Warkworth's Chronicle

Warkworth's Chronicle is in Late Medieval Books.

A Chronicle Of The First Thirteen Years Of The Reign of King Edward The Fourth, By John Warkworth, D.D. Master of St. Peter's College, Cambridge.

Edited, from the MS. now in the Library of St. Peter's College, by James Orchard Halliwell, Esq. F.R.S., F.S.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge; Corresponding Member of the Royal Society Of Antiquaries of France, &c. &c. &c.

"Offt sithes it is seene that dyvers ther arne, the which forseene not the causis precedent and subsequent, for the which they fall many times into such erroure, that they abuse theymeself, and also othir theire sequacis, gheving credence to such as wrigten of affeccion, leving the trouth that was in deede." Hearne's Fragment, p. 298.

London: Printed for the Camden Society, by John Bowyer Nichols And Son, Parliament Street. M.DCCC.XXXIX [1839].

At a Meeting of the Council of The Camden Society, held at No. 25, Parliament Street, Westminster, on Thursday the 3rd day of October 1839, Thomas Amyot, Esq. Director, in the Chair, it was ordered, that the thanks of the Council be given to the Master and Fellows of Saint Peter's College, Cambridge, for the courtesy and kindness with which they acceded to the request of the Council to be permitted to use the Manuscript Volume which contains the Original of the following Chronicle. By order of the Council, William J. Thoms, Secretary.