Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti is in Letters.

Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1857

In Feb 1857 Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 28) wrote to William Bell Scott (age 46):

Two young men, projectors of the "Oxford and Cambridge Magazine," have recently come up to town from Oxford, and are now very intimate friends of mine. Their names are Morris (age 22) and Jones (age 23). They have turned artists instead of taking up any other career to which the university generally leads, and both are men of real genius. Jones's designs are marvels of finish and imaginative detail, unequalled by anything unless perhaps Albert Durer's finest works' (W. B. Scott, Memoirs, ii. 37).

Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1858

On 01 Jun 1858 Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 30) wrote to William Bell Scott (age 47):

I am in the stunning position this morning of expecting the actual visit, at ½ past 11, of a model whom I have been longing to paint for years - Miss Herbert (age 27) of the Olympic Theatre - who has the most varied and highest expression I ever saw in a woman's face, besides abundant beauty, golden hair, etc. Did you ever see her? O my eye! she has sat to me now and will sit to me for Mary Magdalene in the picture I am beginning. Such luck!'.

Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1863

Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti 02 Jan 1863 to James Anderson Rose

02 Jan 1863. Friday. 16 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea.

My dear Rose (age 43)

I have asked Whistler to dinner Thursday next at 6. Will you meet him?


D G Rossetti (age 34)

Next Wednesday will do well for the Deed of Partnership

Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti 09 Dec 1863 to James Leathart

09 Dec 1863. 16 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea.

My dear Leathart (age 43),

The picture of Whistler's (age 29) which I mentioned was the unfinished Chinese one, since bought by Gambart (age 49) & which was, as I thought, the one about which you wished to know.

The Thames picture is still unsold, and on enquiring of Whistler (age 29) I find its price is 300 guineas. It is the noblest of all the pictures he has done hitherto, and is the one for your collection.

regards Legros' works, I yesterday saw for the first time a picture he is doing now, of Hamlet in his mother's chamber, where he kills Polonius, about 20 inches by 15 I suppose in size, it may be rather more, and a truly admirable work, the finest he has done in London as yet. He intends to ask 45 guineas for it. It is so very cheap proportionately to the other that I am induced to mention it to you, since it is a work which will stand the proximity of anything whatever, being most full & luminous in colour, though, like all his work, low in tone.

With kind remembrances to Mrs. Leathart[8].

I remain my dear Leathart

Yours ever truly

D G Rossetti (age 35)