Tudor Books, Hall's Chronicle 1537
Hall's Chronicle 1537 is in Hall's Chronicle.
03 Feb 1537. The third day of February was Thomas Fitz Garrad (age 24) late Earl of Kildare and five of his uncles drawn, hanged and quartered at Tiborne [Map] for high treason.
Feb 1537. Also in the said month, Nichol Musgrave, Thomas Tilbie, with other began a new rebellion at Kirbie Stephen [Map] in Westmoreland with eight thousand persons, and besieged the city of Carlisle [Map], from whence they were beaten, with the only power of the city, and in their returning the Duke of Norfolk (age 64), who then was made Lieutenant of the North encountered with them, and took the captains, and according to the law martial, arraigned threescore and fourteen of them, and hanged them on Carlisle walls, but Musgrave escaped. And in the same month of February began yet another insurreccion, by the enticement of Sir Frances Bigod (age 29), a man no doubt that loved God, and feared his Prince, with a right obedient and loving fear but now being deceived and provoked thereunto by false rebellious persons, it was his fortune to taste of the end which appertains to rebels such are men when God leaves them to themselves, and when they will enterprise the doing of that thing which God’s most holy word utterly forbids. This Bigod was apprehended and brought to the Tower of London. This last rebellion began in Setrington, and in Pikerin Leigh, and Scarborough.
Dec 1536. Also in the latter end of this yere, the lord Darcy (age 69), Aske (age 36), Sir Robert constable (age 58), Sir Jhon Bulmer and his wyfe (age 25), Sir Thomas Percie (age 32) brother to the Erle of Northumberland (age 34), Syr Stephen Hamelton, Nicholas Tempest (age 56) Esquire, William Lumley, son to the lord Lumley (age 44) began again to conspire, although they before had every one of them their pardons, and now they were all taken and brought to the Tower of London [Map].
02 Jun 1537 In June the lord Darcy (age 70) and the lord Hosey [Map] were arraigned at Westminster before the Marques of Exceter (age 41), then High Steward of England, and they were both found guilty and had their judgement as in cases of high treason.
After 02 Jun 1537. Shortly after were also arraigned Sir Robert Constable (age 59), Sir Thomas Percy (deceased), Sir Fraunces Bygod (deceased), Sir Stephin Hamelton, Sir Jhon Bulmer and his wife (deceased), which some reported was not his wife but his paramour, also William Lumley, Nicholas Tempest (age 57), and the Abbots of Jerney (deceased) and Rivers, and Robert Aske (age 37), and all found guilty of high treason, and all put to death at Tiborne [Map], saving Sir Robert Constable, which was hanged in chains on Beverley gate at Hull and Aske was also hanged in chains in Yorke on a Tower, and Sir John Bulmer’s Paramour, was burned in Smithfclde [Map] in London. And in the latter end of June, was the Lord Darcy beheaded at Tower Hill [Map], and shortly after was the Lord Hosey beheaded at Lyncolne [Map].
23 Apr 1537. This year at the feast of St George, was the Lord Cromwell (age 52) made knight of the Gartier.
12 Oct 1537. In October on Saint Edward’s eve was borne at Hampton court [Map] the noble Impe Prince Edward, whose Godfathers at the Christening were the Archbishop of Canterbury (age 48), and the Duke of Norfolk (age 64) and his Godmother the Lady Mary (age 21) the King’s daughter, and at the bishoping was Godfather the Duke of Suffolk (age 53). At the birth of this noble Prince was great fires made through the whole realm and great joy made with thanks giving to almighty God, which had sent so noble a prince to succeed in the crown of this realm.
24 Oct 1537. But Lord what lamentation shortly after was made for the death of his noble and gracious mother Queen Jane (age 28), which departed out of this life the fourteenth day [a mistake for 24th] of October, next following: and of none in the realm was it more heavier taken than of the King’s Majesty (age 46) himself, whose death caused the King immediately to remove unto Westminster, where he mourned and kept himself close and secret a great while.
08 Nov 1537. And the eighth day of November the corpse of the Queen (deceased) was carried to Windsor with great solemnity, and there was buried in the midst of the choir in the Castel Church [Map]: And at the same time was made in Paul’s a solemn hearse for her, where was mass and dirge, and in like manner was sung Mass and dirge in every parish church in London.
25 Dec 1537. The Kinges Majesty (age 46) kept his Christmas at Greenwich in his mourning apparel, and so was all the Court till the morrow after Candlemas day, and then he and all other changed.
1537. Also, this yere the Viscount Beauchamp (age 37) was created erle of Hertford and Sir William Fitzwilliam (age 47) High Admiral created Earle of Southampton.