Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1674
John Evelyn's Diary 1674 is in John Evelyn's Diary 1670s.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1674, John Evelyn's Diary January 1674
05 Jan 1674. I saw an Italian opera in music, the first that had been in England of this kind.
09 Jan 1674. Sent for by his Majesty (age 43) to write something against the Hollanders about the duty of the Flag and Fishery. Returned with some papers.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1674, John Evelyn's Diary March 1674
25 Mar 1674. I dined at Knightsbridge, Kensington, with the Bishops of Salisbury, Chester (age 61), and Lincoln (age 66), my old friends.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1674, John Evelyn's Diary May 1674
29 May 1674. His Majesty's (age 44) birthday and Restoration. Mr. Demalhoy, Roger L'Estrange (age 57), and several of my friends, came to dine with me on the happy occasion.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1674, John Evelyn's Diary June 1674
27 Jun 1674. Mr. Dryden (age 42), the famous poet and now laureate, came to give me a visit. It was the anniversary of my marriage, and the first day I went into my new little cell and cabinet, which I built below toward the south court, at the east end of the parlor.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1674, John Evelyn's Diary July 1674
09 Jul 1674. Paid £360 for purchase of Dr. Jacombe's son's share in the mill and land at Deptford, which I bought of the Beechers.
22 Jul 1674. I went to Windsor, Berkshire [Map] with my wife (age 39) and son (age 19) to see my daughter Mary (age 9), who was there with my Lady Tuke and to do my duty to his Majesty (age 44). Next day, to a great entertainment at Sir Robert Holmes's (age 52) at Cranbourne Lodge, Windsor, in the Forest; there were his Majesty, the Queen (age 35), Duke (age 40), Duchess (age 15), and all the Court. I returned in the evening with Sir Joseph Williamson (age 40), now declared Secretary of State. He was son of a poor clergyman somewhere in Cumberland, brought up at Queen's College, Oxford, of which he came to be a fellow; then traveled with ... and returning when the King was restored, was received as a clerk under Mr. Secretary Nicholas. Sir Henry Bennett (age 56) (now Lord Arlington) succeeding, Williamson is transferred to him, who loving his ease more than business (though sufficiently able had he applied himself to it) remitted all to his man Williamson; and, in a short time, let him so into the secret of affairs, that (as his Lordship himself told me) there was a kind of necessity to advance him; and so, by his subtlety, dexterity, and insinuation, he got now to be principal Secretary; absolutely Lord Arlington's creature, and ungrateful enough. It has been the fate of this obliging favorite to advance those who soon forgot their original. Sir Joseph was a musician, could play at Jeu de Goblets, exceedingly formal, a severe master to his servants, but so inward with my Lord O'Brien (age 32), that after a few months of that gentleman's death, he married his widow (age 34), who, being sister and heir of the Duke of Richmond, brought him a noble fortune. It was thought they lived not so kindly after marriage as they did before. She was much censured for marrying so meanly, being herself allied to the Royal family.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1674, John Evelyn's Diary August 1674
06 Aug 1674. I went to Groombridge, Kent [Map], to see my old friend, Mr. Packer (age 56); the house [Map] built within a moat, in a woody valley. The old house had been the place of confinement of the Duke of Orléans, taken by one Waller (whose house it then was) at the Battle of Agincourt, now demolished, and a new one built in its place, though a far better situation had been on the south of the wood, on a graceful ascent. At some small distance, is a large chapel, not long since built by Mr. Packer's father, on a vow he made to do it on the return of King Charles I out of Spain, 1625, and dedicated to St. Charles, but what saint there was then of that name I am to seek, for, being a Protestant, I conceive it was not Borromeo.
06 Aug 1674. I went to see my farm at Ripe, near Lewes.
19 Aug 1674. His Majesty (age 44) told me how exceedingly the Dutch were displeased at my treatise of the "History of Commerce;" that the Holland Ambassador had complained to him of what I had touched of the Flags and Fishery, etc., and desired the book might be called in; while on the other side, he assured me he was exceedingly pleased with what I had done, and gave me many thanks. However, it being just upon conclusion of the treaty of Breda (indeed it was designed to have been published some months before and when we were at defiance), his Majesty told me he must recall it formally; but gave order that what copies should be publicly seized to pacify the Ambassador, should immediately be restored to the printer, and that neither he nor the vender should be molested. The truth is, that which touched the Hollander was much less than what the King himself furnished me with, and obliged me to publish, having caused it to be read to him before it went to press; but the error was, it should have been published before the peace was proclaimed. The noise of this book's suppression made it presently to be bought up, and turned much to the stationer's advantage. It was no other than the preface prepared to be prefixed to my "History of the Whole War;" which I now pursued no further.
21 Aug 1674. In one of the meadows at the foot of the long Terrace below the Windsor Castle [Map], works were thrown up to show the King (age 44) a representation of the city of Maestricht, newly taken by the French. Bastians, bulwarks, ramparts, palisadoes, graffs, horn-works, counter-scarps, etc., were constructed. It was attacked by the Duke of Monmouth (age 25) (newly come from the real siege) and the Duke of York (age 40), with a little army, to show their skill in tactics. On Saturday night they made their approaches, opened trenches, raised batteries, took the counter-scarp and ravelin, after a stout defense; great guns fired on both sides, grenadoes shot, mines sprung, parties sent out, attempts of raising the siege, prisoners taken, parleys; and, in short, all the circumstances of a formal siege, to appearance, and, what is most strange all without disorder, or ill accident, to the great satisfaction of a thousand spectators. Being night, it made a formidable show. The siege being over, I went with Mr. Pepys (age 41) back to London, where we arrived about three in the morning.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1674, John Evelyn's Diary September 1674
15 Sep 1674. To Council, about fetching away the English left at Surinam, etc., since our reconciliation with Holland.
21 Sep 1674. I went to see the great loss that Lord Arlington (age 56) had sustained by fire at Goring House [Map], this night consumed to the ground, with exceeding loss of hangings, plate, rare pictures, and cabinets; hardly anything was saved of the best and most princely furniture that any subject had in England. My lord and lady (age 40) were both absent at the Bath, Somerset [Map].
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1674, John Evelyn's Diary October 1674
06 Oct 1674. The Lord Chief Baron Turner (age 57), and Sergeant Wild, Recorder of London, came to visit me.
20 Oct 1674. At Lord Berkeley's (age 46), I discoursed with Sir Thomas Modiford (age 54), late Governor of Jamaica, and with Colonel Morgan (age 39), who undertook that gallant exploit from Nombre de Dios to Panama, on the Continent of America; he told me 10,000 men would easily conquer all the Spanish Indies, they were so secure. They took great booty, and much greater had been taken, had they not been betrayed and so discovered before their approach, by which the Spaniards had time to carry their vast treasure on board ships that put off to sea in sight of our men, who had no boats to follow. They set fire to Panama, and ravaged the country sixty miles about. The Spaniards were so supine and unexercised, that they were afraid to fire a great gun.
31 Oct 1674. My birthday, 54th year of my life. Blessed be God! It was also preparation day for the Holy Sacrament, in which I participated the next day, imploring God's protection for the year following, and confirming my resolutions of a more holy life, even upon the Holy Book. The Lord assist and be gracious unto me! Amen.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1674, John Evelyn's Diary November 1674
15 Nov 1674. The anniversary of my baptism: I first heard that famous and excellent preacher, Dr. Burnet (age 31), author of the "History of the Reformation" on Colossians iii. 10, with such flow of eloquence and fullness of matter, as showed him to be a person o£ extraordinary parts.
15 Nov 1674. Being her Majesty's (age 44) birthday, the Court was exceeding splendid in clothes and jewels, to the height of excess.
17 Nov 1674. To Council, on the business of Surinam, where the Dutch had detained some English in prison, ever since the first war, 1665.
19 Nov 1674. I heard that stupendous violin, Signor Nicholao (with other rare musicians), whom I never heard mortal man exceed on that instrument. He had a stroke so sweet, and made it speak like the voice of a man, and, when he pleased, like a concert of several instruments. He did wonders upon a note, and was an excellent composer. Here was also that rare lutanist, Dr. Wallgrave; but nothing approached the violin in Nicholao's hand. He played such ravishing things as astonished us all.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1674, John Evelyn's Diary December 1674
02 Dec 1674. At Mr. Slingsby's (age 53), Master of the Mint, my worthy friend, a great lover of music. Heard Signor Francisco on the Harpsichord, esteemed one of the most excellent masters in Europe on that instrument; then, came Nicholao with his violin, and struck all mute, but Mrs. Knight, who sung incomparably, and doubtless has the greatest reach of any English woman; she had been lately roaming in Italy, and was much improved in that quality.
15 Dec 1674. Saw a comedy at night, at Court, acted by the ladies only, among them Lady Mary (age 1) and Ann (age 13), his Royal Highness' (age 44) two daughters, and my dear friend Mrs. Blagg (age 22), who, having the principal part, performed it to admiration. They were all covered with jewels.
22 Dec 1674. Was at the repetition of the "Pastoral", on which occasion Mrs. Blagg (age 22) had about her near £20,000 worth of jewels, of which she lost one worth about £80, borrowed of the Countess of Suffolk (age 52). The press was so great, that it is a wonder she lost no more. The Duke (age 41) made it good.