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Late Medieval Books, John Stow's Annales of England

John Stow's Annales of England is in Late Medieval Books.

The chronicles of England from Brute unto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by John Stow citizen of London.

To the right Honorable the Lord Robert Dudley, Earle of Leicester, Baron of Denbigh, Knight of the most noble Orders of the Garter, and of Saint Michaell, one of hir Maiesties moste Honourable priuie Counsell, and Maister of hir Horsse.

Printed at London: By [Henry Bynneman for] Ralphe Newberie, at the assignement of Henrie Bynneman. Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis, 1580.

Late Medieval Books, John Stow's Annales of England 1485

27 Aug 1485. In the mean season the king removed towards London, and then be had approched the city, on the 27 of August, the Mayour, Magistrates, and companies, all clothed in violet, met him at Shoreditch, and with great pomp conveyed him through the city to S. Paul's church, where be offered his three standards, one of S. George, the second a red Dagon, the third a dun Cow, after his prayers said and Te Deum sung, he departed to the bishops palace where he sojourned a season.

The sweating began the 21st of September, continued till the ende of October: of the which sickness a wonderful number died, and in London beside other, died Thomas Hall Mayor, in whose place was chosen William Stocker, who likewise deceased about seven daies later: in which space departed other foure Alderman, Thomas Ilam, Richard Rawson, Thomas Norland, and John Stocker, and then was chosen Mayor John Warder, who continued till the feast of Simon and Jude [28 October].

Late Medieval Books, John Stow's Annales of England 1507

1507. Also the sweating sickness, which (as we have heard) in the first yeere of this kings raigne first afflicted the people of the realme, now assailed them again, howbeit, by the remedy found at the beginning of it, nothing the like number died thereof, now this second time, as did the first.

Late Medieval Books, John Stow's Annales of England 1514

1514. This year was a death of the pestilente in England, especially about London, so that in one house, to wit, the Minories without Aldgate, there died nuns professed to the number of twenty-seven, besides other that were Lay people, and servants in that house.

Late Medieval Books, John Stow's Annales of England 1517

18 May 1517. The 18 of May, Margaret Queene of Scots departed trom London towards Scotland, richly appointed and prepared of all things necessary for her estate through the kings great liberality. She entered into Scotland the 13 of June and wwas received at Berwick by Archibald Douglas Earl of Angus her husband. In the moneth of June there were with the king divers Ambassadors from foreign parts. In honour of whom, and for their their solace, he prepared costly jousts, be himself and twelve other, taking upon them to joust with the Duke of Suffolke (age 33), and twelve of his partakers. There were broken between the parties on both sides five hundred and eight spears.

About the feast of Lammas [01 Aug 1517] began the sweating sicknes, of the which many men died suddenly in the beginning thereof, and this plague continued till Michaelmas [29 September], many died thereof in the court, as the Lord Clinton, the Lord Grey of Wilton (age 20), and many other knights and gentlemen, by reason of which contagious sickness, Michaelmas terme was adjorned. After this, to wit, in the winter was a greate death of pestilence, almost over all Englande in every town more or less, wherefore the King kept himself with small company about him, willing to have no resort to the court for fear of infection.

Late Medieval Books, John Stow's Annales of England 1522

1522This year was a great death in London and other places of the Realm; many men of hnour and great worship died, and amongst other Doctor Fitzjames bishop of London, in whose place was elected Doctor Tunstal (age 48). Also great dearth dearth in London and other places, for wheat was sold for twenty shillings the quarter.

Late Medieval Books, John Stow's Annales of England 1523

20 Feb 1523. The 20 of February, the ladie Alice Hungerford (age 38) a knights wiſe, for murdering her husband, was led from the tower of London to Holborn, and there put in a cart with one of her servants and so carried to Tyburn [Map], and both hanged. He was buried in the Greyfriers church at London.

Late Medieval Books, John Stow's Annales of England 1528

17 Jun 1528. The 17 day of June, the terme was adjourned to Michael because of the sweating sicknesse that then reigned tn the city of London, and there was no such watch at Midsummer, as before time bad bene accustomed. Of this sickness died many suddenly in the kings court, namely Sir William Compton (age 46), Sir Francis Poyntz (deceased), and other, who died with little warning. The King for a space removed almost every day till be came to Tittenhanger [Map], a place of the abbot of Saint Albans, anv there be with the queene, and a small company about them, remained till the sickness was past.

Late Medieval Books, John Stow's Annales of England 1532

01 Sep 1532. The firste of September the Lady Anne Bolleine (age 31) was made Marchionesse of Pembrooke at Windsore, and then was gyuen hir by the King, one thousande pounde by yeare, [out of the Bishopricke of Durham].

11 Oct 1532. The eleuenth of October King Henrie landed at Calleis, with the Duke of Richemonde (age 13) hys bastarde sonne, the Duke of Norffolke (age 59) Lord Treasurer of England, the Duke of Suffolke (age 48), the Marquesse of Excester (age 36), the Erles of Darby (age 23), Arundale (age 56), Oxforde, Surrey and Rutlande (age 40), the Vicount Lisle (age 68) King Edwarde the fourth his bastarde sonne, the Lord Matrauers, the Lord Sands Lorde Chamberlaine of the Kings house, the Lorde William Hawarde, the Lorde Bray, the Lorde Montague, the Lorde Cobham, the Lorde Mordant, the Lorde Dawbney, the Lorde Grey, the Lord Clinton, the Lorde Vaux, the Lorde Mountegle, the Lorde Rocheford (age 29), wyth diuers other Lordes: the Bishoppes of Winchester, London, Lincolne, and Bathe: sir William Fitz William treasourer of the kings house, sir William Pawlet Comptroller, sir William Kingstone Capitaine of the Guarde, sir Iohn Page, sir Iames Boleine, sir Anthony Browne, sir Edwarde Neuell, sir Thomas Cheyney▪ sir Iohn Russell, sir Richard Page, sir Ralph Eldercare, sir Edward Baynton, sir Edwarde Santener, sir Griffyth Deene, sir Iohn Dudley, sir Iohn Femer, sir Henry Long, sir Anthony Hungerforde, sir Iohn Brudges, sir Arthur Hoptō, sir Anthony Wingfielde, sir William Paston, sir Edmonde Bedingfielde, sir Thomas Strange, sir William Hawte, sir Edwarde Wotton, sir William Askewe, sir Iohn Marleant, sir William Barington, sir William Essex, sir Giles Strangweis, sir Edwarde Chamberlaine, sir Giles Caple, sir Iohn Sent-Iohn, sir Walter Hungerforde, sir William Gascoine, sir Lionel Norrice, sir Edwarde Boloine, sir Thomas Lisle, sir Iohn Ashton, sir Thomas Palmer, sir William Boloine, sir William Finche, sir William Pellam, sir Thomas Rotherham, sir Iohn Norton, sir Richarde Sandes, sir Iohn Neuell, and thyrtie Esquiers, with manye Gentlemenne, and all theyr traines.

The towne of Calleis had at thys season twenty-four hundred beddes, and stabling for two thousande horses, besides the villages about.

21 Oct 1532. The twenty-first of October, King Henrie rode towarde Boloigne, and was by the waye at Sandingfielde mette by the Frenche King, and many Nobles of France, who rode al to Boloigne, and were there lodged.

25 Oct 1532. On the twenty-fifth of October King Henrie returned againe to Calleis, accompanied with the Frenche King, the King of Nauarre, the Cardinall of Loraine, and many other Dukes, Byshoppes and great estates of Fraunce, Gasoine, Brytaine, and Normandie: And the xxviij. of October, Kyng Henrie made the King of Nauarre Knight of the Garter: and the nexte daye the Frenche King with the King of Nauarre, and all the greate Lordes of Fraunce, rode againe to Boloigne, and King Henrie of Englande rode wyth them to Sandingfielde, where he made to the Frenche King a costlye banquet, and there the three Kings departed like louing brethren in great amitie: & the xiiij. of Nouember King Henrie landed at Douer.Richard Reynold: Nicholas Pinchon, the 28. of September.Sherifes.Iohn Martin Butcher.Sir Stephen Pecocke Haberdasher, the 28. of October.Maior.Kyng Henrie kepte hys Christmasse at Greenewiche, and after Christmasse sir Thomas Audeley Lord Kéeper of the great Seale, was made Lord Chauncelor of England, and then beganne a Parliament, in the whiche it was enacted, that no person shoulde appeale for anye cause oute of thys Realme, to the Court of Rome: and also, that Quéene Katherine shoulde from thenceforth be no more called Quéene, but Princesse Dowager of Prince Arthur.The twelfth of Aprill being Easter euen, the Ladye1533 Anno reg. 25Anne Bolleine, who hadde béene priuily marryed to Kyng Henrie, wente to hir Closet openly as Quéene, and was proclaymed Quéene of Englande.The sixe and twentith of Aprill, Arthure Plantagenet sonne illegitime of Kyng Edwarde the fourth, was created Viscount Lisle at Bridewell.The twelfth of May Pauier, towne Clearke of London, hung himselfe.The Kings highnesse addressed his letters to the Maior and Communaltie of London, signifying vnto them, that his pleasure was to solempnize the Coronation of his most deare and welbeloued wife Quéene Anne at Westminster on Whitsonday next ensuing, willing them to make preparation as well to fetche hir Grace from Greenewiche to the Tower by water, as to sée the Citie garnished wyth Pageants in places accustomed, for the honor of hir Grace, when shée shoulde be conueyed from the Tower to Westminster. Wherevppon a common Counsell was called, and commaundement gyuen to the Haberdashers, of whiche Craft the Maior was, that they shoulde prepare a Barge for the Bachelers, wyth a Wafter, and a Foyste, garnished wyth Banners, lyke as they vse when the Maior is presented at Westminster, on the morrowe after the feast of Saint Simon & Iude. Also all other Craftes were commaunded to prepare Barges, and to garnishe them, not onely with their Banners accustomed, but also to decke them with Targets by the sides of the Barges, and to sette vppe all suche séemely Banners and Bannerets, as they hadde in their

Late Medieval Books, John Stow's Annales of England 1536

08 Jan 1536. The eight of Januarie dyed Ladie Katherine Dowager at Kymbalton, ad was buryed at Peterborowe.

29 Jan 1536. The twentie nine of Januarie, Queene Anne (age 35) was delivered of a man Childe before her time, which was borne deade.

Late Medieval Books, John Stow's Annales of England Edward VI 1547

28 Jan 1547. Edward (age 9) the first borne at Hampton court [Map] (by the decease of k. Henry (age 55) his father) began his raigne the 28 of January, and was proclaimed k. of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, and of the churches of England and also of Ireland the supreme head immedlatly in earth under God, & on the last day of January, in the yere of Christ after the Church of England 1546 but after the accompt of them that begin the yere at Chatfimas 1547 being then of the age of nine yéeres. And the same day in the afternoone the saide young king came to the tower of London [Map] from Hertford, and rode into the City at Aldgate, and so along the wall by the crossed Friars [Map] to the Tower hill, & entred at the red bulwarke [Map], where be was received by sir John Gage (age 67) constable of the tower, and the lieutenant on horseback, the Earle of Hertford (age 47) riding before the king, and sir Anthony Browne (age 47) riding after him: and on the bridge next the warde gate, the archbishop of Canterbury (age 57), the lorde Chancellor (age 41), with other great lords of the Councell received him, and so brought him to his chamber of pretence, there they were sworne to his majesty.

The first of February, the earle of Hertford (age 47) was nominate, elected and chosen, by all the executors to be potector and chiefe governor of the kings person, untill became to his lawfall age of 18 yeeres, and so was be prclaimed.

The first daie of February the earle of Hertford (age 47) lord protector in the tower of London [Map], endued King Edward (age 9) with the order of knighthod: and then immediatly the king standing up, under the cloth of estate, Henry Hoblethorne lord Major of London was called, who kneeling downe, the king toke the sword of the lord protector and made him knight, which was the first that ever he made. Then the lords called the judges and communed with them, and then every one of them came before the king, who put forth his hand,and every of them kissed it: then master William Porteman one of the judges of the kings bench was called forth, whom the king made knight, and then the king moving his cap departed to his privie chamber againe.

The 14 of February the corpes of k Henrie the eight (deceased), was with great solemnitie and honor conveyed unto Syon [Map], and the next day to Windsor, and there buried in the colledge [Map].

Late Medieval Books, John Stow's Annales of England 1550

22 Jan 1550. The 22 of January John earle of Bedford (age 65), William L. Paget (age 44), Sir Wil. Peter Knight, one of the kings Secretaries, and Sir John Mason (age 47) knight, chiefe clearke of the Counfell, were sent into France Ambassadours to the French king.

27 Jan 1550. the 27 of January, Humfrey Arundell (age 37) esquire, Thomas Holmes, Winslowe and Bery, captaines of the rebels in Devonshire, were hanged and quartered at Tyboure [Map].

02 Feb 1550. On Candlemas day, William L. Saint-John earle of Wiltshire (age 67), L. great master, and president of the Counsell, was made Lord Treasurer: John Dudley earle of Warwike (age 46), lord great chamberlaine, was made lorde great master; William Parre Marques of Northhampton (age 38), was made Lorde great Chamberlaine: Lord Wentworth (age 49) was made L. chamberlaine of houshold: Sir Anthony Wingfield (age 63) captaine of the guard, was made comptroller of the kings house; and Thomas Darcy (age 43) knight, was made viz chamberlaine, and captaine of the Guard: and the earle of Arundel late lord Chamberlaine, with the Earle of Southampton (age 44), were put of the counsell, and commanded to heepe their houses in London.

The submission of the D. of Somerset (age 50) prisoner in the tower, made the 2, of Febuary.

06 Feb 1550. The 6. of February the D. of Somerset (age 50) twas delivered out of the tower, and that night be supped at Sir Io. Yorks one of the sherifs of London

10 Feb 1550. The 10 of February one Bel a Suffolke man, was hanged and quartered at Tyborne [Map], for moving a new rebellion in Suffolk and Essex.

30 Jul 1550. The 30. of Julie, Thomas Lord Wriothesley Earle of South-hampton Knight of the garter, and one of the executoꝛs to king Henry the 8. deceased Lincoln place in Holborne, and was buried in S.Andrewes church [Map] there.

Late Medieval Books, John Stow's Annales of England 1551

The 15 of April, the infections sweating sicknesse began at Shrewsbury, Shropshire [Map], -- which ended not in the North part of England untill the ende of September. "In this space what number died, it cannot be well accompted, but certaine it is that in London in fewe daies 960. gave up the ghost: if began in London the 9. of July, and the 12. of July it was most vehement, which was so terrible, that people being in best health, were sodainly taken, and dead in foure and twenty houres, and twelve, or lesse, for lacke of skill in guiding them in their sweat. And it is to be noted, that this mortalitie fell chiefely or rather on men, and those also of the best age, as betweene thirty and forty yeares, fewe women, nor children, nor olde men died thereof. Sleeping in the beginning was present death, for if they were suffered to sleepe but half a quarter of an houre, they never spake after, nor had any knowledge, but when they wakened fell into panges of death. This was a terrible time in London, for many one lost sodainly his friends, by the sweat, and their money by the proclamation. Seven honest householders did sup together, and before eight of the clocke in the next morning, four them were dead: they that were taken with full stomacks escaped hardly. This sickenesse followed English men as well within the realme, as in strange countries: wherefore this nation was much afeard of it, and for the time began to repent and remember God but as the disease relented, the devotion deceased. The first weeke died in London 800 persons.

The 16, of October [1551], Edward Seimer Duke of Somerset (age 51), the Lord Gray of Wilton (age 42), Sir Ralph Vane, Sir Thomas Palmer, Sir Myles Partridge, Sir Michael Stanhope (age 44), Sir Thomas Arundell (age 49) knightes, and divers other Gentlemen, were brought to the Tower of London [Map]. The next morrowe, the Dutchesse of Somerset (age 54) was also brought to the Tower [Map].

The liberties of the Stilpard [Map] were ceased into the kings hands for divers causes forfeited, contrarie to the enter-course.

Late Medieval Books, John Stow's Annales of England 1552

22 Jan 1552. The 22 of January Edward duke of Somerset (age 52) was beheaded on the tower hill [Map]. The same morning early the consables of every warde in London (according to a precept directed from the counsell to the Mayor) streightly charged every householde of the same citie not to depart any of them out of their houses before ten of the clocke of that Day, meaning thereby to restraine the great number of people, that otherwise were like to have bene at the said execution: notwithstanding by seven aclock the tower hill [Map] was covered with a great multitude, repairing from all parts of the citie, as well as out of the suburbs, and before 8 of the clocke the duke was brought to the scaffold inclosed with the kings gard, the sherifs officers, the warders of the Tower, & other with halbards: the Duke being ready to have been executed, suddenly the people were driven into a great feare, few or none knowing the cause: wherfore I thinke it good to write what I saw concerning that matter.

Thee people of a certaine hamlet, which were warned to be there by 7. of the clocke to give their attendance on the liuetenant, now came through the posterne, & perceiving the D. to be alreadie on the scaffold, the foremost began to run, crying to their followes to fellow fall after, which suddennes of there men being weaponed with bils and halbards thus running, caused the people which first saw them, to thinke some power had come to have rescued the duke from execution, and therefore to crie away, away, whereupon the people ran some one way some another, many fell into the tower ditch, and they which tarried thought some pardon had been brought, some saide it thundered, some that a great rumbling was in the earth under them, some that the ground moved, but there was no such matter, more than the trampling of their feete, which made some noise.

26 Feb 1552. The 26 of February, Sir Ralph a Vane and Sir Miles Partridge were hanged on the tower hill [Map], Sir Michael Stanhope (age 45) with Sir Thomas Arundel (age 50) were beheaded there: all which foure persons tooke on their death that thep never offended against the kings maiestie, nor against any of his counfell.

Late Medieval Books, John Stow's Annales of England 1592

19 Jul 1592. The 19 of July, the court of assize for Surrey was holden and kept in S. Georges field, a tent being erected for that purpose, many prisoners were there arraigned, condemned and had judgement, nineteen were burnt in the hand, but none erecated. This assize was ended the same day, which was thought would have been three days work, for the Justices (all duties being paide) made haste away for fear of being infected witch the pestilence by repaire of people thither.

This yeare also, no Bartholomew fair was kept at London, for the avoiding of concourse of people, whereby the infection of the rest, or plague might have increased, which was then very hot in that city, so that on the three and twentieth of October, deceased Sir William Roe then lord mayor. The first November, William Elken alderman. The fifth of December, Sir Rowland Ann Howard alderman, and the ninth of January, Sir Wolstone Dixie alderman. The whole number deceasing this year the city, liberties, and suburbs ajoining, as well of the plague as of other diseases, from the nine and tiventith of December in the year 1592 untill the twentieth of December 1593, was as followeth: within the walls of all diseases 8598, where of the plague was 5390. Without the walles, and in the liberties 9295 of the plague 5385 so that within the Citte and liberties of all diseases died 17893 whereof the plague was 10675.

Late Medieval Books, John Stow's Annales of England 1593

18 Feb 1593. The 18.of February one named Harington a seminary preist, was drawn from Newgate to Tyborne [Map] and there hanged, cut done al(ue, ſtrugled with fhe hangman, bat twas boweſled andquarter

Late Medieval Books, John Stow's Annales of England 1594

14 Apr 1594. The 14 of April, a woman was burned in Smithfield for murdering of her husband.

16 Apr 1594. The 16 of April, Ferdinando, Earl of Derby (age 35) deceased at Latham, whose strange sickness and death, gathered by those who were present with him at the time thereof, was such as follows: his diseases apparant, were vomiting of sower or rusty matter with blood, the yellow jaundice: melting of his fat, swelling and hardness of his spleen, a vehement hichcock1, and four days. before be died, stopping of his water.

The causes of all his diseases were thought be the physcians; to be partly a surfeit, and partly most violent distempering himself with vehement exercise, taken four days together in the Garter week.

Note 1. In falconry, "hitchcocking" refers to the process of binding or securing the wings of a bird of prey, such as a hawk or falcon, to prevent it from flying away while being transported or handled. It's a technique used to restrain the bird safely without causing harm.