Tudor Books, Hall's Chronicle 1517

Hall's Chronicle 1517 is in Hall's Chronicle.

1517 Jousts

In June the King had with him diverse Ambassadors, for solace of whom he prepared a costly jousts, he himself and twelve against the duke of Suffolk and other, twelve his base and bard was the one half cloth of silver, and the other half black tinsel. On the silver was a curious loose work of white velvet embroidered with gold cut on the Silver and every cut engrailed with gold, so that that side was gold, silver and velvet. On the black tinsel side was black velvet embroidered with gold and cut, and every cut was engrailed with flat gold of Damaske. The base and barde were embroidered with great letters of massy gold bullion, full of pearls and stones, marvellous rich: all his company were in like suit, saving that they had no jewels. The king had on his head a ladies sleeve full of diamonds. On the King attended gentlemen, armourers, and other officers to the number of twenty-five hundred persons all in white velvet and white satin, horse and harness for horsemen, caps and hose for footmen, all white at the King's cost. This royally the King and his company with his waiters came to the tilts end.

Then entered the Duke of Suffolk with the Marques Dorset, the Earls of Essex and Surrey, and eight other of his band in bardes and bases of white velvet and crimson satin lozenged, set full of letters of C. M. of gold, for Charles and Mary, and they took the other end of the tilt. Then the Trumpets blew, and the King and the Duke ran fiercely together, and brake many speres, and so did all the other, that it was hard to say who did best: but when the courses were run, they ran volant one at another, so that both by the report of sir Edward Guildford Master of the Armoury, and also of the Judges and Heralds at these jousts were broken five hundred and six spears: and then the King the same night made to the Ambassadors a sumptuous banquet with many riddles and much pastime.

After this great triumph, the king appointed his guests for his pastime this summer, but suddenly there came a plague of sickness, called the sweating sickness, that turned all his purpose. This malady was so cruel that it killed some within three hours, some within two hours, some merry at diner and dead at supper. Many died in the King's Court, the Lord Clinton, the Lord Grey of Wilton, and many knights, Gentlemen and officers. For this plague Michaelmas term was adjourned and because that this malady continued from July to the middle of December, the King kept himself ever with a small company, and kept no solemn Christmas, willing to have no resort for fear of infection: but much lamented the number of his people, for in some one town half the people died, and in some other town the third part, the Sweat was so fervent and infectious.