Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1672
John Evelyn's Diary 1672 is in John Evelyn's Diary 1670s.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1672, John Evelyn's Diary January 1672
12 Jan 1672. His Majesty (age 41) renewed us our lease of Sayes Court [Map] pastures for ninety-nine years, but ought, according to his solemn promise (as I hope he will still perform), have passed them to us in fee-farm.
23 Jan 1672. To London, in order to Sir Richard Browne (age 67), my father-in-law, resigning his place as Clerk of the Council to Joseph Williamson (age 38), Esq, who was admitted, and was knighted. This place his Majesty (age 41) had promised to give me many years before; but, upon consideration of the renewal of our lease and other reasons, I chose to part with it to Sir Joseph, who gave us and the rest of his brother clerks a handsome supper at his house; and, after supper, a concert of music.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1672, John Evelyn's Diary February 1672
03 Feb 1672. An extraordinary snow; part of the week was taken up in consulting about the commission of prisoners of war, and instructions to our officers, in order to a second war with the Hollanders, his Majesty (age 41) having made choice of the former commissioners, and myself among them.
12 Feb 1672. At the Council, we entered on inquiries about improving the plantations by silks, galls, flax, senna, etc., and considered how nutmegs and cinnamon might be obtained and brought to Jamaica, that soil and climate promising success. Dr. Worsley being called in, spoke many considerable things to encourage it. We took order to send to the plantations, that none of their ships should adventure homeward single, but stay for company and convoys. We also deliberated on some fit person to go as commissioner to inspect their actions in New England, and, from time to time, report how that people stood affected. In future, to meet at Whitehall [Map].
20 Feb 1672. Dr. Parr (age 55), of Camberwell, preached a most pathetic funeral discourse and panegyric at the interment of our late pastor, Dr. Breton (who died on the 18th), on "Happy is the servant whom, when his Lord cometh", etc. This good man, among other expressions, professed that he had never been so touched and concerned at any loss as at this, unless at that of King Charles our martyr, and Archbishop Usher, whose chaplain he had been. Dr. Breton had preached on the 28th and 30th of January: on the Friday, having fasted all day, making his provisionary sermon for the Sunday following, he went well to bed; but was taken suddenly ill and expired before help could come to him.
20 Feb 1672. Never had a parish a greater loss, not only as he was an excellent preacher, and fitted for our great and vulgar auditory, but for his excellent life and charity, his meekness and obliging nature, industrious, helpful, and full of good works. He left near £400 to the poor in his will, and that what children of his should die in their minority, their portion should be so employed, I lost in particular a special friend, and one that had an extraordinary love for me and mine.
25 Feb 1672. To London, to speak with the Bishop, and Sir John Cutler (age 69), our patron, to present Mr. Frampton (age 49) (afterward Bishop of Gloucester).
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1672, John Evelyn's Diary March 1672
01 Mar 1672. A full Council of Plantations, on the danger of the Leeward Islands, threatened by the French, who had taken some of our ships, and began to interrupt our trade. Also in debate, whether the new Governor of St. Christopher should be subordinate to the Governor of Barbadoes. The debate was serious and long.
12 Mar 1672. Now was the first blow given by us to the Dutch convoy of the Smyrna fleet, by Sir Robert Holmes (age 32) and Lord Ossory (age 37), in which we received little save blows, and a worthy reproach for attacking our neighbors ere any war was proclaimed, and then pretending the occasion to be, that some time before, the Merlin yacht chancing to sail through the whole Dutch fleet, their Admiral did not strike to that trifling vessel. Surely, this was a quarrel slenderly grounded, and not becoming Christian neighbors. We are likely to thrive, accordingly. Lord Ossory several times deplored to me his being engaged in it; he had more justice and honor than in the least to approve of it, though he had been over-persuaded to the expedition. There is no doubt but we should have surprised this exceeding rich fleet, had not the avarice and ambition of Holmes and Spragge (age 52) separated themselves, and willfully divided our fleet, on presumption that either of them was strong enough to deal with the Dutch convoy without joining and mutual help; but they so warmly plied our divided fleets, that while in conflict the merchants sailed away, and got safe into Holland.
12 Mar 1672. A few days before this, the Treasurer of the Household, Sir Thomas Clifford (age 41), hinted to me, as a confidant, that his Majesty (age 41) would SHUT UP THE EXCHEQUER (and, accordingly, his Majesty made use of infinite treasure there, to prepare for an intended rupture); but, says he, it will soon be open again, and everybody satisfied; for this bold man, who had been the sole adviser of the King to invade that sacred stock (though some pretend it was Lord Ashley's counsel, then Chancellor of the Exchequer), was so over-confident of the success of this unworthy design against the Smyrna merchants, as to put his Majesty on an action which not only lost the hearts of his subjects, and ruined many widows and orphans, whose stocks were lent him, but the reputation of his Exchequer forever, it being before in such credit, that he might have commanded half the wealth of the nation.
12 Mar 1672. The credit of this bank being thus broken, did exceedingly discontent the people, and never did his Majesty's (age 41) affairs prosper to any purpose after it, for as it did not supply the expense of the meditated war, so it melted away, I know not how.
12 Mar 1672. To this succeeded the King's (age 41) declaration for an universal toleration; Papists and swarms of Sectaries, now boldly showing themselves in their public meetings. !This was imputed to the same council, Clifford (age 41) warping to Rome as was believed, nor was Lord Arlington (age 54) clear of suspicion, to gratify that party, but as since it has proved, and was then evidently foreseen, to the extreme weakening of the Church of England and its Episcopal Government, as it was projected. I speak not this as my own sense, but what was the discourse and thoughts of others, who were lookers-on; for I think there might be some relaxations without the least prejudice to the present establishment, discreetly limited, but to let go the reins in this manner, and then to imagine they could take them up again as easily, was a false policy, and greatly destructive. The truth is, our Bishops slipped the occasion; for, had they held a steady hand upon his Majesty's restoration, as they might easily have done, the Church of England had emerged and flourished, without interruption; but they were then remiss, and covetous after advantages of another kind while his Majesty suffered them to come into a harvest, with which, without any injustice he might have remunerated innumerable gallant gentlemen for their services who had ruined themselves in the late rebellion.
21 Mar 1672. I visited the coasts in my district of Kent, and divers wounded and languishing poor men, that had been in the Smyrna conflict. I went over to see the new-begun Fort of Tilbury; a royal work, indeed, and such as will one day bridle a great city to the purpose, before they are aware.
23 Mar 1672. Captain Cox, one of the Commissioners of the Navy, furnishing me with a yacht, I sailed to Sheerness Isle of Sheppey [Map] to see that fort also, now newly finished; several places on both sides the Swale and Medway to Gillingham, Kent [Map] and Upnore, being also provided with redoubts and batteries to secure the station of our men-of-war at Chatham, Kent [Map], and shut the door when the steeds were stolen.
24 Mar 1672. I saw the chirurgeon cut off the leg of a wounded sailor, the stout and gallant man enduring it with incredible patience, without being bound to his chair, as usual on such painful occasions. I had hardly courage enough to be present. Not being cut off high enough the gangrene prevailed, and the second operation cost the poor creature his life.
24 Mar 1672. Lord! what miseries are mortal men subject to, and what confusion and mischief do the avarice, anger, and ambition of Princes, cause in the world!
25 Mar 1672. I proceeded to Canterbury, Kent [Map], Dover, Kent [Map], Deal, Kent [Map], the Isle of Thanet, Kent [Map], by Sandwich, Kent [Map], and so to Margate, Kent [Map]. Here we had abundance of miserably wounded men, his Majesty (age 41) sending his chief chirurgeon, Sergeant Knight, to meet me, and Dr. Waldrond had attended me all the journey. Having taken order for the accommodation of the wounded, I came back through a country the best cultivated of any that in my life I had anywhere seen, every field lying as even as a bowling-green, and the fences, plantations, and husbandry, in such admirable order, as infinitely delighted me, after the sad and afflicting spectacles and objects I was come from. Observing almost every tall tree to have a weathercock on the top bough, and some trees half-a-dozen, I learned that, on a certain holyday, the farmers feast their servants; at which solemnity, they set up these cocks, in a kind of triumph.
25 Mar 1672. Being come back toward Rochester, Kent [Map], I went to take order respecting the building a strong and high wall about a house I had hired of a gentleman, at a place called Hartlip, for a prison, paying £50 yearly rent. Here I settled a Provost-Marshal and other officers, returning by Feversham [Map].
30 Mar 1672. On the 30th heard a sermon in Rochester Cathedral [Map], and so got to Sayes Court, Deptford [Map] on the first of April.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1672, John Evelyn's Diary April 1672
04 Apr 1672. I went to see the fopperies of the Papists at Somerset-House [Map] and York-House [Map], where now the French Ambassador had caused to be represented our Blessed Savior at the Pascal Supper with his disciples, in figures and puppets made as big as the life, of wax-work, curiously clad and sitting round a large table, the room nobly hung, and shining with innumerable lamps and candles: this was exposed to all the world; all the city came to see it. Such liberty had the Roman Catholics at this time obtained.
16 Apr 1672. Sat in Council, preparing Lord Willoughby's commission and instructions as Governor of Barbadoes and the Caribbee Islands.
17 Apr 1672. Sat on business in the Star Chamber.
19 Apr 1672. At Council, preparing instructions for Colonel Stapleton, now to go Governor of St. Christopher's, and heard the complaints of the Jamaica merchants against the Spaniards, for hindering them from cutting logwood on the mainland, where they have no pretense.
21 Apr 1672. To my Lord of Canterbury (age 73), to entreat him to engage Sir John Cutler (age 69), the patron, to provide us a grave and learned man, in opposition to a novice.
30 Apr 1672. Congratulated Mr. Treasurer Clifford's (age 41) new honor, being made a Baron.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1672, John Evelyn's Diary May 1672
02 May 1672. My son, John (age 17), was specially admitted of the Middle Temple by Sir Francis North (age 34), his Majesty's (age 41) Solicitor-General, and since Chancellor. I pray God bless this beginning, my intention being that he should seriously apply himself to the study of the law.
10 May 1672. I was ordered, by letter from the Council, to repair forthwith to his Majesty (age 41), whom I found in the Pall-Mall [Map], in St. James's Park, where his Majesty coming to me from the company, commanded me to go immediately to the seacoast, and to observe the motion of the Dutch fleet and ours, the Duke (age 38) and so many of the flower of our nation being now under sail, coming from Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map], through the Downs, where it was believed there might be an encounter.
11 May 1672. Went to Chatham, Kent [Map]. 12th. Heard a sermon in Rochester Cathedral [Map].
13 May 1672. To Canterbury, Kent [Map]; visited Dr. Bargrave, my old fellow-traveler in Italy, and great virtuoso.
14 May 1672. To Dover, Kent [Map]; but the fleet did not appear till the 16th, when the Duke of York (age 38) with his and the French squadron, in all 170 ships (of which above 100 were men-of-war), sailed by, after the Dutch, who were newly withdrawn. Such a gallant and formidable navy never, I think, spread sail upon the seas. It was a goodly yet terrible sight, to behold them as I did, passing eastward by the straits between Dover and Calais in a glorious day. The wind was yet so high, that I could not well go aboard, and they were soon got out of sight. The next day, having visited our prisoners and the Castle, and saluted the Governor, I took horse for Margate, Kent [Map]. Here, from the North Foreland Lighthouse top (which is a pharos, built of brick, and having on the top a cradle of iron, in which a man attends a great sea-coal fire all the year long, when the nights are dark, for the safeguard of sailors), we could see our fleet as they lay at anchor. The next morning, they weighed, and sailed out of sight to the N. E.
19 May 1672. Went to Margate, Kent [Map]; and, the following day, was carried to see a gallant widow, brought up a farmeress, and I think of gigantic race, rich, comely, and exceedingly industrious. She put me in mind of Deborah and Abigail, her house was so plentifully stored with all manner of country provisions, all of her own growth, and all her conveniences so substantial, neat, and well understood; she herself so jolly and hospitable; and her land so trim and rarely husbanded, that it struck me with admiration at her economy.
19 May 1672. This town much consists of brewers of a certain heady ale, and they deal much in malt, etc. For the rest, it is raggedly built, and has an ill haven, with a small fort of little concernment, nor is the island well disciplined; but as to the husbandry and rural part, far exceeding any part of England for the accurate culture of their ground, in which they exceed, even to curiosity and emulation.
19 May 1672. We passed by Rickborough [Map], and in sight of Reculvers [Map], and so through a sweet garden, as it were, to Canterbury, Kent [Map].
24 May 1672. To London and gave his Majesty (age 41) an account of my journey, and that I had put all things in readiness upon all events, and so returned home sufficiently wearied.
31 May 1672. I received another command to repair to the seaside; so I went to Rochester, Kent [Map], where I found many wounded, sick, and prisoners, newly put on shore after the engagement on the 28th, in which the Earl of Sandwich (deceased), that incomparable person and my particular friend, and divers more whom I loved, were lost. My Lord (who was Admiral of the Blue) was in the "Prince", which was burnt, one of the best men-of-war that ever spread canvas on the sea. There were lost with this brave man, a son of Sir Charles Cotterell (age 57) (Master of the Ceremonies), and a son (age 32) of Sir Charles Harbord (his Majesty's (age 42) Surveyor-General), two valiant and most accomplished youths, full of virtue and courage, who might have saved themselves; but chose to perish with my Lord, whom they honored and loved above their own lives.
31 May 1672. Here, I cannot but make some reflections on things past. It was not above a day or two that going to Whitehall [Map] to take leave of his Lordship (deceased), who had his lodgings in the Privy-Garden, shaking me by the hand he bid me good-by, and said he thought he would see me no more, and I saw, to my thinking, something boding in his countenance: "No", says he, "they will not have me live. Had I lost a fleet (meaning on his return from Bergen when he took the East India prize) I should have fared better; but, be as it pleases God-I must do something, I know not what, to save my reputation". Something to this effect, he had hinted to me; thus I took my leave. I well remember that the Duke of Albemarle, and my now Lord Clifford (age 41), had, I know not why, no great opinion of his courage, because, in former conflicts, being an able and experienced seaman (which neither of them were), he always brought off his Majesty's (age 42) ships without loss, though not without as many marks of true courage as the stoutest of them; and I am a witness that, in the late war, his own ship was pierced like a colander. But the business was, he was utterly against this war from the beginning, and abhorred the attacking of the Smyrna fleet; he did not favor the heady expedition of Clifford at Bergen, nor was he so furious and confident as was the Duke of Albemarle, who believed he could vanquish the Hollanders with one squadron. My Lord Sandwich was prudent as well as valiant, and always governed his affairs with success and little loss; he was for deliberation and reason, they for action and slaughter without either; and for this, whispered as if my Lord Sandwich was not so gallant, because he was not so rash, and knew how fatal it was to lose a fleet, such as was that under his conduct, and for which these very persons would have censured him on the other side. This it was, I am confident, grieved him, and made him enter like a lion, and fight like one too, in the midst of the hottest service, where the stoutest of the rest seeing him engaged, and so many ships upon him, dared not, or would not, come to his succor, as some of them, whom I know, might have done. Thus, this gallant person perished, to gratify the pride and envy of some I named.
31 May 1672. Deplorable was the loss of one of the best accomplished persons, not only of this nation, but of any other. He was learned in sea affairs, in politics, in mathematics, and in music: he had been on divers embassies, was of a sweet and obliging temper, sober, chaste, very ingenious, a true nobleman, an ornament to the Court and his Prince; nor has he left any behind him who approach his many virtues.
31 May 1672. He had, I confess, served the tyrant Cromwell, when a young man, but it was without malice, as a soldier of fortune; and he readily submitted, and that with joy, bringing an entire fleet with him from the Sound, at the first tidings of his Majesty's (age 42) restoration. I verily believe him as faithful a subject as any that were not his friends. I am yet heartily grieved at this mighty loss, nor do I call it to my thoughts without emotion.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1672, John Evelyn's Diary June 1672
02 Jun 1672. Trinity Sunday, I passed at Rochester, Kent [Map]; and, on the 5th, there was buried in the Cathedral [Map] Monsieur Rabiniére, Rear Admiral of the French squadron, a gallant person, who died of the wounds he received in the fight. This ceremony lay on me, which I performed with all the decency I could, inviting the Mayor and Aldermen to come in their formalities. Sir Jonas Atkins (age 62) was there with his guards; and the Dean and Prebendaries: one of his countrymen pronouncing a funeral oration at the brink of his grave, which I caused to be dug in the choir. This is more at large described in the "Gazette" of that day; Colonel Reymes (age 58), my colleague in commission, assisting, who was so kind as to accompany me from London, though it was not his district; for indeed the stress of both these wars lay more on me by far than on any of my brethren, who had little to do in theirs. I went to see Upnor Castle, Kent [Map], which I found pretty well defended, but of no great moment.
02 Jun 1672. Next day I sailed to the fleet, now riding at the buoy of the "Nore", where I met his Majesty (age 42), the Duke (age 38), Lord Arlington (age 54), and all the great men, in the "Charles", lying miserably shattered; but the miss of Lord Sandwich (deceased) redoubled the loss to me, and showed the folly of hazarding so brave a fleet, and losing so many good men, for no provocation but that the Hollanders exceeded us in industry, and in all things but envy.
02 Jun 1672. At Sheerness [Map], I gave his Majesty (age 42) and his Royal Highness (age 38) an account of my charge, and returned to Queenborough [Map]; next day dined at Major Dorel's, Governor of Sheerness; thence, to Rochester, Kent [Map]; and the following day, home.
12 Jun 1672. To London to his Majesty (age 42), to solicit for money for the sick and wounded, which he promised me.
19 Jun 1672. To London again, to solicit the same.
21 Jun 1672. At a Council of Plantations. Most of this week busied with the sick and wounded.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1672, John Evelyn's Diary July 1672
03 Jul 1672. To Lord Sandwich's funeral, which was by water to Westminster, in solemn pomp.
31 Jul 1672. I entertained the Maids of Honor (among whom there was one (age 19) I infinitely esteemed for her many and extraordinary virtues) at a comedy this afternoon, and so went home.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1672, John Evelyn's Diary August 1672
01 Aug 1672. I was at the betrothal of Lord Arlington's (age 54) only daughter (age 4) (a sweet child if ever there was any to the Duke of Grafton (age 8), the King's (age 42) natural son by the Duchess of Cleveland (age 31); the Archbishop of Canterbury (age 74) officiating, the King and the grandees being present. I had a favor given me by my Lady; but took no great joy at the thing for many reasons.
18 Aug 1672. Sir James Hayes (age 35), Secretary to Prince Rupert (age 52), dined with me; after dinner I was sent to Gravesend, Kent [Map] to dispose of no fewer than 800 sick men. That night I got to the fleet at the Buoy of the Nore, where I spoke with the King (age 42) and the Duke (age 38); and, after dinner next day, returned to Gravesend, Kent [Map].
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1672, John Evelyn's Diary September 1672
01 Sep 1672. I spent this week in soliciting for moneys, and in reading to my Lord Clifford (age 42) my papers relating to the first Holland war. Now, our Council of Plantations met at Lord Shaftesbury's (age 51) (Chancellor of the Exchequer) to read and reform the draft of our new Patent, joining the Council of Trade to our political capacities. After this, I returned home, in order to another excursion to the seaside, to get as many as possible of the men who were recovered on board the fleet.
08 Sep 1672. I lay at Gravesend, Kent [Map], thence to Rochester, Kent [Map], returning on the 11th.
15 Sep 1672. Dr. Duport, Greek Professor of Cambridge, preached before the King (age 42), on 1 Timothy vi. 6. No great preacher, but a very worthy and learned man.
25 Sep 1672. I dined at Lord John Berkeley's (age 70), newly arrived out of Ireland, where he had been Deputy; it was in his new house [Map], or rather palace; for I am assured it stood him in near £30,000. It was very well built, and has many noble rooms, but they are not very convenient, consisting but of one Corps de Logis; they are all rooms of state, without closets. The staircase is of cedar, the furniture is princely: the kitchen and stables are ill placed, and the corridor worse, having no report to the wings they join to. For the rest, the fore-court is noble, so are the stables; and, above all, the gardens, which are incomparable by reason of the inequality of the ground, and a pretty piscina. The holly hedges on the terrace I advised the planting of. The porticos are in imitation of a house described by Palladio; but it happens to be the worst in his book, though my good friend, Mr. Hugh May (age 50), his Lordship's architect, effected it.
26 Sep 1672. I carried with me to dinner my Lord H. Howard (age 44) (now to be made Earl of Norwich and Earl Marshal of England) to Sir Robert Clayton's (age 43), now Sheriff of London, at his new house, where we had a great feast; it is built indeed for a great magistrate, at excessive cost. The cedar dining room is painted with the history of the Giants' War, incomparably done by Mr. Streeter (age 51), but the figures are too near the eye.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1672, John Evelyn's Diary October 1672
06 Oct 1672. Dr. Thistlethwaite preached at Whitehall on Rev. v. 2, - a young, but good preacher. I received the blessed Communion, Dr. Blandford (age 56), Bishop of Worcester, and Dean of the Chapel, officiating. Dined at my Lord Clifford's (age 42), with Lord Mulgrave (age 24), Sir Gilbert Talbot (age 41), and Sir Robert Holmes (age 50).
08 Oct 1672. I took leave of my Lady Sunderland (age 26), who was going to Paris [Map] to my Lord, now ambassador there. She made me stay to dinner at Leicester House, and afterward sent for Richardson, the famous fire-eater. He devoured brimstone on glowing coals before us, chewing and swallowing them; he melted a beer-glass and ate it quite up; then, taking a live coal on his tongue, he put on it a raw oyster, the coal was blown on with bellows till it flamed and sparkled in his mouth, and so remained till the oyster gaped and was quite boiled. Then, he melted pitch and wax with sulphur, which he drank down as it flamed; I saw it flaming in his mouth a good while; he also took up a thick piece of iron, such as laundresses use to put in their smoothing boxes, when it was fiery hot, held it between his teeth, then in his hand, and threw it about like a stone; but this, I observed, he cared not to hold very long; then he stood on a small pot, and, bending his body, took a glowing iron with his mouth from between his feet, without touching the pot, or ground, with his hands; with divers other prodigious feats.
13 Oct 1672. After sermon (being summoned before), I went to my Lord Keeper's, Sir Orlando Bridgeman (age 66), at Essex House, where our new patent was opened and read, constituting us that were of the Council of Plantations, to be now of the Council of Trade also, both united. After the patent was read, we all took our oaths, and departed.
24 Oct 1672. Met in Council, the Earl of Shaftesbury (age 51), now our president, swearing our secretary and his clerks, which was Mr. Locke, an excellent learned gentleman, and student of Christ Church, Mr. Lloyd, and Mr. Frowde. We dispatched a letter to Sir Thomas Linch, Governor of Jamaica, giving him notice of a design of the Dutch on that island.
27 Oct 1672. I went to hear that famous preacher, Dr. Frampton (age 50), at St. Giles's, on Psalm xxxix. 6. This divine had been twice at Jerusalem [Map], and was not only a very pious and holy man, but excellent in the pulpit for the moving affections.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1672, John Evelyn's Diary November 1672
08 Nov 1672. At Council, we debated the business of the consulate of Leghorn. I was of the committee with Sir Humphry Winch (age 50), the chairman, to examine the laws of his Majesty's (age 42) several plantations and colonies in the West Indies, etc.
15 Nov 1672. Many merchants were summoned about the consulate of Venice [Map]; which caused great disputes; the most considerable thought it useless. This being the Queen-Consort's (age 33) birthday, there was an extraordinary appearance of gallantry, and a ball danced at Court. [Note. Some confusion here since Catherine of Braganza Queen Consort England was born on 25 Nov 1638].
30 Nov 1672. I was chosen Secretary to the Royal Society.