Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1561

Henry Machyn's Diary 1561 is in Henry Machyn's Diary.

Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1561 January

12 Jan 1561. The xij day, the wyche was the vj day of January, was bered in sant Benettes [Map] at Powlles warff master Antony Hyll, on of the quen('s) gentyllman of (blank), and a xvj clarkes syngyng to the chyrche, and to the berehyng.... a] boyffe iiijxx of gentyll-women [to .... whe]re they had as grett chere as have bene sene, behyng a fysse day; and after ther w .... the cheff men of the parryche and odur, and [they had] a grett dener and grett chere for fysse.

16 Jan 1561. The xvj day of January was bered at sant Aus[tin's] Jakobe the husser [usher] of Powlles skolle; at ys berehyng wher a xx clarkes syngyng ym to the chyrche, and [there] was a sermon.

10 Jan 1561. The x day of January was bered at Cam[berwell] master Skott, justes a pese, a vere good man; and he had [a] ij dosen of skochyons of armes.

Note. P. 247. Funeral of master Scott. The registers of the family of Scott at Camberwell were printed in the Collectanea Topog. et Genealogica, vol. iii. p. 145, but the funeral described in this paragraph is not there recorded. He appears, however, to have been the Thomas Scott there mentioned in a note, whose name occurs in Cole's Escheats, i. 441.

17 Jan 1561. The xvij day of January was bered in sant Peters in Cornehylle master Flammoke grocer, and he gayff mony gownes of blake, and he gayff to pore men (blank); and he was cared to the chyrche with-owt syngyng or clarkes, and at the chyrche a sphalme [psalm] songe after Genevay, and a sermon, and bered contenentt.

27 Jan 1561. The xxvij day of January was mared in sant Pancras parryche Wylliam Belleffe vyntoner unto with master Malore('s) dougthere, arderman; and ther was a sermon, and after goodly syngyng and playhyng; and ther was dyver althermen at the vedyng [wedding] in skarlett; and they gayff a C. payre of glovys; and after a grett dener, and at nyght soper, and after a maske and mummeres.

Note. P. 247. Marriage at St. Pancras. This was St. Pancras, Soper-lane, as appears from the register recording another event in the same family in the previous April (see p. 379).

27 Jan 1561. The sam day dynyd at master Clarenshux (age 51) my lord Pagett (age 55) and ser John Masun (age 58) and my lade Masun and ser Crystefer Allen and ser Hare Pagett (age 22) and dyvers gentyllmen.

25 Jan 1561. The xxv day of January toke ys gorney in-to Franse inbassadur to the Frenche kyng the yerle of Bedford (age 34), and he had iij dosen of logyng skochyons [escutcheons to leave at the houses in which he lodged by the way].

27 Jan 1561. The xxvij day of January .... a man ys nam .... a puterer .... by on (unfinished)

29 Jan 1561. The xxix day of January dyd ryd a[bout] London, ys fase toward the horse taylle, .... and sellyng of messelle bacun.

31 Jan 1561. The xxxj day of January the sam man was sett on the pelere and ij grett peses of the m[easly] bacun hangyng over ys hed, and a wrytyng [put] up that a ij yere a-goo he was ponyssed for [the] sam offense for the lyke thyng.

Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1561 February

03 Feb 1561. The iij day of Feybruary was master John Whytt altherman('s) sune Thomas was cristened in Lytyll sant Bathelmuw parryche; and ser Thomas Offiley (age 61) knyght latt mare of London and master Altham altherman late shreyffe of London godfathers, and mastores Champyon (age 57) (the) altherman('s) (age 66) wyff godmother; and after to ys plase, and mad good chere.

09 Feb 1561. The ix day of Feybruary dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Pylkyngtun (age 41), electyd byshope of Durram, and ther was my lord mare (age 65) and the althermen and my lord Robart Dudley (age 28) and master secretore Sysselle (age 40), and dyvers odur of the quen('s) consell; and after to my lord mare to dener.

11 Feb 1561. The xj day of Feybruary was bered in sant Martens at Ludgatt master Daltun (age 51) of the North sqwyre, and ther was mony morners in blake gownes, and parson Veron the Frenche man dyd pryche ther, for he was parson ther, and ys menyster; and after was ys cott and pennon of armes and ij dosen of skochyons of armes.

Feb 1561. [The day of February was excommunicated Hethe (age 60),] latt chanseler of England and [arch] byshope of Yorke, he lyung in the Towre [Map].

25 Feb 1561. The xxv day of Feybruary was excom[municated] at Bowe chyrche [Map] doctur Thurlbe late byshope of Ely, and on of the consell unto quen Mare, he lyeng with-in the Towre.

27 Feb 1561. The xxvij day of Feybruary mastores Whyt (age 31) the wyff of master John Whyt altherman and grocer was chyrched, but the menyster wold nott, owt-sept she wold com at vj in the mornyng, and so her mastores fayne to take a menyster to do yt at her plase; and after a grett dener was ther, and mony worshephull lades and althermen wyffes and gentyll women and odur.

01 Mar 1561. The furste day of Marche was bered in sant Fosters parryche on master Bumsted gentyllman, with vj skochyons of armes.

Mar 1561. The begynnyng of Lent there was on [one] master Adams dwellyng in Lytyll Estchepe, and ther was a proclamasyon mad that yff any bocher dyd kyll any flesse for [Lent, he should] pey xxl. at evere tyme so dohyng; and this man kyllyd iij oxen, and ther was a quest whent on hym, and they cast ym in the fyne to paye the money.

10 Feb 1561. The x day of Feybruary [was buried?] in Garlykeheyffe master Gybes, on [one] of the mar[shal men?] of London.

07 Mar 1561. The vij day of Marche was bered in sant Stephens Colmanstrett master Patensun bruar [brewer], and on [one] of the cu[ncil,] and a gentyllman, and with the clothyng of the bruars and of the clarkes, and he had (unfinished)

12 Mar 1561. The xij day of Feybruary was a chyld [christened] in the parryche of owre Lade of Bowe [Map] in Chepe, [the son of] Hare Loke mercer, the sune of ser Wylliam Loke, the wyche had nodur godfather nor godmother hym-seylff.

18 Feb 1561. The iij yere of quen Elezabeth (age 27) the xviij day of [February] was sant Gorge fest; how all the knyghtes of the garter stod that day in order, the furst

On the Quen['s side.]

The Quen('s) grace.

The kyng Phelype (age 33).

The constabulle of France (age 67).

The yerle of Arundell (age 48).

The yerle of Darbe (age 51).

The duke of Northfoke (age 24).

The lord Pagett (age 55).

The yerle of Westmerland (age 36).

The lord chamburlayn, Haward (age 51).

The yerle of Shrowsbere (age 33)

The lord Montyguw-Browne (age 32).

The lord Gray of Wyltun (age 52).

On the Emperowre('s) syd.

The emperowre Ferna[ndo.] (age 57)

The prynse of Pyamont (age 32).

The duke Vanholtt (age 35).

The markes of Wynchester, tresorer (age 78).

The yerle of Penbroke (age 60).

The lord admerall Clynton (age 49).

The maques of Northamtun-Pare (age 49).

The yerle of Rutland-Rosse (age 34).

The yerle of Sussex (age 36).

The lord of Lugborow (age 40).

The lord Robart Dudley (age 28).

The lord of Hunsdon-Care (age 34).

Mar 1561.... cause he dyd nott justely exp ... slanderyng of the consell.

Mar 1561. The sam day at after-none was a great .... playd a-for the Quen('s) (age 27) grace with all the masters [of fence;] and serten chalengers dyd chalenge all men, whatsumever they be, with mores pyke, longe sword, and .... and basterd sword, and sword and bokeler, and sword and dager, [and] crosse staffe, and stayffes, and odur wepons; and the next [day] they playd agayne, and the quen('s) grace gayf serten ...

12 Feb 1561. The xij day of Feybruary xj men of the north was of a quest; because they gayff a wrong evyde[nce, and] thay ware paper a-pon ther hedes for pergure [perjury].

12 Feb 1561. The same day was reynyd in Westmynster hall v men, iij was for buglare [burglary], and ij were cuttpurses; and cast to be hangyd at sant Thomas of Wateryng [Map]; on was a gentyllman.

13 Feb 1561. The xiij day of Feybruary was a man sett on the pelere, a skryvynor [scrivenor] dwellyng in Sowthwarke, and ther was a paper sett over ys hed wrytten for sondrys and practyses of grett falsode and muche on-trowthe, and sett forthe under coller of sowth-sayng, and ys nam was (blank)

17 Feb 1561. The xvij day of Feybruary was wrastelyng at the cowrte in the prychyng-plase a-for the quen.

16 Feb 1561. The xvj day of Feybruary at after-none was bered at Allalowes in Wall [Map] master Standley, prest and sthuard [priest and steward] unto my lord treyssorer (age 78), with xij clarkes syngyng, at after-none; and he gayff myche money to evere on [one] of my lordes servandes; and iiij of my lordes men bare hym; and he had iij dosen skochyons of ys armes.

16 Feb 1561. The sam day at Lambeth [Map] was consecratyd nuwe byshopes, master Horne (age 51) of Wynchastur, and master Skamler byshope (age 41) of Peterborowe.

19 Feb 1561. The xix day of Feybruary dyd pryche a-for the quen (age 27) master Nevell (age 44), the [dean of Saint Paul's,] and he mad a godly sermon, and gret [audience].

21 Feb 1561. The xxj day of Feybruary dyd pryche a-for the quen (age 27) and the consell master Skamler (age 41), the new bishop of Peterborow in ys chymner and ys whyt rochet.

21 Feb 1561. The sam day sessyons at Nuwgatt [Map], and [there] was cast xvij men and ij women for to [be hanged.] ...

22 Feb 1561. The xxij day of Feybruary cam the sum[mons] for to have ther jugement, and so (blank) [were] bornyd in ther hand at the place of jugement.

24 Feb 1561. The xxiiij day of Feybruary whent to hang xviij men and ij women, and serten were browth to be bered in serten parryches in London; the barbur-surgens had on of them to be a notheme at ther halle in (blank).

24 Feb 1561. The sam day was bered in sant Peters parryche in Cornehyll mastores Gowth, latt the wyffe of master Laycroft, armorer, dwellyng in the sam parryche, the wyche he gayff for her in gownes to men and women that wher pore (unfinished)

26 Feb 1561. The xxvj day of Feybruary dyd pryche at the cowrt master Samsun a-for the quen (age 27).

28 Feb 1561. The xxviij day of Feybruary dyd pryche at the cowrt master Pylkyngtun (age 41) electyd pyshope of Durram a-for the quen('s) (age 27) grace, and made a godly sermon, and grett audyens.... the Marsalsay [Map] to be cared into the co[untry ...] men that was cast in Westmynster hall for robere done the last day of terme.

Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1561 March

04 Mar 1561. The iiij day of Marche was a tall man wypyd a-bowtt Westmynster and throwge London and over London bryge and Sowthwarke for conter-feythyng the master of the quen('s) horse hand.

02 Mar 1561. The ij day of Marche was consecratyd at the byshope of London('s) palles master Yonge (age 54) byshope of Yorke, was byshope of (Saint David's).

06 Mar 1561. The vj day of Marche was bered in sant Gorge parryche in Sowthwarke, the wyche he cam owtt of the kynges bynche, master Seth Holand, latt dene of Vossetur, [Worcester] and the master of All Solles colege in Oxford, and a lx men of gentyllmen of the in of the corttes, and of Oxford, browth ym to the chyrche, for he was a grett lernydman.

09 Mar 1561. The ix day of Marche dyd pryche at the cowrt the byshope of London master Gryndall (age 42).

09 Mar 1561. The sam day cam owt of Franse the yerle of Bedford (age 34).

09 Mar 1561. The sam day dyd pryche in the shroudes at Powlles master Gresshope of Oxford.

07 Mar 1561. The vii day of Marche at nyght cam a servyngman in Towre stret, and toke from a cyld [child] neke (a ...) of sylver, and the pepull bad stope the theyffe, and he rane in-to Marke lane [Map], and stopyd and gayff ym a blowe that he never went farther, and ded.

17 Mar 1561. The xvij day dyd pryche at the cowrt the [bishop] of Durram (age 41), that was Mydlent sonday.

20 Mar 1561. The xx day dyd pryche at the courtt the [dean] of Powlles, master Nowell (age 44).

20 Mar 1561. The xx day of Marche ded at the cowrt the yonge lade Jane Semer, the duke of Somerset('s) dowther, on of the quen('s) (age 27) mayds.

23 Mar 1561. The xxiij day of Marche dyd pryche at [Newington] be-yonde sant Gorgus the byshope of Canturbere, docthur Parker (age 56), and mad a goodly sermon.

23 Mar 1561. The sam day dyd pryche at the cowrte the byshope of Ely, docthur Cokes (age 68), and he w[ould that none] shuld pryche of he [high] matters butt they that were well le[arned.]

22 Mar 1561. The xxij day of Marche dyd a woman ryd a-bowt Chepesyd and London for bryngyng yonge frye of dyvers kynd of fysse unlafull, with a garland a-pone her hed hangyng with strynges of the small fysse, and on the horse a-for and be-hynd here, led by on of the bedylls of Brydwell.

23 Mar 1561. The xxiij day of Marche dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] a byshope.

22 Mar 1561. The xxij day of Marche ther was a wyff dwellyng in sant Martens in the vyntre [Map], within the clostur dwellyng, of the age of lii. toke a woman into her howse at the done-lyhyng, and the sam nyght she was delevered with chyld, and the sam woman of the howse led her-seyff in bed, and mad pepull beleyff that yt was her owne chyld.

26 Mar 1561. [The xxvj day of March master Sampson preached at the court.]

26 Mar 1561. The sam day of Marche at after-none at Westmynster [was brought] from the quen('s) armere [almondry] my lade Jane Semer, with [all the quire] of the abbay, with ijC. of (the) quen('s) cowrt, the wyche she was [one] of the quen('s) mayd(s) and in grett faver, and a iiijxx morners of [men and] women, of lordes and lades, and gentylmen and gentyllwomen, all in blake, be-syd odur [other] of the quen('s) preve chambur, and she [had] a grett baner of armes bornne, and master Clarenshux (age 51) was the harold, and master Skameler (age 41) the nuw byshope of Peterborow dyd pryche. [She was] bered in the sam chapell [Map] wher my lade of Suffoke was.

Note. P. 254. Funeral of lady Jane Seymour. Daughter of Edward duke of Somerset, and supposed to have been destined by him to become the consort of his nephew king Edward. A Latin letter written by her (of course under the dictation of her tutor) to the Reformers Bucer and Fagius, dated at Syon, June 12, 1549, is published in the Third Series of Zurich Letters, printed for the Parker Society. She was one of queen Elizabeth's maids of honour, and shortly before her death she had taken an active part in promoting the clandestine marriage of her brother the earl of Hertford with her companion the lady Katharine Grey, a line of conduct which would certainly have brought upon her the anger of her royal mistress, had she lived until it was discovered. (See Ellis's Orig. Letters, Second Series, vol. ii. p. 272.) Her age was only nineteen. See an engraving of her monumental tablet, with the inscription, erected by "her deare brother" the earl, in Dart's Westminster Abbey, vol. i. pl. 12. In the accounts of St. Margaret's parish, Westminster, is an entry of 10s. received at her funeral.

Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1561 April

03 Apr 1561. The iij day of Aprell ded ser Arthur Darce (age 66) knyght at Bedyngtun besyd Crowdun, the [which] was my lord Darce('s) [son] the wyche was heded on the Towre hyll [Map] for the surpryse in the Northe.

Note. P. 254. Death of sir Arthur Darcy. Sir Arthur was the second son of Thomas lord Darcy, who suffered death for his share in the Pilgrimage of Grace. He had married Mary, daughter and co-heiress of Sir Nicholas Carew, K.G. whence his death at Beddington, the mansion of that family. Lady Darcy's funeral has before occurred, in p. 222. Their epitaph in St. Botolph's, Billingsgate, will be found in Stowe's Survay.

07 Apr 1561. The vij day of Aprell dyd pryche at sant Mare spytyll the nuwe byshope of Wynchester master Horne (age 51), and ther was all the masters of the hospetall, and the chylderyn in bluw cotes, and my lord mayre (age 52) and the althermen, and mony worshephull men.

08 Apr 1561. The viij day of Aprell dyd pryche at sant Mare spytyll the byshope of Durham master Pylkyngtun (age 41), and ther was gret audyense, and my lord mare (age 52) and my masters the althermen, with the masters of the hospetall.

08 Apr 1561. The sam day of Aprell ded the good lade Huett, late mayres of London, in the parryche of sant Dennys.

09 Apr 1561. The ix day of Aprell dyd pryche at sant Mare spyttell master Colle the parsun of Hehonger in Essex.

09 Apr 1561. The sam day was bered in Mylkstrett mastores Dock[wra?], with the clarkes of London, and she had vj skochyons of armes, and ther was geyffen for gownes to the pore men and women, and the byshope of Duram (age 41) dyd pryche ther.

10 Apr 1561. The x day of Aprell was wyped on that cam owt of Bedlem for he sayd he was Cryst, and on Peter that cam owt of the Masselsay [Map], boyth wyped, for he sayd that he was the sam Peter that dyd folow Crist.... toward Chelsey unto my lo .... a man fond slayne by the way, and so .... that fonde hym, the wyche man dwelt in sant ... with-owt Alther-gatt in More lane.

12 Apr 1561. The xij day of Aprell was sett in the stokes ... markett a stranger, the wyche he goys all in red, and [says] that he (is) lord of alle lordes and kynge of alle kynges.

13 Apr 1561. The xiij day dyd pryche at the Powlles [Map] master Juell (age 38) byshope of Salysbere.

14 Apr 1561. The xiiij day of Aprell a-for non was cared from sant Ellens in London, owt of a howse [where once] lyved old Clarenshus master Benolt the kyng at a[rms in the] tyme of kyng Henre viij. ser Arthur Darce (deceased), and cared [to saint] Botolffe with-owt Algatt [Map] to (be) bered by my lade ys [wife, with] a xx clarkes syngynge, and then cam the standard ... of armes and ys cott armur, ys target and sword and helmet, ... and ij haroldes of armes, on beyryng the elmett and nodur [the coat armour;] and the chyrche hangyd with blake and armes and raylles, [and the place] with blake and armes, and then cam the corse and vj of ys [servants] that bare hym, and mony mornars in blake; and he had a pall of blake velvett, and with armes of bokeram; and master Beycun dyd pryche ther.

14 Apr 1561. The sam day was bered in Cornyll mastores Hunt wedow, and the chylderyn of the hopetall and the masters wher at her berehyng with ther gren stayffes, and the xxx chylderyn syngyng the Pater-noster in Englys, and a xl pore women in gownes; and after the clarkes syngyng, and after the corse, and then mornars, and after the craftes of the worshephull compene of the Skynners; and ther dyd pryche the byshope of Durram master Pylkyngtun (age 41); and after to the Skynners halle to dener.

16 Apr 1561. The xvj day of Aprell wher all the alters in Westmynster taken downe, [in] the chapell [Map] wher the kyng Henry the vijth was bered, and wher kyng Edward the vjth, and the stones cared wher quen Mare was bered.

17 Apr 1561. [The .. day of April was the funeral of Lady Hewett, formerly mayres [mayoress] of London, and xxiiij pore women in nuw gownes and xij pore men, and after a xl in blake .... viij althermen in blake gownes, and my lord mare and [the rest] of the althermen, and XX clarkes syngyng, and then cam a penon of armes, and cam Rugecrosse, and after master Clarenshus (age 51) kyng at armes, and after the corse and iiij pennon of armes, and the pall of blake velvett and with armes, and then the cheyffe morners, a xl women mornars, and after the Cloth [workers] in the leveray, and after ij C. folohyng, and master [blank) dyd pryche; and the cherche hangyd with blake and armes; and after to ys plase to dener in Phylpot lane, and the plase hangyd with lake and armes.

18 Apr 1561. The xviij day of Aprell was raynyd at Nuwgat [Map] master Putnam gentylman for a rape, and cast, and dyvers odur.

19 Apr 1561. The xix day of Aprell wher cast iij, ij men and a woman, for kyllyng of a man besyd sant James, and odur.

21 Apr 1561. The xxj day of Aprell wher hangyd ix, at Hyd parke korner iij, and vj at Tyborne [Map].

22 Apr 1561. The xxij day of Aprell was had to the Towre [Map] ser Edward WalgrafF and my lade ys wyff, as good almes-foke as be in thes days, and odur cared thethur.

23 Apr 1561. The xxiij day of Aprell was browth unto my lord of Penbroke (age 60) my lord of Lughborow, ser Edward Hastynges (age 40).

20 Apr 1561. The XX day of Aprell begane at xij of the cloke at none the grettest thondur, lyghtenyng and gretest rayne, and the grett halle-stones as has bene sene.

20 Apr 1561. The sam day wher ij hangyd at Wapyng, ij for robyng of the see.

23 Apr 1561. [The xxiij of April, saint George's day, was kept] holy at the quen['s court , . ] her halle in copes to the nombur of XXX, with [O God^ the father of Hewyn, have merce on .. • . and the owtter cowrt to the gatt, and rond abowt st [rewed with rushes;] and after cam master Garter (age 51), and master Norres (age 51), and master dene of the ch[apel, in copes] of cremesun saten, with a crosse of sant Gorge red, and [eleven knights] of the garter in ther robes, and after the Quen('s) (age 27) grace in [her robes, and] all the garde in ther ryche cottes; and so bake to the [Chapel,] after serves done, bake thruge the hall to her graces chambur, and that done her grace and the lord(s) wh[ent to dinner,] and her grace wher goodly servyd; and after the lordes [sitting on one] syd, and servyd in gold and sylver 5 and after dener [there were] knyghtes of the Garter electyd ij, my lord of Shrewsbere (age 33) [and my] lord of Hunsdon (age 35); and ther wher all the haroldes in ther cote armurs afor the quen('s) grace, master Clarenshux (age 51), Lanckostur, Rychemond, Wyndsor, Yorke, Chastur, Blumantyl, Ruge-dragon.

26 Apr 1561. The xxvj day of May was bered in Oxfordshyre .... * Dalamore, with a cott armur and a pennon of armes and a iij [dozen scocheons] of armes.

Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1561 May

01 May 1561. The furst day of May was cared to Polles [Map] to be bered [one] Bathellmuw Comopane, a marchand stranger dwelling [by saint] Cristoffer at the stokes, and throughe Chepe, and yj men in blake gownes and hodes, and a xxx gownes for pore men and women of mantll frys, a liiij in blake gownes; and within the gatt of Powlles cherche-yerd mett all the quer [choir] of Powlles, and the clarkes of London whent a-for the corse with ther surples onder ther gownes, tyll they cam in-to the Powlles cherche-yerd, and then they be-gane to syng: and the quer [choir] wher hangyd with blake and armes, a iij dosen of skochyons of armes; and Veron dyd pryche, the Frencheman, and after browth ym to the neder end of the stepes under the belles, and bered hym, and after home to dener.

Note. P. 257. Funeral of Bartholomew Compagni, a Florentine. See a licence to him as the king's factor in Oct. 1550, in Strype, Mem. ii. 538, and his name occurs elsewhere Anglicised to Compayne. Margaret, his daughter and heir, was mother of the maids to queen Elizabeth, and married to John Baptist Castillion, of Benham Valence, Berks. (Archæologia, xxxii. 371.)

01 May 1561. The sam day at after-none dyd master Godderyke('s) sune, the gold-smyth, go hup in-tohys father('s) gylddyng house, toke abowe strynge and hangyd ym-seylff, at the syne of the Unycorne in Chepe-syd.

10 May 1561. The X day of May dyd ryd in a care a-bowt [London] mastores Whytt shepster, dwelling in Fletstreet.

11 May 1561. The xj day of May cam rydyng thrugh London, with a ixxx horse and with men in ys leverey with a iijxx in .. and with bages [badges] a talbott of the gold-smyth('s) makyng, my yonge yerle of Shrowsbere (age 33) to ys plase at Cold[-harbour,] all in bluw clothe, and on sant Gorge day was electyd knyght of the garter in ys father('s) stede.

14 May 1561. The xiiij day of May, was Assensyon evyn, was bered in sant Pulkers parryche my lade Esley (age 51) the wyfg of ser Henre Hesley knyght, of Kentt, the wyche he cam in with sir Thomas Wyett knyght by quen Mare('s) days, and he was hangyd and drane and quartered, and ys hed sent unto Maydston [Map], and set a-pone (blank) and she had nothyng done for here, butt master Skammeler (age 41) mad a sermon for here - the byshope of Peterborow,

18 May 1561. The xviij day of May was sant Gorge fest keptt at Wyndsor [Map], and ther was stallyd ther the yerle of Shrowsbere (age 33) and my lord of Hunsdon (age 35), and the yerle of Arundell (age 49) was the quens deputte, and the way my lord Monteguw (age 32) and my lord Pagett (age 55), and so they came to cherche; and after matens done, they whent a prosessyon rond about the cherche, so done the mydes and so rond a-bowt, and a X almes-knyghtes in red kyrtylles, and a-loft a robe of purpull cloth syd with a crosse of sant Gorge, and after the verger, and then the clarkes and prestes a xxiiij syngyng the Englys prossessyon in chopes [copes] xxxiiij, and sum of them in gray ames [amices] and in calabur, and then cam my lord of Hunsdun, and after my lord Montyguw, and after the yerle of Shrowsbere, and after my lord Pagett, and after the yerle of Arundell, all they in their robes, and master Garter (age 51) and master Norres (age 51) and master dene in cremesun saten robes, with red crosses on ther shuldurs, and after rod up to the castylle to dener.

Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1561 June

04 Jun 1561. [The iiij day of June, being Corpus] Christi evyn, be-twyn xj and xij of the cloke, [there was] thonderying and lythenyng, and at sant Martens [by Ludgate came a] boltt and smytt downes serten grett stones of the [battlement of] the stepull, and the stones fell downe a-pone the [leads], and brake the ledes and hordes, and a grett gest [chest] in ij peses.

04 Jun 1561. The sam day be-twyn iiij and v of the cloke at after-[non the] lythenyng toke and entered in-to one of the olles [holes] that was [in the outward] parte of the stepull a ij yerdes under the bolle, and sett [the steeple] on fyre and never left tyll the stepuU and belles and [all the] chyrche bowth north, est, south, and west, tyll yt .... archys, and consumyd boythe wod and led, and the belles [fell] be-low wher the grett organes stod be-ne[ath the] chapelle wher the old byshope was bered ondur ... and in in dyvers plases of England grett hurtt done.[Note. 'Bishop' may be a reference to King Cædwalla of Wessex who is said to have been buried at St Martin's Church, Ludgate.]

03 Jun 1561. The iij day of June the Sessyons keptt at ... wher serten knyghtes and lade,*i and gentyllmen and [gentlewomen] and serten prestes with odur, wher endytyd for [unfinished)

16 Jun 1561. The xvj day of June my lord mare (age 52) and the althermen [were] sent for unto the cowrte at Grenwyche [Map].

05 Jun 1561. The v day of June dyd hange ym-seylff be-syd London stone (blank) .. lle a harper, the servand of the yerle of Darbe (age 52).

14 Jun 1561. The xiiij day of June was bered in Essex my lade Wartun, the wyff of ser Thomas Wartun (age 66), behyng presoner in the towre of London [Map] at here deth and berehyng, and master Somersett the harold of armes, a gret baner of armes, and iiij dosen of skochyons of armes, the wyche the good lade ded of a thowgh [cough], and she was as fayre a lade as be, and mony mornars in blake, and grett mone mad for her in the contrey.

Note. P. 259. Funeral of lady Wharton. "Lady Anne Ratclyff, daughter to Robert erl of Sussex and lady Margaret his wyff daughter of Thomas erl of Darby, late wyff to sir Thomas Wharton knight, son and heyr to Thomas lord Wharton, dyed the 7. of June, 1561, at the honner of Bewlew, otherwysse called Newhall, in Essex, and was beryed in the parishe churche of Boreham the xiiijth of the mounthe aforesaid: leaving issue Phelyp Wharton son and heyre, Thomas Wharton 2 son, Mary Wharton, Anne." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 18.)

15 Jun 1561. The xv day dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Nowell (age 44) the dene of Powlles, and mad a goodly sermon, and my lord mayre (age 52) and the althermen and the most of the worshephull craftes wher commondyd to be ther, and ther wher grett audyense.

Jun 1561. [The day of June was the Skinners' feast; and there was chosen the master of fellowship master ...., and for wardens] master Clarenshux (age 51), kyng at armes, [the ij master ...,] the iij master Dennam, the fort master Starke; [and] for denner iij stages (and) viij bokes [bucks], a gret ...

16 Jun 1561. The xvj day of June was the masters the Grossers fest; ther dynyd my lord mare (age 52), ser Roger Chamley, ser John Lyons (age 47), sir Marten Bowse, ser Wylliam Huett, and ser Wylliam Garrett, [master] Loge, master John Whytt, master Cryster Draper, master Rowe, and master Cha[mley? master] Marten, master Baskerfeld (age 44), and master chamburlayn of London, and mony worshephull men and mony lades and gentyllwomen; and grett chere; boyth the whettes [waits] and clarkes syngyng, and a nombur of vyolles playhyng, and syngyng, and they had xxx bokes [bucks] [and] (blank) stages.

17 Jun 1561. The xvij day of June was a proclamassyon for slypes and alffe slypes, that they should be corrant tyll the xx of July, tyll then they shuld have iijd. in the pound and no lenger.

Note. P. 260. Proclamation for slips and half slips. This proclamation was dated 12 June 1561, and a MS. copy is in the library of the Society of Antiquaries. See its contents described in Ruding's Annals of the Coinage, sub anno. The name "slips" does not occur in the document, but it appears that the coins referred to were "base monies," one current for three half-pence, and the other for three farthings: and the same term was in use for many years after, as appears by the example from Shakspere's Romeo and Juliet, with others from Ben Jonson, &c. given in Nares's Glossary. From "Theeves falling out," by Robert Greene, we derive this exact definition: "Certain slips, which are counterfeit pieces of money, being brasse, and covered over with silver, which the common people call slips." (Harl. Misc. viii. 399.)

18 Jun 1561. The xviij day of June was a woman sett in the stokes in Newgatt markett with serten fylles [files] and odur instrumentes, the wyche she browth to Newgatt [Map] to here hosband for to fylle the yrons of ys leges, and odur thynges.

10 Jun 1561. The x day of June was grantyd at Yeld-halle [Map] by my lord mare (age 52) and my masters the althermen and the commen consell iij xv toward the beldyng of Powlles chyrche [Map] and the stepulle, with as grett sped as they may gett tymbur rede [ready], and odur thynges, and worke-men.

17 Jun 1561. The xvij day of June my lord mare (age 52) and the althermen and the commen conselle how that and watt men shuld loke and over-se the workemen, and what men shuld take hed too in alle placys for the beldyng of Powlles [Map], and to chose men of knolleg to loke and over-se the worke and the workmen.

19 Jun 1561. The xix day of June was a grett wager shott in Fynsbere feld be-twyn my lord Robartt Dudley (age 28) and my (unfinished)

20 Jun 1561. The xx day of June was reynyd at Westmynster serten men for kungeryng [conjuring] and odur maters.... of the offesers of Brydwelle and in serten [places] proclamassyon made of ther dohyng and ...

22 Jun 1561. The xxij day of June dyd pryche at Powlles cross [Map] master Skynner, dene of Durram, and mad a godly sermon, [giving] men warnyng of a notheboke [naughty book] that ys pryntyd, and [bade every] man be ware of yt, for yt ys vere herese.

23 Jun 1561. The xxiij day of June was sett on the pelere for kungeryng [conjuring] on prest, ys name ys master Belissun [of] Westmynster.

24 Jun 1561. The xxiiij day of June, was Mydsomer-day, at Grenwyche was grett tryum(ph) of the rever, a-gaynst the cou[rt; there] was a goodly castylle mad a-pone Temes, and men of armes with-in ytt, with gones and spers, for to deffend [the same,] and a-bowt ytt wher serten small pynnes with ... and grett shottyng of gonnes and horlyng of ba[lls of] wyld fyre, and ther was a barke with ij tope [castles ?] for the Quen('s) (age 27) grace to be in for to se the passe-tyme, the wyche was vere latt or yt was done.

25 Jun 1561. The xxv day of June was sett in Chepesyde ij peleres for vij men that was sett on the pelere at Westmynster on Mydsomer evyn for kungeryng [conjuring], and odur matters.

23 Jun 1561. The xxiij day of June, was Mydsomer evyn, the serves at sant Gregore chyrche be-syd Powlles (by) the Powlles quer tyll Powlles be rede mad.

30 Jun 1561. The xxx day of June was the Goldsmyth(s') fest, and ther was ser Mertens Bowsses (age 64), knyght, and dyvers worshephull gentyllmen and gentyllwomen.

Jun 1561. [The day of June was the Merchant-Taylors' feast.... Thomas Hoffeley, master John Whyt, master Ma ... master Bas]kerfeld, and ser Wylliam Garrett, and mony worshephull, [and] mony lades and gentyll women, and they had (blank) b [ucks and] (blank) stages, and ther was the wettes [waits] plahyng, and gret plente.

Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1561 July

01 Jul 1561. The furst day of July be-gane workemen and la[bourers] at Powlles [Map] for the reparyng of the chyrche and the stepull, and the oversers and the doars of the sam here be ther namys, master Graftun grocer, and master Haresun goldsmyth, and master (blank) grocer.

04 Jun 1561. The iiij day of July dynyd at the in-bassadurs of Sweythen in Lymsthrett all the quen('s) consell, furst (unfinished)

Note. P. 262. The king of Sweden. In Haynes's Cecill Papers, p. 369, is the minute of a curious letter from the secretary to the lord mayor, dated 21 July, 1561, commencing with a statement that "The queenes majesty understandeth that sondry bookebynders and stationers do utter certen papers, wherin be prynted the faces of hir majesty and the king of Sweden. And, although her majesty is not miscontented that ether hir owne face or the sayd kyng's be prynted or portracted, yet, to be joyned in one paper with the sayd king, or with any other prynce that is knowne to have made any request for mariadg to hir majesty, is not to be allowed;" and the said portraits were therefore to be withdrawn from sale.

05 Jun 1561. The v and vj day of July was grett rayne and thonderyng in London boyth the days.

07 Jun 1561. The vij day of July dyd pryche at the Gray Frers, because yt reynyd that they cold not pryche at Powlles crosse [Map].

08 Jun 1561. The viij day of July was bered in sant Clement parryche withowt Tempull bare mastores (blank) the wyff of master (blank) comtroller unto the nobull yerle of Arundelle, the wyche she ded in chyld-bede, and she had a xiiij in blake gownes and cottes, and iiij women dyd bere her, and they had cassokes nuw and raylles, and on the body wher vj skochyons of armes, and master Recherdsun the parsun of sant Mathuw mad the sermon.

09 Jun 1561. The ix day of July was the pelere set up in Chepe for a prentes [apprentices] that had conveyed from ys master the sum of a (blank) l., and had bowth hym nuw aparell, nuw shurtt, dobelet and hose, hat, purse, gyrdyll, dager, and butes, spurs, butt-hose, and a skarffe, and thys nuw all, and thys dyd hang up on the pelere, and goodly geldyng and sadyll, cot, cloke, sadyll ....

10 Jun 1561. [The x day of July the Queen (age 27) came by water] unto the Towre of London [Map] by x [of the clock, until] v at nyght, and whent and sa(w) all her my[nts; and they gave the] Quen serten pesses of gold, and gayff the [lord] of Hunsdon (age 35) had on, and my lord marques of [Northampton,] (age 49) and her grace whent owt of the yron gatt [over] Towre hyll [Map] unto Algatt chyrche, and so down Hondyche [Map] [to the] Spyttyll, and so downe Hoge lane, and so over the feldes to the Charter howse my lord North('s) (age 65) plase, with trumpetes and the penssyonars and the haroldes of armes and the servantes, and then cam gentyllmen rydyng, and after lordes, and then [the] lord of Hunsdon and bare the sword a-for the quen, and then cam [ladies] rydyng; and the feldes full of pepull, gret nombur [as ever was] sene; and ther tared tylle Monday.

13 Jul 1561. The xiij day of July was bered in sant Andrewes [Map] in Holborne master Phassett, gentyll-man, on of the (unfinished)

13 Jul 1561. The sam day was bered in sant Pulkurs parryche master (blank) alle-bruar [ale brewer], and ther was all the compene of the Bruars in ther levere, and Veron the Frenche-man dyd pryche for hym.

13 Jun 1561. The sam nyght the Quen('s) (age 27) grace whent from the Charterhowse by Clarkyne-welle over the feldes unto the Sayvoy unto master secretore Sysselle (age 40) to soper, and ther was the consell and mony lordes and knyghtes and lades and gentyll-women, and ther was grett chere tyll mydnyght, and after here grace ryd to my lord North('s) (age 65) to bed at the Charter-howse.

14 Jul 1561. The xiiij day of July was nuw graveled with sand from the Charterhowse through Smyth feld [Map], and under Nuwgate, and through sant Nycolas shambull [Map], Chepe-syd, and Cornhyll, unto Algatt and to Whyt-chapell, and all thes plases where hangyd with cloth of arres and carpetes and with sylke, and Chepe-syd hangyd with cloth of gold and cloth of sylver and velvett of all colurs and taffatas in all plases, and all the craftes of Londun standyng in ther leverey from sant Myghell unto Algatt, and then cam mony servyng-men rydyng, and then the pensyonars and gentyll men, and then knyghtes, and after lordes, and then the althermen in skarlett, and the serjant(s) of armes, and then the haroldes of armes in ther cottes armurs, and then my lord mare (age 52) bayryng here septer; [then the lord Hunsdon (age 35) bearing the sword; and then came the Queen's (age 27) grace, and her footmen richly habited; and ladies and gentlemen; then] all lordes' men and knyghtes' [men in their masters' liveries; and at] Whytt-chapell my lord mare and the althermen [took their leave of] here grace, and so she toke her way to-ward [her pro]gresse.

15 Jul 1561. The xv day of July was bered in sant Laurence in the Jure mastores the wyff of master (blank), with the compene of the Clarkes, and she had ij dosen of skochyons, on of bokeram, and a-nodur of paper in metalle.

20 Jul 1561. The xx day of July was bered in Westmynster abbay [Map] master Bylle (deceased) dene of Westmynster abbay and master of Etton and master (of sant John's) college in Cambryge, and cheyffe amner [almoner] to the quen('s) (age 27) grace.

Note. P. 264. Burial of [William] Bill, dean of Westminster. His sepulchral brass remains in the abbey, and has been engraved, as also a portrait derived from it, for the series of portraits of the deans of Westminster which accompany their lives in Neale and Brayley's History of Westminster Abbey. See also an engraving in Dart, i. 101.

20 Jul 1561. The sam day, behyng sant Margat [Map] evyn, master Clarenshus (age 51) rod and toke ysjorney in-to Essex and Suffoke on ys vese[tation], and parte of Northfoke, and Ruge-crosse rod with hym, and a v [of his] servantes in ys leverey and bage.

20 Jul 1561. The xx day of July dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] (blank)

21 Jul 1561. The xxj day of July yt dyd rayne sore, and yt be-gane on sonday at nyght and last tyll monday at nyght.

18 Jul 1561. The xviij day of July was the obseque of my lade Hamptun the wyff of ser (blank), with a pennon of armes and a iiij dosen and a d' of bokeram.

16 Jul 1561. The xvj day of July was cristened Robard Dethyke the sune of ser Gylbartt Dethyke (age 51), Garter, in the parryche of sant Gylles withowt Crepull-gatte [Map], and the chyrche hangyd with clothes of arrys and the cloth of state, and strode with gren rysses and strode with orbese [herbs], and ser Wylliam Huett (age 65) depute for my lord of Shrowsbere (age 33) and master Care [Carey] [Note. Possibly George Carey 2nd Baron Hunsdon (age 14)] depute for my lord Honsdon (age 35), and my lade Sakefeld [Note. Possibly Cicely Baker Countess Dorset (age 26)] the quen('s) depute; and after wafurs and epocrasse grett plente, and myche pepull ther, and my lade Yorke bare my lade depute's trayne; and so hom to here plase, and had a bankett. a bankett .... [master Alexander Avenon was] chosen the shreyff for the quen('s) grace.

Note. P. 264. Christening of Robert Dethiek. It was no unfrequent honour paid by queen Elizabeth to her subjects to stand godmother to their children. In a list of her presents of plate there are nine instances between the 21st April and the 24th Nov. 1561, and among them, "Item, given by her Majestie the 15th of July, to the chrystenyng of sir William Dethyk, alias Garter king at armes, his childe, oone guilte cup with a cover, per oz. 19¼ dim. oz. Bought of the Goldsmyth." Queen Elizabeth's Progresses, edit. 1823, vol. i. p. 129.

30 Jul 1561. The xxx day of July at bowt viij and ix at nyght [there was] lythenyng and thonderyng as any man has sene [until] x, and after a grett rayne tyll mydnyght, that we [supposed] that the world where at a nend [end], that evere one [thought] that the day of dome wher come at hand, yt ....

Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1561 August

01 Aug 1561. The furst day of August, was lammas day, my [lord mayor (age 52)] and the althermen and all the craftes in London in ther [liveries, met] to chuse the shreyff of London, that was master Bas[kerville] altherman; and the sam day was chosen master Gyl[bert,] nuw altherman in the stede of master Altham lat[e alderman] and clothworker of London, the wyche he was dysmy[ssed].

Note. P. 265. Master Avenon chosen sheriff. Son of Robert Avenon, or Avenand, of King's Norton in Worcestershire; sheriff 1561-2; lord mayor 1569-70, and knighted. He was "buried at St. Peter's, at the Cross in Cheap." Arms, Ermine, on a pale gules a cross flory-de-lis argent, on a chief sable a mascle between two escallops of the third. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) The epitaph of his widow "the lady Alice Avenon," at St. Laurence in the Jewry, will be seen in Stowe. She was the daughter and co-heir of Thomas Huchen, citizen and mercer, and married first Hugh Methwold mercer, and secondly John Blundell mercer, and had children by both, who are enumerated. The marriage took place in his mayoralty, as thus recorded in the register of Allhallows, Breadstreet: "1570, Oct. 22, was married sir Alexander Avenon, lord mayor, and mistress Blunden, widow, by a license, within his own house." Malcolm, ii. 12.

Note. P. 265. Master Baskerville chosen sheriff. Humphrey Baskerville, mercer, buried in the Mereers' chapel, 1563. Arms, Argent, on a chevron gules between three hurts a crescent or. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

Note. P. 265. Master Gilbert chosen alderman. Edward Gilbert, goldsmith. Never sheriff or lord mayor. Arms, Azure, a chevron engrailed ermine between three spread eagles or. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

03 Aug 1561. The iiij day of August was Clothworkers' fest, and ther was a worshepulle dener ther.

05 Aug 1561. The x day of August, was sant Laurens day, Veron the Frencheman prychyd at Powlles crosse [Map].

21 Aug 1561. The xxj day of August dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Molens the archedecon of London.

12 Aug 1561. The xij day of August cam tydynges that ther was a ix trybes that have bene in a contrey ever synes they wher dryven owt of Egype, and they be rede [ready] to sett on the Grett Turke with grett armes of men.

19 Aug 1561. The xix day of August at xij of the cloke at mydnight was a fyre at the corner be-yonde Smytfeld pond, and a one howse bornyd, the wyche was a cutteller('s) howse, and perechest [perished] ij howses junnyng [joining] to hytt.

09 Aug 1561. The ix day of August the quen('s) (age 27) grace has commondyd that all chathredalles and coleges and studyans places that they shuld putt ther wyffes from them owt of the serkutt [circuit] of evere [every] colege.

30 Aug 1561. The xxx day of August tydans cam that the kyng of Sweden (age 27) was sendyng (blank) of waganns laden with massé bol [lion.]

Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1561 September

01 Sep 1561. The furst day of September ded the good and gentylle knyght ser Edward Walgraff (age 44) whyle in the Towre [Map], the wyche he was put for herryng of masse and kepyng a prest in ys howse that dyd say masse, and was putt to hys fyne.

03 Sep 1561. The iij day of September was a yonge stryplyng whypyd at a post in Chepe-syd for (blank); and the sam day was bered withowt Althergate old master Swyft, aude[tor,] with grett ryngyng and syngyng and much money delt.

Note. P. 266. Funeral of auditor Swift. He was auditor to the church of St. Paul's, and had this epitaph on a stone in the south aile of St. Botulph's without Bishopsgate: "Here lies Peter Swift of London, gentleman, while he lived an auditor of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, who died on the 2nd day of September in the year of our Lord 1562. Of whom, etc." (Stowe.)

Hic jacet Petrus Swift de London. generos. dum vixit auditor eccles. cathedrali D. Pauli London. Qui obiit 2. die Septemb. An. Dom. 1562. Cujus, &c.

03 Sep 1561. The sam day was bered with-in the Towre [Map], with[-in] the quer be-syd the he [high] auter, by torche lyght, the wyche (confinement) kyld hym, for he was swone vere grett, ser Edward [Walgrave] (deceased).

05 Sep 1561. The v day of September was browth to the Towre [Map] the yonge yerle of Harford (age 22) from the cowrte, a-bowtt ij of the cloke at afternone he cam in-to the Towre.

Note. P. 266. The young earl of Hertford brought to the Tower. This was on account of his marriage with lady Katharine Grey, sister to the late queen Jane. Respecting this stolen alliance see several letters in Ellis's Second Series, vol. ii. pp. 272, et seq. and Bayley's History of the Tower of London, pp. 458–460.

06 Sep 1561. The vj day of September was serten gayre [gear] [made] for on [one] master Swyft (deceased), sqwyre, cott-armur, pennon of armes, and a ij skochyons, at Roderam [Map], in Yorke-shyre.

Note. P. 266. Master Swift of Rotherham. Robert Swift esquire, mercer, of Rotherham, where he "lyvyde many yeares in vertuous fame, grett wellthe, and good woorship," and had attained his 84th year. See his epitaph in Hunter's South Yorkshire, vol. ii. p. 18, and further particulars of him and his family in vol. i. of that work, p. 205. The name of his eldest son is of constant occurrence in Lodge's Illustrations, as one of the servants and most frequent correspondents of the earl of Shrewsbury.

02 Sep 1561. The ij day of September was bered at sant Andrews parryche in the Warderob, master Wast, bere-bruar, with a iij dosen of skochyons of armes, and the howse and the chyrche hangyd with blake and armes, and ther was the compene of the Clarkes syngyng, and (unfinished)

08 Sep 1561. The viij day of September cam owt of the Towre [Map] my good lade Walgraff (age 42), and in Red-cross stret she lys.

06 Sep 1561. The vj of September [was the funeral] of ser James Bullen, and standard, [coat armour,] and elmett, targett, and sword, and a vj dos [en of scocheons of] armes, and master Chester (age 63) was harold.

Note. P. 266. Funeral of sir James Boleyne. One of the uncles of queen Anne Boleyne. He was of Blickling, co. Norfolk, and was buried there on the 5th Dec. 1561; having died without issue. See the pedigree of Boleyne in Clutterbuck's Hertfordshire, vol. iii. p. 94; and see the History of Norfolk, by Blomefield and Parkin, fol. vol. iii. p. 627.

05 Sep 1561. The Fryday, the v day of September, was bornyd at Oxford, by the master of the colege of (blank) grett reches that myght have bene sene, and gyffyne to ....

Note. P. 266. Great reches that myght have bene sene, and gyffyne to ......... The "great riches" burnt were church books and ornaments deemed superstitious. The MS. is as above; but it seems probable that the Diarist, repining against the act, with his Old Church bias, was thinking of the apostles' complaint against Mary Magdalene, and that the articles burnt "might have been sold, and given to the poor."

08 Sep 1561. The viij day of September, the wyche was the day of the nativity of owre Lade, they begane to sett up the raylles of Powlles apone the battellmentt on he [high].

13 Sep 1561. The xiij day of September was bered at sant [Dunstan's] Fletstrett [Map], master Cottgrave, the wyffes brodur of master Grysse, lat .... master Tott, sergent penter unto kyng Henry the viijth, with .... skochyons of armes.

Note. P. 267. Funeral of master Cotgrave. This may very probably have been the father of Hugh Cotgrave, who soon after became Richmond herald. His kinsman "master Tott, serjeant painter to Henry VIII." was an Italian, Antonio Toto, whose naturalisation occurs in Rymer, xiv. 595, and several notices of whom will be found in the Privy Purse Expenses of Henry VIII. edited by Sir Harris Nicolas, 8vo. 1827.

15 Sep 1561. The xv day of September tydynges cam to London [that] the kynge of Sweythland (age 27) was landyd in the North at ...., and yt be truw as the sayng was then.

15 Sep 1561. The sam day the Quen('s) (age 28) grace removyd from Hatford castyll [Map] in Hatford-shyre unto Enfeld [Map] within x mylle of London.

17 Sep 1561. The xvij day of September was a wodmonger sett in the pelere for false markyng of belletes, dwellying in Temstret be-syd the Red Bull beyond Coldharber, with belletes hangyng abowt hym.

22 Sep 1561. The xxij day of September the Quen('s) (age 28) grace cam from Enfeld [Map] unto Sant James beyond Charyng crosse, and from Ellyngtun [Map] unto Sant James was heges and dyches was cutt done the next way, and ther was a-boyff x M. pepull for to se her grace, butt yt was nyght or her grace cam over beyond Sent Gylles in the feld by Colman('s?) hege.

21 Sep 1561. The xxj day of September dyd pryche at the Powlles crosse [Map], master Huttun (age 32), master of Trenete colege, and mad a godly sermon- of Cambridge.

20 Sep 1561. [The xx day of September came a commandment from the queen (age 28) unto the college of Windsor, that the priests belonging thereunto that had wives, should put them out] of the colege, nott for to cum to lye [any more within that] plase, or any colege or cathedrall [church, or] any universete of Oxford or Cambryge.

21 Sep 1561. The xxj day of September was browth [to bed of] a sune my lade Katheryn Gray (age 21), the dowther of the duke [of Suffolk] that was heded on the Towre hylle [Map], and ys brodur lord Thomas Gray the sam tyme.

23 Sep 1561. The xxiij day was mad dene of Westmynster master Goodman (age 32).

25 Sep 1561. The xxv day of September was cristened with-in the Towre [Map] my lorde Harford('s) (age 22) sune by my lade Katheryn Gray (age 21), late dowther of the duke of Suffoke-Gray.

Note. P. 268. Christening of the earl of Hertford's son. This was the first offspring of the stolen alliance noticed in the preceding page. The son was christened Edward, but died in infancy; and the second son, whose birth is afterwards mentioned in p. 300, received the same name.

29 Sep 1561. The xxix day of September, was Myghellmas evyn, the old shreyffes master Cristofer Draper and master Thomas Rowe unto the nuw shreyffes master (Alexander) Avenon, and master (Humphrey) Baskerfeld (age 44), was delevered Nugatt [Map] and Ludgatt, and the ij conters, and the presonars.

30 Sep 1561. The xxx day of September my lord mayre (age 52) and the althermen and the new shreyffes toke ther barges at the iij cranes in the Vintre and so to Westmynster, and so into the Cheker, and ther toke ther hoythe [oath]; and ser Rowland Hyll whent up, and master Hogys toke ser Rowland Hyll a choppyng kneyff, and one dyd hold a whyt rod, and he with the kneyff cute the rod in sunder a-for all the pepull; and after to London to ther plases to dener, my lord mayre and all the althermen and mony worshephulle men.

Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1561 October

01 Oct 1561. The furst day of October was a fyre whet-in [within] the Towre of London be-yond the Whyt Towre [Map].

29 Sep 1561. The xxix day of September was nuw mayre electyd master Harper (age 65), marchand-tayller, on Myghellmas day.

Note. P. 268. Master Harper elected lord mayor. Sir William Harper, son of William Harper, of the town of Bedford, sheriff 1556–7, lord mayor 1561–2. "He dwelled in Lombard-streete, where Mr. Butler now (1605) dwelleth. But was buried at Bedford, where he was borne." Arms, Azure, on a fess between three spread eagles or a fret between two martlets azure. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) This was another of those worthy citizens, so many of whom have occurred in these pages, whose names are still remembered as the founders of our great educational establishments. The estates left by sir William Harper for the grammar-school of Bedford, lying in the vicinity of Bedford Row, the Foundling Hospital, and Lamb's Conduit-street, have of late years vastly increased in value, and proportionately benefited his foundation. He died Feb. 27, 1573, aged 77; and was buried in St. Paul's at Bedford, where is his effigy in brass plate, from which an engraving was published in Waller's Monumental Brasses, fol. 1841.

03 Oct 1561. [The iij day of October came to London to Gracechurch] strett, to the Cross-keys, xviij grett horses [all pyed-coloured] from the kyng of Swaythland (age 27).

04 Oct 1561. The iiij day of October cam to Wolwyche [Map] from Swathland ij shypes laden with (unfinished)

06 Oct 1561. The vj day of October was unladen a[t the water] syd serten vesselles with (blank ) and cared to the [Tower].

09 Oct 1561. The ix day of October at iiij of the cloke in the mornyng ded the old lade Dobes [Note. Wife of Richard Dobbs] in sant M[argaret's]-mosses in Frydey strett.

09 Oct 1561. The sam day of October at nyght ded good Alesandar Carlylle, the master of the Vyntonars, of (unfinished)

10 Oct 1561. The x day of October was sett on the pelere the gatherer of the kyng('s) bynche, ys name ys (blank), for he cam untowe dyvers gentyllmen and gentyllwomen and gayff them fayre nose-gaysse, and told them that he shuld be mared, and to dyvers odur onest pepull gayff nose-gaysse, and that (unfinished)

10 Oct 1561. The x day of October [the] quen('s) (age 28) grace dyd gret cost at Westmynster boyth with-in here plase, and pavyng from the end of the Tyltt rond abowt the sydes, and closyd in the tylt.

12 Oct 1561. The xij day of October dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] (master) Crolley (age 44), sum-tyme a boke-prynter dwelling in Holborne, in the byshope of Ely('s) renttes.

18 Oct 1561. The xviij day, was sant Lukes day, dyd pryche for the master of the Penters on [one] (blank)Gowth [Gough], the sune of on Gowth bokeprynter, the wyche ded in kyng Henre the viijth, the wyche he dwelt in Lumbarstrett [Map].

Note. P. 269. Master Gowth. This preacher, who our Diarist informs us to have been son of John Gough the printer (see Ames's Typographical Antiquities, by Dibdin, vol. iii. pp. 202–416) is again mentioned in p. 285 as the parson of St. Peter's in Cornhill. He was John Gough clerk, presented to the vicarage of Braintree in Essex by John Gooday clothier, 3 Dec. 1554, deprived 1556; presented to St. Peter's Cornhill, by the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of London 15 Nov. 1560, deprived 1567. (Newcourt, Repert. Lond. i. 526; ii. 89.)

Oct 1561. [The ... day was the funeral of lady Dobbes, late the] wyff of ser Recherd Dobes knyght and skynner late mayre, with a harold of armes, and she had a pennon of armes and iiij dosen and d' skochyons; [she was buried] in the parryche of sant Margat Moyses in Fryday stret; [she] gayff xx good blake gownes to xx powre women; she gayffe xl blake gownes to men and women; [master] Recherdsun mad the sermon, and the clarkes syngyng, [and] a dolle of money of xx nobulles, and a grett dener after, and the compene of the Skynners in ther leverey.

Oct 1561. The sam day of October was bered in Whytyngtun colege master Alesandur Karlelle (age 33) the master of the Vyntoners, the wyche he mared the dowther (age 28) of ser George Barnes knyght, [late] mare of the nobull cete of London and haburdassher; and he gayff a xx blake gownes, and he gayff (blank) mantyll [frieze] gowne(s) unto (blank) pore men; and ther wher the Clarkes of London syngyng, and [master] Crolley dyd pryche, and then to the plase to denner, and a dolle, and a ij dozen of kochyons of armes, and the leverey of the Vyntonars.

18 Oct 1561. The xviij day of October ther was (a) fray be-twyn my lord Montyguw('s) (age 32) men and my lord Delaware('s) (age 35) men, and after the ij lordes wher sent to the Flett [Map], and the men to the Masselsay [Map].

22 Oct 1561. The xxij day of October my lord Montyguw (age 32) and my lord Delaware (age 35) wher delevered owtt of the Flett [Map] home.

14 Oct 1561. The xiiij day they wher a-for the consell at Westmynster hall [Map] the ij lordes [Note. Anthony Browne 1st Viscount Montagu (age 32) and William West 1st Baron De La Warr (age 35)].

25 Oct 1561. The xxv day of October cam rydyng from Skotland serten Frenche-men thrugh London, my lord of Bedford (age 34) and my lord Monge and my lord Strange was ther gyd [guide] with a M [1000] horse thrugh Fletstreet [Map], and so to my lord of Bedford('s.)

25 Oct 1561. The sam tyme was delt thrugh alle the wardes of London xijd. a howse for ser Rowland Hylle, late mayre of London, behyng vere syke that time.... master Nowelle (age 44), the dene of Powlles.

Oct 1561. The sam day a-bowtt iij at after-non cam my lord of Beydford (age 34) and my lorde Monge and my lord Strange and mony odur gentyllmen, and mony of the pensyonars to my lord of Bedforth('s) plase, and browt the inbassadurs of France to the cowrt that lye there at my lordes plase.

23 Oct 1561. The xxviij day of October, the wyche was sant Symon and Jude day, was at Whyt-hall [Map] grett baytyng of the bull and bere for the in-bassadurs of Franse that cam owtt of Scottland, the wyche the Quen('s) (age 28) grace was ther, and her consell and mony nobull men.

29 Oct 1561. The xxix day of October the nuw mare toke ys barge towhard Westmynster my nuw lorde mare master Harper (age 65), with the althermen in ther skarlett, and all the craftes of London in ther leverey, and ther barges with ther baners and streamers of evere occupasyon('s) armes; and ther was a goodly foist mad with stremars, targatts, and banars, and [arms], and grett shutyng of gunes and trumpettes blohyng; and at xij of the cloke my lord mare and the althermen landyd at Powlles warffe [Map], and so to Powlles chyrche-yarde [Map], and ther met ym a pagantt gorgyously mad [made], with chylderyn, with dyvers instrumentes playng and syngyng; and after-non to Powlles with trumpetes, and ther wher a (blank) men in bluw gownes and capes [caps] and hose and bluw saten slevys, and with targetts and shyldes of armes.

28 Oct 1561. The xxviij day of October at xij of the cloke at mydnyght ded good ser Rowland Hylle knyght and late mayre of this nobull cette of London, and merser, the wyche he ded of the strangwyllyon.

30 Oct 1561. The xxx day of October was mad for the berehyng of ser Reynold Chamburlayn knyght and capten of Garnsey [Map] a standard and a pennon and a cote armur and a target, sword, and mantyll, helmet and crest, and a (blank) dosen of skochyons of armes, the wyche he had iiij wyffes and (unfinished)

Oct 1561. The (blank) day of (blank) was be-gone the serves at Powlles to synge, and ther was a grett comunion ther be-gane, the byshope and odur.

Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1561 November

01 Nov 1561. [The j day of November went to saint Paul's [Map] the lord mayor (age 65)] and the althermen at afternon [and all the crafts of] London in ther leverey, and with iiijxx men all carehyng of torchys, and my lord mare [tarried until] nyght, and so whent home with all torches [lighted,] for my lord mare tared the sermon; my lord of London (age 42) mad the sermon; but yt was latt, [and so] there torchys was lyght to bryng my lord home.

02 Nov 1561. The ij day of November was a yonge [man] stod at Powlles crosse [Map] in the sermon tyme with a [sheet] a-bowtt hym for spykyng [speaking] of serten wordes agaynst Veron the precher.

05 Nov 1561. The v day of November was bered in sant Stephen's in Walbroke ser Rowland Hylle, latt mare and altherman and mercer and knyght, with a standard and v pennons of armes, and a cott armur and a helmet, a crest, sword, and mantyll, and xj dosen of skochyons of armes; and he gayff a c. gownes and cottes to men and women; and ther wher ij haroldes of armes, master Clarenshux (age 51) and master Somersett, and my lord mayre (age 65) morner, the cheyff morner; ser Recherd Lee, master Corbett, with dyvers odur morners, ser Wylliam Cordell, ser Thomas Offeley (age 61), ser Martens Bowes (age 64) and master Chamburlan althermen, and the ij shreyffes, and master Chambur .. and master Blakewell, with mony mo morners, and a 1. pore men in good blake gownes, besyd women; and the dene of Powlles (age 44) mad the sermon; and after all done my lord mayre and mony and althermen whent to the Mercers' hall and the craft to dener, and the resedu to ys plase to dener, and grett mon mad [moan made] for ys deth, and he gayff myche to the pore.

Note. P. 271. Death and funeral of the good sir Rowland Hill. This reverend senator has the highest character given him in his epitaph, which was placed "on a faire stone in the south aile of St. Stephen's Walbrook:"

A friend to vertue, a lover of learning,

A foe to vice, and vehement corrector,

A prudent person, all truth supporting;

A citizen sage, and worthy counsellor;

A lover of wisdome, of justice a furtherer,

Loe, here his corps lyeth, sir Rowland Hill by name,

Of London late lord maier, and alderman of fame.

He was the son of Thomas Hill, of Hodnet in Shropshire; was sheriff 1541–2; lord mayor 1549–50. He founded a grammar school at Drayton in Shropshire, and performed other admirable acts of beneficence recorded by Stowe in his Survay, in his chapter "Honour of Citizens." "He dwelled in Walbrook, over against the said church of St. Stephen; and was buried at St. Stephen's in Walbrook 1561." Arms, Azure, two bars argent, on a canton sable a chevron between three pheons of the second, an eagle's head erased of the third, between two mullets gules. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

05 Nov 1561. The sam day was wypyd at Quen-heyff at a post a waterman for opprobryus wordes and sedyssyous wordes agaynst the magystrates.

05 Nov 1561. The sam day of November dyd pryche at Westmynster abbay [Map] master Alway, one of the plasse, and mad a godly sermon ther, and grett audyense.

Nov 1561. The (blank ) day of November ... had master Walkenden a servand that ... of the age of xv . and ther dyd...

14 Nov 1561. The xiiij day of November ther was a procla[mation] of gold and sylver that none shuld be take[n be]twyn man and man butt the Frenche crowne and the Borgo[ndian] crowne and the Flemyche, and that phystelars and Spa[nish] ryalles shuld not goo, butt to cum to the Towre [Map] ther to have wheth for wheth [weight for weight], gold and sylver.

Note. P. 272. Proclamation on foreign coins. This proclamation was dated the 15th of Nov. 1561, and is extant among the collection in the Society of Antiquaries' library. It is curious as representing in woodcuts the counterfeit angels of Tournay and Holland, in comparison with a genuine angel of Henry VIII. (See Ruding's Annals of the Coinage, sub anno.) The same proclamation is noticed in a Norwich Chronicle as follows:

"This year, upon sunday the 23d of November, there was sent from the Queen a Proclamation to be published, that pistoles and other foreign crowns of gold and silver, only French crowns excepted, should not pass from man to man as current money, but as bullion be brought into the Tower, there to have as much as they are worth." Papers of the Norwich and Norfolk Archæol. Soc. vol. i. p. 145.

23 Nov 1561. The xxiij day of November, the iiij yere [of] quen Elesabeth, dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] Renagir, yt was sant Clement day, dyd sy[t] alle the sermon tyme monser Henry de Machyn [Note. The author of this diary], for ij [words?] the wyche was told hym, that Veron the French [man] the precher was taken with a wenche, by the rep[orting] by on Wylliam Laurans clarke of sant Mare Maudle[n's] [Map] in Mylke strett, the wyche the sam Hare [Harry] knellyd down[be-] for master Veron and the byshope, and yett (they) would nott for[give] hym, for alle ys fryndes that he had worshephulle.

Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1561 December

13 Dec 1561. The xiij day of Desember was bered at sant Katheryns-chryst chyrche my lade Lyster, sum-tyme the wyff of master Shelley of Sussex (age 24), and the dowther of the erle of Sowthamtun late lord chanseler of Engeland -Wresseley, with a harord of armes and a ij dosen of skochyons of armes.

Note. P. 294. Cree-church. The duke of Norfolk's town mansion (here written "Chrychyre") was near the church called St. Katharine's Cree-church or Christ's church, in the ward of Aldgate. It has been before mentioned in p. 186.

15 Dec 1561. The xv day of Desember was bered in sant Donstons in the whest [Map] master Norrey (deceased), alleas Dalton, kynge of armes of the North from Trent unto Barwyke [Berwick].... were hanged at Tyb]orne [Map], and on [one] off them the sur[geons took] for a notyme [anatomy] in-to ther halle.

Note. P. 273. Funeral of Laurence Dalton, Norroy king of arms. See his epitaph in Stowe, and his funeral insignia described in the Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. 1837, vol. iv. pp. 101–111. His funeral ceremony is recorded in the College of Arms. I. 13, f. 32, and his brass is drawn in the MS. Harl. 1099.

15 Dec 1561. The sam day was a man wypyd at [a cart's] arse for (unfinished)

15 Dec 1561. The sam day was a pelere sett up in Powlles chyrche-yerd [Map] agaynst the byshope('s) plase for a man that mayd a fray in Powlles chyrche, and ys ere [ear] nayllyd to the post, and after cutt off, for a fray in Powlles chyrche.

20 Dec 1561. The xx day of Desember my lade the contes of Bayth (deceased) ded at here plase at Nuwhyngtun, late the wyff of ser Thomas Kyttsun and to ser Recherd Longe and wyff to the yerle of Bayth latt dissessyd, and she had a vj baners-rolles and a gret baner of armes and a x dosen of skochyons and vj of sylke.

26 Dec 1561. The xxvj day of Desember, was sant Stheyn day, was creatyd at the cowrte my lord Ambros Dudley (age 31) lord Lylle and after the yerle of Warwyke, with haroldes of armes.

27 Dec 1561. The xxvij day of Desember cam rydyng thrugh London a lord of mysrull [misrule], in clene complett harnes, gylt, with a hondered grett horse and gentyll-men rydyng gorgyously with chenes of gold, and there horses godly trapytt, unto the Tempull, for ther was grett cher all Cryustynmas tyll (blank), and grett revels as ever was for the gentyllmen of the Tempull evere day, for mony of the conselle was there.... of myssrule ..playhyng and syngyng unto the [court with my] lord, ther was grett chere at the .... gorgyusly aparrell(ed) with grett cheynes.

Note. P. 274. Christmas festivities in the Temple. A long account of the celebration of these festivities will be found in Dugdale's Origines Juridiciales, pp. 150 et seq. and extracted in Nichols's Progresses, &c. of Queen Elizabeth, 1823, vol. i. p. 131.