Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1682
John Evelyn's Diary 1682 is in John Evelyn's Diary 1680s.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1682, John Evelyn's Diary January 1682
11 Jan 1682. I saw the audience of the Morocco Ambassador, his retinue not numerous. He was received in the Banqueting House, Whitehall Palace [Map], both their Majesties (age 51) being present. He came up to the throne without making any sort of reverence, not bowing his head, or body. He spoke by a renegado Englishman, for whose safe return there was a promise. They were all clad in the Moorish habit, cassocks of colored cloth, or silk, with buttons and loops, over this an alhaga, or white woolen mantle, so large as to wrap both head and body, a sash, or small turban, naked-legged and armed, but with leather socks like the Turks, rich scymetar, and large calico sleeved shirts. The Ambassador had a string of pearls oddly woven in his turban. I fancy the old Roman habit was little different as to the mantle and naked limbs. He was a handsome person, well featured, of a wise look, subtle, and extremely civil. Their presents were lions and ostriches; their errand about a peace at Tangier [Map]. But the concourse and tumult of the people was intolerable, so as the officers could keep no order, which these strangers were astonished at first, there being nothing so regular, exact, and performed with such silence, as is on all these public occasions of their country, and indeed over all the Turkish dominions.
14 Jan 1682. Dined at the Bishop of Rochester's (age 57), at the Abbey [Map], it being his marriage day, after twenty-four years. He related to me how he had been treated by Sir William Temple, foreseeing that he might be a delegate in the concern of my Baroness Ogle (age 14) now likely come in controversy upon her marriage with Mr. Thynn (age 34); also how earnestly the late Earl of Danby (age 49) [NOTE. The word 'late' suggest the Earl being dead but may refer to his downfall around 1678], Lord Treasurer, sought his friendship, and what plain and sincere advice he gave him from time to time about his miscarriages and partialities; particularly his outing Sir John Duncomb (age 60) from being Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Sir Stephen Fox (age 54), above all, from being Paymaster of the Army. The Treasurer's excuse and reason was, that Fox's credit was so over great with the bankers and monied men, that he could procure none but by his means, "for that reason", replied the Bishop, "I would have made him my friend, Sir Stephen being a person both honest and of credit". He told him likewise of his stateliness and difficulty of access, and several other miscarriages, and which indeed made him hated.
24 Jan 1682. To the Royal Society, where at the Council we passed a new law for the more accurate consideration of candidates, as whether they would really be useful; also concerning the honorary members, that none should be admitted but by diploma.
24 Jan 1682. This evening I was at the entertainment of the Morocco Ambassador at the Duchess of Portsmouth's (age 32) glorious apartments at Whitehall [Map], where was a great banquet of sweetmeats and music; but at which both the Ambassador and his retinue behaved themselves with extraordinary moderation and modesty, though placed about a long table, a lady between two Moors, and among these were the King's (age 51) natural children, namely, Lady Lichfield (age 17) and Sussex (age 20), the Duchess of Portsmouth, Nelly (age 31), etc., concubines, and cattle of that sort, as splendid as jewels and excess of bravery could make them; the Moors neither admiring nor seeming to regard anything, furniture or the like, with any earnestness, and but decently tasting of the banquet. They drank a little milk and water, but not a drop of wine; they also drank of a sorbet and jacolatt [Note. This may be chocolate?]; did not look about, or stare on the ladies, or express the least surprise, but with a courtly negligence in pace, countenance, and whole behavior, answering only to such questions as were asked with a great deal of wit and gallantry, and so gravely took leave with this compliment, that God would bless the Duchess of Portsmouth and the Prince (age 9), her son meaning the little Duke of Richmond. The King came in at the latter end, just as the Ambassador was going away. In this manner was this slave (for he was no more at home) entertained by most of the nobility in town, and went often to Hyde Park [Map] on horseback, where he and his retinue showed their extraordinary activity in horsemanship, and flinging and catching their lances at full speed; they rode very short, and could stand upright at full speed, managing their spears with incredible agility. He went sometimes to the theaters, where, upon any foolish or fantastical action, he could not forbear laughing, but he endeavored to hide it with extraordinary modesty and gravity. In a word, the Russian Ambassador, still at Court behaved himself like a clown compared to this civil heathen.
27 Jan 1682. This evening, Sir Stephen Fox (age 54) acquainted me again with his Majesty's (age 51) resolution of proceeding in the erection of a Royal Hospital for emerited soldiers on that spot of ground which the Royal Society had sold to his Majesty for £1,300, and that he would settle £5,000 per annum on it, and build to the value of £20,000 for the relief and reception of four companies, namely, 400 men, to be as in a college, or monastery. I was therefore desired by Sir Stephen (who had not only the whole managing of this, but was, as I perceived, himself to be a grand benefactor, as well it became him who had gotten so vast an estate by the soldiers) to assist him, and consult what method to cast it in, as to the government. So, in his study we arranged the governor, chaplain, steward, housekeeper, chirurgeon, cook, butler, gardener, porter, and other officers, with their several salaries and entertainments. I would needs have a library, and mentioned several books, since some soldiers might possibly be studious, when they were at leisure to recollect. Thus we made the first calculations, and set down our thoughts to be considered and digested better, to show his Majesty and the Archbishop. He also engaged me to consider of what laws and orders were fit for the government, which was to be in every respect as strict as in any religious convent.
27 Jan 1682. After supper, came in the famous treble, Mr. Abel, newly returned from Italy; I never heard a more excellent voice; one would have sworn it had been a woman's, it was so high, and so well and skillfully managed, being accompanied by Signor Francesco on the harpsichord.
28 Jan 1682. Mr. Pepys (age 48), late Secretary to the Admiralty, showed me a large folio containing the whole mechanic part and art of building royal ships and men-of-war, made by Sir Anthony Dean (age 48), being so accurate a piece from the very keel to the lead block, rigging, guns, victualing, manning, and even to every individual pin and nail, in a method so astonishing and curious, with a draught, both geometrical and in perspective, and several sections, that I do not think the world can show the like. I esteem this book as an extraordinary jewel.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1682, John Evelyn's Diary February 1682
07 Feb 1682. My daughter, Mary (age 17), began to learn music of Signor Bartholomeo, and dancing of Monsieur Isaac, reputed the best masters.
07 Feb 1682. Having had several violent fits of an ague, recourse was had to bathing my legs in milk up to the knees, made as hot as I could endure it: and sitting so in it in a deep churn, or vessel, covered with blankets, and drinking carduus posset, then going to bed and sweating, I not only missed that expected fit, but had no more, only continued weak, that I could not go to church till Ash Wednesday, which I had not missed, I think, so long in twenty years, so gracious had God been to me.
07 Feb 1682. After this warning and admonition, I now began to look over and methodize all my writings, accounts, letters, papers; inventoried the goods, and other articles of the house, and put things into the best order I could, and made my will; that now, growing in years, I might have none of these secular things and concerns to distract me, when it should please Almighty God to call me from this transitory life. With this, I prepared some special meditations and devotions for the time of sickness. The Lord Jesus grant them to be salutary for my poor soul in that day, that I may obtain mercy and acceptance!
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1682, John Evelyn's Diary March 1682
01 Mar 1682. My second grandchild was born, and christened the next day by our vicar at Sayes Court [Map], by the name of John. I beseech God to bless him!
02 Mar 1682. Ash Wednesday. I went to church: our vicar preached on Proverbs, showing what care and vigilance was required for the keeping of the heart upright. The Holy Communion followed, on which I gave God thanks for his gracious dealing with me in my late sickness, and affording me this blessed opportunity of praising him in the congregation, and receiving the cup of salvation with new and serious resolutions.
02 Mar 1682. Came to see and congratulate my recovery, Sir John Lowther, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Pepys (age 49), Sir Anthony Deane (age 48), and Mr. Hill.
10 Mar 1682. This day was executed Colonel Vrats, and some of his accomplices, for the execrable murder of Mr. Thynn (deceased), set on by the principal Koningsmark (age 22). He went to execution like an undaunted hero, as one that had done a friendly office for that base coward, Count Koningsmark, who had hopes to marry his widow, the rich Baroness Ogle (age 15), and was acquitted by a corrupt jury, and so got away. Vrats told a friend of mine who accompanied him to the gallows, and gave him some advice that he did not value dying of a rush, and hoped and believed God would deal with him like a gentleman. Never man went, so unconcerned for his sad fate.
24 Mar 1682. I went to see the corpse of that obstinate creature, Colonel Vrats, the King (age 51) permitting that his body should be transported to his own country, he being of a good family, and one of the first embalmed by a particular art, invented by one William Russell, a coffin-maker, which preserved the body without disboweling, or to appearance using any bituminous matter. The flesh was florid, soft, and full, as if the person were only sleeping. He had now been dead near fifteen days, and lay exposed in a very rich coffin lined with lead, too magnificent for so daring and horrid a murderer.
24 Mar 1682. At the meeting of the Royal Society were exhibited some pieces of amber sent by the Duke of Brandenburg (age 62), in one of which was a spider, in another a gnat, both very entire. There was a discourse of the tingeing of glass, especially with red, and the difficulty of finding any red color effectual to penetrate glass, among the glass-painters; that the most diaporous, as blue, yellow, etc., did not enter into the substance of what was ordinarily painted, more than very shallow, unless incorporated in the metal itself, other reds and whites not at all beyond the superfices.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1682, John Evelyn's Diary April 1682
05 Apr 1682. To the Royal Society, where at a Council was regulated what collections should be published monthly, as formerly the transactions, which had of late been discontinued, but were now much called for by the curious abroad and at home.
12 Apr 1682. I went this afternoon with several of the Royal Society to a supper which was all dressed, both fish and flesh, in Monsieur Papin's (age 34) digestors, by which the hardest bones of beef itself, and Mutton, were made as soft as cheese, without water or other liquor, and with less than eight ounces of coals, producing an incredible quantity of gravy; and for close of all, a jelly made of the bones of beef, the best for clearness and good relish, and the most delicious that I had ever seen, or tasted. We ate pike and other fish, bones and all, without impediment; but nothing exceeded the pigeons, which tasted just as if baked in a pie, all these being stewed in their own juice, without any addition of water save what swam about the digestor, as in balneo; the natural juice of all these provisions acting on the grosser substances, reduced the hardest bones to tenderness; but it is best descanted with more particulars for extracting tinctures, preserving and stewing fruit, and saving fuel, in Dr. Papin's book, published and dedicated to our Society of which he is a member. He is since gone to Venice [Map] with the late Resident here (and also a member of our Society), who carried this excellent mechanic, philosopher, and physician, to set up a philosophical meeting in that city. This philosophical supper caused much mirth among us, and exceedingly pleased all the company. I sent a glass of the jelly to my wife (age 47), to the reproach of all that the ladies ever made of their best hartshorn.
12 Apr 1682. The season was unusually wet, with rain and thunder.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1682, John Evelyn's Diary May 1682
25 May 1682. I was desired by Sir Stephen Fox (age 55) and Sir Christopher Wren (age 58) to accompany them to Lambeth, Surrey [Map], with the plot and design of the college to be built at Chelsea, to have the Archbishop's approbation. It was a quadrangle of 200 feet square, after the dimensions of the larger quadrangle at Christ church, Oxford, for the accommodation of 440 persons, with Governor of and officers. This was agreed on.
25 May 1682. The Duke (age 48) and King James II of England Scotland and Ireland and Duchess of York (age 23) were just now come to London, after his escape and shipwreck, as he went by sea for Scotland.
28 May 1682. At the Rolls' chapel preached the famous Dr. Burnet (age 38) on 2 Peter 1:10, describing excellently well what was meant by election; viz, not the effect of any irreversible decree, but so called because they embraced the Gospel readily, by which they became elect, or precious to God. It would be very needless to make our calling and election sure, were they irreversible and what the rigid Presbyterians pretend. In the afternoon, to St. Lawrence's church, a new and cheerful pile.
29 May 1682. I gave notice to the Bishop of Rochester (age 57) of what Maimburg had published about the motives of the late Duchess of York's perversion, in his "History of Calvinism;" and did myself write to the Bishop of Winchester (age 84) about it, who being concerned in it, I urged him to set forth his vindication.
31 May 1682. The Morocco Ambassador being admitted an honorary member of the Royal Society, and subscribing his name and titles in Arabic, I was deputed by the Council to go and compliment him.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1682, John Evelyn's Diary June 1682
19 Jun 1682. The Bantam, or East India Ambassadors (at this time we had in London the Russian, Moroccan, and Indian Ambassadors), being invited to dine at Lord George Berkeley's (age 54) (now Earl), I went to the entertainment to contemplate the exotic guests. They were both very hard-favored, and much resembling in countenance some sort of monkeys. We ate at two tables, the Ambassadors and interpreter by themselves. Their garments were rich Indian silks, flowered with gold, viz, a close waistcoat to their knees, drawers, naked legs, and on their heads caps made like fruit baskets. They wore poisoned daggers at their bosoms, the hafts carved with some ugly serpents' or devils' heads, exceedingly keen, and of Damascus metal. They wore no sword. The second Ambassador (sent it seems to succeed in case the first should die by the way in so tedious a journey), having been at Mecca, wore a Turkish or Arab sash, a little part of the linen hanging down behind his neck, with some other difference of habit, and was half a negro, bare legged and naked feet, and deemed a very holy man. They sat cross-legged like Turks, and sometimes in the posture of apes and monkeys; their nails and teeth as black as jet, and shining, which being the effect, as to their teeth, of perpetually chewing betel to preserve them from the toothache, much raging in their country, is esteemed beautiful.
19 Jun 1682. The first ambassador was of an olive hue, a flat face, narrow eyes, squat nose, and Moorish lips, no hair appeared; they wore several rings of silver, gold and copper on their fingers, which was a token of knighthood, or nobility. They were of Java Major, whose princes have been turned Mahometans not above fifty years since; the inhabitants are still pagans and idolaters. They seemed of a dull and heavy constitution, not wondering at any thing they saw; but exceedingly astonished how our law gave us propriety in our estates, and so thinking we were all kings, for they could not be made to comprehend how subjects could possess anything but at the pleasure of their Prince, they being all slaves; they were pleased with the notion, and admired our happiness. They were very sober, and I believe subtle in their way. Their meat was cooked, carried up, and they attended by several fat slaves, who had no covering save drawers, which appeared very uncouth and loathsome. They ate their pilaw, and other spoon-meat, without spoons, taking up their pottage in the hollow of their fingers, and very dexterously flung it into their mouths without spilling a drop.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1682, John Evelyn's Diary July 1682
17 Jul 1682. Came to dine with me, the Duke of Grafton (age 18) and the young Earl of Ossory (age 17), son to my most dear deceased friend.
30 Jul 1682. Went to visit our good neighbor, Mr. Bohun, whose whole house is a cabinet of all elegancies, especially Indian; in the hall are contrivances of Japan screens, instead of wainscot; and there is an excellent pendule clock inclosed in the curious flowerwork of Mr. Gibbons (age 34), in the middle of the vestibule. The landscapes of the screens represent the manner of living, and country of the Chinese. But, above all, his lady's cabinet is adorned on the fret, ceiling, and chimney-piece, with Mr. Gibbons's best carving. There are also some of Streeter's best paintings, and many rich curiosities of gold and silver as growing in the mines. The gardens are exactly kept, and the whole place very agreeable and well watered. The owners are good neighbors, and Mr. Bohun has also built and endowed a hospital for eight poor people, with a pretty chapel, and every necessary accommodation.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1682, John Evelyn's Diary August 1682
01 Aug 1682. To the Bishop of London (age 50) at Fulham [Map], to review the additions which Mr. Marshall (age 62) had made to his curious book of flowers in miniature, and collection of insects.
04 Aug 1682. With Sir Stephen Fox (age 55), to survey the foundations of the Royal Hospital begun at Chelsea.
09 Aug 1682. The Council of the Royal Society had it recommended to them to be trustees and visitors, or supervisors, of the Academy which Monsieur Faubert did hope to procure to be built by subscription of worthy gentlemen and noblemen, for the education of youth, and to lessen the vast expense the nation is at yearly by sending children into France to be taught military exercises. We thought to give him all the encouragement our recommendation could procure.
15 Aug 1682. Came to visit me Dr. Rogers, an acquaintance of mine long since at Padua. He was then Consul of the English nation, and student in that University, where he proceeded Doctor in Physic; presenting me now with the Latin oration he lately made upon the famous Dr. Harvey's anniversary in the Royal College of Physicians, at London.
20 Aug 1682. This night I saw another comet, near Cancer, very bright, but the stream not so long as the former.
29 Aug 1682. Supped at Lord Clarendon's, with Lord Hyde (age 40), his brother, now the great favorite, who invited himself to dine at my house the Tuesday following.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1682, John Evelyn's Diary October 1682
29 Oct 1682. Being my birthday, and I now entering my great climacterical of 63, after serious recollections of the years past, giving Almighty God thanks for all his merciful preservations and forbearance, begging pardon for my sins and unworthiness, and his blessing on me the year entering, I went with my Lady Fox to survey her building, and give some directions for the garden at Chiswick; the architect is Mr. May (age 61), somewhat heavy and thick, and not so well understood: the garden much too narrow, the place without water, near a highway, and near another great house of my Lord Burlington (age 14), little land about it, so that I wonder at the expense; but women will have their will.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1682, John Evelyn's Diary November 1682
25 Nov 1682. I was invited to dine with Monsieur Lionberg, the Swedish Resident, who made a magnificent entertainment, it being the birthday of his King. There dined the Duke of Albemarle, Duke of Hamilton (age 47), Earl of Bath (age 54), Earl of Aylesbury (age 56), Lord Arran (age 24), Lord Castlehaven (age 65), the son of him who was executed fifty years before, and several great persons. I was exceedingly afraid of drinking (it being a Dutch feast), but the Duke of Albemarle being that night to wait on his Majesty, excess was prohibited; and, to prevent all, I stole away and left the company as soon as we rose from table.
28 Nov 1682. I went to the Council of the Royal Society, for the auditing the last year's account, where I was surprised with a fainting fit that for a time took away my sight; but God being merciful to me, I recovered it after a short repose.
30 Nov 1682. I was exceedingly endangered and importuned to stand the election, having so many voices, but by favor of my friends, and regard of my remote dwelling, and now frequent infirmities, I desired their suffrages might be transferred to Sir John Hoskins (age 48), one of the Masters of Chancery; a most learned virtuoso as well as lawyer, who accordingly was elected.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1682, John Evelyn's Diary December 1682
07 Dec 1682. Went to congratulate Lord Hyde (age 40) (the great favorite) newly made Earl of Rochester, and lately marrying his eldest daughter to the Earl of Ossory (age 17).
18 Dec 1682. I sold my East India adventure of £250 principal for £750 to the Royal Society, after I had been in that company twenty-five years, being extraordinarily advantageous, by the blessing of God.