; 1981-82

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3920BC. Early Neolithic

Report: charcoal; from a presumed Mesolithic fire pit.

ID: 18394, C14 ID: HAR 5667 Date BP: 5920 +/- 180, Start Date BP: 6100, End BP: 5740

Abstract: Windmill Farm (Lizard Mesolithic); 1983-84

Reference Name: Bayliss, A, Hedges, R, Otlet, R, Switsur, R, and Walker, J 2012 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988', Swindon: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3650BC. Early Neolithic

Report: peat; from the interface between lower marine clay and freshwater peat.

ID: 17610, C14 ID: HAR 1831 Date BP: 5650 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 5720, End BP: 5580

Abstract: Somerset Levels: Ashcott Heath; 1975-76

Reference Name: Jordan, D, Haddon-Reece, D, Bayliss, A 1994 'Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981', London: English Heritage

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3920BC. Early Neolithic

Report: antler:deer

ID: 4935, C14 ID: OxA-1159 Date BP: 5920 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5840, End BP: 6000

Abstract: Meiklewood, Scotland

Archaeologist Name: Smith

Reference Name: Archaeometry 30(1), 1988, 155-164

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3520BC. Early Neolithic

Report: peat:-

ID: 4982, C14 ID: OxA-1377 Date BP: 5520 +/- 150, Start Date BP: 5370, End BP: 5670

Abstract: Abermawr Bog, Wales

Archaeologist Name: Bell

Reference Name: Archaeometry 31(2), 1989, 207-234

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3840BC. Early Neolithic

Report: antler:red deer

ID: 5220, C14 ID: OxA-1947 Date BP: 5840 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5760, End BP: 5920

Abstract: Shewalton, Scotland

Archaeologist Name: Bonsall

Reference Name: Archaeometry 32(1), 1990, 101-108

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 4000BC. Early Neolithic

Report: antler:red deer

ID: 5234, C14 ID: OxA-2023 Date BP: 6000 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 5910, End BP: 6090

Abstract: Risga, Scotland

Archaeologist Name: Smith

Reference Name: Archaeometry 32(1), 1990, 101-108

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3620BC. Early Neolithic

Report: charcoal:Prunus,Taxus,Fraxinus

ID: 5261, C14 ID: OxA-2091 Date BP: 5620 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 5530, End BP: 5710

Abstract: Holywell Coombe, England

Archaeologist Name: Preece

Reference Name: Archaeometry 35(2), 1993, 305-326

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3660BC. Early Neolithic

Report: charcoal:-

ID: 5414, C14 ID: OxA-2623 Date BP: 5660 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 5590, End BP: 5730

Abstract: Callaly Moor, England

Archaeologist Name: Cowley

Reference Name: Archaeometry 33(2), 1991, 279-296

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3720BC. Early Neolithic

Report: peat:-

ID: 5415, C14 ID: OxA-2626 Date BP: 5720 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5640, End BP: 5800

Abstract: Magor Pill, UK

Archaeologist Name: Green

Reference Name: Archaeometry 36(2), 1994, 337-374

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3810BC. Early Neolithic

Report: peat:-

ID: 5417, C14 ID: OxA-2628 Date BP: 5810 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5730, End BP: 5890

Abstract: Uskmouth, UK

Archaeologist Name: Green

Reference Name: Archaeometry 36(2), 1994, 337-374

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3960BC. Early Neolithic

Report: shell:Timoclea ovata

ID: 5433, C14 ID: OxA-2780 Date BP: 5960 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5880, End BP: 6040

Abstract: St. Kilda, Scotland

Archaeologist Name: Peacock

Reference Name: Archaeometry 33(2), 1991, 279-296

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3780BC. Early Neolithic

Report: charcoal:-

ID: 5709, C14 ID: OxA-3582 Date BP: 5780 +/- 85, Start Date BP: 5695, End BP: 5865

Abstract: Runnymede, England

Archaeologist Name: Needham

Reference Name: Archaeometry 35(1), 1993, 147-167

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3875BC. Early Neolithic

Report: antler:red deer

ID: 5779, C14 ID: OxA-3737 Date BP: 5875 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 5810, End BP: 5940

Abstract: Isle of Risga, Scotland

Archaeologist Name: Bonsall

Reference Name: Archaeometry 35(2), 1993, 305-326

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3750BC. Early Neolithic

Report: antler:-

ID: 5780, C14 ID: OxA-3738 Date BP: 5750 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 5680, End BP: 5820

Abstract: Ulva Cave, Scotland

Archaeologist Name: Bonsall

Reference Name: Archaeometry 35(2), 1993, 305-326

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3510BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Bone: Bos

ID: 5821, C14 ID: OxA-3869 Date BP: 5510 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 5440, End BP: 5580

Abstract: Ferriters Cove, Ireland

Archaeologist Name: Woodman

Reference Name: Archaeometry 39(2), 1997, 445-471

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3770BC. Early Neolithic

Report: bone:Bank vole

ID: 6013, C14 ID: OxA-4496 Date BP: 5770 +/- 75, Start Date BP: 5695, End BP: 5845

Abstract: Broken Cavern, England

Archaeologist Name: Roberts

Reference Name: Archaeometry 38(2), 1996, 391-415

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3600BC. Early Neolithic

Report: bone:Sus scrofa

ID: 6028, C14 ID: OxA-4570 Date BP: 5600 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5520, End BP: 5680

Abstract: Dalkey Island, Ireland

Archaeologist Name: Woodman

Reference Name: Archaeometry 39(2), 1997, 445-471

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3705BC. Early Neolithic

Report: bone:human femur

ID: 6039, C14 ID: OxA-4604 Date BP: 5705 +/- 75, Start Date BP: 5630, End BP: 5780

Abstract: Rockmarshall, Co. Louth, Ireland

Archaeologist Name: Woodman

Reference Name: Archaeometry 39(2), 1997, 445-471

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3545BC. Early Neolithic

Report: bone:Cervid/Bovid

ID: 6094, C14 ID: OxA-4918 Date BP: 5545 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 5480, End BP: 5610

Abstract: Ferriter's Cove, Ireland

Archaeologist Name: Woodman

Reference Name: Archaeometry 39(2), 1997, 445-471

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3590BC. Early Neolithic

Report: tooth:human

ID: 6191, C14 ID: OxA-5770 Date BP: 5590 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 5530, End BP: 5650

Abstract: Ferriters Cove II, Ireland

Archaeologist Name: Woodman

Reference Name: Archaeometry 39(2), 1997, 445-471

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3945BC. Early Neolithic

ID: 6230, C14 ID: OxA-6011 Date BP: 5945 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 5880, End BP: 6010

Abstract: Rough Tor South, England

Archaeologist Name: Gearey

Reference Name: Archaeometry 39(1), 1997, 247-262

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3970BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Bone: Bos

ID: 6255, C14 ID: OxA-618 Date BP: 5970 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 5870, End BP: 6070

Abstract: Misbourne Viaduct, England

Archaeologist Name: Farley

Reference Name: Archaeometry 28(2), 1986, 206-221

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3825BC. Early Neolithic

ID: 6279, C14 ID: OxA-6362 Date BP: 5825 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 5755, End BP: 5895

Abstract: Snail Channel, UK

Archaeologist Name: Wiltshire

Reference Name: Archaeometry 39(2), 1997, 445-471

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3590BC. Early Neolithic

Report: shell:Pomatias elegan

ID: 6296, C14 ID: OxA-710 Date BP: 5590 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5510, End BP: 5670

Abstract: Binnel Point, England

Archaeologist Name: Yates

Reference Name: Archaeometry 30(1), 1988, 155-164

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3750BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Bone collagen, id as Bos primigenius horn core, from Flandrian buried soil at Pitstone, No 3 quarry, Bucks, England. Coll J G Evans. Comment (lab): Is revision of earlier determination BM-2181.

ID: 471, C14 ID: BM-2181R Date BP: 5750 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 5640, End BP: 5860

OS Letter: SP, OS East: 933, OS North: 140

Archaeologist Name: J G Evans

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 27, 1985, 511 (original date Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 70 (revision)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3710BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Peat from lime decline at base of sequence, dating marine transgression at Hasholme Farm, Holme-on-Spalding Moor, Humberside North, England. Subm M Millett 1986. Comment (subm): Dates help establish chronology of pollen record and marine transgression in relation to logboat. Comment [Ed]: see also Durham TL dates for this site.

ID: 908, C14 ID: HAR-7007 Date BP: 5710 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 5610, End BP: 5810

Abstract: Peat sequence

Archaeologist Name: M Millett (Univ Durham) 1984

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 177; Archaeol J, 144, 1987, 69-155

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3920BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal from organic-rich features on site with microliths dominated by scalene triangles at Windmill Farm, Predannack Moor, Lizard, Cornwall, England.

ID: 1260, C14 ID: HAR-5667 Date BP: 5920 +/- 180, Start Date BP: 5740, End BP: 6100

Abstract: Flint scatter and features

Archaeologist Name: George Smith (Cornwall Archaeol Soc)

Reference Name: Cornish Archaeol, 26, 1987, 62 (second-hand ref only)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3890BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Sample not specified from F69, posthole G at Capel Eithin, Cefn Du, Gwynedd, Wales. Comment (subm): (F Lynch): enigmatic site, no Mesolithic material to account for C14 dates.

ID: 1262, C14 ID: CAR-485 Date BP: 5890 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 5800, End BP: 5980

Abstract: Grooved Ware site ?

Archaeologist Name: Sian White (Gwynedd Archaeol Trust)

Reference Name: Anglesey Antiq Soc Fld Club/Trans for 1981, 15-27; Lynch F, 'Prehistoric Anglesey', 2 ed 1991, 34 and 394

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3520BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Sample not specified from F78, ? building PH fill at Capel Eithin, Cefn Du, Gwynedd, Wales.

ID: 1264, C14 ID: CAR-480 Date BP: 5520 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5440, End BP: 5600

Abstract: Grooved Ware site ?

Archaeologist Name: Sian White (Gwynedd Archaeol Trust)

Reference Name: Anglesey Antiq Soc Fld Club/Trans for 1981, 15-27; Lynch F, 'Prehistoric Anglesey', 2 ed 1991, 34 and 394

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3620BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Peat from foreshore near occupation site, removed as block and sampled in lab: BD PT385 at Brean Down Sandcliff, Somerset, England. Subm Martin Bell. Comment (subm): See monograph for calibrations and comment.

ID: 1208, C14 ID: HAR-8546 Date BP: 5620 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 5520, End BP: 5720

Abstract: Intertidal peat

Archaeologist Name: Martin Bell, Lampeter

Reference Name: Bell Martin, 'Brean Down excavations 1983-1987' (English Heritage Archaeol Rep 15), 1990, 108 and 112-13

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3550BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Carbonised wood from posthole in House 7 at The Dunion, Roxburghshire, Borders, Scotland.

ID: 1366, C14 ID: GU-2177 Date BP: 5550 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 5450, End BP: 5650

Abstract: House scoops

Archaeologist Name: J S Rideout (CEU)

Reference Name: Proc Soc Antiq Scotl, 117, 1987, 361-2

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3845BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Peat from monolith at Cashelkeelty I, Co Kerry, Ireland. Coll A Lynch. [Ed: there are 7 other peat dates from 'immediate vicinity', not collected for this database.]

ID: 1820, C14 ID: UB-2413 Date BP: 5845 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 5745, End BP: 5945

OS Letter: V, OS East: 75, OS North: 52

Reference Name: Brit Archaeol Rep, 85, 1981, 84-9

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3630BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Wood, id as Salix, from tree-stool on surface of peat at Westward Ho!, Devon, England. Subm N D Balaam. [Ed: see extensive comment in monograph.]

ID: 1728, C14 ID: HAR-5630 Date BP: 5630 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5550, End BP: 5710

Abstract: Peat site, Area 2/3

Archaeologist Name: N D Balaam

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 302; Radiocarbon, 34, 1992, 53; in Balaam, N D et al (eds), 'Studies in palaeoeconomy and environment in SW England', (Brit Archaeol Rep 181), 1987, 174-5

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3740BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Peat from base of peat immediately overlying the midden at Westward Ho!, Devon, England. Subm N D Balaam. [Ed: see extensive comment in monograph.]

ID: 1729, C14 ID: HAR-5641 Date BP: 5740 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 5640, End BP: 5840

Abstract: Peat site, Area 2/3

Archaeologist Name: N D Balaam

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 302; Radiocarbon, 34, 1992, 53; in Balaam, N D et al (eds), 'Studies in palaeoeconomy and environment in SW England', (Brit Archaeol Rep 181), 1987, 174-5

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3830BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Peat, id as minerotrophic with high percentages of microscopic charcoal particles, from highly humified fenwood peat at Carrowkeel - Treanscrabbagh, bog in Bricklieve Mts, Sligo, Ireland. Coll G Burenhult. Subm G Burenhult. Comment (subm): Rising Pteridium suggests Meso clearing. See monograph below.

ID: 2090, C14 ID: Lu-1961 Date BP: 5830 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 5765, End BP: 5895

Abstract: environmental data

Archaeologist Name: G Burenhult

Reference Name: Burenhult G, 'The archaeology of Carrowmore...' (Stockholm 1984), 128-32

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3750BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal from stone base to stone B in central cist, sample 4:79 at Carrowmore - Grave 4, Sligo, Ireland. Coll G Burenhult. Subm G Burenhult. Comment (subm): See monograph below.

ID: 2091, C14 ID: Lu-1840 Date BP: 5750 +/- 85, Start Date BP: 5665, End BP: 5835

Abstract: central cist of grave

Archaeologist Name: G Burenhult

Reference Name: Burenhult G, 'The archaeology of Carrowmore...' (Stockholm 1984), 128-32; Radiocarbon, 23, 1981, 402

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3680BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Peat from lower layer, sample I:1983 at Carrowmore - Strandhill, Sligo, Ireland. Coll G Burenhult. Subm G Burenhult. Comment (subm): See monograph below.

ID: 2092, C14 ID: Lu-2223 Date BP: 5680 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 5620, End BP: 5740

Abstract: submerged peat layer on coast

Archaeologist Name: G Burenhult

Reference Name: Burenhult G, 'The archaeology of Carrowmore...' (Stockholm 1984), 128-32; Radiocarbon, 28, 1986, 162

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3640BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Peat, id as minerotrophic, from start of regeneration phase at Carrowkeel - Treanscrabbagh, Sligo, Ireland. Coll G Burenhult. Subm G Burenhult. Comment (subm): See monograph below. Suggests Meso grazing.

ID: 2093, C14 ID: Lu-1962 Date BP: 5640 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 5575, End BP: 5705

Abstract: bog in Bricklieve Mts

Archaeologist Name: G Burenhult

Reference Name: Burenhult G, 'The archaeology of Carrowmore...' (Stockholm 1984), 128-32

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3635BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal lumps, id as Quercus, possibly mature timbers, from within shell material beneath lowest main lens at Muirtown, Inverness, Highland, Scotland. Comment (subm): Calibrates to 4675-4350 BC at 2 sigma (S & P 1986).

ID: 1986, C14 ID: GU-1473 Date BP: 5635 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 5570, End BP: 5700

OS Letter: NH, OS East: 652, OS North: 457

Archaeologist Name: A M Myers and R B Gourlay

Reference Name: Proc Soc Antiq Scotl, 121, 1991, 17-25

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3650BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Wood, id as bark fragments, birch, from brushwood covering of Structure 1, Area E1 at Eskmeals, Williamson's Moss, Cumbria, England. Comment (subm): See references.

ID: 2321, C14 ID: UB-2546 Date BP: 5650 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 5600, End BP: 5700

Abstract: Occupation material in alluvial sediments

Archaeologist Name: C J Bonsall

Reference Name: Northern Archaeol, 7, 1986, 3-30; Bonsall C (ed), 'The Mesolithic in Europe' (Edinburgh: John Donald 1989), 175-205

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3555BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Wood, id as bark fragments, birch, from decayed brushwood covering of Structure 1, Area E1 at Eskmeals, Williamson's Moss, Cumbria, England. Comment (subm): See references.

ID: 2322, C14 ID: UB-2545 Date BP: 5555 +/- 40, Start Date BP: 5515, End BP: 5595

Abstract: Occupation material in alluvial sediments

Archaeologist Name: C J Bonsall

Reference Name: Northern Archaeol, 7, 1986, 3-30; Bonsall C (ed), 'The Mesolithic in Europe' (Edinburgh: John Donald 1989), 175-205

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3685BC. Early Neolithic

Report: from F136, irregular pit with W'n Neo sherds, polished stone etc; pit is overlain by Neo pit burial F137 (see GrN-10557) at Altanagh, Tyrone, Ireland.

ID: 2156, C14 ID: UB-2560 Date BP: 5685 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 5615, End BP: 5755

Abstract: Ruined megalithic structure surrounded by pits with burials

Archaeologist Name: B B Williams

Reference Name: Ulster J Archaeol, 3 ser, 49, 1986, 33-88 esp. 78

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3820BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Peat from sharp clearance phase in mixed oak forest, with 3 cereal grains, at Soyland Moor D, Greater Manchester / W Yorkshire boundary, England. Comment (subm): Represents pre-Neolithic arable cultivation. Part of a series of peat dates for vegetation history. [Ed: standard error given as 85 on p. 169 table; remaining dates not collected for database].

ID: 2645, C14 ID: Q-2394 Date BP: 5820 +/- 95, Start Date BP: 5725, End BP: 5915

Abstract: pre-Neolithic cultivation

Archaeologist Name: C Williams

Reference Name: Brit Archaeol Rep, 139, 1985, 30 and 169

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3890BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Bone collagen, id as Bos primigenius by C Grigson, from five bones assoc with Meso flints at Chesham, Stratford's Yard, Bucks, England. Coll Bambi Stainton, Chess Valley Archaeol & Hist Soc, 1969. Subm C Grigson. Comment (subm): Part of late Pleisto/early Holocene mammalian extinctions programme; confirms presence of Bos prim. in S England in Atlantic period and ident. of flint assemblage as Late Meso.

ID: 2242, C14 ID: BM-2404 Date BP: 5890 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 5790, End BP: 5990

Abstract: working floor

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 29, 1987, 184; Rec Buckinghamshire, 31, 1989, 49-74

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3740BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Wood from estuarine silt, 575cI, from bridge pier foundations, deep section through Flandrian transgression sequence of peats etc at Mar Dyke, Stifford (A13 trunk road), Essex, England. Coll T J Wilkinson 1981. Subm T J Wilkinson 1981.

ID: 2256, C14 ID: HAR-4522 Date BP: 5740 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5660, End BP: 5820

Abstract: Estuarine deposits

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 30, 1988, 323-4; J Fld Archaeol, 13, 1986, 183

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3750BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal, from area of charcoal mixed with shells (Sample 7, Site 2) associated with stone-working at Ferriter's Cove, Ballyoughteragh South, Co Kerry, Ireland. Comment (lab): date revised from original BM-2228.

ID: 3710, C14 ID: BM-2228R Date BP: 5750 +/- 140, Start Date BP: 5610, End BP: 5890

OS Letter: Q, OS East: 321, OS North: 55

Archaeologist Name: P C Woodman et al

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 27, 1985, 517-18 (original determination Radiocarbon, 32, 1990 71 (revision J Kerry Archaeol Hist Soc, 17, 1984, 5-9

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3640BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal, AML 820431, PIT1-1618, from basal 43cm in pit excavated into Weald clay containing Mesolithic flint artefacts and calcined bone at Charlwood Site I, Surrey, England. Subm R L Ellaby 1981.

ID: 6983, C14 ID: HAR-4533 Date BP: 5640 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 5550, End BP: 5730

OS Letter: TQ, OS East: 232, OS North: 414

Archaeologist Name: R L Ellaby

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 33, 1991, 89; Radiocarbon, 34, 1992, 61 (repeat Surrey Archaeol Soc Bull 182, 1983

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3620BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Nutshells, id as hazel, from dump, at Ferriter's Cove, Ballyoughteragh South, Co Cork, Ireland. Comment (subm): [extensively in ref.]

ID: 6801, C14 ID: GrN-18771 Date BP: 5620 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5540, End BP: 5700

OS Letter: Q, OS East: 321, OS North: 55

Archaeologist Name: P C Woodman

Reference Name: Woodman, P C & O'Brien, M, in E Shee Twohig & M Ronayne (eds), 'Past perceptions: the prehistoric archaeology of SW Ireland' (Cork Univ Press), 1993, 25-34

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3727BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal, from ct.309 associated with burnt area at Ferriter's Cove, Ballyoughteragh South, Co Cork, Ireland. Comment (subm): [extensively in ref.]

ID: 6803, C14 ID: UB-3598 Date BP: 5727 +/- 81, Start Date BP: 5646, End BP: 5808

OS Letter: Q, OS East: 321, OS North: 55

Archaeologist Name: P C Woodman

Reference Name: Woodman, P C & O'Brien, M, in E Shee Twohig & M Ronayne (eds), 'Past perceptions: the prehistoric archaeology of SW Ireland' (Cork Univ Press), 1993, 25-34

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3503BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal, from ct.341, fill of 355, at Ferriter's Cove, Ballyoughteragh South, Co Cork, Ireland. Comment (subm): [extensively in ref.]

ID: 6804, C14 ID: UB-3599 Date BP: 5503 +/- 45, Start Date BP: 5458, End BP: 5548

OS Letter: Q, OS East: 321, OS North: 55

Archaeologist Name: P C Woodman

Reference Name: Woodman, P C & O'Brien, M, in E Shee Twohig & M Ronayne (eds), 'Past perceptions: the prehistoric archaeology of SW Ireland' (Cork Univ Press), 1993, 25-34

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3790BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal, id as Quercus sp by J Ambers, ref C.008, from dump deposit also containing three pieces of flint at Rhendhoo, Andreas, Isle of Man, off England. Subm SMcC 1989. Comment (subm): Results agree with findings and are first independent dating evidence for period from Isle of Man; also confirm contemporaneity between Manx and Irish Late Mesolithic.

ID: 6438, C14 ID: BM-2693 Date BP: 5790 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 5740, End BP: 5840

Abstract: Hearth, charcoal dumps and flint-knapping floor

Archaeologist Name: S McCartan, UC Cork, 1989

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 36, 1994, 104-5

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3680BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Shell, context 218 (Trench 1), shallow pit with lens of shell at Ferriter's Cove, Ballyoughteragh South, Co Cork, Ireland. Comment (subm): [extensively in ref.]

ID: 6853, C14 ID: Q-2634 Date BP: 5680 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 5610, End BP: 5750

OS Letter: Q, OS East: 321, OS North: 55

Archaeologist Name: P C Woodman

Reference Name: Woodman, P C & O'Brien, M, in E Shee Twohig & M Ronayne (eds), 'Past perceptions: the prehistoric archaeology of SW Ireland' (Cork Univ Press), 1993, 25-34

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3900BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal, from hearth, ct.26 at Ferriter's Cove, Ballyoughteragh South, Co Cork, Ireland. Comment (subm): [extensively in ref.]

ID: 6854, C14 ID: GrN-18769 Date BP: 5900 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 5790, End BP: 6010

OS Letter: Q, OS East: 321, OS North: 55

Archaeologist Name: P C Woodman

Reference Name: Woodman, P C & O'Brien, M, in E Shee Twohig & M Ronayne (eds), 'Past perceptions: the prehistoric archaeology of SW Ireland' (Cork Univ Press), 1993, 25-34

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3620BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Nutshells, id as hazel, from dump, ct.43 at Ferriter's Cove, Ballyoughteragh South, Co Cork, Ireland. Comment (subm): [extensively in ref.]

ID: 6855, C14 ID: GrN-18770 Date BP: 5620 +/- 130, Start Date BP: 5490, End BP: 5750

OS Letter: Q, OS East: 321, OS North: 55

Archaeologist Name: P C Woodman

Reference Name: Woodman, P C & O'Brien, M, in E Shee Twohig & M Ronayne (eds), 'Past perceptions: the prehistoric archaeology of SW Ireland' (Cork Univ Press), 1993, 25-34

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3930BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Shell, id as Patella spp, outer fraction, from top 10cm of midden at Ulva Cave, Mull, Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

ID: 6876, C14 ID: GU-2603 Date BP: 5930 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 5880, End BP: 5980

Abstract: 'Obanian' site

Archaeologist Name: Clive Bonsall et al 1989

Reference Name: Mesolithic Miscellany, 13(1), 1992, 7-13

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3650BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal, square N4, pre-midden layer at Cnoc Coig, Oronsay, Argyll & Bute, Scotland. Comment (subm): cal. dates given. [Ed: further comment in ref.]

ID: 7886, C14 ID: Q-3005 Date BP: 5650 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 5590, End BP: 5710

Abstract: Shell middens

Archaeologist Name: Paul Mellars

Reference Name: Mellars, P A, 'Excavations on Oronsay: prehistoric human ecology on a small island' (Edinburgh Univ Press), 1987, 140

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3510BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal, control trench, layers 9/10 at Priory Midden, Oronsay, Argyll & Bute, Scotland. Comment (subm): cal. dates given. [Ed: further comment in ref.]

ID: 7896, C14 ID: Q-3003 Date BP: 5510 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 5460, End BP: 5560

Abstract: Shell middens

Archaeologist Name: Paul Mellars

Reference Name: Mellars, P A, 'Excavations on Oronsay: prehistoric human ecology on a small island' (Edinburgh Univ Press), 1987, 140

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3717BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal, control trench, layer 18 at Priory Midden, Oronsay, Argyll & Bute, Scotland. Comment (subm): cal. dates given. [Ed: further comment in ref.]

ID: 7897, C14 ID: Q-3002 Date BP: 5717 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 5667, End BP: 5767

Abstract: Shell middens

Archaeologist Name: Paul Mellars

Reference Name: Mellars, P A, 'Excavations on Oronsay: prehistoric human ecology on a small island' (Edinburgh Univ Press), 1987, 140

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3825BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal, control trench, layer 19 at Priory Midden, Oronsay, Argyll & Bute, Scotland. Comment (subm): cal. dates given. [Ed: further comment in ref.]

ID: 7898, C14 ID: Q-3000 Date BP: 5825 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 5775, End BP: 5875

Abstract: Shell middens

Archaeologist Name: Paul Mellars

Reference Name: Mellars, P A, 'Excavations on Oronsay: prehistoric human ecology on a small island' (Edinburgh Univ Press), 1987, 140

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3870BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal, control trench, layer 19 at Priory Midden, Oronsay, Argyll & Bute, Scotland. Comment (subm): cal. dates given. [Ed: further comment in ref.]

ID: 7899, C14 ID: Q-3001 Date BP: 5870 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 5820, End BP: 5920

Abstract: Shell middens

Archaeologist Name: Paul Mellars

Reference Name: Mellars, P A, 'Excavations on Oronsay: prehistoric human ecology on a small island' (Edinburgh Univ Press), 1987, 140

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3550BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal, id by T G Holden and A Durry as Quercus sp, from within small area of burning at F5 of Cleaven Dyke, Perth & Kinross, Scotland. Comment (subm): poor state of preservation of charcoal implies that wood was rotten before being charred. Cal ranges given. Reasonable to suggest that the event thus dated occurred between 200 and 800 years before bank of Cleaven Dyke was built at this point. Suggest late 5th to mid/late 4th millennium cal BC.

ID: 7805, C14 ID: GU-3912 Date BP: 5550 +/- 130, Start Date BP: 5420, End BP: 5680

OS Letter: NO, OS East: 16, OS North: 40

Archaeologist Name: G J Barclay and G S Maxwell

Reference Name: Barclay, G J and Maxwell, G S, 'The Cleaven Dyke and Littleour -- monuments in the Neolithic of Tayside' (Scot Antiq Soc Monogr, 13), 1998

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3675BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal, square O4, pre-midden layer at Cnoc Coig, Oronsay, Argyll & Bute, Scotland. Comment (subm): cal. dates given. [Ed: further comment in ref.]

ID: 7815, C14 ID: Q-3006 Date BP: 5675 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 5615, End BP: 5735

Abstract: Shell middens

Archaeologist Name: Paul Mellars

Reference Name: Mellars, P A, 'Excavations on Oronsay: prehistoric human ecology on a small island' (Edinburgh Univ Press), 1987, 140

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3790BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Bone tool, bevel-ended, UPM/IV.8, from upper midden T59 at Morton, Fife, Scotland. Subm C Bonsall and C Tolan-Smith. Comment (subm): these artefacts are highly characteristic of coastal Mesolithic shell midden sites in Scotland, and especially the so-called 'Obanian' sites on the west coast. The new dates extend the known time-range back to c 8350 BP and there are now 10 direct dates for this artefact. The three for Morton B are the first 'direct' dates on human artefacts from this site; and are significantly younger than previous determinations on bulk samples of charcoal which range from c 6380 to c 6115 BP.

ID: 7612, C14 ID: OxA-4612 Date BP: 5790 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5710, End BP: 5870

Abstract: Mesolithic artefact dating programme

Archaeologist Name: C Bonsall and C Tolan-Smith

Reference Name: Archaeometry, 40, 1998, 441; Meso Miscellany, 16(1), 1995, 2-10; Proc Prehist Soc, 37(2), 1971, 284-366

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3560BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal from lens, context 385, within peat under reave at Saddlesborough Main Reave Site 208, Shaugh Moor, Devon, England.

ID: 8478, C14 ID: HAR-3590 Date BP: 5560 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 5470, End BP: 5650

OS Letter: SX, OS East: 566, OS North: 628

Archaeologist Name: K Smith et al

Reference Name: Proc Prehist Soc, 47, 1981, 205-73; Proc Prehist Soc, 48, 1982, 203-78

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3680BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal, AML 794870, P76C2011, id as Quercus sp from mature timber, from feature 219 in primary phase ditch deposits and features cutting the fill of Neolithic ditches at Briar Hill, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England. Comment (subm): agrees well with HAR-2282, 4092, not with HAR-5216 (which see).

ID: 8617, C14 ID: HAR-4072 Date BP: 5680 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 5610, End BP: 5750

OS Letter: SP, OS East: 736, OS North: 592

Archaeologist Name: Helen Bamford, Northampton Devel Corp

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 33, 1991, 82-5; Bamford H, 'Briar Hill Excavation 1974-8' (1985), 127-8

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3540BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal, AML 794861, P76A6051, id as Quercus sp, Prunus sp, Rosaceae sub-family Pomoideae and Fraxinus sp, all from mature timber, from feature 128E(4) in primary phase ditch deposits and features cutting the fill of Neolithic ditches at Briar Hill, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England. Comment (subm): agrees well with HAR-4072, 2282, not with HAR-5216 (which see).

ID: 8618, C14 ID: HAR-4092 Date BP: 5540 +/- 140, Start Date BP: 5400, End BP: 5680

OS Letter: SP, OS East: 736, OS North: 592

Archaeologist Name: Helen Bamford, Northampton Devel Corp

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 33, 1991, 82-5; Bamford H, 'Briar Hill Excavation 1974-8' (1985), 127-8

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3670BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal, AML 872559, WG 10A0, from an early Iron Age pit assoc with pottery and part of a settlement that included a line of four round houses at Wetwang Slack, Humberside / N Yorkshire, England. Subm JSD 1980. Comment (subm): This result, which should provide an association date for early Iron Age pottery and related roundhouse, is older than anticipated by c 2 ka.

ID: 8760, C14 ID: HAR-8543 Date BP: 5670 +/- 160, Start Date BP: 5510, End BP: 5830

OS Letter: SE, OS East: 940, OS North: 598

Archaeologist Name: J S Dent, Humberside AU 1980

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 34, 1992, 51-2; E Riding Archaeol, 7, 1983, App A, 1-12

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3780BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal, ref SQUARE 2, from posthole 1 in occupation area on West Kennet Avenue at Avebury, Wiltshire, England. Subm M Pitts 1987. Comment (subm): must be rejected. [Ed: NGR not given, estimated only.]

ID: 8811, C14 ID: HAR-9694 Date BP: 5780 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5700, End BP: 5860

OS Letter: SU, OS East: 9, OS North: 69

Archaeologist Name: A Keiller 1934

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 34, 1992, 61-2; Proc Prehist Soc, 58, 1992, 203-12; Archaeologia, 84, 1935, 99-162; Smith I, 'Windmill Hill and Avebury' (Oxford, 1965)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3890BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Shells, mainly Patella sp within occupation layer at Caisteal nan Gillean, Oronsay, Strathclyde.

ID: 503, C14 ID: SRR-1458b Date BP: 5890 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 5820, End BP: 5960

OS Letter: NR, OS East: 359, OS North: 880

Reference Name: Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 113, 1983, 22-34 esp 32; P Mellars, Excavations on Oronsay (Edinburgh, 1987)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3706BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Animal bones, id as mixed, (collagen) from primary midden filling south wall-core of House 1, Period I at Knap of Howar [Map], Papa Westray, Orkney, Scotland. Coll A Ritchie. Comment (subm): sample re-run as SRR-452, neither seems reliable.

ID: 3068, C14 ID: SRR-347 Date BP: 5706 +/- 85, Start Date BP: 5621, End BP: 5791

OS Letter: HY, OS East: 483, OS North: 518

Archaeologist Name: A Ritchie

Reference Name: Proc Scot Antiq Scot, 113, 1983, 40-121; Renfrew C, 'The Prehistory of Orkney', 1985, 264

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3610BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal, believed excavated at same time as Mesolithic flint assemblage including late shapes of microlith, at Lominot Site IV, Marsden, W Yorkshire, England. Coll F Buckley. Subm R M Jacobi.

ID: 3115, C14 ID: Q-1189 Date BP: 5610 +/- 120, Start Date BP: 5490, End BP: 5730

OS Letter: SE, OS East: 7, OS North: 126

Archaeologist Name: F Buckley 1924-5

Reference Name: Nature, 256, 1975, 32-4

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3850BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal assoc with Bandkeramik vessel at base of mound, Phase II at Les Fouaillages, L'Ancresse Common, Guernsey, Channel Islands. Coll I Kinnes. Comment (lab): IS REVISION OF BM-1892.

ID: 3132, C14 ID: BM-1892R Date BP: 5850 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 5750, End BP: 5950

OS Letter: WV, OS East: 335, OS North: 830

Archaeologist Name: I Kinnes

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 24, 1982, 272 (original determination Radiocarbon, 32, 1990 (revision Antiquity, 56, 1982, 24-9 (site)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3900BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal assoc with vessel at base of mound, Phase II at Les Fouaillages, L'Ancresse Common, Guernsey, Channel Islands. Coll I Kinnes. Comment (lab): IS REVISION OF BM-1893.

ID: 3133, C14 ID: BM-1893R Date BP: 5900 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 5790, End BP: 6010

OS Letter: WV, OS East: 335, OS North: 830

Archaeologist Name: Ian Kinnes

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 24, 1982, 272 (original determination Radiocarbon, 32, 1990 (revision Antiquity, 56, 1982, 24-9 (site)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3670BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal in backfill of unroofed chamber, Phase II, at Les Fouaillages, L'Ancresse Common, Guernsey, Channel Islands. Coll I Kinnes. Comment (lab): IS REVISION OF BM-1894.

ID: 3134, C14 ID: BM-1894R Date BP: 5670 +/- 170, Start Date BP: 5500, End BP: 5840

OS Letter: WV, OS East: 335, OS North: 830

Archaeologist Name: Ian Kinnes

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 24, 1982, 272 (original determination Radiocarbon, 32, 1990 (revision Antiquity, 56, 1982, 24-9 (site)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3530BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal, id as Oak, from fire-trench at Ystrad Hynod, Powys, Wales.

ID: 3620, C14 ID: NPL-242 Date BP: 5530 +/- 95, Start Date BP: 5435, End BP: 5625

OS Letter: SN, OS East: 907, OS North: 882

Archaeologist Name: A M ApSimon

Reference Name: Archaeol Cambrensis, 122, 1973, 35-54

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3640BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Wood, id as birch, from track at Honeygore Track, Somerset Levels, England.

ID: 3796, C14 ID: GaK-1939 Date BP: 5640 +/- 120, Start Date BP: 5520, End BP: 5760

OS Letter: ST, OS East: 419, OS North: 427

Archaeologist Name: J M Coles & F Hibbert

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 2, 1960, 63; Radiocarbon, 12, 1970, 549 and 597; Proc Prehist Soc, 34, 1968, 238-58; Somerset Levels Pap, 15, 1989, 65

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3650BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Peat from junction between lower marine clay and fresh water peat at Rowland's Track, Walton Heath, Somerset Levels, England.

ID: 3851, C14 ID: HAR-1831 Date BP: 5650 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 5580, End BP: 5720

OS Letter: ST, OS East: , OS North:

Archaeologist Name: J M Coles and others

Reference Name: Somerset Levels Pap 5, 1979, 101; Somerset Levels Pap, 15, 1989, 69

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3600BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Peat from junction between lower marine clay and fresh water peat at Garvin's Factory, Walton Heath, Somerset Levels, England.

ID: 3852, C14 ID: HAR-1856 Date BP: 5600 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 5530, End BP: 5670

OS Letter: ST, OS East: , OS North:

Archaeologist Name: J M Coles and others

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 27, 1985, 77; Somerset Levels Pap 5, 1979, 101; Somerset Levels Pap, 15, 1989, 69

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3995BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Fractions of cut sod in secondary construction at Silbury Hill [Map], Avebury, Wiltshire, England. Comment (lab): NaOH - soluble portion of SI-910A. Fractions taken to test feasibility of dating sod/turf.

ID: 3877, C14 ID: SI-910AH Date BP: 5995 +/- 185, Start Date BP: 5810, End BP: 6180

OS Letter: SU, OS East: 100, OS North: 685

Archaeologist Name: R J C Atkinson

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 15, 1973, 400-1; Radiocarbon, 18, 1976, 38; Antiquity, 41, 1967, 259-62; Antiquity, 43, 1969, 216; Antiquity, 44, 1970, 313-14

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3820BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Bottom 2 cm of Upper Calcrete layer (inner carbonate only) at Coygan Cave, Carmarthenshire, Wales.

ID: 3940, C14 ID: GrN-4423 Date BP: 5820 +/- 65, Start Date BP: 5755, End BP: 5885

OS Letter: SN, OS East: 285, OS North: 92

Archaeologist Name: C B M McBurney

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 14, 1972, 54; Radiocarbon, 18, 1976, 20

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3680BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Bone, id as Red Deer (Cervus elaphus), from immediately below large limestone block forming part of structure/wall at N end of site Thorpe Common, Thorpe Salvin, Yorkshire S, England. Comment (subm): Sample dates wall construction, unique in context of British mesolithic and latest occupation of the site.

ID: 3955, C14 ID: Q-1118 Date BP: 5680 +/- 150, Start Date BP: 5530, End BP: 5830

OS Letter: SK, OS East: 529, OS North: 794

Archaeologist Name: P A Mellars

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 17, 1975, 45

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 4000BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal from hearth at Barsalloch, Wigtownshire, Scotland.

ID: 4004, C14 ID: GaK-1601 Date BP: 6000 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 5890, End BP: 6110

OS Letter: NX, OS East: 343, OS North: 421

Archaeologist Name: W F Cormack

Reference Name: Antiquity, 43, 1969, 216-7; Trans Dumfriesshire Galloway Natur Hist Antiq Soc, 47, 1970, 63-80

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3960BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Wood peat associated with microlithic industry on foreshore at Freshwater West, Pembrokeshire, Wales.

ID: 4005, C14 ID: Q-530 Date BP: 5960 +/- 120, Start Date BP: 5840, End BP: 6080

OS Letter: SM, OS East: 882, OS North: 997

Archaeologist Name: G J Wainwright

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 6, 1964, 127; Proc Prehist Soc, 29, 1963, 99-132

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3730BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal from layer 2 (Period III) of site F, associated with Mesolithic flints and Ebbsfleet pottery at High Rocks, Tunbridge Wells, Kent/Sussex, England. Comment (subm): between them BM-40 and BM-91 bracket 6 of the 7 hearths, most of the flints of Mesolithic type and the main concentration of pottery found at Site F all of which appear to be components of a pottery-using Wealden culture of c 3700 bc inhabiting rock shelters and characterized by hunting rather than by agriculture. TL date also available for pottery, OxTL-61a, 3324 bc 375.

ID: 4006, C14 ID: BM-91 Date BP: 5730 +/- 150, Start Date BP: 5580, End BP: 5880

OS Letter: TQ, OS East: 553, OS North: 563

Archaeologist Name: J H Money

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 18, 1976, 16-17; Sussex Archaeol Collect, 100, 1962, 149-51

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3660BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal from hearth 5, site F at High Rocks, Tunbridge Wells, Kent/Sussex, England. [Ed: also a thermolum date hence of 5274 BP 375, OxTL-61a for pottery: see third and fourth refs below.]

ID: 4007, C14 ID: BM-40 Date BP: 5660 +/- 150, Start Date BP: 5510, End BP: 5810

OS Letter: TQ, OS East: 553, OS North: 563

Archaeologist Name: J H Money

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 1, 1959, 85; Sussex Archaeol Collect, 106, 1968, 158-205; Radiocarbon, 18, 1976, 16-17; Brit Archaeol Rep, 75, 1980, 196

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3795BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal from Complex III, sample 2 at Newferry, Ballymena, Antrim, Ireland.

ID: 4025, C14 ID: UB-508 Date BP: 5795 +/- 105, Start Date BP: 5690, End BP: 5900

Abstract: Occupation layers in diatomite

Archaeologist Name: P C Woodman

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 15, 1973, 213-14 and 600; Ulster J Archaeol, 1971, 34, 3-25; Proc Prehist Soc, 43, 1977, 155-199; Brit Archaeol Rep, 88, 1978, 15; J Roy Soc Antiq Ir, 110, 1980, 160-2

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3705BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal from Zone 3, (middle of diatomite), H8 at Newferry Site 3, Ballymena, Antrim, Ireland.

ID: 4026, C14 ID: UB-630 Date BP: 5705 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 5615, End BP: 5795

Abstract: Occupation layers in diatomite

Archaeologist Name: P C Woodman

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 15, 1973, 213-14 and 600; Ulster J Archaeol, 1971, 34, 3-25; Proc Prehist Soc, 43, 1977, 155-199; Brit Archaeol Rep, 88, 1978, 15; J Roy Soc Antiq Ir, 110, 1980, 160-2

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3755BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Bone from midden at Cnoc Sligeach, Oronsay, Argyll, Scotland.

ID: 4030, C14 ID: GX-1904 Date BP: 5755 +/- 180, Start Date BP: 5575, End BP: 5935

OS Letter: NR, OS East: 369, OS North: 888

Archaeologist Name: A H Bishop 1911

Reference Name: Nature, 231, 1971, 397-8; Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 7, 1970; Proc Prehist Soc, 38, 1972, 412-3; P Mellars, 'Excavations on Oronsay' (Edinburgh 1987)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3955BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal from occupation lens in mound at Inveravon, West Lothian, Scotland.

ID: 4046, C14 ID: GX-2334 Date BP: 5955 +/- 180, Start Date BP: 5775, End BP: 6135

OS Letter: NS, OS East: 951, OS North: 798

Archaeologist Name: E W MacKie

Reference Name: Proc Prehist Soc, 38, 1972, 412-6; DoE, Archaeol Excav 1971, 1972, 40

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3850BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Burnt wood from base of (?cooking) pit 30cm deep in mineral soil, covered by stones and flint at March Hill II, Yorkshire, England. Comment (subm): Mesolithic flint waste surrounded the pit.

ID: 4071, C14 ID: Q-788 Date BP: 5850 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5770, End BP: 5930

Abstract: Geometric industry

Archaeologist Name: F Buckley

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 17, 1975, 44; Proc Prehist Soc, 40, 1974, 16-19; Nature, 256, 1975, 32-4

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3850BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Shells, id as Patella, from basal layers of midden at Caisteal-nan-Gillean II, Oronsay, Strathclyde, Scotland.

ID: 4072, C14 ID: Birm-348 Date BP: 5850 +/- 310, Start Date BP: 5540, End BP: 6160

OS Letter: NR, OS East: 359, OS North: 879

Archaeologist Name: P Mellars

Reference Name: Discovery Excav Scot, 1973, 9; Nature, 231, 1971, 397-8; P Mellars, 'Excavations on Oronsay' (1987)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3830BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal from hearth with rod microliths at Rocher Moss South, Site II, Yorkshire W, England.

ID: 4074, C14 ID: Q-1190 Date BP: 5830 +/- 100, Start Date BP: 5730, End BP: 5930

OS Letter: SE, OS East: 3, OS North: 9

Archaeologist Name: Stonehouse 1956

Reference Name: Nature, 256, 1975, 32-4

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3680BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal from hearth near base of pit 8 at Wakeford Copse, Hampshire, England.

ID: 4075, C14 ID: HAR-233 Date BP: 5680 +/- 120, Start Date BP: 5560, End BP: 5800

OS Letter: SU, OS East: 727, OS North: 91

Archaeologist Name: R Bradley

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 19, 1977, 401; Rescue Archaeol Hampshire, 2, 1974, 5-18, esp. 16

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3540BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Bone, id as vertebra of Bos primigenius, associated with flint-tool-marked bones at Tolpitts Lane, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, England. [Ed: this is REVISED from the earlier BM determination of 5230 60.]

ID: 4113, C14 ID: BM-1676R Date BP: 5540 +/- 110, Start Date BP: 5430, End BP: 5650

OS Letter: TQ, OS East: 76, OS North: 942

Archaeologist Name: R M Jacobi

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 24, 1982, 263; R Berger & H E Suess (eds), 'Radiocarbon Dating' (1979), 57; Radiocarbon, 32, 1990, 67

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3850BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Shell, id as Patella spp, from layer of cobbles and shells at Cnoc Sligeach, Oronsay, Strathclyde, Scotland. Comment (lab): inner fraction dated

ID: 4117, C14 ID: Birm-462 Date BP: 5850 +/- 140, Start Date BP: 5710, End BP: 5990

Abstract: Shell midden assoc with raised storm beach

Archaeologist Name: W G Jardine

Reference Name: Boreas, 7, 1978, 183-196; P Mellars, 'Excavations on Oronsay' (Edinburgh 1987)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3750BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Bone, id as Cervus, from museum - relates to molluscan sequence in tufa deposits at Blashenwell, Corfe Castle, Dorset, England.

ID: 4125, C14 ID: BM-1257 Date BP: 5750 +/- 140, Start Date BP: 5610, End BP: 5890

OS Letter: SY, OS East: 95, OS North: 80

Archaeologist Name: R Preece

Reference Name: J Archaeol Sci, 7, 1980, 345-62; Radiocarbon, 24, 1982, 154-5

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3645BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Wood charcoal from base of midden at Cnoc Coig, Oronsay, Strathclyde, Scotland.

ID: 4127, C14 ID: Q-1353 Date BP: 5645 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 5565, End BP: 5725

OS Letter: NR, OS East: 361, OS North: 885

Archaeologist Name: P A Mellars/W G Jardine

Reference Name: Nature, 267, 1977, 138-40

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3535BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Wood charcoal from base of midden at Cnoc Coig, Oronsay, Strathclyde, Scotland.

ID: 4128, C14 ID: Q-1354 Date BP: 5535 +/- 140, Start Date BP: 5395, End BP: 5675

OS Letter: NR, OS East: 361, OS North: 885

Archaeologist Name: P A Mellars/W G Jardine

Reference Name: Nature, 267, 1977, 138-40

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3625BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal from pit with sherds at Ballynagilly, Tyrone, N Ireland.

ID: 4177, C14 ID: UB-197 Date BP: 5625 +/- 50, Start Date BP: 5575, End BP: 5675

OS Letter: H, OS East: 743, OS North: 837

Archaeologist Name: A M ApSimon

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 12, 1970, 288-89; Radiocarbon, 13, 1971, 105-8; Radiocarbon, 15, 1973, 218-19, 599; Antiquity, 45, 1971, 97-102; J Roy Soc Antiq Ireland, 99, 1969, 165-8

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3745BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal from Neolithic hearth at Ballynagilly, The Corbie, Tyrone, N Ireland.

ID: 4204, C14 ID: UB-305 Date BP: 5745 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 5655, End BP: 5835

OS Letter: H, OS East: 743, OS North: 837

Archaeologist Name: A M ApSimon

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 12, 1970, 288-9; Radiocarbon, 13, 1971, 105-8; Radiocarbon, 15, 1973, 218-9, 599; Antiquity, 45, 1971, 97-102; J Roy Soc Antiq Ireland, 99, 1969, 165-8

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 3640BC. Early Neolithic

Report: Charcoal from early Neo pit/gully complex at Ballynagilly, The Corbie, Tyrone, N Ireland.

ID: 4205, C14 ID: UB-307 Date BP: 5640 +/- 90, Start Date BP: 5550, End BP: 5730

OS Letter: H, OS East: 743, OS North: 837

Archaeologist Name: A M ApSimon

Reference Name: Radiocarbon, 12, 1970, 288-89; Radiocarbon, 13, 1971, 105-8; Radiocarbon, 15, 1973, 218-9, 599; Antiquity, 45, 1971, 97-102; J Roy Soc Antiq Ireland, 99, 1969, 165-8

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]