Books, Prehistory, The History of Buxton by Arthur Jewitt

The History of Buxton by Arthur Jewitt is in Prehistory.

The History of Buxton and Visitor's Guide to the Peak including a Descriptive Itinerary of the Excursions usually made and a set of Botanical Tables, exhibiting the Places of Growth, &c. of the most remarkable plants found wild in the neighbourhood of Buxton. By A Jewitt (age 38). Author of the History of Lincoln. 1811.

The History of Buxton Chapter IV British And Roman Antiquities In or Near Buxton by Arthur Jewitt (age 38).

Books, Prehistory, The History of Buxton by Arthur Jewitt, The History of Buxton Second Itinerary

Newhaven Inn

This inn is a late erection of the Duke of Devonshire's, besides which, he has just finished another, at a little distance from it; the latter being chiefly designed for the accommodation of carriers, &c. and the former, for travellers of a superior class.

At a short distance from Newhaven, is perhaps the finest piece of antiquity in this part of the country; it is called Arbor-lowe [Map], or Arbe-lowes, and is supposed to be the remains of a druidical temple. It is composed of a circle of large stones, about 150 feet in diameter, surrounded by a bank, the sloping side of which measures nearly 33 feet. This curiosity is particularly described by Mr. Pilkington, in his Present State of Derbyshire, and is illustrated by an accurate view of it, as it stood about the year 1780.

A mile beyond Newhaven Inn, and about the same distance from the road, toward the right hand, is another antiquity, also described by Mr. Pilkington, called Wolves'-cote-lowe, which stands on the top of Wolves'-cote, ( or as it is there called Wuss-cote ) hill. It is a barrow very much resembling that described at Chelmorton; the circumference of its base is about 70 yards.