Roman Books, Horace Odes
Horace Odes is in Roman Books.
Roman Books, Horace Odes Book 1
Roman Books, Horace Odes Book 1 Ode 1
Maecenas atavis edite regibus, | Maecenas, born of royal ancestors, |
o et praesidium et dulce decus meum: | O both my protection and my sweet honor: |
sunt quos curriculo pulverem Olympicum | There are those whom it pleases to have gathered the dust of the Olympic race |
collegisse iuvat metaque fervidis | it helps to have gathered at the goal with fervour |
evitata rotis palmaque nobilis. | avoided by the wheels and the noble palm. |
terrarum dominos evehit ad deos | He raised the lords of the earth to gods |
hunc, si mobilium turba Quiritium | this, if the crowd of the Quiritians |
certat tergeminis tollere honoribus, | he struggles to raise with triple honours, |
illum, si proprio condidit horreo | if he stored it in his own granary |
quidquid de Libycis verritur areis. | whatever is swept from the lands of the Libyans. |